it's a thread about the map Pokemon ORPG (Chinese map) Deng and I have decided to translate this map ! you can follow our works on this thread
Map : Pokemon ORPG v0.5
-All the Hanzi as been translated in english
-Fixed colors
-Loading screen Translated
-Quest translated
-Pallet town is 100% translated
-First quest for saving is translated
-Trainer skills are 100% translated
-15% of pokemon name is translated

-Viridian GYM translated
-Pokemon center
-Pokeball maker
-Viridian city
-Viridian forest (some text are missing)
-Pewter city (some text are missing)
-Pewter GYM
-Game center
-Cerulean City
-Cerulean GYM
-Vermilion City
-Vermilion GYM
-S.S. Anne
-Cinnabar Island
-Cinnabar GYM
-Celadon City
-Celadon GYM (Need to change the leader's name)
-Central City
-Central GYM
-Fish Master
-Wave city
-Wave GYM
-Pokemon Leauge island
-Training ground
Note : All the GYM and city are fucked xD (but it didn't come from the translation) they don't give the good badge it's isn't the good order, it's isn't the good effects... and it's isn't the good city too
Current :
-Evolutionary table
-Cinematic (Trigger)
-Forest (didn't see it yet)
-Wilderness areas (same)
-Pokemon League