making spawned backpack from item follow

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making spawned backpack from item follow

Post by Frozensolid »

I'm creating a map that you can find an item that creates a back pack I'm wanting to know how to make the backpack always follow my hero and not be able to go a far distance from him???
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Re: making spawned backpack from item follow

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Make it patrol the hero?
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(20:53:56) Bartimaeus: Truly, you are wise.
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Re: making spawned backpack from item follow

Post by AbusivePie »

I think he means like it teleports to the hero. So when the hero teleports to a new location, the backpack will follow. Kinda like Navi in Video Game RPG. Well Navi mainly patrols, but teleports if the distance is too far.
(21:49:41) CoSmOSaiNt: im not perject jen
(21:49:43) CoSmOSaiNt: ...
(21:49:45) AbusivePie: I may just give up on it
(21:49:49) CoSmOSaiNt: perefecT*
(21:49:51) CoSmOSaiNt: perfect*
(21:49:54) CoSmOSaiNt: screw it

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Re: making spawned backpack from item follow

Post by Hobbeskiller »

Look into CoT RPG PoM FoC V1.21B
That map has something that is exactly like what your talking about.

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(21:00:07) UndeadxAssassin: Did you know if you type /quit (name) you can kick someone from chat?
(21:00:08) Nuuby is baned
(21:00:15) UndeadxAssassin:  /quit (name)
(21:00:20) UndeadxAssassin: You know..
(21:00:24) UndeadxAssassin: Banned has two ns in it.
(21:00:32) Hobbeskiller: LOL baned
(21:00:41) Nuuby: hobbes is prowh lurkah
(21:00:43) Nuuby: banned
(21:00:44) Nuuby: derp
(21:01:13) Nuuby: NO
(21:01:13) Nuuby: WAIT
(21:01:16) Nuuby: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
(21:01:27) UndeadxAssassin:  /quit Nuuby
(21:01:28) ChatBot: Nuuby has been logged out (Kicked).
(21:01:33) magicianx126: ???
(21:01:36) Hobbeskiller: LOL
(21:01:41) UndeadxAssassin: Anyone can do it!
(21:01:50) syle222: even me?
(21:01:55) UndeadxAssassin: Yes, try it
(21:01:56) ChatBot: syle222 logs out of the Chat.
(21:01:57) Hobbeskiller: yea
(21:02:00) Hobbeskiller: LOL
(21:02:05) ChatBot: magicianx126 logs out of the Chat.
(21:02:06) UndeadxAssassin: I am such a troll ;_;
(21:02:10) UndeadxAssassin: TWO
GeorgeMots wrote:No there isn't you are doing it wrong.