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Tyrannical Drama Queen
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Post by Bartimaeus »

Huge success! I've been in chat since 9:00 this morning without doing anything else, lol (edit) Holy crap that's long. That's less than a quarter of the entire chat log, maybe even less that went on today. lol Me, Undead, and FatherSpace played Yahtzee! Matchai tried to join, but had to quit at the beginning, :(

(19:42:59) Bartimaeus: 215 for me.
(19:43:20) Bartimaeus: lol 134 for Father
(19:43:46) Bartimaeus: 262 for Undead.

Undead's never even played, (maybe not even heard of) this game before. :/

random chat
(17:36:19) UndeadxAssassin: I got to kick FS one last time
(17:36:38) Lanaya: v.v who else gonna get promoted.. george to admin?
(17:36:43) Lanaya: co-
(17:37:26) Bartimaeus: lol
(17:39:04) ChatBot: ]SouL][ReapeR[ has been logged out (Timeout).
(17:39:04) ChatBot: FatherSpace has been logged out (Timeout).
(17:39:12) Lanaya: Pawnt.
(17:40:12) UndeadxAssassin: Hacks o_o
(17:40:41) Bartimaeus: "O
(17:40:43) Bartimaeus:
(17:41:26) Lanaya: "I'd like to make myself believe, that planet Earth turns slowly"
(17:41:45) Bartimaeus: ..?
(17:42:01) Lanaya:​wMsLWabU-Y
(17:42:54) Bartimaeus: ‽
(17:43:01) Lanaya: Song v.v
(17:43:03) UndeadxAssassin: You might not believe your eyes...
(17:43:10) Lanaya: if ten million fireflies
(17:43:13) UndeadxAssassin: If ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep!
(17:43:14) Lanaya: light up the world as i fell asleep
(17:43:20) Bartimaeus: Oh, Owl City.
(17:43:26) Lanaya: cause they fill the air
(17:43:33) Lanaya: and leave tear drops everywhere?..
(17:43:40) Lanaya: the open air*
(17:44:09) Bartimaeus: I hate this song.
(17:44:23) Lanaya: WHY
(17:44:28) Bartimaeus: My sister plays it all day over and over.
(17:44:35) Lanaya: lawl.
(17:44:40) Bartimaeus: It was O.K. the first time, but there's simply no need...
(17:44:55) Lanaya: She's got good taste
(17:45:01) Bartimaeus: no
(17:45:17) Bartimaeus: lol
(17:45:18) Lanaya: no... ?
(17:45:28) Bartimaeus: loljust no..
(17:45:42) Bartimaeus: typing with one hand.
(17:45:43) Lanaya: what else does she listen to? o.0
(17:45:49) Lanaya: and doing whutt with the other...
(17:45:53) Bartimaeus: that's the problem.
(17:46:07) Bartimaeus: she listens to the friggan' same song all day over and over.
(17:46:18) Bartimaeus: and doesn't seem to realize that doing that causes her to never want to hear it again.
(17:48:53) Lanaya: *That was so yesterday*
(17:49:00) Bartimaeus: lol
(17:49:01) Bartimaeus: Basically.
(17:49:09) Bartimaeus: She's a teenager to the maxim.
(17:49:43) Lanaya: so .. um.. Happy Thanks giving
(17:50:18) Bartimaeus: Youtube comment: love this song, love guys more though

(edit) NOOOOOOO meant girls, not guys
(17:50:27) Bartimaeus: lol
(17:50:31) Bartimaeus: Retarded teenagers.
(17:50:32) Lanaya: lol.
(17:50:50) Bartimaeus: I luv this somg so much its wierd & if u listen 2 the words u would think it has no meaning but i stil lik it and i think its kool! & JaredJohnson ima need u 2 get the gurl/guy gender correct. Whic 1 do u realy lik????
(17:51:11) Bartimaeus: YouTube needs to have comments diasbled.
(17:51:13) Bartimaeus: disabled*
(17:51:28) Bartimaeus: People aren't intelligent enough to have the right to say anything.
(17:51:41) Lanaya: lol, you Can disable comments for your videos
(17:51:50) Lanaya: up to the uploader
(17:52:15) Bartimaeus: ‽
(17:52:21) Bartimaeus: Hm.
(17:52:28) Bartimaeus: ‽
(17:52:38) Bartimaeus: The Interrobang!
(17:52:44) UndeadxAssassin: /quit
(17:52:48) UndeadxAssassin:
(17:53:09) Bartimaeus: /quit
(17:53:11) Bartimaeus: Happy?
(17:53:11) Lanaya: so um jen..
"What is love?!"
(17:53:18) Bartimaeus: Google for the win.
(17:53:27) Bartimaeus: Alt code 0160.
(17:53:54) Lanaya: cmon, quote the rest of the song jen
(17:53:58) Bartimaeus: Or alt 032, or 255.
(17:54:09) UndeadxAssassin: wut
(17:54:12) UndeadxAssassin: Aw.
(17:54:24) Lanaya:
(17:54:25) UndeadxAssassin: Ruin the fun.
(17:54:27) UndeadxAssassin: .
(17:54:30) Bartimaeus: Or 99999999.
(17:54:42) UndeadxAssassin: /quit
(17:54:43) Bartimaeus: Shoot.
(17:54:44) UndeadxAssassin: Zomg.
(17:54:57) Lanaya: ƒ§¥£ÖÄ╢
(17:55:13) Bartimaeus: 짿䈿
(17:55:56) Bartimaeus: Anyways, I win.
(17:55:57) Bartimaeus: lol
(17:56:05) Lanaya:
(17:56:53) UndeadxAssassin: .
(17:57:08) UndeadxAssassin: My fun is ruined. I'mma go now .
(17:57:09) Bartimaeus:
(17:57:13) Bartimaeus: Aww.
(17:57:23) Bartimaeus: You actually expected me not to use my almighty friend Google?
(17:57:27) Bartimaeus: The wise and powerful Google?
(17:58:39) Bartimaeus: ...
(17:58:46) Bartimaeus: Have you both left?
(17:58:56) UndeadxAssassin: Indeed.
(17:58:56) Bartimaeus: ...I believe demotion day is in order...;D
(17:59:00) Bartimaeus: lol
(17:59:10) UndeadxAssassin: Lan00b is AFK, not me
(17:59:17) Bartimaeus: Hmm, you're right.
(17:59:19) UndeadxAssassin:
(17:59:36) Bartimaeus: You will be a powerful and wise...person...some day.
(17:59:37) Lanaya: lies
(17:59:40) Lanaya: im playing dotar !
(17:59:42) Bartimaeus: Oh shoot.
(17:59:44) Bartimaeus: DOTA
(17:59:47) Bartimaeus: That's even worse.
(17:59:59) Lanaya: fine, leavin this chat !
(18:00:05) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:00:07) Bartimaeus: NO U
(18:00:54) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(18:01:27) Bartimaeus: ...
(18:01:52) Bartimaeus: ...What do you do during the day, anyways, Undead?
(18:02:14) UndeadxAssassin: On a normal day?
(18:02:18) UndeadxAssassin: I have school and work.
(18:02:22) Bartimaeus: Hmm.
(18:02:33) Bartimaeus: ...Okay, so that sounds like a pain in the butt.
(18:02:39) Bartimaeus: What do you do on a free day?
(18:02:45) UndeadxAssassin: I have an internship at a hospital and am currently on vacation leave.
(18:03:19) Bartimaeus: Hospital...
(18:03:35) UndeadxAssassin: Yes, the place where most doctors work.
(18:03:37) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:03:46) Bartimaeus: ...Yeah, I know what that is, thanks,
(18:04:04) UndeadxAssassin: Ohrly?
(18:04:10) Bartimaeus: What do you do on a free day? What ARE you doing for that matter? lol
(18:04:13) ChatBot: Lanaya has been logged out (Timeout).
