RPG Reviews

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RPG Reviews

Post by weirdone2 »

Cursed Heroes ORPG 7D :(
In this rpg you begin off next to an area to pick your hero then you go to town and you get to go into forest and kill stuff, after a while of killing stuff and turning in whatever quests you get to go to a dungeon and get more levels items yay? Anyhow this map seems to be shadowing defiance and maybe in a month or two it will come far enough to outdistance defiance's shadow.

My comments: Not many as this game isn't yet out of beta I believe so lets try it again in 1-2 months and see if it's gotten further along.
Some Notes I Made:
Spell books on heroes need color coding in descriptions.
Why are the town buildings not doodads?
Whats with the thorns in town?
When you pick up somethign it should switch it with what you already have of that type as long as you haven't saved it yet, otherwise it should say you already have an item of type __ in item slot #.
Some spells don't work correctly and just how harsh is percent chance to miss in this. :S
Spells hotkeys could be made better aka the usual system of qwertasdfzxc and some things don't tell you their hotkey.
Dark Lineage Owen 008 :)
In this rpg you begin off barely being able to kill anything, it's recommended that you put some points into str to start off with. As you start getting more levels you'll start to notice all the materials(item) on the ground, these can be used to craft more some of the more powerful items in the game. Note that late game its best to be a pure int mage if you wanna go dps.

You get to hunt monsters for some rare items and ever rarer spells, this is pretty much the whole aspect of this rpg hunt monsters for materials/items/spells. While it is fun to replay for a little while at around lvl 30 you will start feeling the grind pressure.

My comments: are the game needs more content, as in spells, quests, area's, monsters, items,classes, just plain out the whole nine yards to accommodate with the max lvl of 103.
Legendary Monsters 5.7 :( :( :(
You begin off getting to select 1 of around 12 elements which you then go out and lvl, this game is just pure item hunting and lvl grinding I've not even seen a quest in it. Pretty much you just grab this to look at the fun dragon model's or whatever else you want to look at and then you quit playing because it just sucks balls.

My comments: this just needs a boost in everything quests, bosses, items, spells, hero organization, story, etc
Master Crafter 5.4 -.-
In this rpg you begin off with a generic guy with nothing to your name and you get to go kill some chickens, solo lvling till around 50ish is easy enough but after that you'll probably want a higher lvl to help you lvl as you won't be doing all that great against most things, as you can probably guess this game isn't to fond of lower levels being able to do much without help of higher leveled players.

Once you've reached 150+ you can start item/spell hunting along with leveling, and that pretty much how the rest of the game goes. You can always try your luck at dueling and after about 1hour I believe you get to face a whole bunch of strongly powered gods, this is pretty much gameover if you don't have a lvl 500 or 2 in game.

My comments: It could use some more story content, when i say more I mean a lot more story content, more items, more classes, more interesting bosses, another town or 2, you get the picture.

Will add more after their fresh in my memory.
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Re: RPG Reviews

Post by weirdone2 »

Update 1:
Added Cursed Heroes ORPG 7C
Added Master Crafters 5.4
Added Legendary Monsters 5.7
Update 2:
Updated Cursed heroes and tested it more intensively for more accurate opinion.
Space Reserved for more of update 2