Defense of the Ancients v6.67
Please tell me if you have any problems.Note to Uber Newbies:
- Before you type any cheat commands in the game, you have to press F12 and select <Send to Observers>. This will keep others seeing the commands you send.
- To use the cheats, download the attached map and place it in your Warcraft III downloaded maps folder (For Windows, usually C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\Download). Then, open up Warcraft III, and host the map.
- You must host the map for this to work. If you download from someone else, it will not have the cheats in it. You must be playing this file. If you can't host, go to and enable hosting for your computer, or get a friend who can host to host this map for you. If you join a regular DotA game, unless someone else is hosting the same map, with the cheats in it, you will not be able to use the cheats.
JJ2197's: ... 13526.html
Fai's: ... -only/5297
Sg_Guy's: ... is-he/8500
(The activator for Fai's and Sg_Guy's cheatpacks are the defaults, which are in the command lists. The activator for JJ2197's cheatpack is not the default, and is available in the file comments)
DotA v6.66b
The original, uncheated: GetDotAWith Fai's and Sg_Guy's cheatpacks: With JJ2197's cheatpack (may not work, it didn't last time, and I can't test):
Modded Versions of DotA v6.66b