(18:04:32) UndeadxAssassin: Marinating the Turkey.
(18:04:41) Bartimaeus: Really?
(18:04:42) UndeadxAssassin: Cleaning up for the guests tomorrow.
(18:04:55) Bartimaeus: Well, good luck with that.
(18:04:55) UndeadxAssassin: And other stuff.
(18:05:33) Bartimaeus: Although you've completely missed the point of my question, which was to ask you what you did besides chat here on I guess the answer would be, 'other stuff' while chatting,
(18:05:49) UndeadxAssassin:​325.html#p109325
(18:05:51) UndeadxAssassin: Lul.
(18:06:00) UndeadxAssassin: Meh, I usually am AFK in chat.
(18:06:01) Bartimaeus: lolz
(18:06:33) UndeadxAssassin: If only Aero Vegas and Dekar were online right now..
(18:06:39) UndeadxAssassin: Then all the red people would be on o_o
(18:06:50) Bartimaeus: ...If Aero was ever online, period.
(18:07:11) UndeadxAssassin: All the red people are in main right now o_o
(18:07:21) UndeadxAssassin: ...except you
(18:07:30) Bartimaeus: Er.
(18:07:41) Bartimaeus: I'm not in 'main', but I am in a private section,
(18:07:48) UndeadxAssassin: And they all left o_o
(18:07:54) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:08:01) UndeadxAssassin: Wut
(18:08:12) UndeadxAssassin: Is there a private sections for admins only? o_o
(18:08:26) Bartimaeus: ...I didn't say that.
(18:08:32) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:08:51) UndeadxAssassin: No, but you implied it O:
(18:09:00) Bartimaeus: Yeah, but I didn't say it.
(18:09:03) Bartimaeus: So you can't say I did.
(18:09:05) Bartimaeus: ...
(18:09:11) Bartimaeus: Well, you never did.
(18:09:18) Bartimaeus: Hm. So I guess that clears up that.
(18:09:28) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(18:09:37) Bartimaeus: Or I could've just been in parking place.
(18:09:40) Bartimaeus: ...
(18:09:42) UndeadxAssassin: So you don't deny there being an admins only.
(18:09:45) UndeadxAssassin: Nope, I checked there.
(18:09:45) UndeadxAssassin: .
(18:09:58) Bartimaeus: Uhm, hold on.
(18:10:25) Bartimaeus: Wait, I can't remember now.
(18:10:28) Bartimaeus: Darnit.
(18:10:37) UndeadxAssassin: o_o...
(18:10:45) UndeadxAssassin: You're too young to be forgetting.
(18:10:52) UndeadxAssassin: Maybe you should get sleep o_o.
(18:10:53) Bartimaeus: I haven't slept in a bit, remember?
(18:10:57) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:11:10) Bartimaeus: Too bad tomorrow's Thanksgiving.
(18:11:11) UndeadxAssassin: See, you're typing slower, too .
(18:11:19) Bartimaeus: I'm going to be up until like 2:00 in the morning, lol
(18:11:53) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah, but you'll be bored when I leave .
(18:12:25) Bartimaeus: ...True, but the only reason I'm not playing a game is because it isn't boring, so once that changes, I probably will.
(18:12:36) Bartimaeus: I've been here for like ten hours...
(18:12:45) UndeadxAssassin: I've been here for 11.
(18:12:51) UndeadxAssassin: So that means you've been here for 9
(18:12:51) Bartimaeus: Longest chat I think I've ever had, O.o
(18:12:52) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:12:54) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:13:09) Bartimaeus: Too bad Dekar missed it, lol
(18:13:12) UndeadxAssassin: Yes, but you barely come in here o_o.
(18:13:21) UndeadxAssassin: Dekar is AFK in chat lots .
(18:13:34) UndeadxAssassin: See, if he was AFK this whole time and I just said that he'd respond with something.
(18:13:41) Bartimaeus: Yeah...but that's because it's been very stale since recently.
(18:13:45) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:14:17) Bartimaeus: Before, when I use to come here, there'd be like three guys, (One of them SSD, another FatherSpace, and another like Dekar or JJ, or something), and it'd be totally silent.
(18:14:21) Bartimaeus: And nobody at all will talk.
(18:14:25) Bartimaeus: So I simply stopped coming.
(18:14:41) UndeadxAssassin: I'm still talking to that random person on omegle.
(18:14:46) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:14:48) Bartimaeus: ..wat
(18:14:50) UndeadxAssassin: It's been at least 4 hours now, rofl.
(18:14:53) Bartimaeus: that was like..
(18:14:59) UndeadxAssassin: 4 hours ago? Yeah.
(18:15:03) Bartimaeus: ...
(18:15:11) UndeadxAssassin: She's having relationship problems and I'm cheering her up .
(18:15:16) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:15:35) Bartimaeus: Everyone's either having relationship problems or job problems, or both.
(18:15:54) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah, but she's becoming an insomniac like you
(18:16:08) Bartimaeus: Oh.
(18:16:08) UndeadxAssassin: She lives in UK and they're 5 hours ahead of me
(18:16:14) UndeadxAssassin: Which means 8 hours ahead of you o_o.
(18:16:18) Bartimaeus: Yeah, but I've been that way for years.
(18:16:19) Bartimaeus: ...
(18:16:20) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:16:48) Bartimaeus: if I wasn't homeschooled, I'd probably screwed, ;D
(18:16:57) Bartimaeus: Or, perhaps, I would be a lot better.
(18:17:11) UndeadxAssassin: If you weren't tired, you probably would have made a better sentence .
(18:17:18) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:17:36) Bartimaeus: If I wasn't tired, I wouldn't have made many memorable chat quotes, (thank goodness nobody has them).
(18:17:38) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:17:52) UndeadxAssassin: Or do they .
(18:18:04) Bartimaeus:
(18:18:20) Bartimaeus: I didn't promote you because I liked you, you know. T'was a bribe of sorts,
(18:18:29) UndeadxAssassin: I'm aware o_o.
(18:18:41) Bartimaeus: ...Just so you know.
(18:18:50) Bartimaeus: Hrm, I'm surprised Soul Reaper still comes around.
(18:19:02) UndeadxAssassin: You have no idea o_o.
(18:19:06) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:19:28) Bartimaeus: Soul Reaper was like Xantan's #1 guy...and when Xantan left, Soul Reaper was like, "lolz, cool story bro".
(18:19:54) Bartimaeus: Hmm.
(18:19:55) UndeadxAssassin: Error 101 (net::Unknown): Unknown error.
(18:19:58) Bartimaeus: That was like a year ago.
(18:20:00) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:20:03) Bartimaeus:
(18:20:07) UndeadxAssassin: Is that a good thing when the error message doesn't know what error it is?
(18:20:18) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:20:23) Bartimaeus: I think you're in trouble,
(18:20:44) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(18:20:50) Bartimaeus: Hey, want to play Yahtzee?
(18:20:58) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 4,2,4,5,3.
(18:20:58) UndeadxAssassin: I dunno how o_o.
(18:21:07) Bartimaeus: Erm.
(18:21:13) UndeadxAssassin: I know chess .
(18:21:27) Bartimaeus: lol, can't play chess without a chess board...we can play Yahtzee here, though ;D
(18:21:50) Bartimaeus:
(18:21:56) UndeadxAssassin: You can't play Yahtzee without a Yahtzee board?
(18:22:02) Bartimaeus: No, you can, really.
(18:22:03) UndeadxAssassin: Oh wait, I'm thinking Backgammon :S
(18:22:07) Bartimaeus: As long as you know what stuff is.
(18:22:15) Bartimaeus: All you need is a text paper, ;o
(18:22:18) Bartimaeus: Er.
(18:22:20) Bartimaeus: A text file.
(18:22:20) Bartimaeus: lolz
(18:22:36) Bartimaeus: wanna' play?
