[NZCP+HDR+JJCP+RC+SP+CC] twrpg any newer version

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Joined: November 27th, 2018, 5:12 pm

[NZCP+HDR+JJCP+RC+SP+CC] twrpg any newer version

Post by raistlin »

I want any newer version of twrpg with RaidBoss Area.
tried to add codes from
Tohsak132 wrote: April 26th, 2020, 6:29 pm I made a menu list for the NZCP cheatpack, if you don't mind, please use it, if this bothers me I will delete it (* edit).

Spoiler for: Additional List Menu Script
Spoiler for Additional List Menu Script:

Code: Select all

if Command == "list1" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlvl|r |c00FF8000#|r - Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000level|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFstr|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFagi|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFint|r |c00FF8000#|r - Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000str|r/|c00FF8000agi|r/|c00FF8000int|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFxp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000experience|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFsp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000skill points|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFhp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000healty points|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFmp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000mana points|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFms|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000movement speed|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFrg|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets your selected unit's |c00FF8000hp & mp regeneration|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFowner|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - Changes selected unit's |c00FF8000owner|r to |c00FF8000#|r player;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFgold|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFgiveg|r |c00FF8000# x|r - Gives |c00FF8000#|r gold to |c000080FFyou|r // Gives to |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000# x|r gold;" )		
if Command == "list2" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlumber|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFgivel|r |c00FF8000# x|r - Gives |c00FF8000#|r lumber to |c000080FFyou|r // Gives to |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000# x|r lumber;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfood|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFgivef|r |c00FF8000# x|r - Changes |c000080FFyour|r food to |c00FF8000#|r // Gives to |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000# x|r food;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFsitem|r |c00FF8000#|r - Searches for items which contain |c00FF8000# word|r; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFsitem|r |c00FF8000armor|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFritem|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-99|r) - Creates |c00FF8000#|r random items; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFritem|r |c00FF800099|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFcreate|r |c00FF8000#|r - Creates |c00FF8000#|r item or until; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFcreate|r |c00FF8000I000|r or |c000080FFcreate|r |c00FF8000n000|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlearn|r |c00FF8000#|r - Adds |c00FF8000#|r ability; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFlearn|r |c00FF8000A000|r;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFunlearn|r |c00FF8000#|r - Removes |c00FF8000#|r ability;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFshare|r |c00FF8000x y|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - |c00FF8000Shares|r |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000x|r with |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000y|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFunshare|r |c00FF8000x y|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - |c00FF8000Removes|r the share from |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000x|r with |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000y|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFact|r |c00FF8000#|r - |c00FF8000Changes|r the |c00FF8000activator|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )		
if Command == "list3" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFkick|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - Kicks player |c00FF8000#|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFcopy|r |c00FF8000#|r - Copies the |c00FF8000selected|r unit |c00FF8000#|r times;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfood|r |c00FF8000nouse|r - Makes selected units |c00FF8000no use|r food;" ) 
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfood|r |c00FF8000use|r - Makes selected units |c00FF8000use|r food;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFvul|r / |c000080FFinvul|r - Makes selected units |c00FF8000vulnerable|r/|c00FF8000invulnerable|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnc|r - Enables |c00FF8000no cooldown|r mode;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFmh|r - Enables |c00FF8000map hack|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFtp|r - Enables |c00FF8000teleport|r mode; |c0000FF80DEFAULT KEY:|r |c00FF8000P|r - |c0000FF80CAN BE CHANGED|r" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfast|r - Enables fast |c00FF8000building|r, |c00FF8000upgrading|r and |c00FF8000training|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFunitid|r - Gives the |c00FF8000selected unit's|r id;" )		
if Command == "list4" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFclear|r - Clears the |c00FF8000screen|r of |c00FF8000text messages|r for you;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFenemychat|r - |c00FF8000Lets|r you to |c00FF8000see|r what enemies are |c00FF8000typing|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFrg|r |c00FF8000off|r - Removes |c00FF8000regeneration|r buff;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnc|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables |c00FF8000no cooldown|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFmh|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables |c00FF8000map hack|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFtp|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables |c00FF8000teleport|r mode;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfast|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables fast |c00FF8000building|r, |c00FF8000upgrading|r and |c00FF8000training|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFenemychat|r |c00FF8000off|r - |c00FF8000Disables|r enemy's chat command;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnoreplay|r - Disables |c00FF8000replay|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdisable|r - Disables |c00FF8000Cheatpack|r;" )		
if Command == "list5" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFcharge|r |c00FF8000x y|r (|c00FF80001-6|r) - Adds to a |c00FF8000usable item|r in |c000080FFslot|r |c00FF8000x y|r |c00FF8000charges|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFitemid|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-6|r) - Gives |c00FF8000item's raw code|r in |c000080FFslot|r |c00FF8000#|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFgrate|r |c00FF8000#|r - increases |c000080FFyour|r |c00FF8000gold rate|r by |c00FF8000#%|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlrate|r |c00FF8000#|r - increases |c000080FFyour|r |c00FF8000lumber rate|r by |c00FF8000#%|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFexpr|r |c00FF8000#|r - increases |c000080FFyour|r |c00FF8000experience rate|r by |c00FF8000#%|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFploc|r |c00FF8000x y|r - |c00FF8000Pings|r the |c000080FFlocation|r |c00FF8000x y|r;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFkill|r - Kills the |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnowaste|r - |c00FF8000All usable items|r |c000080FFwon't waste|r charge;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnowaste|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disable |c00FF8000Infinity Charges|r." )		
if Command == "damagelist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's Damage System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgc|r |c00FF8000x y|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFcritical strike chance|r and |c00FF8000Y|r |c000080FFdamage multiplier|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmghp|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFmaximum hp damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgls|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFlife steal damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdngms|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFmana steal damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgb|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFblock damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgr|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFreturn damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFstatus|r - Gives |c00FF8000all the informations|r about |c000000A0NZCP's|r |c0000FFFFdamage system|r (|c00FF8000total damage dealt, percentages|r)" )		
Spoiler for: Preview List Menu IMG
Spoiler for Preview List Menu:
Command list: -list1, -list2, -list3, -list4, -list5, -damagelist
I have tried on a map and there are no problems with cheatpack


