[HELP] JJCP -add abilities

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[HELP] JJCP -add abilities

Post by classicflame »

Hi can someone direct me to a link for the ability list for JJCP?
I am not looking for skills for a single map but just the general warcraft 3 skill
example: i want to give a minion "bash" skill so i need to type -add ####

Thank in advanced.
Last edited by classicflame on October 9th, 2014, 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [HELP] JJCP -add abilities

Post by haxorico »

Each map has its own abilities. And so you will need to get the raw codes from each map individually, and so you will need to learn on how to extract raw codes from each map (or just ask for each map file)

Code: Select all

ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:28) Lanaya: Gtfo ken.
(02:24:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs out of the Chat.
(02:24:40) Lanaya: Thought so. bitch.
(02:24:44) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(02:24:48) FatherSpace: Can I come back yet?
(02:24:51) Lanaya: What'd i say earlier.
(02:24:51) Lanaya: No.
(02:24:58) FatherSpace: Let's try this...
(02:25:01) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(14:33:51) 2Pac: Do you know what'S so funny?
(14:34:01) Lanaya: No, please show me.
(14:34:07) 2Pac: This.
(14:34:09) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Kicked).
(14:34:10) 2Pac: 

Code: Select all

(14:35:59) haxorico: No one will belive me if I say "I got this song from 2pac on MSN" lolz ^^
(14:36:02) Lanaya: lolz.
(14:36:16) 2Pac: I AIN'T DEAD FFS.
(14:36:26) 2Pac: I'm a living legend, y'now.
(14:37:17) haxorico: why is 2Pac a legend?
(14:37:28) Lanaya: He's the worse rapper evar.

Code: Select all

(15:42:51) Lanaya: can i suck , . . .

Code: Select all

(13:55:21) ChatBot: 2Pac rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(13:55:21) ChatBot: haxorico rolls 1d2 and gets 2.
(13:55:27) haxorico: owned?

Code: Select all

GeorgeMots: xplain what happens in SP. Why cant you save?
dast.-:i need play with 2 players

Code: Select all

(21:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
(21:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(21:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(10:08:02) Bartimaeus: you do know run I youtube channel for my favorite music, right?
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Re: [HELP] JJCP -add abilities

Post by classicflame »

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Re: [HELP] JJCP -add abilities

Post by XD! »

