I cheat/Edit maps for my mates if they ask for it on the side and i came across a problem i'm looking for help
i'm trying to set the Slayer + Master Points in Guild of Hyppos 1.20b and this is what i've done so far to set it and it doesn't work
Code: Select all
elseif SubString(s2s,0,8)=="-spoints"then
set IIlI[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]=S2I(SubString(s2s,8,15))
elseif SubString(s2s,0,8)=="-mpoints"then
set IIjI[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())]=S2I(SubString(s2s,8,15))
Code: Select all
function ljilli takes nothing returns nothing
local integer Iijlli=GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())+1
local integer sp=IIlI[Iijlli]
local integer ljjiii=IliI[Iijlli]
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(),0,0,15.00,"|cffffcc00Slayerpoints:|r "+I2S(sp)+" |cffffcc00(|r"+I2S(ljjiii)+"|cffffcc00/|r"+I2S(10+(10*sp))+"|cffffcc00)|r")
Code: Select all
function ljilji takes nothing returns nothing
local integer Iijlli=GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())+1
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(),0,0,15,"|cffffcc00Masterpoints:|r "+I2S(IIjI[Iijlli]))
I'm uploading my .j file if you guys wanted more code
EDIT: my .j Contains JJ's Cheatpack already
EDIT2: Problem Fix, Disregard Thanks for your help mate.