Code: Select all

if Command == "Qtoken" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFToken Collection Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'fgsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'cosl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sfog', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pclr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'klmm', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'gldo', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'shdt', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tmmt', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'oli2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'lnrn', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'amrc', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'shen', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ccmd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dtsb', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'olig', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'stre', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'envl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'drph', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'gvsm', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rugt', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'mnsf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'oven', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'nspi', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wswd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wswh', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'fgrg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sand', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'shar', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pomn', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pres', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wcyc', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'infs', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sneg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rre1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tst2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rej2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rma2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rhe3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rman', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'texp', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'gold', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'lmbr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tdex', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tdx2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LD', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rdis', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rsps', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rreb', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'stwp', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Qicon" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFIcon Collection Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G7', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FX', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G0', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GT', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M7', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MC', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MD', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Qdicon" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFDecoration Icon Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Qmisc" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFMisc Collection Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FC', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GX', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HI', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HJ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0I8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JC', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JD', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JE', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JM', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0KW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0KV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LL', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "cchelp" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -CClassstr  - Show List of Character Class Strenght and Set Items|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -CClassagi  - Show List of Character Class Agility and Set Items|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -CClassint  - Show List of Character Class Intellligence and Set Items|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qtoken     - Adds Token Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qicon      - Adds Icon Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qdicon     - Adds Decoration Icon Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qmisc      - Adds Misc Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -RInfo      - Show Information For Raid Bosses|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -BInfo      - Show Information For Bosses Spawned|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -cchelp2    - Next page|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "cchelp2" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Raid Item, Powders, Candies Spawn ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Powders |r   - Add to your inventory the following powders: White Powder; Blue Powder; Green Powder; Red Powder; Holy Powder; Nature Powder. " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Candies|r    - Add to your inventory the following candies: Grape Flavored Candy; Blueberry Flavored Candy; Apple Flavored Candy " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -RItem|r      - Add to your inventory the following items: Magical Horn; Frozen Crystal; Mask of Blood; Nightmare Rod; Seal Breaking Gemstone; Orb of the Deep Sea " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -cchelp3|r    - Next page" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
if Command == "cchelp3" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Pickaxe, Miner Ore, Miner Stone Spawn ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Pickaxe |r   - Add to your inventory the following PickAxe: Mithrill Pickaxe; & Abyssal Pickaxe;. " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Stone|r    - Add to your inventory the following Magic Stone: Minor Magic Stone; Lesser Magic Stone; Medium Magic Stone; Greater Magic Stone; Chaos Magic Stone " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Ore|r      - Add to your inventory the following Ore: Iron Ore; Silver Ore; Gold Ore;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -cchelp4|r    - Next page" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
if Command == "cchelp4" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Information Maps Edit ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### AFK System    : |r Removed   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Single Player : |r Enable   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Respawn Time  : |r 3 Seconds   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Drop Rate     : |r 999% All Materials   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Exp Rate      : |r  [0 - 100] - 93x, [100 ~ 200] - 393x, [200 ~ 300] - 939x, [300 ~ 400] - 9393x, [400 ~ 420] - 99999x." )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
if Command == "CClassstr" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF==================|r |c00FF0000Strenght Character Class|r |c00FF00FF==================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Dknight  - Dark Knight - Karad Erin|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Lancer   - Lancer - Naomi Mercedes|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Knight   - Knight - Isabela che Nyderre|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Beserker - Beserker - Elena|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Paladin  - Paladin - Frederic Kassia|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Crusade  - Crusade - Astarte|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Merchant - Merchant - Chaterine Yoi|r" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF=============================================================|r" )	
