[JJCP+SP] Tkok 3.3.4 beta 11

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Posts: 43
Joined: August 20th, 2016, 4:13 pm

[JJCP+SP] Tkok 3.3.4 beta 11

Post by quang.billy.79 »

Link: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/263173/
Act: -quangbilly
Description: newest ver of tkok map, can you give me raw code (list item id)?Tks first
Posts: 66
Joined: May 31st, 2015, 2:27 pm

Re: [JJCP+SP] Tkok 3.3.4 beta 11

Post by flavius13 »

JJ Cp act -quangbilly
-gold #
-lumber #
-int #
-agi #
-str #
-lvl #
-xp #
-hp #
-mp #
-ms #
-debuff (Removes buff from selected unit)
-lock (locks the trade system)
-unlock (Unlocks it)
-charges# ### (First # slot 2nd charges)
-additem # (max is about 90)
-mana (Mana stays at 100%)
-invis (makes unit invisible)
-vis (visible)
-pathoff (walkthrough walls)
-pathon (normal)
-setcolor (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-owner (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-nocd (no cooldown)
-cdon (cooldown on)
-bindup/down/left/right (IE: -bindup -kill would make it so that when you hit up it kills whatever s selected)
-clearkeys (Clears bindings)
-showkeys (Shows bindings)
-mh (Displays map, no server splits, hopefully)
-size #
-food #
-copy #
-fast (Hit esc when training units)
-bfast (Hit esc on building structure)
-ufast (Research is instant)(To disable one of these commands add -no to it like -noufast)
-share ##
-unshare ##
-ally ##
-unally ##
-soff (share off)
-spawn ####
-ground ####
-add ####
-remove #### (removes the ability)
-g ## #### (gold)
-l ## #### (lumber)
-f ## #### (food)
-spa ## #### (Spawn unit)
-sn ## <name> (setname)
-sc ## (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-dead (Sets units animation to dead)
-birth (Sets building to being built)
-attack (Sets unit to attack)
-stand (Sets unit to stand)
-hear (You can see what everyone is saying)
-nohear (back to normal)
-kick ## <message>
-tele (sets patrol to teleport)
-note (sets it back to normal)
-reg <kill/explode/red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown> (Right-click two spots and a region will be made)
-time ## (Sets time to that hour)
-float ### ### (first #'s is height 2nd are speed)
-stop (Disable unit commands)
-resume (Enables them)
-area #### #### (First #'s are size 2nd Rawcode, then click where you want it)
-autoh ### (Autoheals by precentage)(A little buggy)
-disable (Disable -reg)
-list# (1-8 )
-cheaton ## (Turns cheats on for player specified)
-cheatoff ## (Turns cheats off for player specified)
-unit #### (Spawns specified unit at issued location)
-nounit (Disables -unit)
-act <activator> (Changes activator to whatever specifed, needs a - at the beginning)
-unitid (Shows the unit's rawcode)
-itemid (Shows the unit's item rawcode in first slot)
-destid (Shows rawcode of destructable in Reg)
-destroy (Removes selected units)
-revive (Revives dead hero and spawns at selected unit)
-addhp (Adds hp to any unit, needs to be divisable by 50)
-colors (Displays player numbers by color)
-say###### (# = hex code only 0-9 and A-F will work)(After the hex just put the text you want displayed)
Sp enable and tested save

