First sig

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First sig

Post by Syre »

Ive never really made a sig before..well not this would be my first one..can you tell me what ya think and help me improve? ;x

I did one more earlier however its not the quality i wanted..but i really would appreciate the help so..
I'd appreciate any comments ;x
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Re: First sig

Post by TheWand »

Very nice. Very, very nice for first sign.
Ok, let's see the points. You made it to use on this forum, right? So, the border could be at a diferent color then black. As you see, the forum is dark blue, so the black border won't be seen that much.
Ok, another point is the brush set you did used.
Nice, the brush is nice, but bad maken. It seems to end in that lines of pixels, so, you should use another brushes that do not end instantly at one point.
Ok, for the background another thing is that it's kinda smoken. Basically, I don't like smoken brushes that much. You should use something like techno or sparkle on next sign. It's not bad, but just smoke make the sign a bit... Dead.
So, the render work. You did the blendage on some uncorrect points. Like the panda head, it's not common that someone blend the main part of a render.
Also, you did make it too much dark on the robe of the Pandaren, you should do a smoke brush on another layer, do overlay and put it in front of the Panda robe. Like that.


So, for the Tipography, there is no tipohgraphy, so I won't include it on the rate.
Also, nice pattern with those chinese/japanese/corean/wtf letters.
The final note is 4.2/5.
Keep the nice work.

The Wand.
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Re: First sig

Post by Syre »

Thanks a lot ;D The main things you pointed out were my attempts to blend..before adding the color layer i set the saturation of the render down to -80 and the reason the heads faded is because i used the magnetic lasso and feather to try to blend it in..i think i also messed up with the letters..pandas are mainly chinese right?..i think i added but theres not really much difference when its like that..

Anyways thank you for the advice ;D When i made it i didn't even think about the color of the forum..And for the letters, its not that they aren't long enough, its just that the color doesn't stand out in that darker corner..since its virtually the same color..i could have darkened the letters a bit but that would lose its effect with the does seem like i added them a bit too low..the more i look at it i notice that the letters seem to drop down from the top..they are uniform but hidden in the corner..and as they get closer to the panda the letters drop from the border. Ill remember for the next one ;x..
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Re: First sig

Post by milk_boi »

That really good since you've never made a signature before :P