(18:22:38) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:23:22) Bartimaeus: That's what I especially hated. Every time I came in here, I'd start rolling the dice, and ask if anyone wanted to play.
(18:23:30) Bartimaeus: but there wasn't even a no, just dead silence.
(18:23:35) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(18:23:46) UndeadxAssassin: I was reading Sene's reply to winter bells o_o
(18:24:31) UndeadxAssassin: You still haven't explained how it worked :S.
(18:24:35) UndeadxAssassin: I'm t00 lazy to g00gle.
(18:24:40) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:24:45) Bartimaeus: Explained how what it worked?
(18:24:54) Bartimaeus: You roll five dice, trying to get the most of one of a kind.
(18:25:01) Bartimaeus: Or various other combinations.
(18:25:16) Bartimaeus: You get three rolls, and you can hold back the dice you want to keep and roll the rest.
(18:25:21) Bartimaeus: You only get one chance for each thing.
(18:25:25) ChatBot: FatherSpace logs into the Chat.
(18:25:36) Bartimaeus: So, say you get three one's. No point in trying to get one's again, because you've already filled that slot.
(18:25:56) Bartimaeus: Eh...
(18:26:01) Bartimaeus: Various other things, lol
(18:26:08) UndeadxAssassin: Helpful o_o.
(18:26:15) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:26:17) UndeadxAssassin: That's like explaining chess.
(18:26:26) FatherSpace: What's he trying to explain?
(18:26:31) Bartimaeus: For example, full house; You need two of a kind, and three of a kind to get the bonus.
(18:26:38) Bartimaeus: Yahtzee, of course.
(18:26:58) UndeadxAssassin: "You move pieces and try to capture king. Pwns move straight, knights move L, rooks move straight, and various other pieces have special ways of moving"
(18:26:59) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(18:27:13) Bartimaeus: Hey, FatherSpace, you want to join in?
(18:27:20) Bartimaeus: Yeah, but you'll learn as you go along, ;o
(18:27:25) UndeadxAssassin: You can't do worse than I do .
(18:27:32) UndeadxAssassin: Assuming Bart doesn't cheat o_o
(18:27:36) Bartimaeus: It's mostly based on luck.
(18:27:48) Bartimaeus: No, I wouldn't cheat...(says the admin for a cheating website)...
(18:27:56) UndeadxAssassin: How do you roll multiple times at once o_o
(18:28:03) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(18:28:05) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:28:06) Bartimaeus: You've got three shakes.
(18:28:08) Bartimaeus: Uhm.
(18:28:09) FatherSpace: Sure, I shall play. I guess.
(18:28:10) Bartimaeus: Type /roll 5d6
(18:28:13) Bartimaeus: that's the basic.
(18:28:14) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 2,5,5,5,4.
(18:28:17) UndeadxAssassin: Ohhay
(18:28:19) Bartimaeus: Then you need to create a text pafd
(18:28:20) Bartimaeus: pad
(18:28:20) Bartimaeus: wtf.
(18:28:23) Bartimaeus: hax
(18:28:27) Bartimaeus: Okay, so you have three five's.
(18:28:30) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,1,4,5,5.
(18:28:31) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(18:28:37) UndeadxAssassin: Now wut.
(18:28:42) Bartimaeus: Do /roll 2d6
(18:28:47) UndeadxAssassin: I try to get two more fives?
(18:28:47) Bartimaeus: (two left)
(18:28:51) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(18:28:53) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 6,5.
(18:28:56) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(18:28:56) Bartimaeus: Gull dangit.
(18:28:58) UndeadxAssassin: Poo
(18:29:00) Bartimaeus: woot
(18:29:03) UndeadxAssassin: So 4 fives and a 6
(18:29:04) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:29:08) Bartimaeus: Okay, so you would put 20 on your five's.
(18:29:15) Bartimaeus: Six doesn't do anything.
(18:29:22) Bartimaeus: So I'll do mine.
(18:29:24) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 6,1,4,6,5.
(18:29:30) Bartimaeus: ..sixes.
(18:29:32) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 1,2,3.
(18:29:36) UndeadxAssassin: Fails.
(18:29:36) Bartimaeus: Uh-oh.
(18:29:41) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 2,5,3.
(18:29:42) UndeadxAssassin: /hacks.
(18:29:44) UndeadxAssassin:
(18:29:45) Bartimaeus: Uh-oh, really.
(18:30:03) UndeadxAssassin: So you put 12 on your sixes?
(18:30:05) FatherSpace: So you get 12?
(18:30:06) Bartimaeus: Erm, since I didn't get anything on my sixes, I'm just going to put a 0 on my ones.
(18:30:15) Bartimaeus: Because I'm not going to waste my sixes.
(18:30:15) UndeadxAssassin: @_@
(18:30:22) FatherSpace: Oh... I see.
(18:30:22) Bartimaeus: You can cross anything out as you like.
(18:30:29) UndeadxAssassin: Oh. I get it.
(18:30:34) Bartimaeus: You can cross out Yahtzee, for example, if you don't think you're going to get it.
(18:30:35) UndeadxAssassin: So you try to get most points?
(18:30:38) FatherSpace: My turn then?
(18:30:39) Bartimaeus: and need a free roll.
(18:30:40) UndeadxAssassin: Wut's that
(18:30:41) Bartimaeus: yeah.
(18:30:50) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,3,4,1,1.
(18:30:50) Bartimaeus: Yahtzee is 50+ points the first time.
(18:30:54) Bartimaeus: Darnit.
(18:30:59) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:31:00) FatherSpace: 3 1's
(18:31:09) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d1 and gets 1,1.
(18:31:11) Bartimaeus: do /roll 2d6 for the rest, now
(18:31:13) FatherSpace: Win!
(18:31:15) UndeadxAssassin: wtf
(18:31:15) Bartimaeus: WHAT
(18:31:17) Bartimaeus: WHAT WHAT WHAT
(18:31:23) Bartimaeus: Yahtzee on first roll, of course.
(18:31:24) Bartimaeus: Why not.
(18:31:31) FatherSpace: lol, look at what I rolled second roll.
(18:31:31) Bartimaeus: Okay, so you get 50 on your Yahtzee.
(18:31:33) FatherSpace: 2 d 1
(18:31:36) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(18:31:41) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 2,2.
(18:31:43) Bartimaeus: ...
(18:31:46) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(18:31:46) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:31:48) UndeadxAssassin: Cheatar.
(18:31:50) Bartimaeus: Of course.
(18:31:54) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 2,3.
(18:31:54) Bartimaeus: Full House, as well.
(18:31:57) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:32:03) FatherSpace: orly?
(18:32:05) UndeadxAssassin: Wut
(18:32:11) Bartimaeus: Okay, so you got Yahtzee. you can only use the Yahtzee. No full house.
(18:32:18) Bartimaeus: That was just lucky-go-happy rolling, -.-
(18:32:24) UndeadxAssassin: Wut's the difference?
(18:32:29) FatherSpace: Well, you didn't tell me about full house before third roll.
(18:32:36) Bartimaeus: Full house is 25 points, while Yahtzee is 50.
(18:32:50) Bartimaeus: Full house is like three two's, and then two four's.
(18:32:56) Bartimaeus: Three of one suit, and two of another.
(18:33:17) FatherSpace: Let's just say I have full house.
(18:33:24) Bartimaeus: Small straight is like 1-2-3-4, whereas large straight is 2-3-4-5-6.
(18:33:29) Bartimaeus: Why would you take the full house?
(18:33:32) Bartimaeus: You had Yahtzee.
(18:33:36) UndeadxAssassin: He cheated.
(18:33:41) Bartimaeus: Oh.
(18:33:41) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 6d1 and gets 1,1,1,1,1,1.
(18:33:41) FatherSpace: Yeah, I did 2d1
(18:33:42) Bartimaeus: I see.
