Cheatpacks and learning how to use them, as well as other guides for manipulating maps.

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Post by nuzamacuxe »

It is through activator or name activator. Though, name activator is faster. Therefore, you'll be always the first to activate.
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Post by EMT »

nuzamacuxe wrote:It is through activator or name activator. Though, name activator is faster. Therefore, you'll be always the first to activate.
I want to ask something else, can nzcp add a command to see who is using CP?
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Post by nuzamacuxe »

It's already implemented. Actually, partially. Since you are the first to activate it, you'll know who enabled it. There's no necessity to make a command to do that. It's possible but useless. IMO.
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Post by Susabio »

I tried following your method to put the cheat in but i keep getting an error saying " This operation is not allowed in read-only or locked mode."
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Post by nuzamacuxe »

Susabio wrote:I tried following your method to put the cheat in but i keep getting an error saying " This operation is not allowed in read-only or locked mode."
tutorials-cheatpacks-f80/insert-a-cp-cc ... 34777.html

Look for "Read-Only"
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Post by Tohsak132 »

I made a menu list for the NZCP cheatpack, if you don't mind, please use it, if this bothers me I will delete it (* edit).

Spoiler for: Additional List Menu Script
Spoiler for Additional List Menu Script:

Code: Select all

if Command == "list1" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlvl|r |c00FF8000#|r - Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000level|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFstr|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFagi|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFint|r |c00FF8000#|r - Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000str|r/|c00FF8000agi|r/|c00FF8000int|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFxp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000experience|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFsp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000skill points|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFhp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000healty points|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFmp|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000mana points|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFms|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets selected unit's |c00FF8000movement speed|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFrg|r |c00FF8000#|r -  Sets your selected unit's |c00FF8000hp & mp regeneration|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFowner|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - Changes selected unit's |c00FF8000owner|r to |c00FF8000#|r player;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFgold|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFgiveg|r |c00FF8000# x|r - Gives |c00FF8000#|r gold to |c000080FFyou|r // Gives to |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000# x|r gold;" )		
if Command == "list2" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlumber|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFgivel|r |c00FF8000# x|r - Gives |c00FF8000#|r lumber to |c000080FFyou|r // Gives to |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000# x|r lumber;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfood|r |c00FF8000#|r / |c000080FFgivef|r |c00FF8000# x|r - Changes |c000080FFyour|r food to |c00FF8000#|r // Gives to |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000# x|r food;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFsitem|r |c00FF8000#|r - Searches for items which contain |c00FF8000# word|r; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFsitem|r |c00FF8000armor|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFritem|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-99|r) - Creates |c00FF8000#|r random items; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFritem|r |c00FF800099|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFcreate|r |c00FF8000#|r - Creates |c00FF8000#|r item or until; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFcreate|r |c00FF8000I000|r or |c000080FFcreate|r |c00FF8000n000|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlearn|r |c00FF8000#|r - Adds |c00FF8000#|r ability; |c0000FF80EXAMPLE:|r |c000080FFlearn|r |c00FF8000A000|r;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFunlearn|r |c00FF8000#|r - Removes |c00FF8000#|r ability;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFshare|r |c00FF8000x y|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - |c00FF8000Shares|r |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000x|r with |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000y|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFunshare|r |c00FF8000x y|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - |c00FF8000Removes|r the share from |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000x|r with |c000080FFplayer|r |c00FF8000y|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFact|r |c00FF8000#|r - |c00FF8000Changes|r the |c00FF8000activator|r to |c00FF8000#|r;" )		
if Command == "list3" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFkick|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-24|r) - Kicks player |c00FF8000#|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFcopy|r |c00FF8000#|r - Copies the |c00FF8000selected|r unit |c00FF8000#|r times;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfood|r |c00FF8000nouse|r - Makes selected units |c00FF8000no use|r food;" ) 
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfood|r |c00FF8000use|r - Makes selected units |c00FF8000use|r food;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFvul|r / |c000080FFinvul|r - Makes selected units |c00FF8000vulnerable|r/|c00FF8000invulnerable|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnc|r - Enables |c00FF8000no cooldown|r mode;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFmh|r - Enables |c00FF8000map hack|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFtp|r - Enables |c00FF8000teleport|r mode; |c0000FF80DEFAULT KEY:|r |c00FF8000P|r - |c0000FF80CAN BE CHANGED|r" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfast|r - Enables fast |c00FF8000building|r, |c00FF8000upgrading|r and |c00FF8000training|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFunitid|r - Gives the |c00FF8000selected unit's|r id;" )		
if Command == "list4" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFclear|r - Clears the |c00FF8000screen|r of |c00FF8000text messages|r for you;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFenemychat|r - |c00FF8000Lets|r you to |c00FF8000see|r what enemies are |c00FF8000typing|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFrg|r |c00FF8000off|r - Removes |c00FF8000regeneration|r buff;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnc|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables |c00FF8000no cooldown|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFmh|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables |c00FF8000map hack|r mode;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFtp|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables |c00FF8000teleport|r mode;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFfast|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disables fast |c00FF8000building|r, |c00FF8000upgrading|r and |c00FF8000training|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFenemychat|r |c00FF8000off|r - |c00FF8000Disables|r enemy's chat command;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnoreplay|r - Disables |c00FF8000replay|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdisable|r - Disables |c00FF8000Cheatpack|r;" )		
if Command == "list5" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFcharge|r |c00FF8000x y|r (|c00FF80001-6|r) - Adds to a |c00FF8000usable item|r in |c000080FFslot|r |c00FF8000x y|r |c00FF8000charges|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFitemid|r |c00FF8000#|r (|c00FF80001-6|r) - Gives |c00FF8000item's raw code|r in |c000080FFslot|r |c00FF8000#|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFgrate|r |c00FF8000#|r - increases |c000080FFyour|r |c00FF8000gold rate|r by |c00FF8000#%|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFlrate|r |c00FF8000#|r - increases |c000080FFyour|r |c00FF8000lumber rate|r by |c00FF8000#%|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFexpr|r |c00FF8000#|r - increases |c000080FFyour|r |c00FF8000experience rate|r by |c00FF8000#%|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFploc|r |c00FF8000x y|r - |c00FF8000Pings|r the |c000080FFlocation|r |c00FF8000x y|r;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFkill|r - Kills the |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnowaste|r - |c00FF8000All usable items|r |c000080FFwon't waste|r charge;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFnowaste|r |c00FF8000off|r - Disable |c00FF8000Infinity Charges|r." )		
if Command == "damagelist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cFF038CFCNUZAMACUXE|r's Damage System Command: " )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgc|r |c00FF8000x y|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFcritical strike chance|r and |c00FF8000Y|r |c000080FFdamage multiplier|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmghp|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFmaximum hp damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgls|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFlife steal damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdngms|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFmana steal damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgb|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFblock damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFdmgr|r |c00FF8000x|r - Adds |c00FF8000X%|r |c000080FFreturn damage|r to |c00FF8000selected unit|r;" )                                             
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000080FFstatus|r - Gives |c00FF8000all the informations|r about |c000000A0NZCP's|r |c0000FFFFdamage system|r (|c00FF8000total damage dealt, percentages|r)" )		
Spoiler for: Preview List Menu IMG
Spoiler for Preview List Menu:
Command list: -list1, -list2, -list3, -list4, -list5, -damagelist
I have tried on a map and there are no problems with cheatpack


