Get to know Dgrim1214

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Joined: March 21st, 2009, 4:09 am
Location: Nebraska

Get to know Dgrim1214

Post by dgrim1214 »

So, I'm not really an outstanding member of this community, but hopefully I will be in the upcoming months...
About me
Name: Dan Grim
Age: 17 at the time of this posting, 12/14/93.
Location: Nebraska, USA (And no, I don't live on a farm.)
Pets: None
Siblings: One older sister, away at college. Two younger brothers and a younger sister who live with my dad in Pennsylvania.

I like bowling, even though I'm terrible at it.
I play xbox, and WC3, and those take up most of my nights.
Anytime I'm with a group of people, I'm basically happy.

I listen to Asking Alexandria, My Chemical Romance, Falling in Reverse, and Rise Against, to name a few bands. I'll listen to literally anything, though. Some people say that, but then they're like "Oh, except country. And rap. And metal." I actually mean it.

I've probably got a terminal disease.
I get really irritated when people misspell simple words, or use incorrect grammar. This has been a problem for me since my crash back in February, where I sustained brain damage and have had problems with simple things ever since.
I once accidentally hit a bird out of the air with my slingshot.

Before you say anything, my grandma is a professional photographer, and I do pictures with her every year for her mock-up albums she makes.
Check her out here if you're in the Pennsylvania area!
I uploaded this one wrong. But it's from this last summer, 2011. the rest are links!
This one is from a shoot with my grandma in 2010.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
"Looking for your pocketknife? You left it in my back." - Young Shawn Spencer