Text StarWars!

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Forum Fanatic
Posts: 315
Joined: October 16th, 2007, 7:32 pm

Text StarWars!

Post by Black-Hole »


Code: Select all

  | THE   ___ ___ ___ ___   _ _ ___ ___ ______         ``::::%%%%%%%%%HHH|
  |    ___===  #  #-# #-<   #^# #-# #-< ===               `::::::::%%%%%%|
  |:.                                                        ``:::::::::%|
  |%:::::::::..     ASCII ART  ___ ___ _   _   ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ `:|
  |%%%%%%::::::::..            #__ #_# #__ #__ #== #__  #  _#_ #_# #\#   |

   C O N T E N T S :

   Intro ........................ 54      - "Intruder" .............. 947
   Starships ................... 133      - "Assault" 5 Ass. Droid .. 966
   - Capital Ships ............. 138      - LX-5 Command Cyborg ..... 987
     - Vict. Star Destroyer .... 143    - Fifth-degree ............. 1011
     - Imp. Star Destroyer ..... 152      - MPP-7 Power Droid ...... 1016
     - Assault Shuttle ......... 174      - PG Cleaning Droid ...... 1030
     - Death Star .............. 193      - B1 Worker Droid ........ 1047
   - Starfighters .............. 210      - IM2 Mining Droid ....... 1069
     - X-wing (4x) ............. 215    Characters ................. 1093
     - Z-95 Headhunter ......... 299    - Aliens ................... 1098
     - TIE/In (3x) ............. 313      - Carosite ............... 1103
     - TIE Bomber .............. 371      - Twi'lek ................ 1119
     - Lambda Shuttle (3x) ..... 395    - Humans ................... 1134
   - Transports ................ 447      - Bespin Guard ........... 1139
     - GAV Q7 Space-trotter .... 452      - Imperial Stormtrooper .. 1170
     - YT-1300 (4x) ............ 464      - Imperial Royal Guard ... 1267
   Vehicles .................... 524    - Heroes ................... 1285
   - Repulsorlifts ............. 529      - Leia Organa ............ 1290
     - T-47 Airspeeder (2x) .... 534      - Luke Skywalker ......... 1311
   - Walkers ................... 565      - Han Solo ............... 1311
     - Imperial AT-ST (2x) ..... 570      - Chewbacca .............. 1311
     - Imperial AT-AT (2x) ..... 622    - Villains ................. 1362
   Droids ...................... 670      - Boba Fett .............. 1367
   - First-degree .............. 675      - Darth Vader (2x) ....... 1389
     - 2-1B Medical Droid ...... 680      - Senator Palpatine ...... 1445
   - Second-degree ............. 703    Equipment .................. 1466
     - 7GM Maintenance Droid ... 708    - Weapons .................. 1471
     - R2 Astromech Droid ...... 720      - DL-18 Blaster Pistol ... 1476
   - Third-degree .............. 736      - DL-44 Heavy Bl. Pist. .. 1491
     - SE4 Servant Droid ....... 741      - A280 Blaster Rifle ..... 1510
   - Fourth-degree ............. 764    - Armor .................... 1522
     - AC1 Surveillance Droid .. 769      - Cyborg Helmet .......... 1527
     - Viper Probe Droid ....... 791      - Zero G Assault Armour .. 1546
     - ADM-12 Patrol Bot ....... 807    Logos ...................... 1566
     - B4 Bodyguard Droid ...... 828    - Star Wars (6x) ........... 1571
     - DEX 1 Sec. Sentinel ..... 851    - BioTronics ............... 1691
     - DEX 2 Sec. Sentinel ..... 864    - SytheTech ................ 1715
     - I6 Interrogation Droid .. 877    - CyberTech Syndicate ...... 1734
     - B-SD3 Security Droid .... 890    Miscellaneous .............. 1751
     - B-BD1 Battle Droid ...... 910    - Arcade ................... 1756
     - "Enforcer" War Droid .... 926    - Imperial Base Plans ...... 1780

  |:..                                                      ``:::%%%%%%HH|
  |%%%:::::..                    I n t r o                     `:::::%%%%|

