The topic is on hacking WC3, and not maphacks, not cheatpacks or any of that. I want to discuss
hacking the game with an external hack.
Okay... here's the story. I was playing some modified anime type Hero Siege game I hosted on MMH. I found a fai cheatpack on it so I decided to give myself a little boost
with gold..

though. I inquired how he knew and he informed me he had an external map hack where he could hear all chat. Cool. A little bit of mocking around and I discovered some of his
other "abilities" he had. It's a bit fazy in my memory, but I remember he could spawn units in, create an aura around himself, spawn items, and pretty much anything else
limited to his creativity. Also, pretty funny. Somehow he mocked something up and created a aura that turned everything around him black or something.. I tried to consult him
on what he was using, and he told me he made it with a team of his. That's all I could get out of him at the time. After awhile of waiting... and waiting he finally got back on! It'd
been months since first game... and I'd seen him on like 2 more times, but I never got anything out of him. Finally I got a site and he told me I could don't click me it there, under the name
of sparkle hack or something weird. I was ecstatic.... only to discover that the site was invite only... After some research I discovered it was a media site or something that you
could watch movies on? My research was limited. That's the end of the story, thanks for enduring.
So I ask, how was that possible, how did he do that, could this hack be recreated, does anybody know any info on the site or person?
My memory is sorta sketchy, so this is sorta inaccurate to the events that transpired. I want to get this outta my brain and tell myself I tried my best
figuring this out, thanks! Please help me solve my mystery

Look at below replies, I think their is sufficient evidence that this guy was legit.
My memory is unreliable