flow with life

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flow with life

Post by Xantan »

Its important.

Happy holidays, people.

Co-verse your thoughts

Spread the knowledge you may or may not have. It really helps people to understand you and in the end, you may better know yourself.

I believe in expressing most thoughts of mine, as it may help myself in the end. It is probably good to feel good about what you do and this, like some other things, is one particular thing about myself, that I may or may not like. =/

you can decide for yourself. ;]

Staying sheltered, sometimes.

I'm a personal fan of trying to be careful.

It may make you live longer!

Photographic Memories
Think you don't have one?

Think again.

Anyone can have one, all you need to do is notice things.

If you don't like school, and want to move faster...

(so basically, if you're in elementary/middle/high shcool)

Keep in mind you can just quit school and take the ged. It is what I did, recently.

It speeds you up towards college, which is more important then sitting in some lame-ass school environment with underachievers.

Trying New Things
If you want to learn, you want to do this, most likely.

Get involved with the true things.
Think about evolution.

It is most likely true, based on a few things I've seen in this life.

You could (if you wanted to) try and learn more things, and do good things, just to improve others (and yourself), which allows for probably better generations of people in the future.

In other words:
Be involved, sometimes.

any thoughts you want to add, or comment on, go ahead ;]

this is just a paste off something I wrote on a myspace blog type thing..