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "CClassagi" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF==================|r |c0000FF00Agility Character Class|r |c00FF00FF==================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Reaper      - Reaper - Aurelia|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Shooter     - Shooter - Rainbow R.|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Gunner      - Gunner - Lucicree|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Thunderer   - Thunderer - Esteria|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Senchanter  - Sword Enchanter - Shiro|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Martist     - Martial Artist Kenneth Deracoon|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Swordsman   - Swordsman - Louis Arcienne|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Pblade      - Phantom Blade - Harang|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Bmaster     - Bow Master - Iris Millen|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Sniper      - Sniper - Lyrio Farn|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Assasin     - Assasin - Ayame|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Hermit      - Hermit - Namaless One|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF=============================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "CClassint" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF================|r |c000000FFIntelligence Character Class|r |c00FF00FF================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Sweaver       - Soul Weaver - Stella Livve|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Bweaver       - Blood Weaver - Loriro Live|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Mfire         - Mage Fire - Rin T.|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -MWater        - Mage Water - Sherry P.|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Mlightning    - Mage Lightning - Sasuke|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Mwind         - Mage Wind - Aisha|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Marcane       - Mage Arcane - Eustia|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Elementalist  - Elementalist - Dorothy de Merriann|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Priest        - Priest - Alice Dorneea|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Warlock       - Warlock - Haran Tenebras|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Witch         - Witch - Yue Tenebras|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Witch         - Witch - Yue Tenebras|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Alchemist     - Alchemist - Elric|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "testing" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "test" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04U',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Dknight" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Dark Knight - Karad Erin |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Splitting of the Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Rage" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Seal of Deceiver" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'pams', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'axas', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EF', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Lancer" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Lancer - Naomi Mercedes |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Splitting of the Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'pams', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Knight" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Knight - Isabela che Nyderre |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Winter' Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Creation of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Protector's Will" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ispion, the Runed Ring" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'sor5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'esaz', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rots', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Beserker" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Beserker - Elena |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Oblivion" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hellspike Armor" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Cloak of the Fallen Shadows" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LT', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'scul', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'glsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Paladin" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Paladin - Frederic Kassia |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Crusade" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Crusade - Astarte |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Splitting of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Cloak of the Fallen Shadows" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'pams', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'glsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Merchant" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Merchant - Chaterine Yoi |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Bag of Universe" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Creation of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Protection of the Fairies" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Reaper" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Reaper - Aurelia |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Bloodlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Strike" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JF', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'k3m2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Shooter" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Shooter - Rainbow R. |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Dante's Inferno" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Benedict, the Crimson Armor of Blood" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Composure" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'silk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'iwbr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Gunner" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Gunner - Lucicree |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Dante's Inferno" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of Wallachia" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Strike" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'silk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rde3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'k3m2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Thunderer" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Thunderer - Esteria |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Espishu, the Sword of Eternity" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Plates of Lightning" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Guardian of the Skies" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea , the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EG', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Senchanter" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Sword Enchanter - Shiro |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Cloak of the Fallen Shadows" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'glsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Martist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Martial Artist Kenneth Deracoon |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Claws of Beriel" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Grandine, the Plates of the Wraith" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Phoenix" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'oflg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Swordsman" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Swordsman - Louis Arcienne |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Atricia, the Sword of Dreams" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of Wallachia" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rde3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Pblade" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Phantom Blade - Harang |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Atricia, the Sword of Dreams" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Bmaster" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Bow Master - Iris Millen |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Pheles, the Bow of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Assasin" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Assasin - Ayame |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Benedict, the Crimson Armor of Blood" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of Wallachia" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rde3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Hermit" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Hermit - Namaless One |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Winter's Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Creation of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fervor" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'sor5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Sniper" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Sniper - Lyrio Farn |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Pheles, the Bow of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Sweaver" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Soul Weaver - Stella Livve |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Diana, the Robe of Holy Maiden" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of the Flame Lord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'asbl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Bweaver" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Blood Weaver - Loriro Live |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Hell Riser" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Bloodsoul Plates" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Hood of Apocrypha" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'vamp', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'asbl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Mfire" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Mage Fire - Rin T. |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Crimson Hatred" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Rage" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'axas', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "MWater" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Water - Sherry P. |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Triple Snow" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Winter Robe" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Composure" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Frost Fairy Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Nebula