This weekend, Blizzard announced Warcraft 3: Reforged at Blizzcon.
It's an HD remaster of the original. They included the campaigns of Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne, made higher-quality models and textures, reworked some of the campaign maps, re-recorded the voice lines, and upgraded the cutscenes. And they kept the same engine.
Multiplayer will be compatible with people still playing on original WC3. Custom maps will work immediately. It even has the same system requirements, so if you want to pay for a visual upgrade and play on your potato from 2005 and an 800x600 monitor, feel free.
We should still be able to add cheats to the maps.
It releases in 2019.
Standard edition is $29.99.
Spoils of War Edition is $39.99 and also gives you:
- A Meat Wagon mount for WoW (delivered in December)
Reign of Chaos card back for Hearthstone (delivered this week)
4 WC3 characters in Heroes of the Storm (Jaina, Thrall, Anub'arak, Tyrande, to cover the four factions, before April)
A Diablo 3 pet (next year sometime)
Something for SC2
Something for SC: Remastered