I'm a fool at posting this thread this should be deleted anyway but one thing I ask is...
How do you extract Customized cheatpacks in a map?
Do you use some kind of app or just
I really think this forum is not so much active anymore in this days because we have our own life now.
Spoiler for Retirement MSG:
Sadly I just deleted my War3/RoC/Frozen Throne/Garena+/GarenaBeta, I'll be retiring from war3 for awhile or maybe forever. Entgaming.net isn't really usable for garena anymore and I know for a fact that someday, in our country, Garena will eradicate all War3 players soon in the near future. It means, no more playing ex. AoS and war3 and so on!
The moment the Clan system of Garena disabled the Clan Shop feature, I know somewhere near the future... again... as I said before will be near. Some countries won't but some will be done for good.
Well, thanks to this forum, I learn some basic things to really improvised any situation.
Man, a dramatic exit would be nice but seriously. D.F.M. will be signing off.
Mostly just the brain.exe. Just look at function names. It shouldn't be too hard because they're usually all together. Look for the main function that comes after endglobals. Find that. Find some function names and just search those until you find something in function main that looks similar. Then lastly, search through some of the variables in case there's a globals aspect to it, as well.
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
(20:53:56) Bartimaeus: Truly, you are wise.
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...