.    .        .      .             . .     .        .          .          .
         .                 .                    .                .
  .               A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...   .
     .               .           .               .        .             .
     .      .            .                 .                                .
 .      .         .         .   . :::::+::::...      .          .         .
     .         .      .    ..::.:::+++++:::+++++:+::.    .     .
                        .:.  ..:+:..+|||+..::|+|+||++|:.             .     .
            .   .    :::....:::::::::++||||O||O#OO|OOO|+|:.    .
.      .      .    .:..:..::+||OO#|#|OOO+|O||####OO###O+:+|+               .
                 .:...:+||O####O##||+|OO|||O#####O#O||OO|++||:     .    .
  .             ..::||+++|+++++|+::|+++++O#O|OO|||+++..:OOOOO|+  .         .
     .   .     +++||++:.:++:..+#|. ::::++|+++||++O##O+:.++|||#O+    .
.           . ++++++++...:+:+:.:+: ::..+|OO++O|########|++++||##+            .
  .       .  :::+++|O+||+::++++:::+:::+++::+|+O###########OO|:+OO       .  .
     .       +:+++|OO+|||O:+:::::.. .||O#OOO||O||#@###@######:+|O|  .
 .          ::+:++|+|O+|||++|++|:::+O#######O######O@############O
          . ++++: .+OO###O++++++|OO++|O#@@@####@##################+         .
      .     ::::::::::::::::::::++|O+..+#|O@@@@#@###O|O#O##@#OO####     .
 .        . :. .:.:. .:.:.: +.::::::::  . +#:#@:#@@@#O||O#O@:###:#| .      .
                           `. .:.:.:.:. . :.:.:%::%%%:::::%::::%:::
.      .                                      `.:.:.:.:   :.:.:.:.  .   .
           .                                                                .
.          .                                                       .   .
    .        .                                                           .
    .     .                                                           .      .
  .     .                                                        .
              .   A terrible civil war burns throughout the  .        .     .
                 galaxy: a rag-tag group of freedom fighters   .  .
     .       .  has risen from beneath the dark shadow of the            .
.        .     evil invalid the Galactic Empire has become.                  .
   .             Imperial  forces  have  instituted  a reign of   .      .
             terror,  and every  weapon in its arsenal has  been
          . turned upon the Rebels  and  their  allies:  tyranny, .   .
   .       oppression, vast fleets, overwhelming armies, and fear.        .  .
.      .  Fear  keeps  the  individual systems in line,  and is the   .
         prime motivator of the New Order.             .
    .      Outnumbered and outgunned,  the Rebellion burns across the   .    .
.      vast reaches of space and a thousand-thousand worlds, with only     .
    . their great courage - and the mystical power known as the Force -
     flaming a fire of hope.                                    .
       This is a  galaxy  of wondrous aliens,  bizarre monsters,  strange   .
 . Droids, powerful weapons, great heroes, and terrible villains.  It is a
  galaxy of fantastic worlds,  magical devices, vast fleets, awesome machi-  .
 nery, terrible conflict, and unending hope.              .         .
.        .          .    .    .            .            .                   .
               .               ..       .       .   .             .
 .      .     T h i s   i s   t h e   g a l a x y   o f   . . .             .
                     .              .       .                    .      .
.        .               .       .     .            .
   .           .        .                     .        .            .
             .               .    .          .              .   .         .
               _________________      ____         __________
 .       .    /                 |    /    \    .  |          \
     .       /    ______   _____| . /      \      |    ___    |     .     .
             \    \    |   |       /   /\   \     |   |___>   |
           .  \    \   |   |      /   /__\   \  . |         _/               .
 .     ________>    |  |   | .   /            \   |   |\    \_______    .
      |            /   |   |    /    ______    \  |   | \           |
      |___________/    |___|   /____/      \____\ |___|  \__________|    .
  .     ____    __  . _____   ____      .  __________   .  _________
       \    \  /  \  /    /  /    \       |          \    /         |      .
        \    \/    \/    /  /      \      |    ___    |  /    ______|  .
         \              /  /   /\   \ .   |   |___>   |  \    \
   .      \            /  /   /__\   \    |         _/.   \    \            +
           \    /\    /  /            \   |   |\    \______>    |   .
            \  /  \  /  /    ______    \  |   | \              /          .
 .       .   \/    \/  /____/      \____\ |___|  \____________/  LS
                               .                                        .
     .                           .         .               .                 .
                .                                   .            .