Code: Select all

if Command == "Qtoken" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFToken Collection Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'fgsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'cosl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sfog', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pclr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'klmm', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'gldo', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'shdt', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tmmt', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'oli2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'lnrn', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'amrc', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'shen', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ccmd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dtsb', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'olig', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'stre', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'envl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'drph', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'gvsm', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rugt', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'mnsf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'oven', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'nspi', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wswd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wswh', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'fgrg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sand', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'shar', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pomn', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pres', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wcyc', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'infs', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sneg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rre1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tst2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rej2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rma2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rhe3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rman', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'texp', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'gold', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'lmbr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tdex', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'tdx2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LD', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rdis', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rsps', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rreb', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'stwp', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Qicon" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFIcon Collection Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G7', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FX', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G0', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0G4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GT', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M7', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MC', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0MD', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Qdicon" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFDecoration Icon Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Qmisc" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FFMisc Collection Has Spawned|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FC', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GX', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HI', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0HJ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0I8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JC', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JD', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JE', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JM', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0KW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0KV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'SAO6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LL', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "cchelp" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -CClassstr  - Show List of Character Class Strenght and Set Items|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -CClassagi  - Show List of Character Class Agility and Set Items|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -CClassint  - Show List of Character Class Intellligence and Set Items|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qtoken     - Adds Token Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qicon      - Adds Icon Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qdicon     - Adds Decoration Icon Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -Qmisc      - Adds Misc Collection|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -RInfo      - Show Information For Raid Bosses|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF### -BInfo      - Show Information For Bosses Spawned|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -cchelp2    - Next page|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "cchelp2" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Raid Item, Powders, Candies Spawn ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Powders |r   - Add to your inventory the following powders: White Powder; Blue Powder; Green Powder; Red Powder; Holy Powder; Nature Powder. " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Candies|r    - Add to your inventory the following candies: Grape Flavored Candy; Blueberry Flavored Candy; Apple Flavored Candy " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -RItem|r      - Add to your inventory the following items: Magical Horn; Frozen Crystal; Mask of Blood; Nightmare Rod; Seal Breaking Gemstone; Orb of the Deep Sea " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -cchelp3|r    - Next page" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
if Command == "cchelp3" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Pickaxe, Miner Ore, Miner Stone Spawn ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Pickaxe |r   - Add to your inventory the following PickAxe: Mithrill Pickaxe; & Abyssal Pickaxe;. " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Stone|r    - Add to your inventory the following Magic Stone: Minor Magic Stone; Lesser Magic Stone; Medium Magic Stone; Greater Magic Stone; Chaos Magic Stone " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -Ore|r      - Add to your inventory the following Ore: Iron Ore; Silver Ore; Gold Ore;" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### -cchelp4|r    - Next page" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
if Command == "cchelp4" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Information Maps Edit ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### AFK System    : |r Removed   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Single Player : |r Enable   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Respawn Time  : |r 3 Seconds   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Drop Rate     : |r 999% All Materials   " )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00### Exp Rate      : |r  [0 - 100] - 93x, [100 ~ 200] - 393x, [200 ~ 300] - 939x, [300 ~ 400] - 9393x, [400 ~ 420] - 99999x." )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
if Command == "CClassstr" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF==================|r |c00FF0000Strenght Character Class|r |c00FF00FF==================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Dknight  - Dark Knight - Karad Erin|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Lancer   - Lancer - Naomi Mercedes|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Knight   - Knight - Isabela che Nyderre|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Beserker - Beserker - Elena|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Paladin  - Paladin - Frederic Kassia|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Crusade  - Crusade - Astarte|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000### -Merchant - Merchant - Chaterine Yoi|r" )
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF=============================================================|r" )	
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "CClassagi" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF==================|r |c0000FF00Agility Character Class|r |c00FF00FF==================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Reaper      - Reaper - Aurelia|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Shooter     - Shooter - Rainbow R.|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Gunner      - Gunner - Lucicree|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Thunderer   - Thunderer - Esteria|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Senchanter  - Sword Enchanter - Shiro|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Martist     - Martial Artist Kenneth Deracoon|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Swordsman   - Swordsman - Louis Arcienne|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Pblade      - Phantom Blade - Harang|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Bmaster     - Bow Master - Iris Millen|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Sniper      - Sniper - Lyrio Farn|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Assasin     - Assasin - Ayame|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c0000FF00### -Hermit      - Hermit - Namaless One|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF=============================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "CClassint" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF================|r |c000000FFIntelligence Character Class|r |c00FF00FF================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Sweaver       - Soul Weaver - Stella Livve|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Bweaver       - Blood Weaver - Loriro Live|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Mfire         - Mage Fire - Rin T.|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -MWater        - Mage Water - Sherry P.|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Mlightning    - Mage Lightning - Sasuke|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Mwind         - Mage Wind - Aisha|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Marcane       - Mage Arcane - Eustia|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Elementalist  - Elementalist - Dorothy de Merriann|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Priest        - Priest - Alice Dorneea|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Warlock       - Warlock - Haran Tenebras|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Witch         - Witch - Yue Tenebras|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Witch         - Witch - Yue Tenebras|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c000000FF### -Alchemist     - Alchemist - Elric|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF00FF====================================================================|r" )