(18:33:42) UndeadxAssassin: See?
(18:33:43) Bartimaeus: LOL
(18:33:44) UndeadxAssassin:
(18:33:44) Bartimaeus: Haha.
(18:33:48) Bartimaeus: Jerks.
(18:33:50) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:33:59) UndeadxAssassin: Can I keep that?
(18:34:00) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:34:00) FatherSpace: I wanted to see if you'd catch on.
(18:34:04) Bartimaeus: And...uhm...
(18:34:12) Bartimaeus: Chance is a free slot.
(18:34:18) UndeadxAssassin: Wut's chance
(18:34:25) Bartimaeus: Basically, you combine everything you've currently got in your hand.
(18:34:26) UndeadxAssassin: I mean, what does free slot do
(18:34:26) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:34:35) Bartimaeus: so, say you had two four's, one five, and two six's.
(18:34:42) Bartimaeus: you'd just add them up all together.
(18:34:48) Bartimaeus: which is 825.
(18:34:50) UndeadxAssassin: So 25 o_o
(18:34:50) Bartimaeus: Woops, 25.
(18:34:58) UndeadxAssassin: I like 825 more o_o
(18:34:59) Bartimaeus: Yes.
(18:35:03) Bartimaeus: And that's what'd you get.
(18:35:18) Bartimaeus: Okay, say you had sixes already.
(18:35:25) UndeadxAssassin: So what happens if I get 5 fives again?
(18:35:30) Bartimaeus: And you have three/four of a kind still open.
(18:35:32) Bartimaeus: Uhm.
(18:35:42) Bartimaeus: You'd get another Yahtzee, which is another 100+ points for one of your slots.
(18:35:51) UndeadxAssassin: o_o..
(18:35:53) Bartimaeus: ...say you got five more sixes, and sixes is still open.
(18:36:05) Bartimaeus: you'd put 30 on your sixes, along with a checkmark.
(18:36:14) Bartimaeus: the checkmark signifies that you got a second yahtzee.
(18:36:20) Bartimaeus: so it's basically 130.
(18:36:29) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(18:36:33) UndeadxAssassin: Epik.
(18:36:39) UndeadxAssassin: How bout you keep score for all of us x)
(18:36:47) UndeadxAssassin: Take less time 'splaning.
(18:36:49) Bartimaeus: ..
(18:36:49) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:36:49) FatherSpace: I had 500, as I recall.
(18:36:53) Bartimaeus: I could do that.
(18:36:57) FatherSpace: Just write that down for me.
(18:37:09) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:37:10) UndeadxAssassin: Brb turkey ready
(18:38:19) Bartimaeus: Okay, created the cards in text pad.
(18:38:21) Bartimaeus: O.K.
(18:38:27) ChatBot: matchai logs into the Chat.
(18:38:28) Bartimaeus: FatherSpace, you may go first.
(18:38:34) matchai: hai guys
(18:38:35) Bartimaeus: Hiya, Matchai
(18:38:43) UndeadxAssassin: Hello again.
(18:38:44) matchai: Congratz Fatherspace!
(18:38:45) FatherSpace: We'll wait for Jen.
(18:38:51) UndeadxAssassin: I'm back .
(18:38:52) matchai: and Undead
(18:38:55) Bartimaeus: She appears to be here, ._.
(18:38:58) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:38:59) UndeadxAssassin: Oh thank you .
(18:39:00) matchai:
(18:39:06) matchai: ^^
(18:39:15) FatherSpace: Oh, there she is!
(18:39:17) UndeadxAssassin: So uh.
(18:39:18) Bartimaeus: Go ahead and do 5d6, FS.
(18:39:21) UndeadxAssassin: Where?
(18:39:25) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 2,4,1,6,3.
(18:39:28) FatherSpace: Oh snap.
(18:39:35) Bartimaeus: Ugh.
(18:39:35) UndeadxAssassin: So if he has 1,2,3,4...
(18:39:37) matchai: what are you guys talking about?
(18:39:38) Bartimaeus: You've got a small straight already.
(18:39:41) UndeadxAssassin: Yahtzee o_o
(18:39:45) matchai: XD
(18:39:46) matchai: win
(18:39:47) FatherSpace: Let's drop the 6...
(18:39:49) FatherSpace: Pray for a 5.
(18:39:51) Bartimaeus: Right.
(18:39:53) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(18:39:56) Bartimaeus:
(18:39:57) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(18:39:59) matchai: that is awesome
(18:40:01) FatherSpace: Nope... Just a small.
(18:40:01) Bartimaeus: HA
(18:40:18) Bartimaeus: So 30 points for you.
(18:40:21) UndeadxAssassin: Wanna play
(18:40:25) matchai: uhhhh
(18:40:34) matchai: iunno
(18:40:35) UndeadxAssassin: "I dunno how"
(18:40:39) UndeadxAssassin: Me neither, it's okay!
(18:40:42) matchai: i do
(18:40:42) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:40:45) matchai: w/e
(18:40:46) Bartimaeus: Alright.
(18:40:50) matchai: it's fine
(18:40:51) UndeadxAssassin: Oh, so you're better off than I am
(18:40:51) UndeadxAssassin: XD
(18:41:06) UndeadxAssassin: I'm just rolling and hoping for something good
(18:41:11) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d2 and gets 2,1,1,1,1.
(18:41:13) UndeadxAssassin: Like that o_o.
(18:41:16) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:41:20) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(18:41:23) Bartimaeus: 5d2, Assassin?
(18:41:27) FatherSpace: Jen...
(18:41:27) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 5,5,2,5,4.
(18:41:35) UndeadxAssassin: So I got 3 fives again..
(18:41:35) Bartimaeus: Well.
(18:41:35) FatherSpace: She likes her 5's.
(18:41:36) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:41:36) Bartimaeus: Five's.
(18:41:38) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:41:44) Bartimaeus: So 2d6...
(18:41:48) FatherSpace: Five's? Learn to grammar.
(18:41:49) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 5,2.
(18:41:51) Bartimaeus:
(18:41:54) Bartimaeus: Ugh.
(18:41:54) FatherSpace: 4... Jesus.
(18:41:56) UndeadxAssassin: And another 5..
(18:41:58) Bartimaeus: 1d6, lol
(18:42:02) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(18:42:05) UndeadxAssassin: And another.
(18:42:05) Bartimaeus: BS
(18:42:07) Bartimaeus: BS BS BS
(18:42:08) UndeadxAssassin: Oh hay Yahtzee!
(18:42:11) Bartimaeus: Ugghhh.
(18:42:12) UndeadxAssassin: +50?!
(18:42:14) FatherSpace: lulz
(18:42:15) Bartimaeus: This game is rigged, lol
(18:42:25) Bartimaeus: So 50 in your Yahtzee...on your first hand...
(18:42:37) Bartimaeus: Matchai, you playing or not?
(18:42:40) UndeadxAssassin: .
(18:42:40) FatherSpace: The probability of a Yahtzee for any three-roll turn is about .04603 (or ). or roughly 1 in 22 attempts
(18:42:44) Bartimaeus: I already have your text pad open, lol
(18:42:46) FatherSpace: You.
(18:42:48) FatherSpace: Suck.
(18:43:04) FatherSpace: Bart, just do it in Excel?
(18:43:04) Bartimaeus: Hm, I'll go, I guess.
(18:43:06) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 1,2,3,5,5.
(18:43:13) Bartimaeus: Fives...
(18:43:16) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 6,1,2.
(18:43:18) FatherSpace: What?
(18:43:19) Bartimaeus: Uh-oh.
(18:43:21) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:43:23) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 1,6,6.
(18:43:26) UndeadxAssassin: Why not 1,2,3?
(18:43:27) Bartimaeus: ..
(18:43:33) Bartimaeus: because fives hate my life.
(18:43:36) matchai: RAWR?!
