Neomarine, anyone know him or a website?

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Neomarine, anyone know him or a website?

Post by grderik »

Hey i was just wondering if anyone knew neomarine or a website that the map Tag Your IT! was made from. Its a old game that i want to play again and it stopped working since patch v1.24. So i was wondering if i could contact him and see if he could fix his triggering work so it works wit the new patch. If no one knows could they do it themselves? I've attached the map if anyone wants to look at it.
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Re: Neomarine, anyone know him or a website?

Post by Ken »

I found this in war3map.wts:

|cffffcc00Email Address:|r [email protected]


|cffffcc00Battlenet Account:|r NeoMarine, U.S West

The website appears to be non-existent now, but you can still try emailing him. Mind, I also found this:

Created by NeoMarine, 2004-2005.

So this map is 5-6 years old, so you're probably best off doing it yourself. Follow these posts:
xkiska wrote:BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
Senethior459 wrote:Wow, Dream Theatre reminds me of Dragonforce, but with real skill.
Ozzapoo wrote:We laughed, we cried. Trashed.
FatherSpace: You don't find smart chicks hawt?
GeorgeMots: not anymore, im fed up with that kind of girls
FatherSpace: lol
FatherSpace: What happened?
GeorgeMots: most smart girls find out that i date/do/see other girls....
FatherSpace: ...
FatherSpace: So monogamy is your enemy?
Bartimaeus: Hmm, well, I hope my sister hasn't been kidnapped.
FatherSpace: What happened, Bart?
Bartimaeus: She walked out of the house saying that she was going over to some friends, and it's been like two hours, and my mom is trying to get a hold of her, which she's been unable to.
Bartimaeus: I can also hear three car alarms going off.
GeorgeMots: how old is she?
Bartimaeus: I haven't a clue. Probably 17.
UndeadxAssassin: wut
AbusivePie: You don't know how old your sister is?
Bartimaeus: Nope.
UndeadxAssassin: Epic fail
GeorgeMots: is she cute??
Bartimaeus: So, uh, how about you get into the Christmas spirit and put that avatar on before I do it myself and take away your bloody avatar-changin' rights?
UndeadxAssassin: If I thought of a random one...
UndeadxAssassin: Like....
UndeadxAssassin: I'll get back to you on that
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Re: Neomarine, anyone know him or a website?

Post by grderik »

Well when i try to save the map it gives me errors with the script writing and i have no idea how to fix, can you help me? It says 2 lines are wrong.
function lc takes player lC,player K4,integer ld returns nothing
function lC takes nothing returns nothing