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Post by ikinghades »

Can someone tell me how to advance archer lvl 10 job?
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Title: Gamma Ray
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Post by NumberXIII »

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Post by cheno3556 »

That guide says nothing about lvl 10 tier, if you see a 3 you need 3 leader cross that drop from forest guardian leader lvl 18, if you see a 5 you need 5 wildkin furs from the wildkins lvl 17, if dont see a number you need the item that drops from the pink void boss (Son of the forest).
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Post by ikinghades »

Thanks cheno, u really saved me.
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Title: Gamma Ray
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Post by NumberXIII »

How to get stats in Cyber rpg
(Str) 5~ 50 : bring water to the first quest guy
100~150 : consume slime bag
200~250 : Kill acolytes
300~350 : attack the well
400~450 : Kill the brown golems

(Agi) 5~ 50 : Fill the water bottle and attack the robot
100~150 : Lizzard bag
200~250 : Kill tentacles
300~350 : Säule attackieren
400~450 : Kill the purple trees

(Int) 5~ 50 : don't click me the scroll and attack the bloodmage
100~150 : Ants bag
200~250 : Kill brown priests
300~350 : Kill zombies
400~450 : consume butterfly bags

(All) 500~550 : kill trees from the trees area
1000~1500 : Runes from Bees paradise
????~???? : kill the creeps from the area of Boss 5

Curiosities of cyber rpg
-there are more pets that drop from normal monsters
-Catched pet of the yellow item can be upgraded if is from a boss(not all of em tho)(don't click me up scroll from acolyte)
-tier at 450 can only be achieved if you have 1500 lumber(do 15 quests for it)
-last tier is at lvl 1k in the castle of second town
-there are sets from dungeons
-there are special items for some classes, which can only be used by them
-if you fill a potion and attack the firelord at second town, you get a good armor for starters.
-to tier you gotta attack the chieftain first and pay some money(Naisha late game)
-item needed for first tier up of most classes is pickaxe of purple kobolt
-purple kobolt orb+draeni key+ second gem from brown priest= item to open fast lvl area
-have fun with worms maze LOL
-some pets need special scrolls to tier up
-You can only go to the next BOSS if you have completed the one before him
-the necklace items you get from the BOSSES is supposed to be equiped in the treasure chest of your warehouse
-the treasure chest's items save

Some special stuff for heros on cyber rpg
-there is a hat hero, which whenever u change hat, all the skills of the hero change(the elemental tower is made just for that hero)
-the treant can catch bosses just like the yellow item to make em his pet, the runes of the BOSSES are for him so he can summon em
-there is a hero that needs ammo from the firelord shop so he can use some skills
-draeni has a special little area where he can get some hats for him(really helpful)

Cyber quests
1-Catch a spider and talk to shaman with the item on you
2-Summon the spider and talk with the mini tauren
3-kill 10 purple kobolts
4-don't click me the empty vial from the guy with a "!" on his head and talk to the tauren
5-talk to shaman then with tauren again
6-kill satyr and talk with tauren
7-talk with tauren then chieftain, create first wings and talk to chieftain again
8-talk with the stat recipes seller red orc and don't click me the first purple potion of the second bookshelf of ur bakcpacks house
9-talk with chieftain, see the movie and attack him again
10-talk with recipe red orc again, watch movie and attack him again
11-talk with tauren wich sells armors, get 10 bags from slugs and bring them back to him
12-give first wings to the dirty priest close to palace in second town
13-get the green item from the red bos of started area to the dirty priest
14-get the bag from the moonkin lvl 18 to the general in mid of the second town
15-get soldier item to the soldier in the south of the second town
16-bring the dark ranger back to the ranger
17-bring worms item to the orc mounting a rinoceront in the 3rd town
18-go to the red mage orc above the rinoceront guy , don't click me his 1500 item that looks like a sheep and talk to him with it
19-get the tree boss horn to the green orc that sells potion at 3rd town
20-Bring the eye of naga boss to the seller of wings recipe of 4th town, the girl
21-druid i think bring nagas eye
22-druidkill the bastards at ice place
23-Get the mechanical summoned bosses bag to the druid
24-get the scorpion boss bad to shapeshifter
25-get the acolyte green item to the raider
26-catch a crab and bring to the murloc
27-catch a water fishy and bring to murloc
28-bring a scorpion summon to the murloc
29-bring water from fountain to the purple tree
30-get 10 bags of the ghost and bring it to the lizzardman
Iwas looking for a specific map,&end up seeing a certain guide of CyberRPG.
since i remember this topic about,this maybe helpful.

MiniGuide by:Naim Hashmi