(18:43:39) UndeadxAssassin: You didn't get a 4 anyway
(18:43:40) Bartimaeus: so I've got a one on my ones ...
(18:43:40) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:43:52) Bartimaeus: Matchai, you go.
(18:43:54) Bartimaeus: type /roll 5d6
(18:43:57) UndeadxAssassin: Gogo!
(18:44:07) UndeadxAssassin: Or spam /roll 5 times
(18:44:08) UndeadxAssassin:
(18:44:12) Bartimaeus: lol no
(18:44:13) matchai: okay
(18:44:18) ChatBot: matchai rolls 5d6 and gets 3,1,6,6,3.
(18:44:23) matchai:
(18:44:25) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(18:44:26) Bartimaeus: Well, you've got sixes or three's.
(18:44:30) matchai: im keeping my 6s
(18:44:34) matchai: no
(18:44:37) Bartimaeus: You could go with both, in hope for a three or a six and get full house.
(18:44:38) matchai: actually
(18:44:40) matchai: my 3s
(18:44:45) UndeadxAssassin: Or roll the 1 and get full house
(18:44:46) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:44:51) Bartimaeus: Indeed.
(18:44:53) matchai: kk
(18:44:58) matchai: i'll roll 1
(18:44:59) Bartimaeus: type /roll
(18:45:01) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:45:02) UndeadxAssassin: And hope for full house*
(18:45:03) FatherSpace: Two chances for a 3 or 6
(18:45:11) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah.
(18:45:19) UndeadxAssassin: 2/6 per shot
(18:45:20) FatherSpace: Just throw two.
(18:45:26) UndeadxAssassin: 4/6 chance of getting it
(18:45:31) UndeadxAssassin: Wait wut
(18:45:31) ChatBot: matchai rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(18:45:33) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:45:37) FatherSpace: Yes...
(18:45:42) Bartimaeus: Uh-oh. One more chance.
(18:45:46) ChatBot: matchai rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(18:45:49) UndeadxAssassin: lul
(18:45:50) Bartimaeus: Oh shoot.
(18:45:51) matchai: -_-
(18:45:53) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:45:56) FatherSpace: Yeah!!
(18:45:58) UndeadxAssassin: This dice is loving the fives.
(18:46:02) Bartimaeus: ...okay, so you've got two choices.
(18:46:14) UndeadxAssassin: Take the threes
(18:46:15) Bartimaeus: You can either add them up altogether and get chance, or cross out your ones.
(18:46:21) Bartimaeus: Or that, I suppose.
(18:46:25) UndeadxAssassin: Oh yeah, chance or whatever.
(18:46:27) Bartimaeus: But I personally wouldn't recommend that.
(18:46:29) UndeadxAssassin: Or that.
(18:46:33) UndeadxAssassin: I wouldn't know .
(18:46:44) matchai: i'd say
(18:46:46) Bartimaeus: One's are worthless - you want at least three for every thing else, lol
(18:46:47) matchai: my 1s
(18:46:51) UndeadxAssassin: Leaning as I go .
(18:46:51) Bartimaeus: Alright.
(18:46:52) UndeadxAssassin: Learning^
(18:46:57) Bartimaeus: FatherSpace, go.
(18:47:08) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 2,3,4,5,3.
(18:47:16) Bartimaeus: Hmm.
(18:47:17) FatherSpace: 2345, rolling the last 3
(18:47:18) UndeadxAssassin: ...
(18:47:26) Bartimaeus: gl ;o
(18:47:26) FatherSpace: For a 1 or 6
(18:47:31) UndeadxAssassin: Wut's with you and these straights.
(18:47:31) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(18:47:33) Bartimaeus: right.
(18:47:34) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(18:47:36) Bartimaeus: haaaaa
(18:47:38) FatherSpace: Another 30.
(18:47:38) UndeadxAssassin: Phail.
(18:47:39) Bartimaeus: HAAAAA
(18:47:40) Bartimaeus:
(18:47:42) Bartimaeus: Nope.
(18:47:46) FatherSpace: Hurrr?
(18:47:46) UndeadxAssassin: wut
(18:47:47) Bartimaeus: The small straight is already taken.
(18:47:50) Bartimaeus: You can't use it again.
(18:47:54) FatherSpace: FFFFUUUU
(18:47:58) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:48:01) UndeadxAssassin: HURR.
(18:48:01) FatherSpace: 0 1's, then
(18:48:06) Bartimaeus: ...chance or cross out your one's ;D
(18:48:07) Bartimaeus: k
(18:48:10) Bartimaeus: undead go
(18:48:13) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 3,5,2,3,4.
(18:48:20) Bartimaeus: fuuu
(18:48:21) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm.
(18:48:21) FatherSpace: ......
(18:48:24) Bartimaeus: already a small straight lol
(18:48:31) UndeadxAssassin: Roll the three and get lucky
(18:48:36) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 3.
(18:48:37) FatherSpace: Roll off a 3 and get 1 or 6.
(18:48:38) UndeadxAssassin: zz
(18:48:39) matchai: gtg
(18:48:39) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 3.
(18:48:42) matchai: see you guys
(18:48:42) UndeadxAssassin: ..
(18:48:43) Bartimaeus: HAHAHAH
(18:48:45) Bartimaeus: Bye.
(18:48:45) FatherSpace: Yeah!!
(18:48:45) UndeadxAssassin: Bai matchai
(18:48:46) Bartimaeus: Hahhahaha
(18:48:49) matchai: bai
(18:48:49) Bartimaeus: Same thing as FatherSpace.
(18:48:51) FatherSpace: She's got 80 now.
(18:48:55) UndeadxAssassin: This dice needs to be shaken up.
(18:49:00) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(18:49:01) Bartimaeus: Fortunately, you still have small straight open.
(18:49:05) Bartimaeus: So you get 30 one that.
(18:49:06) Bartimaeus: on
(18:49:10) FatherSpace: The RNG is PRNG
(18:49:16) Bartimaeus: My turn.
(18:49:18) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,6,4,4.
(18:49:21) Bartimaeus: Woot, lol
(18:49:22) UndeadxAssassin: wut
(18:49:24) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 2d6 and gets 4,6.
(18:49:26) Bartimaeus: YES.
(18:49:26) FatherSpace: hax
(18:49:28) UndeadxAssassin: Wut
(18:49:28) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(18:49:30) FatherSpace: HX
(18:49:30) Bartimaeus: NOOO
(18:49:32) Bartimaeus: 16.
(18:49:33) UndeadxAssassin: Hurr.
(18:49:36) Bartimaeus: on my fours.
(18:49:44) Bartimaeus: Go ahead, Father.
(18:49:54) FatherSpace: Matchai
(18:49:58) Bartimaeus: He left.
(18:50:00) UndeadxAssassin: Has left the building.
(18:50:03) FatherSpace:
(18:50:05) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:50:05) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,2,3,4,5.
(18:50:08) UndeadxAssassin: The room*
(18:50:12) UndeadxAssassin: lul.
(18:50:12) Bartimaeus: rofl
(18:50:13) FatherSpace: Gonna drop a 3...
(18:50:13) Bartimaeus: abahaahha
(18:50:16) Bartimaeus: another straight.
(18:50:17) FatherSpace: Hope for 1 or 6
(18:50:17) Bartimaeus:
(18:50:19) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(18:50:22) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(18:50:24) UndeadxAssassin: Hope for 6*
(18:50:25) Bartimaeus: ahahah
(18:50:27) Bartimaeus: same numbers every time
(18:50:28) Bartimaeus: hahahahha
(18:50:28) UndeadxAssassin: Fail
(18:50:29) FatherSpace: 2 2'2 then, for 4
(18:50:32) FatherSpace: 2's
(18:50:38) Bartimaeus: Alright.
(18:50:43) FatherSpace: 34 for me.
(18:50:43) Bartimaeus: Undead.
(18:50:45) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,6,4,4,6.