Is it something like this?
AHbz Arch Mage - Blizzard
AHab Arch Mage - Brilliance Aura
AHmt Arch Mage - Mass Teleport
AHwe Arch Mage - Water Elemental
ANst Beast Master - Stampede
ANsg Beast Master - Summon Bear
ANsq Beast Master - Summon Quilbeast
ANsw Beast Master - Summon Hawk
AOww Blade Master - Bladestorm
AOcr Blade Master - Critical Strike
AOmi Blade Master - Mirror Image
AOwk Blade Master - Wind Walk
AHbn Blood Mage - Banish
AHfs Blood Mage - Flame Strike
AHdr Blood Mage - Siphon Mana
AHpx Blood Mage - Phoenix
AUcb Crypt Lord - Carrion Scarabs
AUim Crypt Lord - Impale
AUls Crypt Lord - Locust Swarm
AUts Crypt Lord - Spiked Carapace
ANba Dark Ranger - Black Arrow
ANch Dark Ranger - Charm
ANdr Dark Ranger - Drain
ANsi Dark Ranger - Silence
AUan Death Knight - Animate Dead
AUdc Death Knight - Death Coil
AUdp Death Knight - Death Pact
AUau Death Knight - Unholy Aura
AEev Demon Hunter - Evasion
AEim Demon Hunter - Immolation
AEmb Demon Hunter - Mana Burn
AEme Demon Hunter - Metamorphosis
AUsl Dreadlord - Sleep
AUav Dreadlord - Vampiric Aura
AUcs Dreadlord - Carrion Swarm
AUin Dreadlord - Inferno
AOcl Farseer - Chain Lightning
AOeq Farseer - Earthquake
AOfs Farseer - Far Sight
AOsf Farseer - Spirit Wolf
AEer Keeper - Entangling Roots
AEfn Keeper - Force of Nature
AEah Keeper - Thorns Aura
AEtq Keeper - Tranquility
AUdr Lich - Dark Ritual
AUdd Lich - Death and Decay
AUfa Lich - Frost Armor
AUfu Lich - Frost Armor (Autocast)
AUfn Lich - Frost Nova
AHav Mountain King - Avatar
AHbh Mountain King - Bash
AHtb Mountain King - Thunder Bolt
AHtc Mountain King - Thunder Clap
ANfl Sea Witch - Forked Lightning
ANfa Sea Witch - Frost Arrows
ANto Sea Witch - Tornado
ANms Sea Witch - Mana Shield
AHad Paladin - Devotion Aura
AHds Paladin - Divine Shield
AHhb Paladin - Holy Light
AHre Paladin - Resurrection
ANbf Brewmaster - Breath of Fire
ANdb Brewmaster - Drunken Brawler
ANdh Brewmaster - Drunken Haze
ANef Brewmaster - Storm, Earth and Fire
ANdo Pit Lord - Doom
ANht Pit Lord - Howl of Terror
ANca Pit Lord - Cleaving Attack
ANrf Pit Lord - Rain of Fire
AHfa Priestess - Searing Arrows
AEst Priestess - Scout
AEsf Priestess - Starfall
AEar Priestess - Trueshot Aura
AOae Chieftain - Endurance Aura
AOre Chieftain - Reincarnation
AOsh Chieftain - Shock Wave
AOws Chieftain - War Stomp
AOhw Shadow Hunter - Healing Wave
AOhx Shadow Hunter - Hex
AOsw Shadow Hunter - Serpent Ward
AOvd Shadow Hunter - Voodooo
AEbl Warden - Blink
AEfk Warden - Fan of Knives
AEsh Warden - Shadow Strike
AEsv Warden - Spirit of Vengeance
ANab Alchemist - Acid Bomb
ANcr Alchemist - Chemical Rage
ANhs Alchemist - Healing Spray
ANtm Alchemist - Transmute
ANeg Tinkerer - Engineering Upgrade
ANcs Tinkerer - Cluster Rockets (Level 0)
ANc1 Tinkerer - Cluster Rockets (Level 1)
ANc2 Tinkerer - Cluster Rockets (Level 2)
ANc3 Tinkerer - Cluster Rockets (Level 3)
ANrg Tinkerer - Robo-Goblin (Level 0)
ANg1 Tinkerer - Robo-Goblin (Level 1)
ANg2 Tinkerer - Robo-Goblin (Level 2)
ANg3 Tinkerer - Robo-Goblin (Level 3)
ANsy Tinkerer - Summon Factory (Level 0)
ANs1 Tinkerer - Summon Factory (Level 1)
ANs2 Tinkerer - Summon Factory (Level 2)
ANs3 Tinkerer - Summon Factory (Level 3)
ANde Tinkerer - Demolish (Level 0)
ANd1 Tinkerer - Demolish (Level 1)
ANd2 Tinkerer - Demolish (Level 2)
ANd3 Tinkerer - Demolish (Level 3)
ANic Firelord - Incinerate
ANia Firelord - Incinerate
ANso Firelord - Soul Burn
ANlm Firelord - Summon Lava Spawn
ANvc Firelord - Volcano

ANin Inferno
SNin Tichondrius - Inferno
ANfb Fire Bolt
ANfd Finger of Death
ACfd Finger of Pain
ACf3 Finger of Pain (2,1 Button)
ANdp Dark Portal
ANrc Rain of Chaos
ANr3 Rain of Chaos(Button 0,2)
AEsb Cenarius - Beefy Starfall
ANrn Mannoroth - Reincarnation
ANdc Malganis - Dark Conversion
SNdc Dark Conversion (Fast)
ANsl Malganis - Soul Preservation
AEIl Illidan - Metamorphosis
AEvi Evil Illidan - Metamorphosis
SNeq Super Earthquake
SNdd Super Death and Decay
ANmo Monsoon
AEpa Poison Arrows
ANwm Watery Minion
AHca Cold Arrows

