I say 2 things and you have to choose one of them, saying "Neither" isn't an option, you'll have to choose at least one.
I'll start with a simple question and the person below answers, then makes his question.
Would you prefer:
Milk or Water?
edit by Dekar:
Warning: This thread may contain explicit language not to be viewed by underage persons, by continuing to read you verify that you are 18 years of age or older.
I don't see the pornographic content, please pm me and stop editing/locking this post!
~Everything changes~
I have met people who have no dreams, who have simply accepted their fate to work, exist, and die. They are the most miserable people I have ever known.
~Everything changes~
I have met people who have no dreams, who have simply accepted their fate to work, exist, and die. They are the most miserable people I have ever known.
~Everything changes~
I have met people who have no dreams, who have simply accepted their fate to work, exist, and die. They are the most miserable people I have ever known.
Death, slow and painful, but you get to see the ones you love one last time, and tell them you love them. OR
Death, quick and painless, but never get to say good-bye to those of whom you love.