  |:..                                                      ``:::%%%%%%HH|
  |%%%:::::..                S t a r s h i p s                 `:::::%%%%|

  |:                           ``::%H|
  |%:.       Capital Ships        `:%|

                        .                      .             +        .
     .    __ _o|                        .
         |  /__|===--        .                                       <=>
  LS     [__|______~~--._                      .                .      .
   .    |\  `---.__:====]-----...,,_____                *      .         ` -
        |/_____.....-----'''~~~~~~~                        .               .
   +               .        Rendili StarDrive's Victory-class Star Destroyer

           .            .                     .
                  _        .                          .            (
                 (_)        .       .                                     .
  .        ____.--^.
   .      /:  /    |                               +           .         .
         /:  `--=--'   .                                                .
  LS    /: __[\==`-.___          *           .
       /__|\ _~~~~~~   ~~--..__            .             .
       \   \|::::|-----.....___|~--.                                 .
        \ _\_~~~~~-----:|:::______//---...___
    .   [\  \  __  --     \       ~  \_      ~~~===------==-...____
        /         __/__   --  /__    --       /____....----''''~~~~      .
  *    /  /   ==           ____....=---='''~~~~ .
      /____....--=-''':~~~~                      .                .
      .       ~--~         Kuat Drive Yard's Imperial-class Star Destroyer
                     .                                   .           .
                          .                      .             +
        .     +              .                                       <=>
                                               .                .      .
   .                 *                 .                *                ` -

  |                                                           |
  |     _____                                                 |
  |    |  |  |`-._______________________________________      |
  |    | ( ) |  | _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ |   _____\     |
  |  [=|  |  |.-|| || || || || || || || || || ||-. \xxxxx\    |
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  |  [=|  |  |  |______________________________|__`'-------)  |
  |  [=| ()=-| ]|__________|    |---/  \---|  /___________/   |
  |     \ |  |  |   |   /| `--._|__/____\__|_|     ()=-  /    |
  |      \()=- ]|  _|__/_|____.'             |________.+'     |
  |       \__|__|_/__________________________|_____.-'-'      |
  |                                    \_X                    |
  |                                       \                   |
  |                                                        LS |

        Telgorn Corporation's Gamma-class Assault Shuttle

           .          .
 .          .                  .          .              .
       +.           _____  .        .        + .                    .
   .        .   ,-~"     "~-.                                +
              ,^ ___         ^. +                  .    .       .
             / .^   ^.         \         .      _ .
            Y  l  o  !          Y  .         __CL\H--.
    .       l_ `.___.'        _,[           L__/_\H' \\--_-          +
            |^~"-----------""~ ^|       +    __L_(=): ]-_ _-- -
  +       . !                   !     .     T__\ /H. //---- -       .
         .   \                 /               ~^-H--'
              ^.             .^            .      "       +.
                "-.._____.,-" .                    .
         +           .                .   +                       .
  +          .             +                                  .
         .             .      .       -Row          Death Star

  |:                           ``::%H|
  |%:.       Starfighters         `:%|

          .                            .                      .
  .                  .             -)------+====+       .
                           -)----====    ,'   ,'   .                 .
              .                  `.  `.,;___,'                .
                                   `, |____l_\
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    .      .        "-:_____________  |____l_|]'''''''''''       .     .
                                  ,'"",'.   `.
         .                 -)-----====   `.   `.              LS
                     .            -)-------+====+       .            .
             .                               .
  Incom's T-65B X-wing Space
  Superiority Starfighter (1)

