In those functions alone, the save is checking to see if NOT(udg_TotalPlayersInStartGame<udg_CheckPL) and some other unimportant thing related to exp and returns a boolean based on this. So, thinking about it, in a single player game, the first part would be returned as FALSE because I would assume udg_CheckPL is a number greater than or equal to one. Like say, however many players it needs. Therefore, if you just change it all from
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function Trig_Save_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return( not(udg_TotalPlayersInStartGame<udg_CheckPL))and( not(udg_SPExp[(1+GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()))]/ 5-udg_SPExp[(1+GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()))+20]!=udg_SPExp[(1+GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()))+30]))
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function Trig_Save_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return true
it should work, assuming that is the ONLY anti-save trigger.
As for load,
return( not(udg_LoadingIsTurnedOff))and( not(udg_TotalPlayers<udg_CheckPL))
If loading is turn off is NOT in effect then it will return true, and the second part is the same as before, soo..same thing. Change to return true and it should be fine.