Item list cleaned
[ckng]Crown of Kings +5
[modt]Mask of Death
[tkno]Tome of Power
[ratf]Claws of Attack +15
[rde4]Ring of Protection +5
[ofro]Orb of Frost
[desc]Kelen's Dagger of Escape
[fgdg]Demonic Figurine
[infs]Inferno Stone
[shar]Ice Shard
[sand]Scroll of Animate Dead
[wild]Amulet of the Wild
[srrc]Scroll of Resurrection
[odef]Orb of Darkness
[rde3]Ring of Protection +4
[pmna]Pendant of Mana
[rhth]Khadgar's Gem of Health
[ssil]Staff of Silence
[spsh]Amulet of Spell Shield
[sres]Scroll of Restoration
[pdiv]Potion of Divinity
[pres]Potion of Restoration
[totw]Talisman of the Wild
[fgfh]Spiked Collar
[fgrd]Red Drake Egg
[fgrg]Stone Token
[hcun]Hood of Cunning
[hval]Helm of Valor
[mcou]Medallion of Courage
[ajen]Ancient Janggo of Endurance
[clfm]Cloak of Flames
[ratc]Claws of Attack +12
[ward]Warsong Battle Drums
[kpin]Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
[crys]Crystal Ball
[lgdh]Legion Doom-Horn
[ankh]Ankh of Reincarnation
[whwd]Healing Wards
[fgsk]Book of the Dead
[wcyc]Wand of the Wind
[hlst]Health Stone
[mnst]Mana Stone
[belv]Boots of Quel'Thalas +6
[bgst]Belt of Giant Strength +6
[ciri]Robe of the Magi +6
[lhst]The Lion Horn of Stormwind
[afac]Alleria's Flute of Accuracy
[sbch]Scourge Bone Chimes
[brac]Runed Bracers
[rwiz]Sobi Mask
[pghe]Potion of Greater Healing
[pgma]Potion of Greater Mana
[pnvu]Potion of Invulnerability
[sror]Scroll of the Beast
[woms]Wand of Mana Stealing
[evtl]Talisman of Evasion
[penr]Pendant of Energy
[prvt]Periapt of Vitality
[rat9]Claws of Attack +9
[rde2]Ring of Protection +3
[rlif]Ring of Regeneration
[bspd]Boots of Speed
[rej3]Replenishment Potion
[will]Wand of Illusion
[wlsd]Wand of Lightning Shield
[wswd]Sentry Wards
[cnob]Circlet of Nobility
[gcel]Gloves of Haste
[rat6]Claws of Attack +6
[rde1]Ring of Protection +2
[tdx2]Tome of Agility +2
[texp]Tome of Experience
[tin2]Tome of Intelligence +2
[tpow]Tome of Knowledge
[tst2]Tome of Strength +2
[pnvl]Potion of Lesser Invulnerability
[clsd]Cloak of Shadows
[rag1]Slippers of Agility +3
[rin1]Mantle of Intelligence +3
[rst1]Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
[manh]Manual of Health
[tdex]Tome of Agility
[tint]Tome of Intelligence
[tstr]Tome of Strength
[pomn]Potion of Omniscience
[wshs]Wand of Shadowsight
[rej6]Greater Scroll of Replenishment
[rej5]Lesser Scroll of Replenishment
[rej4]Greater Replenishment Potion
[ram4]Ring of the Archmagi
[dsum]Diamond of Summoning
[ofir]Orb of Fire
[ocor]Orb of Corruption
[oli2]Orb of Lightning
[oven]Orb of Venom
[ram3]Ring of the Archmagi
[tret]Tome of Retraining
[tgrh]Tiny Great Hall
[rej2]Lesser Replenishment Potion
[gemt]Gem of True Seeing
[ram2]Ring of the Archmagi
[stel]Staff of Teleportation
[stwp]Scroll of Town Portal
[wneg]Wand of Negation
[sneg]Staff of Negation
[wneu]Wand of Neutralization
[shea]Scroll of Healing
[sman]Scroll of Mana
[rej1]Minor Replenishment Potion
[pspd]Potion of Speed
[dust]Dust of Appearance
[ram1]Ring of the Archmagi
[pinv]Potion of Invisibility
[phea]Potion of Healing
