Club Penguin?

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Club Penguin?

Post by Zebra »

I just want to make a story of this because everyone else does.

So I was browsing the internet for some kiddie porn and found the game people refer to as "Club penguin." Of course the penguity cuteness that surrounds this game made me sign up even though there were so many restrictions for younger players. So I made a penguin and named him after my Favorite band. The first area I went into was the Docks.

Yep, there he is. With only 143 coins. I bet that can barely don't click me a soda. How the other penguins made enough to don't click me hats left me suspecting you had to pay for ingame coins.

Anyway, I was clicking around in the boxes. They were like russian dolls where the little ones keep coming out of the bigger ones. At the end a secret item dropped. That's when the swarm of penguins all positioned themselves to that very corner so I couldn't click on my well earned prize

After the dreading loss of the small cardboard box I explored the area for other activities. That's when I discovered Ballistic Biscuit.


As you can see, there are NO buiscuits in this game. Why the game is named that I don't know. Unoriginal writers? But as sad as it was that was the only place I knew of to get money before exploring other areas. I wona whopping total of 17 coins. That left me with a whopping 160 altogether. After much grief Me and the penguin diecided that we should look around more. So we did.

At the ice rink there was a little hockey puck scooting around for awhile. I don't know who put it there, but after that puck left some bastard thought he should keep things exciting with his little antics.


After nobody responded he left. It seems not many penguins are very social.

There was nothing to do at the rink. No games and no boxes and less people. So I left.

When I arrived at the Ski village there was obviously something sticking out in all his glory.


How'd HE get all that stuff? He must actually PLAY this game. Oh well. If you can see thatl little box circled with green, I clicked on that box and it took me to the beach. Wtf. Witch craft boxes?

So I really didn't like this game and I wanted to leave. But before that I did what most people did. Try to find people to cuss out in anger and try to get banned for breaking the rules.

Wouldn't that be nice? A minute after developing this genius plan I realize that you may only say pre-typed Parent approved phrases. But luckily some girl requsted to be my friend. But again, I could not even Internet-yell at her because the only things you can send to your penguin pals are 10 coin each postcards.

After throwing snowball at a guy for 5 minutes he eventually went away and left behind all of my great snowballs.

That is the end of my jouirny through Club Penguin. What was the point of this? Nothing besides that my friend can't go to see Dead Silence with me and I did this instead.
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Post by Xantan »

You poor thing, forced to play some penguin game instead of seeing your kiddy pr0n.

Wow, you actually spent some time on this.. thus bringing me to the conclusion you are crazy.... :p
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Post by Totti_8 »

lol, my little brother plays this, too. xD
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Post by Kalle »

A small reply on your great story:

My last "host" sister named invalid / Caroline always wanted to play this game when I was sitting on the computer...

It was horrible and u know how to make small kids like her stop this game?

It is very easy!

Just say can I try this once?

And she will hopefully reply like my little host sister... NO...
after 5 minutes she will play one lame game and will always lose... after a few tries of horrible gameplay u say:

Can I try this once?

and then u crush her completely in that game...
I came to level 21 and she died on level 2... was kind of cool ^^

then she was so surprised that she went the room crying and I had the computer...

when she told everything to my host mom I said I just asked her to play one game :D ...


PS: Based on a true story :P
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Post by Emberspeed »

I will NOT believe that is a real game unless you send me a link..

No way, it's microsoft paint or photoshop! No way..

bojanglemistser wrote:at leest i m gay n not strait like u fag
bojanglemistser wrote:i wood cal u sumtin veryyvery bad bu t i dnt no how 2 spel it
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Post by S7seven7S »

Emberspeed wrote:I will NOT believe that is a real game unless you send me a link..

No way, it's microsoft paint or photoshop! No way..

