Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

General talk about editing, cheating, and deprotecting maps.

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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by ZyMoRaN »

Nuuby wrote:
ZyMoRaN wrote:PS: It's not cool to upload hacked maps on epicwar. Epicwar is a free service, and you have to be an asshole to upload hacked maps onto it, and thus forcing the admin to take them down afterwards.
True but there really isn't anything we can do about it, or the webmaster as well. I doubt one could assemble an army check for any sort of rigging in all the maps... The amount of hacked maps kinda put me off epicwar in the end anyway.

If the commands in the default CP don't work, there's always one or more ways around it anyway.
That's not exactly my point.

Less than 50% of the Warlock maps on epicwar happens to be uploaded by me.
I report those maps which are hacked (takes me just 2 clicks).
Then the epicwar admin/webmaster has to deal with that, wasting a lot of his valuable time.
I don't think it's fair way to treat the webmaster, who is running epicwar as a free service.
I`m just playing in garena so i dont care for league mods :) Im playing with friends only and i really love gold hacking :D I found out what was my mistake ...
Btw -bindup with -hp is very usefill command too :)

P.S : Yes if you not change the protection in next version i`ll own it for 5 to 10 min ;)
Judging on your argument, you don't even know what league mode is.
hp cheat will no longer be viable in the later warlock versions, unless you actually bother editing my scripts.
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by treepling »

ZyMoRaN wrote:Judging on your argument, you don't even know what league mode is.
hp cheat will no longer be viable in the later warlock versions, unless you actually bother editing my scripts.
As I said i`m only interested in gold cheat so i dont care. Other cheats like ms or smth are detectable by other players :)
For example in dota i`m only using gold cheat ,exp cheat and add 2hp and mana regen per sec.

P.S : It will be hacked or maybe when you release 99 with more skills and upgrades. 98b is perfect so i`ll keep playing it ;) You should not rage that i`m hacking your maps. Instead of this you should thanks me for incrasing the population in my country ;) I`ll thank you if you increase your protection to improve my skills in jass (first mad protection was with .tga images :D it was so badass ...)
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by ZyMoRaN »

treepling wrote:As I said i`m only interested in gold cheat so i dont care. Other cheats like ms or smth are detectable by other players :)
For example in dota i`m only using gold cheat ,exp cheat and add 2hp and mana regen per sec.
In Warlock, gold cheat is very obvious.
Unless you are fighting newbies... In that case, you should not need gold cheat to win eh?
treepling wrote:You should not rage that i`m hacking your maps.
The only thing that I've raged upon in this thread, is about people who keep uploading hacked maps to Epicwar.

I posted in this thread because you obviously tracked me down on Warlockbrawl, asking which protection I used since you obviously couldn't break it.
treepling wrote:Instead of this you should thanks me for incrasing the population in my country ;)

Also note that the map protection of Warlock has actually decreased from the early 90 versions to the late 90 versions...
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by owner123 »

I'm sure you couldn't hack in in 30 minutes, ZyMoRaN. It's considered the best protected map out there.

Edit: Just figured out you are the maker. Well of course you could. Knowing the protection is 90% of hacking the map.

Also, when did he say he was uploading the hacked map to epicwar? You keep talking about how bad that is..
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by ZyMoRaN »

owner123 wrote:I'm sure you couldn't hack in in 30 minutes, ZyMoRaN. It's considered the best protected map out there.
I find that hard to believe, as I have only downgraded the protection over the last 18 months... 098b didn't even have any h2i webs like the older version of Warlock did.
owner123 wrote:Edit: Just figured out you are the maker. Well of course you could. Knowing the protection is 90% of hacking the map.
I have hacked several maps with the same kind of protection as Warlock. How did you think I found those protection methods in the first place?
owner123 wrote:Also, when did he say he was uploading the hacked map to epicwar? You keep talking about how bad that is..
When did I say that he said he was uploading the hacked map to epicwar?

I was speaking to everybody, because I know some of the hacked versions of Warlock, which I've found on epicwar, were uploaded by members of this forum.

Tell me why I sense an offensive attitude from your post...
If you, like some of the other moderators I've met on this forum, only reply me in this way to start a fight, then go ahead and ban me right now. Because I will not tolerate that kind of immature behavior from a moderator.
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by Bartimaeus »

Huh, yeah, putting cheated maps from here on is pretty lame - for more than one reason. We lose traffic because of people linking to cheated maps, and it wastes lots of peoples time. I mean, sure, it can spread the map maybe - fat chance of that, though. And who really wants to play a map that's cheated in multiplayer anyways? That's pretty stupid. I mean, you might as well not even be playing the map anyhow. Fun for messing around with the map and maybe your friends and/or getting around the whole RPG aspect of a map, but that's about it.

But hey, that's just me. I've never been a big fan of playing cheated maps...or hacking. Which begs the question why I'm an admin here...
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by owner123 »

Yes, putting cheated maps on epicwar is dumb.. But why did you post on it this thread? Seems like you thought he was going to upload it.