(18:50:48) UndeadxAssassin: o_o...
(18:50:52) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 3.
(18:50:55) Bartimaeus: Sixes or four's.
(18:50:55) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(18:50:56) Bartimaeus: Er.
(18:50:59) Bartimaeus: Haaaaaaa
(18:51:00) ChatBot: matchai has been logged out (Timeout).
(18:51:06) Bartimaeus: So...
(18:51:07) FatherSpace: Woot.
(18:51:08) UndeadxAssassin: I'll cross teh ones.
(18:51:13) Bartimaeus: Alright.
(18:51:20) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 1,4,2,5,6.
(18:51:27) UndeadxAssassin: Should have stuck with one number instead of full house :S
(18:51:32) Bartimaeus: Why are my numbers always a mess?
(18:51:36) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:51:41) FatherSpace: You have 12_456
(18:51:43) UndeadxAssassin: Get rid of the 1 for a 3
(18:51:44) UndeadxAssassin:
(18:51:45) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(18:51:51) Bartimaeus: I'll get rid of both 1 & 2.
(18:51:53) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 2d6 and gets 2,6.
(18:51:58) Bartimaeus: Oh shoot.
(18:51:59) UndeadxAssassin: lul
(18:52:00) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 2d6 and gets 2,6.
(18:52:03) Bartimaeus: OH MY GOSH
(18:52:05) UndeadxAssassin: lul
(18:52:05) Bartimaeus: noooooooo
(18:52:08) FatherSpace: Wow.
(18:52:08) Bartimaeus: Eh.
(18:52:11) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:52:11) FatherSpace: As I said, PRNG
(18:52:16) Bartimaeus: ...chance...
(18:52:20) UndeadxAssassin: I don't even think that's PRNG.
(18:52:22) FatherSpace: Pseudo-Random Number Generator
(18:52:24) Bartimaeus: that would be 23?
(18:52:32) UndeadxAssassin: Because doesn't it reset each time?
(18:52:51) FatherSpace: Yeah, 23.
(18:52:51) UndeadxAssassin: wut
(18:52:53) Bartimaeus: 23 on my chance, lol
(18:52:56) Bartimaeus: okay, go ahead Father
(18:53:02) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 2,6,5,5,1.
(18:53:07) FatherSpace: Gonna hold 5's
(18:53:10) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 3d6 and gets 2,6,2.
(18:53:11) Bartimaeus: lol no instant straight this time
(18:53:14) Bartimaeus: Haha.
(18:53:18) FatherSpace: Dropping 6
(18:53:21) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(18:53:22) Bartimaeus: GL.
(18:53:23) FatherSpace:
(18:53:23) UndeadxAssassin: Roll the 6 and..that
(18:53:26) Bartimaeus: ..
(18:53:28) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:53:35) Bartimaeus: Uh, well.
(18:53:36) UndeadxAssassin: Chancey?
(18:53:36) FatherSpace: Waily.
(18:53:38) UndeadxAssassin:
(18:53:40) Bartimaeus: Yes, hrm.
(18:53:43) FatherSpace: 15 on chance? I don't wanna.
(18:53:55) FatherSpace: But... Yeah, fine.
(18:53:55) Bartimaeus: Scratch out Yahtzee?
(18:53:55) UndeadxAssassin: Then take the twos
(18:53:56) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(18:54:04) Bartimaeus: He's already used twos.
(18:54:05) FatherSpace: Already done 2's
(18:54:06) UndeadxAssassin: 15 on chance is more than 12 on twos.
(18:54:08) UndeadxAssassin: Oh.
(18:54:10) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(18:54:12) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:54:19) UndeadxAssassin: Wait, you can't get 12 on twos.
(18:54:20) UndeadxAssassin: :S.
(18:54:22) Bartimaeus: Alright, 15 on chance it is?
(18:54:24) FatherSpace: 8 on 2
(18:54:26) FatherSpace: Yeah.
(18:54:29) Bartimaeus: Yeah, that would take six dice.
(18:54:29) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 3,6,6,1,1.
(18:54:31) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:54:33) UndeadxAssassin: Oh boy.
(18:54:40) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 6,2,5.
(18:54:40) Bartimaeus: Hmm.
(18:54:48) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 1,5.
(18:54:50) UndeadxAssassin:
(18:54:52) FatherSpace: Why not get rid of just the 3?
(18:54:54) Bartimaeus:
(18:55:02) UndeadxAssassin: Because I did that last time
(18:55:06) UndeadxAssassin: And ended with nothing .
(18:55:07) Bartimaeus: 18 on your six?
(18:55:11) Bartimaeus: Or perhaps three of a kind?
(18:55:14) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm...
(18:55:30) UndeadxAssassin: Three of a kind, i suppose.
(18:55:36) UndeadxAssassin: Since I can do bettur with 6s.
(18:55:43) Bartimaeus: Thats 18 + 5 + 1.
(18:55:45) Bartimaeus: So 24.
(18:55:57) Bartimaeus: My turn.
(18:56:00) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 6,6,3,5,3.
(18:56:03) Bartimaeus: Eh.
(18:56:11) Bartimaeus: I guess I'll try and get full house..
(18:56:18) UndeadxAssassin: G_G?
(18:56:19) Bartimaeus: No, wait, with sixes, I don't want to do that.
(18:56:21) FatherSpace: Try to get
(18:56:22) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 1,6,1.
(18:56:25) Bartimaeus: Okay.
(18:56:29) Bartimaeus: I guess I'll get full house, anyways.
(18:56:31) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:56:33) UndeadxAssassin: You got full house anyway..
(18:56:39) UndeadxAssassin: ...
(18:56:43) Bartimaeus: XD
(18:56:45) Bartimaeus: Go ahead, Father.
(18:56:50) FatherSpace:
(18:56:53) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,6,4,6,6.
(18:56:54) Bartimaeus: rofl
(18:56:55) Bartimaeus: haaha
(18:56:56) FatherSpace: EPIC
(18:56:56) UndeadxAssassin: wtf.
(18:56:57) Bartimaeus: WHOAT
(18:56:57) UndeadxAssassin: wtf.
(18:57:08) FatherSpace: Let's pray for a 6
(18:57:09) Bartimaeus: friggan'
(18:57:12) UndeadxAssassin: FAIL.
(18:57:14) FatherSpace: Although...
(18:57:14) Bartimaeus: no, let's curse it.
(18:57:24) UndeadxAssassin: /hack!
(18:57:25) FatherSpace: If I get another 6, could I just take 30 for my 6's?
(18:57:32) FatherSpace: Instead of Yahtzee?
(18:57:36) Bartimaeus: Yes, but why would you do that? You get a 20 bonus for Yahtzee.
(18:57:47) Bartimaeus: As well as with the chance of getting another Yahtzee for a hundred.
(18:57:47) FatherSpace: 'Cause I want my maximum score for 6
(18:57:51) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(18:57:55) UndeadxAssassin: And the next time you get Yahtzee you
(18:57:55) UndeadxAssassin: WTF
(18:57:56) Bartimaeus: That would be silly, though, lol
(18:57:57) FatherSpace: There we go. 30 on 6
(18:57:58) Bartimaeus: ...
(18:58:05) Bartimaeus: You don't want Yahtzee?
(18:58:08) FatherSpace: Nope.
(18:58:12) UndeadxAssassin: Next time you get Yahtzee it doubles to 100 instead of 50
(18:58:12) Bartimaeus: The logic there is missing, but okay.
(18:58:13) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(18:58:18) Bartimaeus: Last chance, bud.
(18:58:19) FatherSpace: Logic is right there.
(18:58:28) Bartimaeus: Howso?
(18:58:28) Bartimaeus: That's a really silly decision.
(18:58:32) UndeadxAssassin: No need to argue
(18:58:35) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 6,4,3,2,4.
(18:58:37) FatherSpace: Suppose I take Yahtzee here.
