[JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

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[JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by whitegun »

Hi, since chaging the arrow-activator of Hke CP is complicated i decide to do a little edit for Hke CP to make the arrow-activator easy to change(like JJCP Arrow) and be able to active the cheat by name.

How to change Arrow-Activator: change the string "UUDDE"


L = Left
R = Right
U = Up
D = Down
E = Esc

How to change Name-Activator: change the string "whitegun"


Spoiler for Command List:
1. Must Activate Cheats.
2. Don't need to remember commands, as you can enter "-h" to check arrow keys, "-c" to check commands, to check regular commands type "Cheats", and to find playercodes, type "-list"
3. Menu and cheat commands contain auto activate cheats.
4. Remember the "-" when entering cheat commands and send to Observers to prevent people from knowing you're cheating.
5. Cheat menus are not translated in this cheatpack!


To activate cheats:

Hit these Arrow keys in order: Up+Up+Down+Down+Esc
Now you're the "cheat master". Now other players can't activate cheats anymore.


All Commands

You Can Disable Replay See Others Player Message And Share Cheats

To Off keyboard keys Cheating :
If you think keyboard keys crash with skills hotkey
you can off it by
typing -k- to disable it
type -k+ to reactivate
Off Will only affect you , won't affect others cheater.

Method Of Cheating [ Normally, Not All]
1.(Keyboard Hotkey)
2.(Command Typing)
3.(Cheat Menu )

Add Hp/Add Mana/Reset CD/Remove Negative Buff
You Can Use The Method Below:
1.Hit Esc While Selecting A Unit To Clear NegativeBuff Reset Mana HP and CD
Percentage Of Life Regain
HP 30%-60%-90%-100%
MP 50%-75%-90%-100%

2.Hit ← Key While Selecting Units To Clear Negative Buff And Reset CD

3.Hit ↓ To Make Selected Units Full HP Mana.


Add Gold And Lumber.....
1.Hit Arrow Key → (Default Gives You 2k Gold No lumber)
If Think this is unnecessary you can set it.
Or type
-set km is one time → amount of gold added
-set kw is one time → amount of lumber added

2.Type -rm<space><GoldAmount>
Type -rw<space><LumberAmount>
If Wan't Reduce You Can Replace The Space With -
Add 200 Gold:-rm<space>200
Reduce 50 Lumber :-rw-50

3.Or Open Cheat Menu

4.At Resource Category Add Or Reduce The Amount


Leveling Hero
1.Select Hero Hold←→Then Hit ↓ Key

2.Type -hu<Space><Level>
Example :-hu 2 To Raise 2 Level
Replace Space With - To Reduce Level.

3.Or Using Cheat Menu To Set The Level


Change Name

In Game , Type
Then Can Change Your Name
For Fun Only - -


(Select A Hero)
1.hit Arrow Key ↑ + ← (In 2 Sec)

2.Type -hl<space><Amount> To Add STR
(Replace Space With - To Reduce STR)
Add 20 STR :-hl 20
Reduce 5 STR :-hl-5

(Select A Hero)
1.Hit Arrow Key ↑ + ↓(In 2 Sec)

2.Type -hm<space><Amount>
(Replace Space with - TO Reduce AGI)
Same As STR , Just Using -hm

(Select A Hero)
1.Hit Arrow Key ↑ + →(In 2 Sec)

2.Type -hz<space><Amount>
(Replace Space With - To Reduce INT)
Look At STR

(Select A Hero.....)
1.Hold ↑↓ Then Hit →

2.Type -ha<space><Amount>
(Replace...*Tired*..Space With - To Reduce It....)
Look At STR

3.At Cheat Menu Edit It


Map hack
(Map hack for self , allies doesnt affected[Allies View Normal Vision])
1.Hit 5 Times ↑ Arrow Key(In 2 sec)

2.At Cheat Menu : Resource Can Open

3.CheatMaster Can Activate MapHack For Other Players


Super Fast Build (Units And Research Only )
1.Building Unit /Research: Holding ↑↓ Keys Then Build Units/Research

2.Building Build / Upgrade
Build The Building 1st Then Select BUilding And Hit ← Arrow Key
Warning : When Building Half Don't Move Away Worker , Give The Worker Last hit.


Set Food / Food Max

Example :
Current Food / Max Food

6 / 55
1.At Cheat menu -Resource Set Current Food To 5 Or Max Food to 100

2.Type -rp<space><CurrentFood>
Type -rpm<space><MaxFood>

3.Activate Food Usage Removal

4.Clear It At Cheat Menu....