ANbr Battle Roar
Arsg Rexxar - Summon Bear
Aamk Attribute Modifier Skill
Arsq Rexxar - Summon Quilbeast
Arsp Rexxar - Stampede
ANsb Rexxar - Storm Bolt
ANhw Rokhan - Healing Wave
Arsw Rokhan - Serpent Ward
ANhx Rokhan - Hex
AOls Rokhan - Voodoo Spirits
ANcf Chen - Breath of Fire
Acdb Chen- Drunken Brawler
Acdh Chen - Drunken Haze
Acef Chen - Storm, Earth and Fire
AOr2 Cairne - Endurance Aura
AOr3 Cairne - Reincarnation
AOs2 Cairne - Shock Wave
AOw2 Cairne- War Stomp

ANcl Illidan - Channel
Aadm Abolish Magic
Andm Abolish Magic(naga)
ACdm Abolish Magic (Creep)
ACd2 Abolish Magic (Creep, 1,2 pos)
Aabs Absorb Mana
Aaha Acolyte Harvest
ANav Avatar(Garithos)
Aalr Alarm
Aall Allied Building
Aast Ancestral Spirit
ACad Animate Dead (creep)
Aams Anti-magic Shield
Aam2 Anti-magic Shield (Matrix)
ACam Anti-magic Shield (creep)
Aatk Attack
ACba Aura - Brilliance (creep)
ACac Aura - Command (Creep)
ACav Aura - Devotion (Creep)
SCae Aura - Endurance (Creep)
Aap1 Aura - Plague (Abomination)
Aap2 Aura - Plague (Plague Ward)
Aap3 Aura - Plague (Creep)
Aap4 Aura - Plague (Creep gfx)
Aoar Aura - Regeneration (Ward)
Aabr Aura - Regeneration (Statue)
Aasl Aura - Slow
ACat Aura - Trueshot (Creep)
Aakb Aura - War Drums
Aave Avenger Form
Aawa Awaken
Abof Balls of Fire
ACbn Banish(Creep)
ACbh Bash (creep)
ANbh Bash (Beastmaster Bear)
ANb2 Bash (maul , SP Bear, level 3)
Abtl Battlestations
Sbtl Battlestations (Chaos)
Abrf Bearform
Absk Beserk
Sbsk Berserker Upgrade
ACbk Black Arrow (melee, creep)
Abds Blight Dispel (Small)
Abdl Blight Dispel (Large)
Abgs Blight Growth (Small)
Abgl Blight Growth (Large)
Abgm Blighted Gold mine
ANbl Blink(Beastmaster Bear)
ACbz Blizzard (creep)
Ablo Bloodlust
ACbl Bloodlust (Creep)
ACbb Bloodlust (creep, Hotkey B)
ACbc Breath of Fire(Creep)
ACbf Breath of Frost(Creep)
ANbu Build (Neutral)
AHbu Build (Human)
AObu Build (Orc)
AEbu Build (Night Elf)
AUbu Build (Undead)
AGbu Build (Naga)
Abur Burrow
Abu2 Burrow(scarab lvl 2)
Abu3 Burrow(scarab lvl 3)
Abu5 Burrow(Barbed Arachnathid)
Abdt Burrow Detection (Flyers)
Acan Cannibalize
Acn2 Cannibalize (Abomination)
ACcn Cannibalize (creep)
Abun Cargo Hold (Burrow)
Advc Cargo Hold (Devour)
Sch2 Cargo Hold (Meat Wagon)
Sch5 Cargo Hold (Ship)
Sch4 Cargo Hold (Tank)
Sch3 Cargo Hold (Transport)
Aenc Cargo Hold (Gold Mine)
Achd Cargo Hold Death
ACca Carrion Swarm (creep)
ACcv Crushing Wave
ACc2 Crushing Wave (Dragon Turtle)
ACc3 Crushing Wave (Lesser)
