and Garena

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Re: and Garena

Post by alpus_dota_KOR »

ok thats enough its an oil lotion ... -read.html
try visit this and my flaggy compass
if u dont click that and ill really eat ur Cuby Laser
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Re: and Garena

Post by Menace4 »

dota is pretty much taking over bnet nay new person that gets wc3 and plays it wi lgo on bnet adn see that 20 out of 25 games on the list are dota and the other 5 are probably some tower defense shit so nay gmaes like azzeroth wars dark ages of warcraft coming of the horde or any game like will be choked out and die by dota its a plague that should be destroyed and killed i hate dota and i hope you all hate dota as well.

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Re: and Garena

Post by Tobias »

/agree, barely even works.

I have one complaint about the friend list in battle net. It hardly works.
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Re: and Garena

Post by TheWand »

Actually, Azeroth is with a small problem on it's servers. I don't know if it's on all the servers of B.Net, but Azeroth is making everybody that joins a game of a host that mostly of time do not lag, lag.
As so, even if you are a good host, people will have lag and delay on your games, due to the Azeroth server.
Contact me on Azeroth: Tauren[ChaR]
Join clan ChaR for Custom Hero Arena games. (Or DotA, whatever)
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Re: and Garena

Post by milk_boi »

GGclilent just wants to make money . . . DUH!
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Re: and Garena

Post by frezist »

Ok so i read the thread and i doubt that many people will read this but i will give my opinion.

Used to play in was totally ''into'' it but friends of mine told me about Garena, first I didn't switched Bnet to Garena but after less than a year i totally realized that most of the people switched there(at least the normal ones), so i decided to do so.Also i find out that the real pro competetive players(talking about worldwide clans like MYM,mouz etc..) already played there, therefore i was able to watch live streams of high-skill competetive games from GGTV(now GarenaTV).I've been playing in Garena from more than 2 years and i have account from almost 3.All my 'Warcraft 3 life' went into Garena and i forgot month or even less i decided to check out how things are going in the ''good ol'''.And what happened ? - I saw the lists of games and 99.99999999% of the games are 'automatic host bots' always creating one-same game and even pointing out what number of game this is(I saw a game with number 60 000....and that means that this bot created it 60 000 times).When I join I can see what my ping and latency is, I can also see what is my country...And always seeing some fake-bot joining players usually named 'AutoRefresher'.When I was playing back in Bnet there was banlist similiar like this, but 'this' was just more than disgusting.My first notice was that mostly the games which were played were close to the ones we playing in Garena(not counting DotA), but always more than 10 versions older which showed how 'slowly-developing' people there are.I even saw games(DotA) with the mode ''-EM''.Even when I was playing there was a big stereotype that ''-em'' is only for fucking idiots and etc...In the game I realized that people are like 100 % different with the people in Garena.I'm sorry if I am going to offend somebody but people there 90 % are just retards(seriously).Played some Footmen and literaly in the game i kinda raged(by a soft way, no caps and no flaming) because of the imba heroes(death coil+frost nova+instant kill spell vs. spell which makes 150 dmg and has 2 seconds of channeling, fast moving for few secs, shield which heals 2 hp per second for 10 seconds and some damn chimera with 1000 hp and normal tell me is that freaking balanced...even a little) and my teammate just replied to me ''u joined ap game'', AHH I UNDERSTAND so its my fault i joined AP game and played vs players who picked imba heroes, but its not creator's fault he created such hero.Then after few of games of DotA/Footies and other stuff I realized people DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT GARENA.I told them about an other place and how better it is but it seems like none of them heard of it, I just dont get it Garena has over 30 million users(well ok, most of them are double accounts or even more but at least they have 10 million users for sure)and none of them knows about it.Are they living in an other world?And I also realized that people there don't chat alot, sorry my mistake- they dont chat AT ALL.the only chat is when they are nerd-raging.Apart from this Bnet hold MANY noobs.Always noobs+leavers.In Garena is the same but only in low-level rooms in High Level Rooms isn't that bad.My opinion for Bnet is 100 % Negative, this is probably the place which is made the most comfortable of all but the people there just ruin EVERYTHING.
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Re: and Garena

Post by YellowAfterlife »

One: Check the last post date. You bumped a topic that is over one year old.
Two: I guess that you're playing on pvpgn server and not official
You could try:
1. Find another server. Perhaps EuroBattlenet or iCCup servers would fit your needs.
2. If you can host, you can control what you (and other people) will play. Each 'host' can choose if they want to create a fair map or something that they often win in.
For footman' maps, I'd like to recommend Footman Unleashed 7.10T. That is a version, modded by me to suit local server tournament. Some bug fixes, cheats removed, and 'imba' heros rebalanced.