(18:58:38) UndeadxAssassin: Too late, I rolled.
(18:58:39) Bartimaeus: Okay.
(18:58:41) FatherSpace: I'm gaining 30.
(18:58:43) FatherSpace: Er, 20.
(18:58:49) UndeadxAssassin: Hmmm
(18:58:49) Bartimaeus: Fine, fine lol
(18:58:57) FatherSpace: But then I get Yahtzee on 3's, I'd be getting 35
(18:58:57) UndeadxAssassin: High straight or 4s.
(18:59:00) UndeadxAssassin: I'll go with 4s.
(18:59:02) Bartimaeus: Four's, I guess.
(18:59:07) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 5,4,2.
(18:59:13) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 1,5.
(18:59:13) Bartimaeus: Hm.
(18:59:15) UndeadxAssassin: .
(18:59:16) Bartimaeus: Ow.
(18:59:31) Bartimaeus: Well, you've got chance still open.
(18:59:32) UndeadxAssassin: i'm forgetful, did I use chance yet? o_o
(18:59:37) UndeadxAssassin: I didn't think so.
(18:59:41) Bartimaeus: lol
(18:59:42) UndeadxAssassin: Meh, 18.
(18:59:51) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 5,5,1,2,6.
(18:59:52) UndeadxAssassin: Sure, why not >>
(18:59:55) Bartimaeus: Five's.
(18:59:57) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 4,6,6.
(19:00:01) Bartimaeus: Erm.
(19:00:03) Bartimaeus: Shoot.
(19:00:03) FatherSpace: Fives! Not five's.
(19:00:08) Bartimaeus: I'll go with sixes, lol
(19:00:11) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 3,2,5.
(19:00:14) Bartimaeus: OH DARN YOU
(19:00:16) UndeadxAssassin: LOL.
(19:00:19) Bartimaeus: Fickle machine!
(19:00:29) Bartimaeus: Eh.
(19:00:31) Bartimaeus: Well..
(19:00:38) Bartimaeus: Two one my two's!
(19:00:41) Bartimaeus: FS,
(19:00:50) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 2,2,4,5,1.
(19:00:59) FatherSpace: Dropping a 2
(19:01:00) Bartimaeus: Hold on.
(19:01:01) UndeadxAssassin: KEEP THE ONE.
(19:01:01) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(19:01:05) Bartimaeus: You've already used your two's.
(19:01:11) Bartimaeus: Okay...but you need a three ;D
(19:01:28) FatherSpace: 12456...
(19:01:33) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:01:36) Bartimaeus: GL on your last roll..
(19:01:39) FatherSpace: Dropping 6
(19:01:42) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,6,4,4,6.
(19:01:45) FatherSpace: What?
(19:01:48) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(19:01:51) UndeadxAssassin: wut
(19:01:52) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:02:01) FatherSpace: 24556.
(19:02:04) Bartimaeus: Uh...
(19:02:16) Bartimaeus: Only thing I could think of is using your's two or your five's.
(19:02:20) Bartimaeus: Shot.
(19:02:22) Bartimaeus: Shoot.
(19:02:24) Bartimaeus: You already used two's.
(19:02:26) FatherSpace: 5 it is.
(19:02:29) FatherSpace: 10 on 5
(19:02:36) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 2,1,6,3,1.
(19:02:38) Bartimaeus: Done, Undead.
(19:02:41) UndeadxAssassin: BLARGH.
(19:02:51) UndeadxAssassin: Did I use my ones yet?
(19:02:52) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:02:53) FatherSpace: BLARGH
(19:02:57) Bartimaeus: Yes.
(19:02:57) FatherSpace: Yeah, crossed them.
(19:03:00) UndeadxAssassin: Poop.
(19:03:04) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:03:17) UndeadxAssassin: I wonder if I can get a straight, then
(19:03:27) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:03:28) FatherSpace: gl
(19:03:30) UndeadxAssassin: I'll drop 1,1,6
(19:03:33) Bartimaeus: You'd need a large one.
(19:03:35) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,1.
(19:03:36) Bartimaeus: you've already used small :/
(19:03:44) FatherSpace: 12334
(19:03:46) UndeadxAssassin: 1,2,3,4,1
(19:03:49) UndeadxAssassin: Erm
(19:03:52) UndeadxAssassin: What FS said
(19:03:53) UndeadxAssassin: XD
(19:03:55) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:04:01) UndeadxAssassin: I'll drop tha three.
(19:04:02) Bartimaeus: Five, then.
(19:04:03) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(19:04:07) UndeadxAssassin: Poopface.
(19:04:08) Bartimaeus: Hm.
(19:04:09) FatherSpace: 12344
(19:04:10) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:04:16) Bartimaeus: Last time it was poop; now face?
(19:04:17) UndeadxAssassin: I'll take a two, then.
(19:04:27) Bartimaeus: Done.
(19:04:28) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 3,2,6,2,6.
(19:04:33) Bartimaeus: Gosh.
(19:04:37) Bartimaeus: Why do they do this to me?
(19:04:44) Bartimaeus: Sixes.
(19:04:46) UndeadxAssassin: I wonder the same .
(19:04:46) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 1,1,2.
(19:04:48) FatherSpace: Do you already has FH?
(19:04:50) Bartimaeus: Gull dangit.
(19:04:52) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(19:04:55) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 3,4,6.
(19:04:57) Bartimaeus: YES.
(19:04:59) Bartimaeus: At least that.
(19:05:12) FatherSpace: Not as much as my 30 on 6.
(19:05:15) Bartimaeus: 18 + 4 + 3 for three of a king, which is 25.
(19:05:23) UndeadxAssassin: Kind^
(19:05:24) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:05:24) Bartimaeus:
(19:05:28) Bartimaeus: kind.
(19:05:30) Bartimaeus: yeah, go FS.
(19:05:30) UndeadxAssassin: Beat mine by one .
(19:05:36) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:05:36) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,3,3,6,3.
(19:05:40) FatherSpace: FH
(19:05:41) UndeadxAssassin: wtf
(19:05:42) Bartimaeus: ohhh
(19:05:43) Bartimaeus: ohhh
(19:05:44) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:05:47) UndeadxAssassin: Why so hacks.
(19:05:47) Bartimaeus: after all your hard work
(19:05:50) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:05:58) FatherSpace: Me? Work?
(19:05:59) Bartimaeus: you could try going for three's, or fh?
(19:06:01) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 5,5,5,4,4.
(19:06:04) UndeadxAssassin: HA
(19:06:06) Bartimaeus: ohhh
(19:06:08) FatherSpace: JEN hacks.
(19:06:14) Bartimaeus: fs, you wanted fh, right?
(19:06:18) FatherSpace: Yeah.
(19:06:25) Bartimaeus: you too, Undead?
(19:06:28) Bartimaeus: or do you want five's?
(19:06:30) Bartimaeus: wait
(19:06:38) Bartimaeus: you've already used them, but you still have 3/4 of a kind.
(19:06:45) UndeadxAssassin: I used my fives.
(19:06:50) UndeadxAssassin: Nah, I'll stay with FH >>
(19:06:54) Bartimaeus: o.k.
(19:07:00) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 4,3,1,2,1.
(19:07:04) UndeadxAssassin: I'mma get a 1,3 or something if I roll again
(19:07:06) Bartimaeus: Friggan'...
(19:07:10) UndeadxAssassin: BRb relog, starting to lag.
(19:07:13) FatherSpace: 11234
(19:07:13) Bartimaeus: k
(19:07:16) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(19:07:16) FatherSpace: Drop a 1, go for big.
(19:07:21) Bartimaeus: I'll try for a large straight...
(19:07:23) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(19:07:27) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(19:07:29) Bartimaeus: YES
(19:07:30) Bartimaeus: YES YES
(19:07:31) FatherSpace: Yeah!!!
