Wc3 World Editor "Map Bounds"

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Wc3 World Editor "Map Bounds"

Post by Stormgoddd »

Iam currently working on my own map and I have 2 questions.

1.st How can I create a room/stage/place where the camera is locked onto that specific place. Scenario : A unit enters a teleportation circle and lets say is teleported into another dimension. When its in this dimension the player who controls the unit shall not be able to move the camera away from that place until exiting the dimension of course. Also I've seen in other maps, that the minimap is black, which I want to do aswell, so it feels like you are in another world. Hope that is understandable.

2.nd is it possible for me to get Jass New Gen to work?. I've read that it is possible somehow to get it to work with 1.28 or is there maybe a similar tool?. I manly need it for Tile limit exceed and maybe doodad limit exceed too.

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Re: Wc3 World Editor "Map Bounds"

Post by XD! »

wanted to know as well...

I needed to make custom ability rawcode id, like 'YEAH' and not A001...