Counter Strike

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Counter Strike

Post by Williethechimp »

If any1 plays counter strike and is considered good or even bad i can teach them to noscope with a scout or battle with them.

play if you dare :twisted:

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Re: Counter Strike

Post by Bartimaeus »

People still play? I remember Counterstrike: 2005.
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Re: Counter Strike

Post by ]SouL][ReapeR[ »

..How do you teach someone to noscope?
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Re: Counter Strike

Post by Williethechimp »

Bart didn't you like listen to me and abusive going on about this?

And Soul you start with the basic knowing where to aim without the scope then i teach quick shoot then you practice.
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Re: Counter Strike

Post by Ken »

How to no-scope!
1) Choose a gun with high accuracy (non-sniper rifle)
2) Prone
3) Use these crosshairs to draw a dot on the center of your screen. (Sharpies are fun)
4) ???
5) Profit!
6) Use profit to replace monitor.
xkiska wrote:BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
Senethior459 wrote:Wow, Dream Theatre reminds me of Dragonforce, but with real skill.
Ozzapoo wrote:We laughed, we cried. Trashed.
FatherSpace: You don't find smart chicks hawt?
GeorgeMots: not anymore, im fed up with that kind of girls
FatherSpace: lol
FatherSpace: What happened?
GeorgeMots: most smart girls find out that i date/do/see other girls....
FatherSpace: ...
FatherSpace: So monogamy is your enemy?
Bartimaeus: Hmm, well, I hope my sister hasn't been kidnapped.
FatherSpace: What happened, Bart?
Bartimaeus: She walked out of the house saying that she was going over to some friends, and it's been like two hours, and my mom is trying to get a hold of her, which she's been unable to.
Bartimaeus: I can also hear three car alarms going off.
GeorgeMots: how old is she?
Bartimaeus: I haven't a clue. Probably 17.
UndeadxAssassin: wut
AbusivePie: You don't know how old your sister is?
Bartimaeus: Nope.
UndeadxAssassin: Epic fail
GeorgeMots: is she cute??
Bartimaeus: So, uh, how about you get into the Christmas spirit and put that avatar on before I do it myself and take away your bloody avatar-changin' rights?
UndeadxAssassin: If I thought of a random one...
UndeadxAssassin: Like....
UndeadxAssassin: I'll get back to you on that
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Re: Counter Strike

Post by Williethechimp »

yeah . . . i use sniper rifle . . . and i dont use blutac or pen to show where the cross hairs are and i still get headshots easy.
Plus what profit?
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Re: Counter Strike

Post by dgrim1214 »

It's a sort of meme, Willie. you wouldn't understand.
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Re: Counter Strike

Post by owner123 »

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Re: Counter Strike

Post by ilovepie »

nonono you don't TEACH someone.... just have them play and ask them to shoot closerange with a sniper rifle. they will get it soon enough