if Command == "testing" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "test" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04U',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Dknight" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Dark Knight - Karad Erin |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Splitting of the Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Rage" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Seal of Deceiver" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'pams', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'axas', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EF', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Lancer" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Lancer - Naomi Mercedes |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Splitting of the Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'pams', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Knight" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Knight - Isabela che Nyderre |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Winter' Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Creation of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Protector's Will" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ispion, the Runed Ring" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'sor5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'esaz', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rots', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Beserker" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Beserker - Elena |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Oblivion" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hellspike Armor" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Cloak of the Fallen Shadows" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LT', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'scul', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'glsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Paladin" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Paladin - Frederic Kassia |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Crusade" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Crusade - Astarte |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Splitting of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Hades, the Armor of Despair" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Cloak of the Fallen Shadows" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'pams', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IP', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'glsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Merchant" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Merchant - Chaterine Yoi |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Bag of Universe" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Creation of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Protection of the Fairies" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Reaper" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Reaper - Aurelia |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Bloodlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Strike" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JF', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'k3m2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Shooter" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Shooter - Rainbow R. |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Dante's Inferno" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Benedict, the Crimson Armor of Blood" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Composure" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'silk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'iwbr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Gunner" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Gunner - Lucicree |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Dante's Inferno" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of Wallachia" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Strike" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'silk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rde3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'k3m2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Thunderer" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Thunderer - Esteria |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Espishu, the Sword of Eternity" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Plates of Lightning" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Guardian of the Skies" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea , the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0GY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EG', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Senchanter" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Sword Enchanter - Shiro |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Cloak of the Fallen Shadows" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'glsk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Martist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Martial Artist Kenneth Deracoon |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Claws of Beriel" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Grandine, the Plates of the Wraith" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Phoenix" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Heaven's Fist" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0H2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0EH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'oflg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CH', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Swordsman" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Swordsman - Louis Arcienne |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Atricia, the Sword of Dreams" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of Wallachia" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rde3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Pblade" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Phantom Blade - Harang |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Atricia, the Sword of Dreams" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Bmaster" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Bow Master - Iris Millen |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Pheles, the Bow of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Assasin" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Assasin - Ayame |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Ender" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Benedict, the Crimson Armor of Blood" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of Wallachia" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srbd', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'rde3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Hermit" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Hermit - Namaless One |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Winter's Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Creation of Sky and Earth" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fervor" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'sor5', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E2', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J9', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Sniper" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Sniper - Lyrio Farn |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Pheles, the Bow of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Vest of Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Halo of Judgment" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Wings of Slayer" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Latea, the Ring of Overlord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0FQ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IB', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Sweaver" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Soul Weaver - Stella Livve |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Diana, the Robe of Holy Maiden" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of the Flame Lord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'asbl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Bweaver" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Blood Weaver - Loriro Live |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Hell Riser" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Bloodsoul Plates" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Hood of Apocrypha" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Horn of God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'vamp', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'asbl', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Mfire" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r Mage Fire - Rin T. |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Crimson Hatred" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Rage" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'axas', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "MWater" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Water - Sherry P. |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Triple Snow" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Winter Robe" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Composure" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Frost Fairy Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Nebula