[pman]Potion of Mana
[spro]Scroll of Protection
[hslv]Healing Salve
[shas]Scroll of Speed
[skul]Sacrificial Skull
[mcri]Mechanical Critter
[rnec]Rod of Necromancy
[tsct]Ivory Tower
[azhr]Heart of Aszune
[bzbe]Empty Vial
[bzbf]Full Vial
[cnhn]Horn of Cenarius
[glsk]Skull of Gul'dan
[gopr]Glyph of Purification
[k3m2]Partial Key of the Three Moons
[k3m3]Key of Three Moons
[ktrm]Urn of King Terenas
[kybl]Blood Key
[kygh]Ghost Key
[kymn]Moon Key
[kysn]Sun Key
[ledg]Gerard's Lost Ledger
[phlt]Phat Lewt
[sehr]The Heart of Searinox
[engs]Enchanted Gemstone
[sorf]Shadow Orb Fragment
[gmfr]Gem Fragment
[jpnt]Note to Jaina Proudmoore
[skrt]Skeletal Artifact
[thle]Thunder Lizard Egg
[sclp]Secret Level Powerup
[wtlg]Wirt's Leg
[wolg]Wirt's Other Leg
[mgtk]Magic Key Chain
[mort]Mogrin's Report
[dphe]Thunder Phoenix Egg
[dkfw]Keg of Thunderwater
[dthb]Thunderbloom Bulb
[fgun]Flare Gun
[lure]invalid Lure
[olig]Orb of Lightning
[amrc]Amulet of Recall
[ccmd]Scepter of Mastery
[flag]Human Flag
[gobm]Goblin Land Mines
[gsou]Soul Gem
[nflg]Night Elf Flag
[nspi]Necklace of Spell Immunity
[oflg]Orc Flag
[pams]Anti-magic Potion
[pgin]Potion of Greater Invisibility
[rat3]Claws of Attack +3
[rde0]Ring of Protection +1
[rnsp]Ring of Superiority
[tels]Goblin Night Scope
[tgxp]Tome of Greater Experience
[uflg]Undead Flag
[anfg]Ancient Figurine
[brag]Bracer of Agility
[drph]Druid Pouch
[iwbr]Ironwood Branch
[jdrn]Jade Ring
[lnrn]Lion's Ring
[mlst]Maul of Strength
[oslo]Orb of Slow
[sbok]Spell Book
[sksh]Skull Shield
[sprn]Spider Ring
[tmmt]Totem of Might
[vddl]Voodoo Doll
[spre]Staff of Preservation
[sfog]Horn of the Clouds
[sor1]Shadow Orb +1
[sor2]Shadow Orb +2
[sor3]Shadow Orb +3
[sor4]Shadow Orb +4
[sor5]Shadow Orb +5
[sor6]Shadow Orb +6
[sor7]Shadow Orb +7
[sor8]Shadow Orb +8
[sor9]Shadow Orb +9
[sora]Shadow Orb +10
[fwss]Frost Wyrm Skull Shield
[shtm]Shamanic Totem
[esaz]Essence of Aszune
[btst]Battle Standard
[tbsm]Tiny Blacksmith
[tfar]Tiny Farm
[tlum]Tiny Lumber Mill
[tbar]Tiny Barracks
[tbak]Tiny Altar of Kings
[gldo]Orb of Kil'jaeden
[stre]Staff of Reanimation
[horl]Sacred Relic
[hbth]Helm of Battlethirst
[blba]Bladebane Armor
[rugt]Runed Gauntlets
[frhg]Firehand Gauntlets
[gvsm]Gloves of Spell Mastery
[crdt]Crown of the Deathlord
[arsc]Arcane Scroll
[scul]Scroll of the Unholy Legion
[tmsc]Tome of Sacrifices
[dtsb]Drek'thar's Spellbook
[grsl]Grimoire of Souls
[arsh]Arcanite Shield
[shdt]Shield of the Deathlord
[shhn]Shield of Honor
[shen]Enchanted Shield
[thdm]Thunderlizard Diamond
[stpg]Clockwork Penguin
[shrs]Shimmerglaze Roast
[bfhr]Bloodfeather's Heart
[cosl]Celestial Orb of Souls
[shcw]Shaman Claws
[srbd]Searing Blade
[envl]Enchanted Vial
[rump]Rusty Mining Pick
[stwa]Sturdy War Axe
[rots]Scepter of the Sea
[axas]Ancestral Staff
[schl]Scepter of Healing
[asbl]Assassin's Blade
[kgal]Keg of Ale
[gold]Gold Coins
[lmbr]Bundle of Lumber
[gfor]Glyph of Fortification
[guvi]Glyph of Ultravision
[rspl]Rune of Spirit Link
[rre1]Rune of Lesser Resurrection
[rre2]Rune of Greater Resurrection
