My Posts here in "Entertainment"

C'mon, make us laugh! Jokes, videos, anything!
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My Posts here in "Entertainment"

Post by Vegas »

Hey everyone. As you all can see I have decided to bombard the entertainment section with alot of my funny, or sometimes not so funny stuff. If I am working on the computer I dont post at all, but if I am doing video encodes my computer bogs down that I cant really enjoy watching a film in the meantime. HD video is then impossible to watch, so I have time to spam the board with jokes.

I get these jokes daily (usually 4-5 jokes) from my Dad. I guess he gets these from his brothers spamming his inbox.

I could post more content such as the powerpoint presentation of Germany, but there is always the problem of where to upload the file. If I upload to RS, then non-premium account users will have to wait to DL. If I upload it here to WC3E, then its going to fill up the server fast. Perhaps if I rename the attachments with my name within it, I can eventually delete them easily enough.

Another problem is I get alot of emails with a collection of pictures, such as the cats or the invisible man. I just wouldnt have enough time to upload 20 pics individually to a pic server and copy/paste those links here. I could always use photoshop to make a huuuuge long picture, but would slow the load times for some of our 56k users. :lol:

If anyone has any ideas how to tacle these 2 small glitches, post here. (Telling me NOT to post would not be a solution ;-) )
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Re: My Posts here in "Entertainment"

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

My first thought was "OMFG SO MANY POSTS" then I saw who they were by and said "Vegas' strikes again :O"

I'd say just post them as an attachment, because that way you can remove them when you want in the UCP.
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Re: My Posts here in "Entertainment"

Post by itsonlyaname »

Upload it to mediafire then (making a free accounts is useful).
It's pretty much the same as rapidshare, but faster downloads and without wait times.

There's also no "10 downloads limit".
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Re: My Posts here in "Entertainment"

Post by Vegas »

Yeah...I struck again.

Also, I will look into using mediafire next time.