                                              ,'       ,'
                -)------========            ,'  ____ ,'
                         `.    `.         ,'  ,'__ ,'
                           `.    `.     ,'       ,'
                             `.    `._,'_______,'__
                               [._ _| ^--      || |
      ,.,..-------"""""     "----'                 ||
  .-""  |=========================== ______________ |
   "-...l_______________________    |  |'      || |_]
                                [`-.|__________ll_|      Incom's T-65B X-wing
                              ,'    ,' `.        `.      Space Superiority
                            ,'    ,'     `.    ____`.    Starfighter (2)
                -)---------========        `.  `.____`.
                                             `.        `.
    By Unknown                                 `.________`.
    Patched by LS              --)-------------|___________|

     |  ___ |
     |==|  ||
     |==| _| |
     |==||   |
     |  ||   |
     |  ||    |
     |  ~~    |
  <_|_L___/   | |,
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   | |___________|---^--'_________.-------------`--'
   __|__/_    | |
     |        |
     |   _    |
     |  ||    |
     |  ||   |
     |==||_  |                     Incom's T-65B X-wing Space
     |==|  | |                     Superiority Starfighter (3)
     |==|__||        -Row

               |  |
               |  |
   |           |  |           |
   |           |  |           |
   |           |  |           |
   |       _  /    \  _       |
  |~|____.| |/      \| |.____|~|
  |                            |
  `-`-._                  _.-'-'  Incom's T-65B X-wing Space
        `-.           _.-'        Superiority Starfighter (4)
          ||\________/||  LS
          `'          `'

|                                                                          |
|        __..,,-----l"|-.                                                  |
|    __/"__  |----""  |  i--voo..,,__                                      |
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|  "`--""`--"'"""`.-+------'" .'  _L___,,...-----------"""""""   "         |
|                  `------""""""""                                     LS  |
|                                                                          |
`--------------------- Incom/Subpro's Z-95 Headhunter ---------------------'

      _______              _______
     /\:::::/\            /\:::::/\
    /::\:::/::\          /==\:::/::\
   /::::\_/::::\   .--. /====\_/::::\
  /_____/ \_____\-' .-.`-----' \_____\
  \:::::\_/:::::/-. `-'.-----._/:::::/
   \::::/:\::::/   `--' \::::/:\::::/
    \::/:::\::/          \::/:::\::/    Sienar Fleet Systems' TIE/In
     \/:::::\/            \/:::::\/     Space Superiority Starfighter (1)
  LS  """""""              """""""

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   g-.  .Lg'                 ..,..'-....,'.
  .'.   .Y^                  .....',].._f
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  Ray Brunner               '..,,.,_]`     Sienar Fleet Systems' TIE/In
                            .L..`..``.     Space Superiority Starfighter (2)

    _                                            _
   T T                                          T T
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                   ____                   | |
   | |            ___.r-"`--'"-r.____           | |
   | |.-._,.,---~"_/_/  .----.  \_\_"~---,.,_,-.| |
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   | |             ~~"^-.____.-^"~~             | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |
   | |                                          | |  Sienar Fleet Systems'
   | |                                          | |  TIE/In Space Superiority
   | |                                          | |  Starfighter (3)
   | |                                          | |
   l_i                                          l_j -Row

     .    .     .            +         .         .                 .  .
      .                 .                   .               .
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            .   `q.>b         .               `^^^:::::,'       .
    LS            ""^^               .                     .
  .                                           .               .       .
    .         .          .                 .        +         .
                    Sienar Fleet Systems' TIE Bomber
                           Light Space Bomber

                /  |
               /  =|
              /   =`.
             /      |
       '------:_____]      LS     Sienar Fleet Systems'
               _|_                Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle (1)

           /\           .
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    .      |    `.
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            |     |_.--.
         .  `.   /<= .-'              .
    .        |_./|_.'/))    .
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           (./())      ~~--..__~`-o
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            //       .   .             .
  .       //                               Sienar Fleet Systems'
         //       .           .            Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle (2)
       o/    LS

