That's the point...
It's called Overlay, I prefer putting renders in it when I can't do too much to them.
I putten your sign's render on overlay too, by the way, as the render is a kinda easyer to work with, I could give that incredible effect on it.
But on that no. Every render I find sucked ass. So, I find the less junk, and tryed to work with it. Fail. Then enters the overlay.
If the renders where even dark, or with 1 predominant collor, it would be easyer. But this not, his hair, skin, cloth... Everything diferent, I couldn't do a sign with full body with that much, so I overlayed it with the background, and voa-la. It's not more my problem.
Also, it's very visible. I made 4 copyes of that overlay to be more visible to you.
EDIT: There's some points black.

So, can you leave me working in peace? I'm the only one making requests for signs on the forum for now, so don't make me mad.
EDIT2: For you definetly STFU, I made some images with the PSD archive I made before inserting colors and the final things, like tipography.
This Way if I tryed to do it more visible:
This Way if I didn't overlayed:
This Way that I maken:
If you still don't agree with me, click here.
P.S.: Stop Failing. Please.