GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

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GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by qwertz111 »

Instead of the war3map.j file when making a trigger to move specific player names to war3map.wts file
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by owner123 »

Wait - What do you mean?
You want to edit the .wts file from a GUI trigger?
Pretty sure theres no way to do that.
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by qwertz111 »

No... I mean to move the player names to the wts file ( since those are the conditions )

like if playername == some string instead of the playername
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

As far as I know, there isn't a way.
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by owner123 »

Besides, why would you need to add it to the wts?
In GUI, you can just check a certain player, and do conditions if they match the name.
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by initialD »

just extract the wts file. It's in the notepad form. So just edit it in the notepad, save, then insert it back to the map.
p/s I think you want to hide the player name in the J file so that it won't be found, right?
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by owner123 »

He means through a trigger.
Thats why he put GUI ;)
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by Vegas »

Sometime maps can have the "activator" in the wts file. Shopping mall used to have a couple of check words in the wts which I always changed to suit my needs. Well actually they were in the Jass, but pointed it to a string in the wts like this:

Code: Select all


That was easy enough for me to edit in the wts and chage as I needed it:

Code: Select all

|cffFF9900-Gold 500 
It could be possible to add strings back to back and scrambled throughout the wts to make it hard to figure out the activator. It would only take a little time and patience to follow the "trigstr" path to find the activator. Still, a deterrent for lazy peeps.
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Re: GUI - How do I put things into WTS file...

Post by YellowAfterlife »

How about...(StringIdentity takes string returns string)?
Its avaible since one of 1.24 updates, and gets strings properly. Argument is noramlly like "TRIGSTR_002". Value returned is string if found in .wts, or (null) if not found.