Sorry if you found my post offensive. I wasn't trying to be.
I'm not going to ban you as you haven't even done anything to deserve a warning.
Not trying to start a fight. But Warlocks is probably the hardest map to hack, at least before you decreased the protection on it. If you've hacked maps protected like Warlocks, why did you say in your previous posts that you have little experience hacking maps, though?

Re-reading the post, I did sound like a jerk. Sorry :\
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

I will not tolerate any immature behavior from a moderator, either, but that's beside the point right now.

I do not care about hacking Warlocks or the map itself, so I take no sides in this argument; however, I would like to point something out:

ZyMoRaN wrote:I don't really understand your point in hacking Warlock...
- Everything is scripted in Warlock, meaning that all your stats hacking, including HP, mana, movement speed, etc. cannot be edited through CP's.
- Warlock does not have any fancy save-load code to hack
- The only cheat you can use is gold cheat, which is extremely obvious in Warlock league mode and is obsolete in high gold games (which I assume people like you would be playing)
So, other than preventing people from putting their name on the map and saying it's theirs, is there a reason you're protecting the map at all, then? o.0.

Just curious.
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by ZyMoRaN »

owner123 wrote:Yes, putting cheated maps on epicwar is dumb.. But why did you post on it this thread? Seems like you thought he was going to upload it.
I recently reported several Warlock versions ranging from 095 to 098 to the epicwar webmaster because of them being hacked (CP's) - and in fact, not even working. Whether or not the hacked versions are working or not is not important - the problem is the fact that someone is having a blast exploiting the free epicwar service to
1) make the map database somewhat obscure
2) waste other peoples time (including the webmaster who has to spend his time removing those maps)
3) not gaining any personal profit in any way other than thinking of himself as 'hardcore' for being able to upload hacked maps.
owner123 wrote:If you've hacked maps protected like Warlocks, why did you say in your previous posts that you have little experience hacking maps, though?
I rarely hack maps, but when I do so, I do it for reverse engineering of certain scripts, including save/load code systems.
Reverse engineering usually requires removal of the map protection, especially because of the type of maps I find interesting - hence the reason of me being able to hack heavily script-protected maps.

Also, not to disrespect any members on this forum, hacking warcraft 3 maps is not a difficult task. If you are able to open the MPQ and recover all files within, then everything just relies on you jass skills.
UndeadxAssassin wrote:I will not tolerate any immature behavior from a moderator, either, but that's beside the point right now.

I do not care about hacking Warlocks or the map itself, so I take no sides in this argument; however, I would like to point something out:
ZyMoRaN wrote:...
So, other than preventing people from putting their name on the map and saying it's theirs, is there a reason you're protecting the map at all, then? o.0.

Just curious.
I have several reasons to do so...
1) Some years ago, a map of mine was completely stolen - someone else continued the map, saying that he was the original author
2) If I didn't do any protection at all, everyone would be able to edit it. This would result in tons of maps spreading with me being the author. What do you think will happen when there are tons of buggy versions? People will report tons of bugs and issues, which are not related to the original version.
3) Warlock ~50 versions and a specific ~070 version were not protected script-wize. This resulted in the fake "Warlock 099" and an incident where some asian editors completely redesigned the map.

I think the general wc3edit spirit is that anyone should be allowed to edit all maps. Although this may be a conceptually good idea, it will completely ruin maps which relies of feedback from its community. If the map was developed by renegade developers, there would be no chance of keeping the map balanced and fair.
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Re: Deep into Warlock Brawl protections :)

Post by Nuuby »

^Somehow DotA made it through it's early days based on random modding, but was sort of filtered through DotA all-stars I guess. Though I wasn't really around back then so I can't really say too much about it. I assume that the community was relatively better back then then it is today. BUT GM IS STILL UNBALANCED, well erm just sayin'

If anyone posts a hacked map anywhere, the person who did it most likely came here at least once for a cheat pack.

I might be new here but the wc3edit spirit is well... Seriously most people just don't give a damn about anything other then wanting a map cheated with some cheat pack and then when they don't get what they want they just go away without saying anything, which is totally fine, or just start being a total arse. The fact that quite a lot of people who frequent this site, other then staff, don't care how a cheat pack works. Because of this there was only 1 new-ish cheat pack in like the last 2 years from here.

I've looked through the old posts and have seen lots of the old cheat packs, those that were actually made by the people that frequent this site and actually care about the community rather then just take what they want, as you can see from the member count. Granted that the packs were GUI/un-original, people were actually making an effort to give back to this flip-side of wc3 map making community.

Possibly the wc3 community itself in general is dying, perhaps that is the reason for Icefrog for wanting to jump ship to a new platform, besides the money. With SC2 being pretty much hack-proof (In playing with others at least), there isn't much we can do about it anyway.

Oh erm, sorry about the rant I guess. Had a long day of school.