What's with the new extension .a00 and .alz

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What's with the new extension .a00 and .alz

Post by Apple »

I've seen a few maps that comes in these 2 filetypes, is there a way to compile them into .w3x map

http://cheatmap.tistory.com/entry/HM-RP ... 8%ED%8A%B8
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On the side note, I'm still playing vampirism speed on malaysia room, occasionally in Garena. Bcuz too lazy to find out where else I can play them.
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Re: What's with the new extension .a00 and .alz

Post by devoltz »

It's a compress type like Winrar.
The tool to open this is Alzip, most of korean maps are compressed like that.
This website here have a lot of korean cheated maps (take care when you open this website, because they normally post a nsfw girl pic after the map)
with this kind of protection, but, most of maps compressed by alzip are corrupted to open.
To open alz files, u need to download Alzip and open the alz, then the program will ask for a.00;a.001....
After you open all the files, the program will give you the file inside.