[Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

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[Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by TheWand »

Ok, I started to play Grand Chase some weeks ago, due to a friend that is playing too and invited me to play with him. As so, it's system is kinda like WC3, it's not a MMO and it's Mission based. But there's some FUCKING GAY shits on this game, seriously. So, here I will list the most Gay things on this game, starting by the Gayest:

1. The Second Class Mission.
Holy .... Could they make something more borer? I'm serious. Why the heck you would need 300 of a Item that drops 2~4 per mission (each mission you doing in 10~20 minutes, do the math)? Also, why you need 10 Items that drops only in the Gayest Mission Ever, it's rare to drop and only drops from the boss? Why the hell they do something that take DAYS for the first class change mission you will do? They want to lose players to the game on the second that they enter and start to play? SHIT.

2. The Fourth Class Mission.
Almost the same thing as the second class mission. A lot of BORING Items that you need to pick, plus a lot of Gay shit you take hours to get, and also 3 parts of it. Put second class mission, X10, and you get the fourth.

3. Counter Attacks.
So, you are "ChAgGiNg MaH LaSeR"? You are charging your special skill, and about to kill the boss with it? The answer is: ... NO. Why? The only reason you will take AGES to kill the boss after failing your special: A FUCKING COUNTER. YES, a fucking GAY WEAK FREAK 50 LEVELS ABOVE YOU ranged invalid just atacked you on the other side of the screen and you lost your special and the infinite damage it can do. So, what you do after? Hit more and more the Boss till you get your special again. And then? COUNTER, COUNTER AND COUNTER. And why? Nothing special, just since GRAND CHASE IS GAY.

4. Special Status.
HaHa! So, you will finish your mission on less then 15 minutes, and won your prize? NOOO, since a invalid got 3 status at the same time! Super Armor, Improve Defense and Regenerate HP. "LOL WTF????" Yes, that's it. You will take FOREVER AGES EVER AND NEVER to kill that bitch. And for what? Not finishing the mission before 15 minutes and needing to go AGAIN on it. And when you go again, what happens? ANOTHER FUCKING COMBO OF STRONG STATUS.

5. Special Stats: Frost, Petrify and Impact Wave.
Yo man! You are doing so well on the misison! I'm sure you will finish in time and get your reward! NO, MODDAFUCKER. Why? YOU GOT FROST/PETRIFYED/KNOCKED BACK!
And what happens after? Nothing special, again. The invalid just get on you and hit you again. Funny? Yes, you get forever paralysed till you die. And when you die? GGpwn.

6. Training on Mid-High Levels.
Yes, that's impossible! The only way I find till now to train characters after level 30 is PVP. You won 0% EXP from any other way to train. So, what you do? Die. Die since on PvP there's just guys lvl 50+. And then? You never pass level, you take ages to get 1%, GGPWNED and STFU.

7. You can't Trade with others.
WHAT THE ...? This is an Team-Based RPG and we can't trade our items/money with other players? Wellcome to Grand Chase. That's right, you can't help others with your Items or even don't click me Items from other players. So, what's the point of saying that it's team based, if other players can't help each others on that point? If you wan't a Original Map, the requeriment to don't click me the most mother fucker items, you need to ask a pro, to help you geting on the mission, hope he don't lag, finish the dungeon, pray to the map drop and pray again that the map go to you. Uh? Wasn't it more simple you to say: Hey, I pay you 100K for a Map.

8. Time-Based equipments.
Before level 30 there is NO sets that are nice to don't click me. So, the only way to get equipments is doing mission and winning equipments by TIME. Yes, for example: I get a Exorcist's Sword on a quest, that sword can be get by donating, so, they don't give it to you forever. You can use that sword for only 1~3 DAYS. What the ...? If I don't get something better or don't pass level on that time?

Well, that was what I think of som points on Grand Chase. I'm thinking in stop playing that game just by that Gay shit, by the way, it's fucking vicious.
Thanks for the attention,
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Re: [Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by Senethior459 »

I've never heard of this game, but I don't think I'll be playing it any time soon... It sounds pretty bad.
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Re: [Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by gudluck01 »

no for me grand chase is fine .... as long as you are going to use a joystick to control your character then it is fine ... but if you are gonna use your keyboard all i can say is goodluck ... hope your fingers will not go to burn hahah...

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Re: [Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by patrick-the-bomb »

I vote for Runescape! hahaha
Yes, it's kinda gay, but it's intense at the same time... If that makes sense... It actually takes some sort of skill to be good at that game. Although that "skill" is pretty much patience and common sense, it still takes it. lol

You can honestly play that game for a month straight, no sleeping no breaks at all, and I can tell you right now (if it's ur first character) it's probably gonna be pretty bad... It takes a while to figure out the efficient ways to do stuff lol
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Re: [Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by Crimson659 »

Yeah grandchase is not a game you would want to recommend to someone especially if you only use a keyboard
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Re: [Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by Slickslime »

i play it..
with a keyboard..
doesnt hurt my fingers...
just... i cant see where im going :shock: its too fast and yes i agree they need a trading system
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Re: [Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by GeorgeMots »

Slickslime wrote:i play it..
with a keyboard..
doesnt hurt my fingers...
just... i cant see where im going :shock: its too fast and yes i agree they need a trading system
If you got nothing important to say, then its better to leave old topics rest..
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Re: [Offensive]GAYest things on Grand Chase.

Post by Slickslime »
