I should probably let you know that these "updated" maps are from lolreported - LTW series (Line Tower Wars series), as of this date the latest version is the 2.6a, here's a link for it:
https://www.hiveworkshop.com/pastebin/8 ... 7d0520492/
If anyone could give examples on how/where to place/edit functions of income/lumber editing/stats etc in this map, then that would be appreciated a lot! I tend to learn better with examples
I've been reading the wonderful tutorial http://forum.wc3edit.net/tutorials-chea ... 21344.html made by Nuuby and installed some of the tools that I thought I would need, please correct me if I need other tools as well.
I've downloaded the following ones:
[*][/color] RMPQEx.exe - To deobfuscate and dump the jass file
[*][/color] MPQEditor - To extract/replace files
My issues:
[*][/color] I am not sure how I can identify the "Trig_PlayerIncome" function (Would appreciate any help here).
[*][/color] Following the logic on how the game adds income to players, I tried editing and came up with this, would this be correct if I finally manage to find the player-income function to place it in?:
Code: Select all
call AdjustPlayerStateBJ(1000000000, Player(0), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)
Thanks in advance!