Revive Hero
(Revive Them At Starting Point)
1.At Cheat Menu : Resource Set it.

2.Type -hr

You Can Reset Starting Point


Melee Max Hero limit Remove

Type -rh+ to allow to have 3+ hero
Type -rh- to change back to normal


Auto Add Gold/Lumber
(Doesnt Affect Resource Score)
1.At Cheat Menu Auto Settings

2.Type -am+ To Activate Auto Gold
Type -aw+ To Activate Auto lumber
To Deactivate Type -am-/aw-

Can Set The Amount By Type
-set am<space><Amount>
-set aw<space><Amount>


Auto Reset CD

1.At Cheat Menu Auto Settings

2.Type -acd+ To Activate No CD
Type -acd- To Deactivate It.

Reset After Using Spells
If Spells Not Reseted Move Or Do Other Action.


Auto mana

1.At Cheat menu Auto Settings....

2.Type -amp+ To Activate
Type -amp- to deactivate

Default It Will Regen To 100% Mana
Type -set amp=90
Makes You Regen To 90 5 Mana


Auto life

1.At Cheat Meny Auto Setting....

2.To Activate Type -ahp+
To Deactivate Type -ahp-

Default is when you have lower 15 % Hp it will reset till 100 %
Type -set ahpt=<percentage> to set when it trigger
Type -set ahp=<percentage> to set how many % of max hp setted to
Example :
-set amp=90
-set ampt=10
When HP Lower 10% Auto Reset Till 90%


Auto Food Reset


2.Type -ap+ To Start
Type -ap- To Deactivate

After Activate When Food Over 30 Will Rest To 5 By Default
You Can Reset It On Settings


Auto hero Revive

2.Type -ars+ To Activate Auto Revive
Type -ars- To Deactivate.

When Activated Hero Revive Instantly At Where Its Dead


Teleport !
Select A Unit
Holding ↑↓ Key Right Click The Place You Wanted to go

Can Teleport All Unit (Including Building)
Some building can't move , if you want it move
1.Select It and type -ujj make it able to set rally point
2.So Can Teleport Like Normal units
3.Type -ujj- To Remove The set rally point
(keep it also nvm , it doesnt block much)
4.To move not self controlled units, type
-uyd(move the selected unit just now to now selected unit)
-ujh (to change the location of selected unit just now and now selected unit )


Inventory Swap [ Fun ! ]
Holding ↑↓ Then Hit Esc
[ Do This On The Unit Then On Another unit , they will have thier inventory swapped ]


Growth Tree [ Fun ! ]

Select A Units To Make A Tree
Type -uss<Symbol><TreeCode><space><AmountOfTree>
Symbol Is For Direction (Bracket is Direction It Grow ) :

Example :

Tree Codes : 0 - 23


Blight Create

Select A Units
Type -uhw<space><BlightRadius>
Default Radius is 500

To Clear Blight


Set Flying Height [ For Fun Only ]

Select A Unit Then Type -ufg<space><Height>
If You Set The Height Very High People Can't See YOu lolz
Set Very Low It Is Like Crawling


Double EXP

At Cheat Menu
When Activated You Can Get x2 Exp


Set Born Point

Select A Unit Type -usp So it will set that place as born point
born point affect hero revival location

Remove Copied unit's mark

-ufzd will remove a copied unit's mark. So this unit will not be
removed when you execute a cmd to remove all copied units


Set Exp

Select Unit Type -he<space><EXP>
so he can get amount of EXPyou type
Only Can Add Cannot Decrease
*** Bypass Some Anti-Cheat !!***


Set HP And MP

Select Units Type
If Wan kill a unit must type -hp<space>100
Full heal type -hp<space>0
WDF So hard


Set Skills Point

Select Units -hj<space><SkillPoints>


Stop EXP Gain ! [ Fun HAHAHAHA ]

Select hero type -hsj- to disable his exp gain
type -hsj+ to enable exp gain
lolz this sure is for wahahaha one


Add Skills(Voodoo/Silence/Meteor Rain)

Select A Unit
-jwd [For Voodoo]
-jnj [For Silence]
-jlx [For Meteor Rain]
Don't Works On Some Map
Sky Settings

Sky Codes :
Not Really Useful Because Sky Are hard To see

Set Weather

for fun only with a little bug [some weather can't off]
[it will cause many weather in an area lolz]
-gtq+<weathercodes> to on the weather
-gtq-<weathercodes> To Off The weather