Rose" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'flag', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dkfw', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'iwbr', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0D1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Mlightning" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Lightning - Sasuke |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Horn of Lightning God" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Storm" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Nebula Rose" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IR', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ram3', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Mwind" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Wind - Aisha |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Spirit Dagger" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Diana, the Robe of Holy Maiden" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Crown of Serenity" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Nebula Rose" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'rej6', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'mgtk', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JZ', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Marcane" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Mage Arcane - Eustia |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Crimson Hatred" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Fate" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JY', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LW', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Elementalist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Elementalist - Dorothy de Merriann |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Archangel Wings" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0AU', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Priest" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Priest - Alice Dorneea |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Soul of Abyss" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Diana, the Robe of Holy Maiden" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of the Flame Lord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Bell of Light" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'I0M1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DN', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dust', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Warlock" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Warlock - Haran Tenebras |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Robe of Archlich" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Soul Eater" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Grimoire of Darkness" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0LV', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'bzbe', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0J8', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Witch" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Witch - Yue Tenebras |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Winter Robe" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Eye of the Flame Lord" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Grim Heart" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Ring of Composure" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'dkfw', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0IS', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'sor4', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0JA', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Alchemist" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000==========|r  Alchemist - Elric |c00FF0000==========|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 1.Weapon: Staff of Plague" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 2.Armor : Medea, the Robe of the Witch" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 3.Helmet: Prophetia, the Greater Source of Mana" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 4.Wings : Soul Eater" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "### 5.Ring  : Cold Ring of Death" )
		call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|c00FF0000=================================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'ratf', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0DO', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'wtlg', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'bzbe', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0E1', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "RStart" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call SetUnitPosition(FirstOfGroup(GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(GetTriggerPlayer())),21898.7,-11500) 
if Command == "RItem" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Item Raid Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
        call CreateItem( 'srrc', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'ankh', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'mnst', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I0CF', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'woms', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'pnvu', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Powders" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Powders Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04U',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04V',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04W',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04X',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I04Y',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I0DR',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Candies" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Candies Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('sres',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('totw',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('wild',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Pickaxe" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Pickaxe Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call CreateItem( 'I0BI', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
        call CreateItem( 'I05X', GetUnitX( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ), GetUnitY( LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" ) ) )
if Command == "Ore" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Miner Ore Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I05K',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I05P',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I05Q',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "Stone" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00== Miner Stone Has Spawned ==|r" )
	    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10, "|cffe65c00=======================================|r" )
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I019',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I01A',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I02Y',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I035',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
		call SetItemCharges(UnitAddItemByIdSwapped('I0IO',LoadUnit( "nzUnitSys" )),99)
if Command == "DQemon" and DemonLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set DemonLimit=DemonLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ), 0, 0, 10,"|c00ff0000You reached that boss limit|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01Y',21898.7,-7813.3,270)       
if Command == "Samael" and SamaelLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SamaelLimit=SamaelLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Samael Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'o000',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "Turtle" and TurtleLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set TurtleLimit=TurtleLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Turtle Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h018',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "Shadow" and ShadowLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ShadowLimit=ShadowLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Shadow Dragon Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02Y',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "BoneD" and DragonLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set DragonLimit=DragonLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Bone Dragon Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n03S',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
if Command == "Spiders" and SpidersLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SpidersLimit=SpidersLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Spiders Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n023',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h034',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'H01F',21898.7,-7813.3,269)
if Command == "Wallachia" and WallachiaLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set WallachiaLimit=WallachiaLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Dracula Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'H00F',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Wings" and WingsLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set WingsLimit=WingsLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wings Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01K',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Mage" and MageLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set MageLimit=MageLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mage Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h01B',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Angels" and AngelsLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set AngelsLimit=AngelsLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Angels Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01N',21898.7,-7813.3,271)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01N',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01N',21898.7,-7813.3,269)