ACcl Chain Lightning (creep)
Ache Chain Dispel
Sca1 Chaos (Grunt)
Sca2 Chaos (Raider)
Sca3 Chaos (Shaman)
Sca4 Chaos (Kodo)
Sca5 Chaos (Peon)
Sca6 Chaos (Grom)
Achl Chaos Cargo Load
ACch Charm
ACce Cleaving Attack (Creep)
Aclf Cloud of Fog
ACcw Cold Arrows (creep)
Acmg Control Magic
Acpf Corporeal Form
Acor Corrosive Breath
Acoa Couple (Archer)
Acoh Couple (Hippogryph)
Aco2 Couple Instant (Archer)
Aco3 Couple Instant (Hippogryph)
ACsp Creep Sleep
Acri Cripple
Scri Cripple (Warlock)
ACcr Cripple (creep)
ACct Critical Strike (creep)
Acrs Curse
ACcs Curse (creep)
Acyc Cyclone
Acny Cyclone (naga)
ACcy Cyclone (creep)
SCc1 Cyclone (Cenarius)
ACdc Death Coil (creep)
Adda Death Damage (sapper)
Amnx Death Damage (mine)
Amnz Death Damage (mine BIG)
Adec Decouple
Adef Defend
Adt1 Detect (Sentry Ward)
Atru Detect (Shade)
Adtg Detect (general)
ANtr Detect(War Eagle)
Agyv Detect (Gyrocopter)
Adts Detect (Magic Sentinel)
Adtn Detonate
Adev Devour
ACdv Devour (Dragon Creep)
Advm Devour Magic
ACde Devour Magic(creep)
Adch Disenchant(old)
Adcn Disenchant(new)
Adis Dispel Magic
Adsm Dispel Magic (creep)
ACds Divine Shield (creep)
ACdr Drain Life(Creep)
Adri Drop Instant
Adro Drop
Sdro Drop
Atdp Drop Pilot
Aeat Eat Tree
Aegr Elune's Grace
ANen Ensnare(Naga)
Aens Ensnare
ACen Ensnare (Creep)
Aent Entangle
Aegm Entangled Gold Mine
Aenr Entangling Roots (creep)
Aenw Entangling Seaweed
Aetl Ethereal
Aetf Ethereal Form
ACev Evasion (creep)
ACes Evasion (creep 100%)
Aexh Exhume
ANfy Factory
Afae Faerie Fire
Afa2 Faerie Fire
ACff Faerie Fire (creep)
Afbk Feedback
Afbt Feedback(Arcane Tower)
Afbb Feedback (Spirit Beast)
ACsf Feral Spirit (creep)
ACs9 Feral Spirit (creep - pig)
ACs8 Feral Spirit (Spirit Beast)
ACs7 Feral Spirit (Akama)
Afod Finger of Death
Awfb Fire Bolt (warlock)
ACfb Fire Bolt (creep)
Aflk Flak Cannon
Afla Flare
ACfs Flame Strike (Creep)
ANfs Flame Strike (Improved Creep)
ACfr Force of Nature (creep)
ACfl Forked Lightning(creep)
Afsh Frag Shards
Afrz Freezing Breath
Afzy Frenzy
ACfa Frost Armor (creep,old)
ACf2 Frost Armor (creep,autocast)
ACfu Frost Armor (Autocast, Naga)
Afra Frost Attack
Afr2 Frost Attack (1,2)
Afrb Frost Breath
ACfn Frost Nova (creep)
ACcb Frost Bolt
Agho Ghost
Aeth Ghost (Visible)
Agld Gold Mine
Agra Grab Tree
Agyd Graveyard
Agyb Gyrocopter Bombs
Assk Hardened Skin
Ansk Hardened Skin(Naga Turtle)
Ahar Harvest
ANha Harvest (naga)
Ahrl Harvest Lumber
Ahr3 Harvest Lumber (shredder)