Weather Codes:
1 Big Rain
2 Small Rain
3 Shield Of Cenarius
4 Underground Blue Fog (Heavy)
5 Underground Blue Fog (Light)
6 Underground Green Fog (Heavy)
7 Underground Green Fog(Light)
8 Underground Red Fog(Heavy)
9 Underground Red Fog(Light)
10 Underground White Fog(Heavy)
11 Underground White Fog(Light)
12 Lordaeron Big Rain
13 Lordaeron Small Rain
14 Northrend Blizzard
15 Northrend Heavy Snow
16 Northrend Light Snow
17 Big Wind
18 Wind
19 Sunlight
20 Moonlight
21 Very Big Wind
Colour Codes
For Setting Unit. Water. Colour Text And Floating Text Colour
0 White
1 Gray
2 Black
3 Red
4 Orange
5 Yellow
6 Green
7 Teal
8 Blue
9 Purple


Set Colour Of Water On Whole Map


Colour Chat

-lt<space><ColorCode><space><TextYouWantedToSay>[To All People]
-lt+<ColorCode><space><textYouwantedtosay> [To Allies Only ]
-lt-<ColorCode><space><textYouWantedToSay> [ To Enemies only ]


Floating Colour Text

Select A unit then type
A Floating text will summon on that unit
[ it wont move with the unit anyway]


Set default values

Cheat Master only
Type -set to change the default value.
Example -set km=20. You will get 20 gold when pressing →

To change defaults values:
auto gold(AM) auto wood(AW) auto food(AP) auto +mana%(AMP) auto+HP%(AHP)
auto +HP(AHPT) Key-Gold(KM) key-wood(KW) Key-addAbility(KG) Menu-gold(MM)
menu-wood(MW) Menu-addAbility(MG) Iventory(BAG) time msg(IT)
menu-duration(MT) Bullet Time(ZD) TextRate(RT) HiddenDmg(HA)


Kick People [lolz]

CheatMaster Only
1.type -gtr<space><playercode><space><Messagetohim>
Playercode = (1-12)

2.Choose The Unit Of The Player You Wanted To Kick Type -gtr+

You Can't Kick Self Dun Worry.



CheatMaster Can Disconnects A Player

2.Choose The Unit Of The Player You Wanted To DC Type -gdx+



On Cheat Menu Set It....
Can Collect Gold And Lumber ( Income )
When Activated That player income will transferred some to you(Default 30%)
lolz this rox

You Can Set The Tax Rate Anyway
Type -set<space>rt=<Percentage>


Bullet Time [ Controls The Time ]
Type -zd To Activate
In A Few Sec(Default 3)Game will suddenly slowed down
Top Right Will Pop Out A Reminder
[And Why It's Called Bullet Time I Dunno]

You Can Set The Timer Countdown to Slow
Type -set<space>zd=<Time>


Hidden Attack Boost

At Cheat Menu Can Activate
When Activated You Gain Bonus Damage Without Showing At Unit

CheatMaster Can Set Increased Damage


Hidden Splash Attack

At Cheat Menu
When Activated Hidden Attack Boost
You Will Spalsh Damage To NEarby Uniys(Stacks With other Spalsh)

CheatMaster Can Change Splash Rate


Activate This At Cheat Menu(Default Already Activated)
Hold ←→ ANd Select Enemies Unit
Will silence him and nearby !


Clones Control

A Firstly you have to activate it
1.type -kl+ Activate -kl- Disable
2.Activate it on a menu

B Then, hodl down ←→ and give order to your unit. All other same
kind of units will do the same order.

Default setting disable clone control for peasants. You can enable
it on the menu.

Why clone control?
Let say you have 200 units. How can you order them?
This function allow you to do so at ease
Clone control will also auto-make land units groupings.


Item Copy
1.Can Use This On Cheat Menu

2.Select A Unit and type -hfz all items will copied and dropped


Item Drop
1.Activated THIS Of Cheat MENU

2.Select A unit and type -hdw all item will dropped

Increase Item Charge
Put Charged Item Eg : Potions On 1st slot of inventory
Inventory Slot :
Type -hcw<space><Amount>

Item Packings

Select a unit and then type -hdb
All same kind of items in that unit's inventory will be packed
into one item, with charges.