if Command == "CAngel" and CAngelLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set CAngelLimit=CAngelLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Corrupt Angel Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01O',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Hydra" and HydraLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set HydraLimit=HydraLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Hydra Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n022',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Lava" and LavaLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set LavaLimit=LavaLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Lava Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02Z',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Jack" and JackLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set JackLimit=JackLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Jack Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01W',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Demon" and DemonLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set DemonLimit=DemonLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Demon Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01Y',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "RStats" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(WallachiaLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafWings Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(WingsLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mage Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(MageLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafAngels Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(AngelsLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Corrupt Angel Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(CAngelLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafHydra Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(HydraLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Lava Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(LavaLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafJack Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(JackLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Spiders Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SpidersLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafDemon Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(DemonLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Samael Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SamaelLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafTurtle Lord Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(TurtleLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Bone Dragon Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(DragonLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafShadow Dragon Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ShadowLimit))
if Command == "RInfo" then
    if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Every summoned raid will be created |cffe6b800in the special raid room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-RStart'|r with your |cffe65c00HERO SELECTED|r and you will be teleported to |cffe65c00raid's room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To get item drops from 'Boss', |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired 'Boss' in raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-kill|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To remove a raid, |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-remove|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Remove command does not give removed unit |cffe6b800drops/experience|r and only works inside |cffe6b800Raid Room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-RStats'|r to see every raid respawn charges.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Cmd|r: -Jack; -Wallachia; -Wings; -Mage; -Angels; -CAngel; -Hydra; -Lava; -Spiders; -Demon -Samael; -Turtle; -Shadow; -BoneD")
if Command == "BInfo" then
    if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Every summoned Boss will be created |cffe6b800in the special raid room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-RStart'|r with your |cffe65c00HERO SELECTED|r and you will be teleported to |cffe65c00raid's room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To get item drops from 'Boss', |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired 'Boss' in raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-kill|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: To remove a raid, |cffe6b800SELECT|r the desired raid boss and type: |cffe6b800-remove|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Remove command does not give removed unit |cffe6b800drops/experience|r and only works inside |cffe6b800Raid Room|r.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Note|r: Type |cffe65c00'-BStats'|r to see every raid respawn charges.")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Cmd|r: -Valtora; -ZombieLord; -Nereid; -AncientEnt; -Ifrit; -SkeletongKingDesperia; -CastleAvalonGatekeeper; -GiantGolem;")
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,25,"|cffe65c00Cmd|r: -RuleroftheflamesRagnaar; -WallachiaDeathKnightLord; -WallachiaMadClown; -ManaAncient; -SpiritBeast; -Rectus;")
if Command == "BStats" then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Valtora Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ValtoraLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafZombie Lord Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ZombieLordLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Nereid Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(NereidLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafAncient Ent Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(AncientEntLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ifrit Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(IfritLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafSkeletong King Desperia Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Castle Avalon Gatekeeper Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafRuler of the flames Ragnaar Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Death knight Lord Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(wallachiadeathknightlordLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafWallachia Mad Clown Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(WallachiaMadClownLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mana Ancient Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(ManaAncientLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafSpirit Beast Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(SpiritBeastLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Rectus Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(RectusLimit))
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00afafafGiant Remaining Summons|r: "+I2S(GiantGolemLimit))
if Command == "Valtora" and ValtoraLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ValtoraLimit=ValtoraLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Valtora Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h04O',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "ZombieLord" and ZombieLordLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ZombieLordLimit=ZombieLordLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Zombie Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n033',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Nereid" and NereidLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set NereidLimit=NereidLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Nereid Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h06T',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "AncientEnt" and AncientEntLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set AncientEntLimit=AncientEntLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ancient Ent Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n030',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Ifrit" and IfritLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set IfritLimit=IfritLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ifrit Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h060',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "SkeletongKingDesperia" and SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit=SkeletongKingDesperiaLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Skeletong King Desperia Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02V',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "CastleAvalonGatekeeper" and CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit=CastleAvalonGatekeeperLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Castle Avalon Gatekeeper Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'H00V',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "RuleroftheflamesRagnaar" and RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit=RuleroftheflamesRagnaarLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Ruler of the flames Ragnaar Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n01J',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "WallachiaDeathKnightLord" and wallachiadeathknightlordLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set wallachiadeathknightlordLimit=wallachiadeathknightlordLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Death knight Lord Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h00T',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "WallachiaMadClown" and WallachiaMadClownLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set WallachiaMadClownLimit=WallachiaMadClownLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Wallachia Mad Clown Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n038',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "ManaAncient" and ManaAncientLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set ManaAncientLimit=ManaAncientLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Mana Ancient Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h010',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "SpiritBeast" and SpiritBeastLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set SpiritBeastLimit=SpiritBeastLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Spirit Beast Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'n02M',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "Rectus" and RectusLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set RectusLimit=RectusLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Rectus Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'hmpr',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
if Command == "GiantGolem" and GiantGolemLimit>0 then
	if Value != 0 and Payload != "" then
        set GiantGolemLimit=GiantGolemLimit-1
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer( Player( PID ),0,0,10,"|c00ff0000Giant Golem Has Spawned in Raid Bosses|r!")
        call CreateUnit(Player(12),'h00Y',21898.7,-7813.3,270)
link example for twrpg:
http://forum.wc3edit.net/fulfilled-requ ... 37307.html
http://forum.wc3edit.net/fulfilled-requ ... 37282.html