Ahr2 Harvest Lumber (Arch ghouls)
Ahea Heal
Anhe Heal (Creep Normal)
Anh1 Heal (Creep Normal)
Anh2 Heal (Creep High)
Ahwd Healing Ward
AChw Healing Ward (creep)
AChv Healing Wave(Creep)
Ahnl null roar (summoner)
AHer Hero
AChx Hex (Creep)
Acht Howl of Terror
ACim Immolation (creep)
ACmp Impale(Creep)
Aimp Impaling Bolt
Ainf Inner Fire
ACif Inner Fire (Creep)
Aivs Invisibility
AInv Inventory
Apak Inventory (Pack Mule)
Aion Inventory(2 slot unit) Orc
Aihn Inventory(2 slot unit) Human
Aien Inventory(2 slot unit) Night Elf
Aiun Inventory(2 slot unit) Undead
Avul Invulnerable
Alit Lightning Attack
Alsh Lightning Shield
ACls Lightning Shield (creep)
Aliq Liquid Fire
Aloa Load
Sloa Load (Burrow)
Slo2 Load (Entangled Gold Mine)
Slo3 Load (Navies)
Atlp Load Pilot
Aloc Locust
Amdf Magic Defense
Amim Magic Immunity
ACmi Magic Immunity (Creep)
ACm2 Magic Immunity (Archimonde)
ACm3 Magic Immunity (Dragons)
Amls Aerial Shackles
Ambt Mana Battery
Amb2 Mana Battery (Obsidian Statue)
Amnb Mana Burn (demon)
Ambd Mana Burn (demon)
Ambb Mana Burn (Hotkey B)
Amfl Mana Flare
ACmf Mana Shield(Creep)
Amed Meat Drop
Amel Meat Load
Amil Militia
Amic Militia Conversion
ANmr Mind Rot
Amin Mine
ACmo Monsoon(creep)
Amgl Moon Glaive
Amgr Moon Glaive (No research)
Amov Move
Aneu Neutral Building
Ane2 Neutral Building (any unit)
Andt Neutral Detection (Reveal ability)
ANre Neutral Regen (mana only)
ACnr Neutral Regen (health only)
AAns Neutral Spell
Ansp Neutral Spies
Afak Orb of Annihilation
ANak Orb of Annihilation (Quill Spray)
Afir On Fire
Afih On Fire (Human)
Afio On Fire (Orc)
Afin On Fire (Night Elf)
Afiu On Fire (Undead)
ANpa Parasite
ACpa Parasite(eredar)
ANpi Permanent Immolation
Apmf Permanent Immolation (flying)
Apig Permanent Immolation (graphic)
Apiv Permanent Invisibility
Apsh Phase Shift
Aphx Phoenix
Apxf PhoenixFire
Apts Plague Toss
Apoi Poison Attack
Aply Polymorph
ACpy Polymorph (creep)
Apos Possession
ACps Possession (creep)
Aps2 Possession (Channeling)
Awar Pulverize
ACpv Pulverize (Sea Giant)
Apit Purchase Item
Aprg Purge
Apg2 Purge
ACpu Purge (Creep)
ACrf Rain of Fire (creep)
ACrg Rain of Fire (creep,greater)
Arai Raise Dead
ACrd Raise Dead (Creep)
ARal Rally
Arav Raven Form (Druid)
Amrf Raven Form (Medivh)
ACrn Reincarnation (creep)
ANr2 Reincarnation (generic)
Arbr Reinforced Burrows
Arej Rejuvination
ACrj Rejuvination (creep)
ACr2 Rejuvination (Furbolg)
Aren Renew
Ahrp Repair (Human)
Arep Repair (Orc)