Set Unit Size
zzz for fun only
Select A unit then type -usize<space><percentage>
to largen must higher than 100 the percentage


Set unit colour
zzzz for fun only again

Select a unit and type -ucl<space><ColourCode><space><Transparency>
Transparency : ## ( ## = 2 Number of 0-9 )


Gold Mines' Amount
Select a gold mine and then type

-ujk <amount> to increase gold
-ujk-<amount> to decrease gold


Get Peasants for different races
-unm (1-5)
1human 2Orc 3NightElf 4Undead 5Naga


Copy Units
Select A Unit
1.you can use this on cheat menu

2.type -ufz<space><amount>

3.type -ufz+<amount>
copy for the original owner of that unit

4.type -ufz-<amount>
copy for ya but it is timed life.to prevent overcopy lolz

5.type -ufzh
can only copy hero .... items skill level are all copied

To Delete all copied units type -udel+
[Mark the unit to prevent it deleted from this command]

To Un-Mark The Unit
Select It And Type


Get Corpse
-ust <id> (4 digits Rawcodes)


Create a unit
-ucu <id> (rawcodes or names)

Examples of names:
(Cases don't matter)


Get items

-uci <id> (rawcodes)


Skills Gain.

type -uua<space><skill ID>
ID Are case sensitive
Selected Unit Gets The Skills

Some Skills ID:
AHre Reincarnation
AHav Angel Visit
AHpx Fire phoenix
AHmt mass teleport
AOww wind walk
AOvd voodoo
AOre Reincarnation
AOsh Shockwave
AUin inner fire
AUan Animate Death
AUdd Death and decay
AUls Locust Swarm
AEme Metamorphisis
AEtq Silence
AEsf Starfall
AEsv Vengeful Spirit
ANdo Doom
ANef earthquake
ANvc volcano
ANtm transmute
ANch curse
ANto cyclone
ANfd finger of dead
ANrc Rain Of Chaos
ANdp dark portal

Get ID for items and units

-uci? (item on your first slot)
-ucu? (selected unit)


Set Time [ For Night Stalker And Melee Map useful only ]

Only usable by CheatMaster
type -gsj<space><time>
[Time Are 24 Hours]


Set owner

Cheat master only
1. available on cheat menu
2. -ukz OR -ukz+ : You own the unit
3. -ukz <player code> : Set onwer for other players
4. Type -list to check player' codes


Delete Units
Select It And Type -udel
Only Usable By Cheat Master


Pause/Resume Unit
Select A Unit And Type -p+ To Pause It
Type -p- To Resume it


Stop Life Countdown
This Can Make Summoned Unit last permanent
Also make metamorphisis permanent
type -uyj+ to activate
-uyj- to reset


Disables Replays
Type -lx
Can't be reversed


View Players Status

1.type -list
2. Or view it on the menu <player's info>


Activates Cheat For Others
1.At Cheat Menu , Activate For Others

2.Type -gcp+<playercodes> To activates cheat for it
Type -gcp-<playercodes> to stop him from using cheat

-list to check playercodes


Beyond God Like Mode
Select Units
Type -ums , To Deactivate type -ums-

In This Mode The Targeted Unit Has 1 Hit KO Attack....
Only Usable by cheat master


Select Units
Type -uwd , Deactivation type -uwd-


Select units
Type -uyx , Deactivation type -uyx-

Only Revealed When Attack/Cast Spells


Zero Collision (walk through everythings)
Select Units

Type -ucq , For Deactivation -ucq-


Magic Immune
Select Units.....
TYPE -umm , for deactivation -umm-


Select Units
Type -uys ,FOR Deactivation -uys-


Select A Units
Type -ufy , for deactivation type -ufy-

This Make the units have true sight


-uxj enable
-uxj- to disable
10 damage per seconds only :(


Stun units by %


Critical Strike




Evasion 100 %
Select A Unit
type -ubs for deactivation type -ubs-


Damage Return






33% MAgic resistance
Select a unit then type -ujm to deactivation type -ujm-


HOLD ↑ THEN Hit Esc Key
Also Can Open by typing -mm

Below Are Menu Category :
[Resource]To Set Resource...lolz
[Auto] This Allow Some Auto Use Cheat ( If it shows off means that auto is already activated )
[Unit Special](Must Select Unit) This Gives Unit Some Abilities
[Aura.s](This Found On Unit Special Category) This Gives Selected Unit Aura....
[Others Player Cheats] CheatMaster Can Activate Cheats For Other Player In Here.
[Other Player Controls] CheatMaster Only.When you select a player units you can open his resource to set his things.Also Can Taxing Him.Also Opens Allies Menu.
[Allies Menu]CheatMaster Can Open THis At others players control category.It Has (Force Allies,Single/Each Other)
*When You Use Single Allied Him , You Gain Vision , EXP , And Controls His Unit And YOU CAN HIT HIM Because He treat you as allies but you're still his enemy.
*Allied Each Other To Gain Full Allied.
*Normal Allies Can Be Canceled Here Too lolz.
[Cheat Selection]Cheat Master Can Open This Only.Many Cheats Inside Here.
[Godlike Others] CheatMaster Can Activate Other Cheaters Now Can Use 1 Hit KO Godlike Form.
[Building Shield] Godlike Form Will Not 1 Hit KO Building
[CTRL Others] CheatMaster Can Activate Other Cheats Now Can Use COntrol Others.
[No Clone CTRL](Default Activated) When Activated ,Disable Clone CTRL For Workers To Prevent Mess Up Of Resource Gaining.