for additional scripts, I made it myself.

Special Thx : nuzamacuxe & devoltz for tutorial.

thank you for your compassion for my post about the second account.

actually I finished making it when you updated the latest NZCP, but my original id got banned, I was weary of waiting and I uploaded it with this id.

note: thank you very much for the knowledge you have given, I do not have anything to give, but I can do / add cheats to the map thanks to nuzamacuxe & owner123, maybe there are others commenting I am very grateful.
thx specials: nuzamacuxe & owner123
note: in attachment it is only a NZCP script listing menu1 ~ 5, damagelist, not including MENUTWRPG, CLASSITEM, RAIDBOSS / BossesRaid, etc., and activator I did not replace it. original :"easymode".
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Joined: February 14th, 2018, 5:35 am
Title: Just Another S.Mod
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Post by nuzamacuxe »

There's no need to remove what you did. Thanks for doing that, EMT. There are better ways to make what you did and also there are some useless part as well. Anyway, thanks for uploading that. That'll be useful for ppl which like to have a command list in game.
Posts: 12
Joined: April 15th, 2015, 8:39 am


Post by balkai »

is it possible to make -dmg command that increases skill dmg?, like in old fukki cp
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Also Not an Admin, but closer than devoltz
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Joined: February 14th, 2018, 5:35 am
Title: Just Another S.Mod
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Post by nuzamacuxe »

It does increases the skill damage.
Posts: 12
Joined: April 15th, 2015, 8:39 am


Post by balkai »

nuzamacuxe wrote:It does increases the skill damage.
the -dmgc command? the problem i have with it is that crit text is visible