[gomn]Glyph of Omniscience
[rsps]Rune of Shielding
[rspd]Rune of Speed
[rman]Rune of Mana
[rma2]Rune of Greater Mana
[rres]Rune of Restoration
[rreb]Rune of Rebirth
[rhe1]Rune of Lesser Healing
[rhe2]Rune of Healing
[rhe3]Rune of Greater Healing
[rdis]Rune of Dispel Magic
[rwat]Rune of the Watcher
[pclr]Clarity Potion
[plcl]Lesser Clarity Potion
[silk]Spider Silk Broach
[vamp]Vampiric Potion
[sreg]Scroll of Regeneration
[ssan]Staff of Sanctuary
[tcas]Tiny Castle
[I000:pghe]Close Action
[I030:pghe]Quest: We Be Allies, Mo
[I040:tdx2]Swap Bag
[I070:pghe]Who is authorized
[I0M0:amrc]Quest Item: Tablet of Wate
[I001:pghe]Game Option
[I031:amrc]Quest Item: Encrypted Lette
[I071:pghe]You think these events are related
[I0K1:pghe]Quest: Desert Lotu
[I0L1:amrc]Activator Rune: Blu
[I0M1:amrc]Quest Item: Tablet of Ai
[I002:pghe]Character Managemen
[I032:pghe]Quest: The Ultimate Curative Magi
[I072:pghe]Would there be a reward for his death if he has
[I0K2:amrc]Quest Item: Desert Lotu
[I0L2:amrc]Activator Rune: Gree
[I0M2:amrc]Quest Item: Tablet of Eart
[I003:pghe]View Sub-Stat
[I033:amrc]Quest Item: Tablet of Dispellin
[I073:pghe]Where would I find him
[I0K3:pghe]Quest: The Cur
[I0L3:amrc]Activator Rune: Yello
[I0M3:pghe]We are here, any progress
[I034:pghe]Quest: Ancient Evi
[I074:pghe]Quest: Saving Neb
[I0K4:pghe]Administer the Cur
[I0L4:amrc]Activator Rune: Re
[I035:amrc]Quest Item: Shaman's Anti-Curse Magi
[I075:amrc]Quest Item: Dark Scrol
[I0K5:pghe]Quest: Demon Huntin
[I0L5:whwd]Scroll of Teleport: Barni
[I036:amrc]Quest Item: Elemental Wate
[I076:pghe]I wish to help you out
[I0K6:pghe]You are caught demon
[I0L6:amrc]Quest Item: Kirax's Soul Ston
[I027:pghe]Quest: Medicinal Purpose
[I037:pghe]Quest: Elemental Wate
[I077:pghe]Don't let them push you around
[I0K7:pghe]Quest: Gates of Evi
[I028:amrc]Quest Item: Odd Looking Her
[I078:pghe]You're helping the cause, be proud
[I0K8:pghe]I'm ready, lets do this
[I039:pghe]Quest: The Village Elde
[I079:pghe]Any plans to take back Lugard
[I07A:pghe]Um... okay....
[I08A:pghe]Quest: Wolf Pelts, Warm Coat
[I02B:pghe]Help: Chat Command
[I04B:whwd]Healing Wards - Rank
[I07B:pghe]Quest: Bandits
[I08B:pghe]Quest: Bear Pelts, Warmer Coat
[I00C:pghe]Quest: Knock Knoc
[I02C:pghe]Help: Actions Men
[I04C:whwd]Scroll of Teleport: Grom'Go
[I07C:pghe]I hear you and your troops could use some hel
[I08C:amrc]Quest Item: Wolf Pel
[I00D:amrc]Quest Item: Barrel of Dynomit
[I02D:pghe]Help: Equipmen
[I04D:whwd]Scroll of Teleport: Tol'Cal
[I07D:pghe]Quest: Our Man Insid
[I08D:amrc]Quest Item: Bear Pel
[I00E:tdex]Save Your Her
[I02E:pghe]Help: Common Knowledg
[I07E:amrc]Quest Item: Crate of Uniform
[I08E:amrc]Quest Item: Family Jewel
[I01F:pghe]Quest: Restoring the Porta
[I02F:pghe]Help: Contact Inf
[I07F:pghe]I bring word from your double agent, Kyl
[I08F:pghe]Quest: Lost Family Jewel
[I0JF:whwd]Waypoint Activato
[I01G:pghe]Quest: The Gnoll Threa
[I02G:pghe]Quest: The Valley of Trial
[I07G:pghe]The catapults are sabotaged. Their defense is cripple
