Dedicated Forum
You are welcome on the websites to see complete informations and/or talk about the map.
You will be able to report bugs, bring suggestions, organize clans, speak about the bot, etc...
I upload main system codes and some spells example there. Feel free to ask some questions.
I read the board, and I answer to all suggestions and bug reports, so you are welcome!
For example, I accept suggestions for Heroes, spells or any other things.
You can also request to be admin of the official bot.
Official Host Bot
There is a host bot I rent to host the map.
All realms are available except Asia.
It is called "RC601": add him as a friend on BattleNet to know what is the map number.
To get it: enter /whois RC601 on BattleNet
Format is: Restricted Complex 601 - #(number of the game)
Go on the board if you want to get admin.
I accept donations since I rent it to Vjain@Us East for $5 a month:
Simply send me a private message and I will give you my paypal information.
The map
This map is between a Hero Survivor and an ORPG.
Pick your Hero class, do the quests and, of course, try to survive
You may be able to save your experience
Experience gives you bonus and grants access to more Hero types.
The map is organized in the area over the Restricted Complex 601
The RC601 is an underground complex (the one of the first version)
Players will be requested to take care of a zombie threat (of course