Rose" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'flag', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dkfw', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'iwbr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0D1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Mlightning" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Lightning - Sasuke |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Nebula Rose" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Mwind" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Wind - Aisha |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Spirit Dagger" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Diana, the Robe of Holy Maiden" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Serenity" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Nebula Rose" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'rej6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'mgtk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Marcane" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Arcane - Eustia |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Crimson Hatred" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Elementalist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Elementalist - Dorothy de Merriann |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Priest" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Priest - Alice Dorneea |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Soul of Abyss" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Diana, the Robe of Holy Maiden" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of the Flame Lord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Bell of Light" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dust', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Warlock" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Warlock - Haran Tenebras |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Robe of Archlich" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Soul Eater" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Grimoire of Darkness" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'bzbe', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Witch" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Witch - Yue Tenebras |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Winter Robe" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of the Flame Lord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Composure" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dkfw', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Alchemist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Alchemist - Elric |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Soul Eater" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'bzbe', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "RStart" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call SetUnitPosition(FirstOfGroup(GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(GetTriggerPlayer())),21898.7,-11500) 
if Command == "RItem" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Item Raid Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srrc', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ankh', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'mnst', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CF', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'woms', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pnvu', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Powders" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Powders Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04U',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04V',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04W',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04X',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04Y',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I0DR',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Candies" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Candies Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('sres',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('totw',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('wild',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Pickaxe" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Pickaxe Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call CreateItem( 'I0BI', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I05X', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Ore" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Miner Ore Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I05K',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I05P',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I05Q',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Stone" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Miner Stone Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I019',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I01A',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I02Y',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I035',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I0IO',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "DQemon" and DemonLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set DemonLimit=DemonLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10,"|c00ff0000You reached that boss limit|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01Y',21898.7,-7813.3,270)       
if Command == "Samael" and SamaelLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SamaelLimit=SamaelLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Samael Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'o000',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "Turtle" and TurtleLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set TurtleLimit=TurtleLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Turtle Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h018',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "Shadow" and ShadowLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ShadowLimit=ShadowLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Shadow Dragon Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02Y',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "BoneD" and DragonLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set DragonLimit=DragonLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Bone Dragon Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n03S',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "Spiders" and SpidersLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SpidersLimit=SpidersLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Spiders Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n023',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h034',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'H01F',21898.7,-7813.3,269)
if Command == "Wallachia" and WallachiaLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set WallachiaLimit=WallachiaLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Dracula Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'H00F',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Wings" and WingsLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set WingsLimit=WingsLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wings Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01K',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Mage" and MageLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set MageLimit=MageLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mage Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h01B',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Angels" and AngelsLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set AngelsLimit=AngelsLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Angels Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01N',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01N',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01N',21898.7,-7813.3,269)
if Command == "CAngel" and CAngelLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set CAngelLimit=CAngelLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Corrupt Angel Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01O',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Hydra" and HydraLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set HydraLimit=HydraLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Hydra Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n022',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Lava" and LavaLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set LavaLimit=LavaLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Lava Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02Z',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Jack" and JackLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set JackLimit=JackLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Jack Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01W',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Demon" and DemonLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set DemonLimit=DemonLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Demon Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01Y',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "RStats" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(WallachiaLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafWings Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(WingsLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mage Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(MageLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafAngels Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(AngelsLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Corrupt Angel Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(CAngelLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafHydra Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(HydraLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Lava Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(LavaLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafJack Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(JackLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Spiders Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SpidersLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafDemon Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(DemonLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Samael Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SamaelLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafTurtle Lord Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(TurtleLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Bone Dragon Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(DragonLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafShadow Dragon Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ShadowLimit))