Personally, I don't like garena. Mainly because of 225 people-per-room limitation. You can say, ones with gold accounts can join the full room. But since most of players are have 'basic' account, rooms rarely contain more than 230 people. So players join slower. Minus the fact that some are already playing games. Minus the ones that have different war3 version and don't see your game... So I prefer
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Re: and Garena

Post by frezist »

I know that i bumped a thread but I don't think it was such a big sin to do it but let's go on the main topic.

Your guesses are wrong and I certainly play in the official since I bought the game and I have put the original CD keys which are inside the game . I play in Northrend since I'm from Europe...EuropeBattleNet is first place i played Warcraft before buying it(I downloaded it :razz: ).And my opinion is divided - it's really fu*ked up and it isn't a good place to play.But I feel it like the frist place i played this brilliant game so its kinda close to my heart, if you know what I mean.

And here comes again to the old topic.You are saying to me that I have to host my games and not to join..EXCUSE ME I though is made to play in whatever type I want.Let's say I can't host, what happens next ? And then back to reality - I really can't host properly(almost nobody joins my games) + I don't care about the footies, there is always gonna be imbalanced versions which happen to be the most liked by the players, I was talking about the retarded people all over there - I'm sorry but I tried once to give you some quotes in the last post but obviously I wasn't good enough.I just can't quote this 'retardness'.I don't know if I mentioned in the last post, but players there seem to play versions of games 1-2 years old while there are brand new versions(ex. Legion TD 1.50 when there is already 2.6...).And when I try to explain them that there is new versions(I even host 'em), everybody is like *total silence* / *accusing me that i host hacked versions*.

This all is a little part from what i experienced the last weeks in Battle Net.

About Garena, to be honest with myself, I totally agree with you almost everything I said except the patch thing, maybe you played long ago in Garena and enver come back see what happens, if you are from normal Europe country, YOU always play on the newest patch, if you are from Asia - often people there play on older patches(unknowingly why) and always when you join room - on the room is written which patch does it use.Well I don't know the things in USA(where I'm almost sure you are from) but I guess they are lin Europe.I don't know about you but I play DotA the most, and I play decent good.I prefer to go in HLR's cause the other simple rooms are minor copy of what Battle Net DotA really is.The room space is indeed a problem but if you have a patient of 5-6 minutes and you try to join, you will be rewarded.If you try to join early in the morning somewhere between 9:00 - 10:00, there will be a place.If you are in the room and you want a friend to join the room too, you can ask gold members to rejoin and leave spots for your friend/friends.

The Garena community which holds Garena as a trademark is asian and they are VERY HUNGRY for money, so that's the reason for so much expensive items in the Garena Shop.Garena often bugs and crashes by some mysterious reasons never explained BUT STILL - I prefer it to Battle Net and ofcourse the reason again is the people there(got tired of commenting people in both servers but I can asure you that people in Garena at least have more brain and IQ than 90 % of the idiots in BattleNet Northrend, there are also retards in Garena but it's not something serious...).

I excuse for probably offending someone but I just make my own decision of what Battle Net is.If somebody replies to this I'm sure he is going to say that maybe in Azeroth things are different but I'm not sure if I'm going to register there and check things out because I really don't wanna facepalm everytime I join/host a game.

And finally I feel bad that my english is poor and I don't have alot of time and nerves to present you some ULTIMATE-400000 CHARACTERS-POST but this is just what I think


PS: Afterall life isn't Garena nor Battle Net and lets look forward in life
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Re: and Garena

Post by LilBirdy »

How long did it take you to type that?
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Re: and Garena

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Longer than it took me to lock this!
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