Arpb Replenish (Life & Mana)
Arpl Replenish (Life)
Arpm Replenish (Mana)
Arsk Resistant Skin
ACrk Resistant Skin (creep)
ACsk Resistant Skin(3,1 pos, creep)
Arst Restoration
Argd Return (Gold)
Argl Return (Gold & Lumber)
Arlm Return (Lumber)
AHta Reveal(Arcane Tower)
Arng Revenge
Arev Revive
Aroa Roar
Ara2 Roar
ACr1 Roar (creep) -- Skeletal Orc
ACro Roar (creep)
Aroc Rocket Attack
Aro1 Root (Ancients)
Aro2 Root (Ancient Protector)
Asac Sacrifice (Sacrificial Pit)
Asal Pillage
Alam Sacrifice (Acolyte)
ACsa Searing Arrows (creep)
Asds Self Destruct
Asdg Self Destruct (Clockwerk Goblins)
Asd2 Self Destruct 2 (Clockwerk Goblins)
Asd3 Self Destruct 3 (Clockwerk Goblins)
Asid Sell Item
Asud Sell Unit
Aesn Sentinel
Aesr Sentinel (no research)
Aeye Sentry Ward
ACtn Serpent Ward (tentacle, Forgotten one)
Ashm Shadow Meld
Sshm Shadow Meld (Instant)
Ahid Shadow Meld (Akama)
ACss Shadow Strike(Creep)
ACsh Shockwave (Creep)
ACst Shockwave (Trap)
ANsh Garithos - Shock Wave
ACsi Silence(Creep)
ACsm Siphon Mana (Creep)
ACsl Sleep (creep)
Asla Sleep Always
Aslo Slow
ACsw Slow (Creep)
Aspo Slow Poison
Asod Spawn Skeleton
Assp Spawn Spiderling
Aspd Spawn Spider
Aspy Spawn Hydra
Aspt Spawn Hydra Hatchling
Asps Spell Steal
Asph Sphere
Asp1 Sphere (SoV Level 1)
Asp2 Sphere (SoV Level 2)
Asp3 Sphere (SoV Level 3)
Asp4 Sphere (SoV Level 4)
Asp5 Sphere (SoV Level 5)
Asp6 Sphere (SoV Level 6)
Aspa Spider Attack
Aspi Spiked Barricades
Aspl Spirit Link
Astd Stand Down
Asta Stasis Trap
Astn Stone Form
Asth Storm Hammers
Asb1 Submerge (Myrmidon)
Asb2 Submerge (Royal Guard)
Asb3 Submerge (Snap Dragon)
Aslp Summon Lobstrok Prawns
ACwe Summon Sea Elemental
Attu Tank Turret
Srtt Tank Upgrade
Atau Taunt
ANta Taunt(Creep)
ANth Thorny Shield (Creep)
ANt2 Thorny Shield (Dragon Turtle)
ACah Thorns Aura (creep)
ACtb Thunder Bolt (Creep)
ACtc Thunder Clap (Creep)
ACt2 Thunder Clap (Thunder Lizard)
Atdg TornadoDamage
Atsp TornadoSpin
Atwa TornadoWander
Atol Tree of life (for attaching art)
Ault Ultravision
ACua Unholy Aura (creep)
Auhf Unholy Frenzy
Suhf Unholy Frenzy (Warlock)
ACuf Unholy Frenzy (creep)
Auco Unstable Concoction
Auns Unsummon
SCva Vampiric attack
ACvp Vampiric Aura (creep)
Avng Vengeance
Awan Wander
Awrs War Stomp (creep)
Awrg War Stomp (sea giant)
Awrh War Stomp (hydra)
ANwk Wind Walk
Awha Wisp Harvest
Awh2 Wisp Harvest (Invulnerable)
Aven Venom Spears
ACvs Venom Spears (Creep)
Awrp Warp
Aweb Web
ACwb Web (creep)

