Anyone know this WC III RPG..?

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Anyone know this WC III RPG..?

Post by omokz »

Few years back I played this really popular RPG on Garena, but I can't remember the name!

All I remember is that is was sort of World of Warcraft themed.. (it is NOT WoW RPG.)
(Alliance vs Horde champions/heros maybe?)

There was ogrimmar, stormguarde (2 town names.) and a constant battle going on between ai creeps at the bottom.

Upon choosing a hero you could choose to help your AI, or go above and fight neutral creeps and level up, build a town, units/base etc.

BUT, the two teams were rivaled and you could PVP the other players whenever, if you saw them.

(Few more misc things.. you could hire dragons? Also, there was an item to "trap" an enemy hero in it I believe?

Help please!