if Command == "RInfo" then
    if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Every summoned raid will be created |cffe6b800in the special raid room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-RStart'|r with your |cffe65c00HERO SELECTED|r and you will be teleported to |cffe65c00raid's room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To get item drops from 'Boss', |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired 'Boss' in raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-kill|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To remove a raid, |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-remove|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Remove command does not give removed unit |cffe6b800drops/experience|r and only works inside |cffe6b800Raid Room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-RStats'|r to see every raid respawn charges.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Cmd|r: -Jack; -Wallachia; -Wings; -Mage; -Angels; -CAngel; -Hydra; -Lava; -Spiders; -Demon -Samael; -Turtle; -Shadow; -BoneD")
if Command == "BInfo" then
    if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Every summoned Boss will be created |cffe6b800in the special raid room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-RStart'|r with your |cffe65c00HERO SELECTED|r and you will be teleported to |cffe65c00raid's room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To get item drops from 'Boss', |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired 'Boss' in raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-kill|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To remove a raid, |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-remove|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Remove command does not give removed unit |cffe6b800drops/experience|r and only works inside |cffe6b800Raid Room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-BStats'|r to see every raid respawn charges.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Cmd|r: -Valtora; -ZombieLord; -Nereid; -AncientEnt; -Ifrit; -SkeletongKingDesperia; -CastleAvalonGatekeeper; -GiantGolem;")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Cmd|r: -RuleroftheflamesRagnaar; -WallachiaDeathKnightLord; -WallachiaMadClown; -ManaAncient; -SpiritBeast; -Rectus;")
if Command == "BStats" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Valtora Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ValtoraLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafZombie Lord Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ZombieLordLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Nereid Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(NereidLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafAncient Ent Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(AncientEntLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ifrit Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(IfritLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafSkeletong King Desperia Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Castle Avalon Gatekeeper Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafRuler of the flames Ragnaar Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Death knight Lord Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(wallachiadeathknightlordLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafWallachia Mad Clown Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(WallachiaMadClownLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mana Ancient Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ManaAncientLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafSpirit Beast Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SpiritBeastLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Rectus Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(RectusLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafGiant Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(GiantGolemLimit))
if Command == "Valtora" and ValtoraLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ValtoraLimit=ValtoraLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Valtora Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h04O',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "ZombieLord" and ZombieLordLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ZombieLordLimit=ZombieLordLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Zombie Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n033',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Nereid" and NereidLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set NereidLimit=NereidLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Nereid Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h06T',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "AncientEnt" and AncientEntLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set AncientEntLimit=AncientEntLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ancient Ent Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n030',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Ifrit" and IfritLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set IfritLimit=IfritLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ifrit Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h060',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "SkeletongKingDesperia" and SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit=SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Skeletong King Desperia Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02V',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "CastleAvalonGatekeeper" and CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit=CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Castle Avalon Gatekeeper Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'H00V',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "RuleroftheflamesRagnaar" and RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit=RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ruler of the flames Ragnaar Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01J',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "WallachiaDeathKnightLord" and wallachiadeathknightlordLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set wallachiadeathknightlordLimit=wallachiadeathknightlordLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Death knight Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h00T',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "WallachiaMadClown" and WallachiaMadClownLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set WallachiaMadClownLimit=WallachiaMadClownLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Mad Clown Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n038',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "ManaAncient" and ManaAncientLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ManaAncientLimit=ManaAncientLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mana Ancient Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h010',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "SpiritBeast" and SpiritBeastLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SpiritBeastLimit=SpiritBeastLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Spirit Beast Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02M',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Rectus" and RectusLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set RectusLimit=RectusLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Rectus Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'hmpr',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "GiantGolem" and GiantGolemLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set GiantGolemLimit=GiantGolemLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Giant Golem Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h00Y',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
link example for twrpg:
http://forum.wc3edit.net/fulfilled-requ ... 37307.html
http://forum.wc3edit.net/fulfilled-requ ... 37282.html

for additional scripts, I made it myself.

Special Thx : nuzamacuxe & devoltz for tutorial.

thank you for your compassion for my post about the second account.

actually I finished making it when you updated the latest NZCP, but my original id got banned, I was weary of waiting and I uploaded it with this id.

note: thank you very much for the knowledge you have given, I do not have anything to give, but I can do / add cheats to the map thanks to nuzamacuxe & owner123, maybe there are others commenting I am very grateful.
thx specials: nuzamacuxe & owner123
note: in attachment it is only a NZCP script listing menu1 ~ 5, damagelist, not including MENUTWRPG, CLASSITEM, RAIDBOSS / BossesRaid, etc., and activator I did not replace it. original :"easymode".
this post but couldn't suceeded.
Any help would be appreciated.