AIa1 AgilityBonus (+1)
AIa3 AgilityBonus (+3)
AIa4 AgilityBonus (+4)
AIa6 AgilityBonus (+6)
AIx5 Crown of Kings (All + 5)
AIx1 (All + 1)
AIx2 (All + 2)
AIs1 StrengthBonus (+1)
AIs3 StrengthBonus (+3)
AIs4 StrengthBonus (+4)
AIs6 StrengthBonus (+6)
AIi1 IntelligenceBonus (+1)
AIi3 IntelligenceBonus (+3)
AIi4 IntelligenceBonus (+4)
AIi6 IntelligenceBonus (+6)
AIxm Permanent All + 1
AIam AgilityMod
AIim IntelligenceMod
AIsm StrengthMod
AIgm AgilityMod +2
AItm IntelligenceMod +2
AInm StrengthMod +2
AIaa AttackMod
AIat AttackBonus
AIt6 AttackBonus
AIt9 AttackBonus
AItc AttackBonus
AItf AttackBonus
AItg AttackBonus +1
AIth AttackBonus +2
AIti AttackBonus +4
AItj AttackBonus +5
AItk AttackBonus +7
AItl AttackBonus +8
AItn AttackBonus +10
AIva Vampiric attack
AIbk Blink (Item)
AIbl Build Tiny Castle
AIbg Build Tiny Great Hall
AIbt Build Tiny Scout Tower
AIbb Build Tiny Blacksmith
AIbf Build Tiny Farm
AIbr Build Tiny Lumber Mill
AIbs Build Tiny Barracks
AIbh Build Tiny Altar
AIcy Cyclone
AId1 DefenseBonus (+1)
AId2 DefenseBonus (+2)
AId3 DefenseBonus (+3)
AId4 DefenseBonus (+4)
AId5 DefenseBonus (+5)
AIgf FortificationGlyph
AIgu UltraVisionGlyph
AIem ExperienceMod
AIe2 ExperienceMod greater
AIfd FigurineRedDrake
AIff FigurineFurbolg
AIfr FigurineRockGolem
AIfu FigurineDoomGuard
AIfh FigurineFelHound
AIfs FigurineSkeleton
AIir FigurineIceRevenant
AIuw FigurineUrsaWarrior
AIfl Flag
AIfm Flag (Human)
AIfo Flag (Orc)
AIfn Flag (Night Elf)
AIfe Flag (Undead)
AIfx Flag (Orc Battle Standard)
AIfa FlareGun
AIin ItemInferno
AIlm LevelMod
AIlp LightningPurge
AIlf MaxLifeBonus (Least)
AIl1 MaxLifeBonus (Lesser)
AIl2 MaxLifeBonus (Greater)
AIms MoveSpeedBonus
ANbs Orb of Darkness (Black Arrow)
AIdf Orb of Darkness
AIcb Orb of Corruption
AIdn Shadow Orb Ability
AIfb Orb of Fire
AIgd Orb of Guldan
AIzb Orb of Freezing
AIob Orb of Frost
AIll Orb of Lightning
AIlb Orb of Lightning(old)
AIsb Orb of Spells
AIpb Orb of Venom
Apo2 Orb of Venom (Poison Attack)
AInd Animate Dead (item, special)
Arel Regen Life
Arll Regen Life
AIsi SightBonus
AIos Slow
AIso SoulTrap
Asou SoulPossession
AIcf ItemCloakOfFlames
AIco ItemCommand
AIdm ItemDamageAoe
AIda ItemDefenseAoe
AIdb ItemDefenseAoe (+ Healing)
AIta ItemDetectAoe
AIdi ItemDispelAoe
AIds ItemDispelAoeWithCooldown
APdi PowerupDispelAoe
AIh1 ItemHeal (Lesser)
AIh2 ItemHeal (Greater)
AIh3 ItemHeal (Least)
AIha ItemHealAoe
AIhb ItemHealAoeGreater
APh1 PowerupHealAoeLesser
APh2 PowerupHealAoe
APh3 PowerupHealAoeGreater
AIhw Healing Ward
AIsw Sentry Ward
AIil ItemIllusion
AIv1 ItemInvis (Lesser)
AIv2 ItemInvis (Greater)
AIvu ItemInvul
AIvl ItemInvul
AIm1 ItemManaRestore (Lesser)
AIm2 ItemManaRestore (Greater)
AImr ItemManaRestoreAoe