Single Unit Menu
To Open This , Click ↑ and double click a unit.
Can Raise His Level
Add Stats
Copy Item , Units
Drop Item
Share Vison And
Control Him
Only Usable By CheatMaster.


Host Activates Advantage
1.25b New Function
Who Host This Game Have 20 Sec To Activate From Starting Until
others can activates cheats [ Must Wait 2 Sec From starting ]


Protection For CheatMaster

Others Players Cannot 1 Hit kill cheatmaster unit in Godlike Form
Others Players Can't Control CheatMaster Units by cheat.


v2 Missing Parts Fix
Add Damage 20

Select Units
then type -ujg
to deactivate type -ujg-


Add attack speed


Add Armor 10
Select units
Type -ujf
to deactivate type -ujf-


Brilliance Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove
2.type -ughh to activate. deactivate type -ughh-


Devotion Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove

2.type -ugzz to activate.Deactivate -ugzz-

Vampiric Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove

2.Type -ugxx to activate. TO Deactivate -ugxx-


Thorns Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove

2.type -ugjj to activate.To Deactivate -ugjj-


Trueshot Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove

2.Activate : -ugqj
Deactivate :-ugqj-


Endurance Aura
Select Unit
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove

2.Activate: -ugnj


Unholy Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove

2.Activate : -ugxe
Deactivate : -ugxe-


Quick Sand Aura ( Slow Aura )
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove


Note : This Woke Up Nearby Sleeping Neutrals


Command Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove


2.Activate :-ugml
Deactivate :-ugml-


Healing Aura
Select Units
1.On Cheat Menu Can Add/Remove

2.Activate :-ugyl
Deactivate :-ugyl-


All Auras

Type -ugoa to have all aura.
type -ugca to remove all aura.


Translated by [email protected]
Thanks to initialD for reminding me to do this.
Enjoy and goodbye!

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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by DarkFlameMaster »

Wow great I've never seen this before!!!
Honesty is the best Policy
Spoiler for Retirement MSG:
Sadly I just deleted my War3/RoC/Frozen Throne/Garena+/GarenaBeta, I'll be retiring from war3 for awhile or maybe forever. Entgaming.net isn't really usable for garena anymore and I know for a fact that someday, in our country, Garena will eradicate all War3 players soon in the near future. It means, no more playing ex. AoS and war3 and so on!
The moment the Clan system of Garena disabled the Clan Shop feature, I know somewhere near the future... again... as I said before will be near. Some countries won't but some will be done for good.
Well, thanks to this forum, I learn some basic things to really improvised any situation.
Man, a dramatic exit would be nice but seriously. D.F.M. will be signing off.
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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by Bartimaeus »

You're nuts. Thanks, Whitegun. Also adding it to the cheatpacks topic. :D
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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by NumberXIII »

Never try using hke cp but ill use this arrow edition :D :D
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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by dhanielst »

I want ask for this version of hke cheatpack fatal error and lag issue are fix?
Like in fb -> Dota Cheated Maps

Sorry for my bad english because english is not my native language. :D
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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by flavius13 »

Can you please make cheat pack without Arrrowkey activation? because other map cant add this cheat pack and i love this cheat pack :D . i want use activation without arrow. i understand arrow activation on other maps dont work... please make cheat pack without arrowkey... i like this cheat pack Thanks
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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by Enishiyuki22 »

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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by flavius13 »

i know JJ Cp is good cheat pack , but i like Hke cheat pack but for other map dont work... and i see arrow key is problem... i want to disable arrow key and use only name activation key .... Hke is bestest for me i like :) .....
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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by XD! »

Anyone know how to change the hotkey for -mm (main menu of cheatpack) from ESC back to UP+ESC?

UP+ESC hotkey was used by HKE (not name activator edition) but this one uses ESC hotkey right away so cases would lead to pressing ESC by normal means (e.g. not to pop-up the cheat menu but like just cancel stuffs,etc.) but it pop-ups more than likely.
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Re: [JASS/GUI]Hke CP (Arrow + Name Activator Edition)

Post by Apple »

Wow I'm late for this, awesome work whitegun!