[I08G:amrc]Quest Item: Healthy Grain Sampl
[I01H:pghe]Quest: Save My Baby
[I02H:pghe]Quest: Beyond Our Gate
[I07H:pghe]I forget... nevermin
[I08H:amrc]Quest Item: Unhealthy Grain Sampl
[I02I:amrc]Quest Item: Statue Fragment - Partial Left Ar
[I07I:pghe]Kyle says: Forget it! We will never take Lugard back
[I08I:pghe]Quest: Trying to Cure the Plagu
[I01J:pghe]Quest: Wanted: Razzic
[I02J:amrc]Quest Item: Statue Fragment - Right Han
[I07J:pghe]Quest: Taking Back Lugar
[I08J:pghe]Quest: Still Trying to Cure the Plagu
[I02K:amrc]Quest Item: Statue Fragment - Partial Hea
[I07K:pghe]Quest: Sabotag
[I01L:amrc]Quest Item: Sealed Scrol
[I02L:amrc]Quest Item: Statue Fragment - Left Foo
[I07L:pghe]Quest: Kyron, Bandit Lor
[I02M:amrc]Quest Item: Statue Fragment - Partial Weapo
[I03M:phea]Elixir of Attack Powe
[I07M:amrc]Quest Item: Scribbled Not
[I01N:pghe]Quest: First Class Mai
[I02N:amrc]Quest Item: Statue Fragment - Left Han
[I01O:amrc]Quest Item: Letter to Lori
[I02O:amrc]Quest Item: Statue Fragment - Right Foo
[I03O:phea]Elixir of Critical Strik
[I01P:amrc]Quest Item: Key to Tol'Calm Cave
[I02P:amrc]Quest Item: Relic of the Falle
[I01Q:pghe]Quest: The Vormur Templ
[I02Q:pghe]Quest: Defense of Grom'Go
[I03Q:phea]Elixir of Evasio
[I06Q:pghe]What happened on the east side
[I01R:pghe]Quest: Proving Your Wort
[I02R:pghe]Quest: Missing Carava
[I06R:pghe]Why are you dumping the grain
[I01S:pghe]Quest: My Expensive Equipment
[I02S:pghe]Quest: Naga!? Here!
[I03S:phea]Elixir of Spell Critica
[I06S:pghe]Who do you think did this
[I0LS:pghe]Quest: The War of Ol
[I01T:amrc]Quest Item: Expensive Equipmen
[I02T:pghe]Quest: Tainted Scorpion
[I06T:pghe]They going to reimburse you
[I0LT:pghe]War of Old: Part
[I01U:pghe]Quest: Tol'Calm Cave Infestatio
[I02U:amrc]Quest Item: Vial of Scorpion Bloo
[I03U:phea]Mana Potion: Small|
[I06U:pghe]I was born with this talent, I didn't have to learn i
[I0LU:pghe]War of Old: Part
[I01V:pghe]Quest: Eggtasti
[I02V:pghe]Quest: They're Coming Right For Us
[I03V:phea]Health Potion: Small|
[I06V:pghe]I don't have time for this! I am on an important mission
[I07V:pghe]Quest: The Cure for the Plagu
[I0LV:pghe]War of Old: Part
[I01W:amrc]Quest Item: Mutated Eg
[I02W:pghe]Quest: It's Centaur Seaso
[I03W:pghe]What are you doing here in Grom'Gol
[I06W:pghe]I trained hard over the years to become what I am toda
[I07W:amrc]Quest Item: Barrel of Explosive
[I08W:whwd]Scroll of Teleport: Nebu Harbo
[I0LW:pghe]War of Old: Part
[I01X:pghe]Quest: Radiation Poisonin
[I02X:pghe]Quest: Desert Oasi
[I03X:phea]Elixir of Spell Powe
[I06X:pghe]Can you let me through
[I07X:amrc]Quest Item: Kyron's Journa
[I0LX:pghe]War of Old: Part
[I02Y:amrc]Quest Item: Oasis Water Sampl
[I0LY:pghe]War of Old: Part
[I02Z:pghe]Quest: Lead the Way
[I03Z:whwd]Smoke Scree
[I06Z:pghe]Go on..
[I0LZ:amrc]Quest Item: Tablet of Fir
[I00B:pghe]Potion of Greater Healing
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Joined: January 16th, 2016, 1:10 pm

Re: [JJCP+SP] Tkok 3.3.4 beta 11

Post by akidiky »