APmr RuneManaRestoreAoe
APmg RuneManaRestoreGreaterAoe
AIpm ItemPlaceMine
AIrt ItemRecall
AIrm ItemRegenMana
AIrn ItemRegenMana lesser
AIrc ItemReincarnation
AIre ItemRestore
AIra ItemRestoreAoe
APra RuneRestoreAoe
AIsp ItemSpeed
AIsa ItemSpeedAoe
APsa RuneSpeedAoe
AItp ItemTownPortal
AIad ItemAuraDevotion
AIcd ItemAuraCommand
AIba ItemAuraBrilliance
AIav ItemAuraVampiric
AIar ItemAuraTrueshot
AIae ItemAuraEndurance
AIau ItemAuraUnholy
AIuv ItemUltravision
AIls Lightning Shield
AIxs Anti-magic Shield
AIan Animate Dead
AIrs Resurrection
AIrr Roar
AIev Evasion
AImx Magic Immunity
AImh Permanent Hit point Bonus
AImb MaxManaBonus (Least)
AIbm MaxManaBonus (Most)
AIsx Attack Speed Increase
AIs2 Attack Speed Increase(greater)
AIrl Potion of Life Regen
AIpr Potion of Mana Regen(greater)
AIsl Scroll of Life Regen
AIpl Potion of Mana Regen(lesser)
AIp1 Potion of Rejuv I
AIp2 Potion of Rejuv II
AIp3 Potion of Rejuv III
AIp4 Potion of Rejuv IV
AIp5 Scroll of Rejuv I
AIp6 Scroll of Rejuv II
AIgo GiveGold
AIlu GiveLumber
AIrv ItemRevealMap
AIdc ItemDispelChain
AIwb ItemWeb
AImo ItemMonsterLure
AIct ItemChangeTOD
AIri ItemRandomItem
AIsr Runed Bracers
Ablp BlightPlacement
AIpv ItemPotionVampirism
Aste ManaSteal
Amec MechanicalCritter
Ashs ShadowSight
ANpr Preservation
ANsa Sanctuary
ANss Spell Shield
ANse Spell Shield AOE
Aret Retrain
AImt Staff o' Teleportation
Aspb Spell Book
AIrd Raise Dead (Item)
AItb Dust of Appearance
AIdv Divine Shield (Item)
AIse Silence(Item)
AIpg Purge(orb)
AIps Purge(Totem, SP)
AIfg Cloud of Fog (Item)
APrl Rune of Lesser Resurrection
APrr Rune of Greater Resurrection
AIrb Rune of Rebirth
Aspp Rune of Spirit Link
AUds Dark Summoning
APwt Rune of the Watcher
AIuf Unholy Frenzy (item)
AId0 DefenseBonus (+10)
AIcm Control Magic (item)
AImz MaxManaBonus (Leastest)
AIfz Finger of Death (item)
AIdp Death Pact (item)
AImv MaxManaBonus (Leastest, Really)
AIpx Permanent Hit point Bonus (small)
AIdd Defend (Item)
AId8 DefenseBonus (+8)
AId7 DefenseBonus (+7)
AIlz MaxLifeBonus (Leastest)
AIhx ItemHeal (Leastest)
AIaz AgilityBonus (+10)
AIrx Resurrection - Item
AIbx Bash (item)
AItx AttackBonus +20
AIwm Watery Minion (item)
AIsh Summon Headhunter (item)
AI2m 200 mana bonus
AIgx Aura - Regeneration (item)
AIhl Holy Light (item)
AIsz Slow Poison (item)
AIpz Penguin Squeek
AIfw Searing Blade - fire melee
AIft Frostguard - frost melee
AIlx Shaman Claws - lightning melee
AIcs Critical Strike (item)
AIcl Chain Lightning (item)
AIx3 (All + 3)
AIx4 (All + 4)
AIxk Beserk (item)
. . .
Junior Member
Posts: 45
Joined: January 2nd, 2009, 12:59 pm

Re: [HELP] JJCP -add abilities

Post by classicflame »

exactly what i am looking for thank you