                 .           /  |
        .                 . /   |   .
                           /    |
                  .       /     |
  .                      /      /         .
             .          /    _./   .
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                            \  \     .
        .                    \  \           Sienar Fleet Systems
                 .            \  \          Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle (3)
                               \_ \        .
                       LS        ~o

  |:                           ``::%H|
  |%:.        Transports          `:%|

                                                         _._        *
                                       _______..........-`-'-..__  /
                                 ...###/   \        \         ____\/
                           ...########/     \  ___...\--     / _   \
                 __..---#############/_..---'''     ========/ //  __\___
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  `-.._____  /       /    /             ___   \               ______/__
           `````-----------------------////----\----------'''' ______//  LS
   Ubrikkian's GAV Q7 Space-trotter

       _.,--'" ||^ || "`z._
      /_/^ ___\||  || _/o\ "`-._
    _/  ]. L_| || .||  \_/_  . _`--._
   /_~7  _ . " ||. || /] \ ]. (_)  . "`--.
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      \_\ . __/||  |\  \`-+-<'"
        "`---._|J__L|X o~~|[\\      "Millenium Falcon"
  -Row         \____/ \___|[//      Modified Corellian YT-1300 Transport (1)
                `--'   `--+-'

                       ____               /._\
                       \__<---____________X__/                  -Row
                   .-^"~___~Z"^-._`'_____ ___~-.______
      ___,.---==='~[~~7^___^\"-._ 7~_____H__||"-. \__.^~""~"-------...,__
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   "~^----....________\^---^/_____\      H    _.-~_____________,...---------^
                      ~"---"~     ~"-----"---^~~~"

                      "Millenium Falcon"
                      Modified Corellian YT-1300 Transport (2)

      _ .
   __CL\H--.         -Row
  L__/_\H' \\--_-
   __L_(=): ]-_ _-- -
  T__\ /H. //---- -     "Millenium Falcon"
     ~^-H--'            Modified Corellian YT-1300 Transport (3)

             _     _
            /_|   |_\
           //||   ||\\
          // ||   || \\
         //  ||___||  \\
        /     |   |     \    _
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  `=----.____/  #  \____.----='
   [::::::::|  (_)  |::::::::]
  .=----~~~~~\     /~~~~~----=.
  |          /`---'\          |
   \  \     /       \     /  /
    `.     /         \     .'
      `.  /._________.\  .'
   LS   `--._________.--'     Modified Corellian YT-1300 Transport (4)

  |:..                                                      ``:::%%%%%%HH|
  |%%%:::::..                 V e h i c l e s                  `:::::%%%%|

  |:                           ``::%H|
  |%:.       Repulsorlifts        `:%|

  ___   /:::::::||:::::::\
   |[ |   |----.___| |______`-._________
   |[_|   |________| |------------==---'
   |_ |___|        `-'      __.--~
     \                __.--~
      \___________.--~             LS
                                        Incom's T-47 Airspeeder (1)

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   !].-----. >======- ~-._
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  H\ | nn  |       |  |   .---- _.--~"/
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    /   ...........      \ `    "---"    ' /  \   "Intruder" Assassin Droid
   /   `:::::::::::'                           \       - Front View -
  |_____________________________________________| LS

        Hover-mode           Spider-mode

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    `'   |  |          |  |   `'   "Assault" 5 Assassin Droid
         |  |          |  |              - Front View -

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        _\|_.' |"            :  :
       "-------'              :  :   LX-5 Command Cyborg
           \____\                       - Side View -

Last edited by Black-Hole on January 24th, 2009, 4:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Small Sized Duck
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Re: Text StarWars!

Post by Small Sized Duck »

whoever made this needs to get laid.

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Re: Text StarWars!

Post by vosszaa »

Where is Luke??? Awww...

The tallest tower.. begins from the ground
Today, you are novice..
Tomorrow, you might be The Master..
And when you are..
Vosszaa will hunt you down..
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Re: Text StarWars!

Post by patrick-the-bomb »

I agree 100% with iLike.

They're cool though. lol
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Re: Text StarWars!

Post by Vegas »

this is better. in your "run" command, type:


have patience, it takes a moment to load