(19:07:37) Bartimaeus: Oh.
(19:07:42) Bartimaeus: I haven't even used my small...lolz
(19:07:47) Bartimaeus: Go ahead.
(19:07:51) UndeadxAssassin: I am back o_o
(19:07:56) Bartimaeus: wb
(19:07:58) UndeadxAssassin: But I lost all my mod powers
(19:08:01) UndeadxAssassin: Brb again.
(19:08:02) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:08:08) UndeadxAssassin: That's better.
(19:08:13) UndeadxAssassin: I can delete posts again .
(19:08:13) Bartimaeus:
(19:08:17) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:08:19) Bartimaeus: Go ahead, FS.
(19:08:22) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,2,1,5,6.
(19:08:26) UndeadxAssassin: I couldn't even delete my post before .
(19:08:29) Bartimaeus: lol hahhaha
(19:08:34) UndeadxAssassin: Meh.
(19:08:35) FatherSpace: Dropping 1
(19:08:36) Bartimaeus: you and your straight-attempts.
(19:08:39) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(19:08:42) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(19:08:47) UndeadxAssassin: :9.
(19:08:48) UndeadxAssassin: .
(19:08:48) FatherSpace: I'll take my pair.
(19:08:51) Bartimaeus:
(19:08:55) FatherSpace: That exists, right?
(19:08:58) UndeadxAssassin: Your hacks have died.
(19:09:01) Bartimaeus: Pair of what?
(19:09:02) UndeadxAssassin: Did you use twos?
(19:09:05) FatherSpace: Dos.
(19:09:09) Bartimaeus: Um.
(19:09:11) Bartimaeus: Uhh...
(19:09:12) UndeadxAssassin: He has a pair of twos.
(19:09:15) Bartimaeus: 'Fraid you can't do that, lol
(19:09:21) Bartimaeus: 2's: 4
(19:09:22) FatherSpace:
(19:09:30) FatherSpace: I get 1 on 3, then.
(19:09:31) Bartimaeus: you already used it, for the same score no less, lol
(19:09:36) UndeadxAssassin: Why, I recon your luck has run out there, FatherSpice
(19:09:42) Bartimaeus: lol, go ahead Undead.
(19:09:48) Bartimaeus: (wtb Yahtzee)
(19:09:54) UndeadxAssassin: I think he meant pair like the three of a kind.
(19:10:00) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,6,2,5,2.
(19:10:05) UndeadxAssassin: Hm
(19:10:05) Bartimaeus: Yeah, but he doesn't have three of a kind ;D
(19:10:13) UndeadxAssassin: I used my twos already, didn't I?
(19:10:17) Bartimaeus: Yes.
(19:10:25) UndeadxAssassin: I could go for 4 of a kind...
(19:10:34) UndeadxAssassin: What do I have left?
(19:10:35) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:10:49) Bartimaeus: ...2-6's, including fives, three of a kind, four of a kind.
(19:10:58) Bartimaeus: and large straight.
(19:11:02) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm.
(19:11:22) UndeadxAssassin: D:
(19:11:25) UndeadxAssassin: Uhhhhh.
(19:11:26) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:11:36) UndeadxAssassin: Can I just roll 3 and see what I get? XD
(19:11:42) Bartimaeus: Sure.
(19:11:46) Bartimaeus: Do what you like,
(19:11:48) UndeadxAssassin: Fail
(19:11:50) Bartimaeus: Wait.
(19:11:50) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 3,4,1.
(19:11:54) Bartimaeus: Which ones are you rolling?
(19:12:01) Bartimaeus: Wow.
(19:12:05) UndeadxAssassin: Who cares, I have a large straight
(19:12:05) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:12:08) UndeadxAssassin: .
(19:12:08) FatherSpace: 12234
(19:12:13) FatherSpace: What?
(19:12:17) Bartimaeus: Well, did you keep your two?
(19:12:33) Bartimaeus: Have to say what you're throwing when you do that kind of roll.
(19:12:40) Bartimaeus: Let's just assume you did keep a two.
(19:12:42) UndeadxAssassin: I for rid of a 1 and 2
(19:12:45) UndeadxAssassin: got^
(19:13:04) Bartimaeus: Good luck on your five ;D
(19:13:15) UndeadxAssassin: (22:10:00) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,6,2,5,2.
(19:13:17) UndeadxAssassin: I had a five o_o
(19:13:26) Bartimaeus: But did you throw it away?
(19:13:34) UndeadxAssassin: (22:12:42) UndeadxAssassin: I for rid of a 1 and 2
(19:13:40) UndeadxAssassin: (22:12:45) UndeadxAssassin: got^
(19:13:42) Bartimaeus: Okay.
(19:13:51) Bartimaeus: So what do you have? 6 5 4 3 2?
(19:13:57) Bartimaeus: Then you have a large straight, I guess lol
(19:14:10) FatherSpace: Please specify before rolling next time, JEN.
(19:14:14) Bartimaeus: My turn, lol
(19:14:17) FatherSpace: Since you just said "I'm rolling 3"
(19:14:18) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 2,2,2,5,1.
(19:14:21) UndeadxAssassin: .
(19:14:22) Bartimaeus: Heh.
(19:14:32) Bartimaeus: Too bad I already used my two's...
(19:14:40) UndeadxAssassin: Three of a kind?
(19:14:45) Bartimaeus: For two's?
(19:14:49) Bartimaeus: I think not.
(19:14:51) UndeadxAssassin: Or that o_o.
(19:14:54) Bartimaeus: Keeping my five.
(19:14:57) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 4d6 and gets 5,4,1,2.
(19:15:01) FatherSpace: Bart, it's twos.
(19:15:11) Bartimaeus: I have no need of two's.
(19:15:16) FatherSpace: Twos.
(19:15:17) UndeadxAssassin: xD
(19:15:19) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:15:25) Bartimaeus: rofl
(19:15:26) FatherSpace: Two's is belong to Two, or two is.
(19:15:28) Bartimaeus: w/e
(19:15:48) Bartimaeus: ... okay, so I have 12455
(19:16:14) Bartimaeus: I'll roll both five's for a 3.
(19:16:16) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 2d6 and gets 4,1.
(19:16:20) Bartimaeus: Uh.
(19:16:23) FatherSpace: 11244
(19:16:23) Bartimaeus: Shooooooot
(19:16:40) Bartimaeus scratches out Yahtzee.
(19:16:46) Bartimaeus: Go ahead, FS.
(19:16:50) UndeadxAssassin: Wut's that do
(19:16:53) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,5,3,6,4.
(19:16:55) UndeadxAssassin: The free roll thing?
(19:16:55) Bartimaeus: Nulls it.
(19:17:01) UndeadxAssassin: But gets rid of your 50?
(19:17:05) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(19:17:08) Bartimaeus: I didn't have a 50.
(19:17:08) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:17:12) FatherSpace: 33456...
(19:17:18) Bartimaeus: Indeed.
(19:17:19) UndeadxAssassin: Oh, but you can't anymore?
(19:17:24) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(19:17:28) Bartimaeus: So I'm basically screwed, lol
(19:17:29) UndeadxAssassin: o_o..
(19:17:37) Bartimaeus: Anyways, you've used your three's, FS.
(19:17:43) FatherSpace: One sec... Doing math.
(19:17:49) FatherSpace: k
(19:17:52) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(19:17:55) FatherSpace: Dropping 3 and 6
(19:17:59) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 3,2.
(19:18:02) Bartimaeus: lol this again?
(19:18:07) FatherSpace: Dropping 3
(19:18:09) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(19:18:12) FatherSpace: Shit...
(19:18:14) FatherSpace: 23455
(19:18:17) Bartimaeus:
(19:18:30) Bartimaeus: Eh...
(19:18:34) FatherSpace: What do I have left?
(19:18:36) Bartimaeus: You've got nothing whatsoever except a four.
(19:18:45) FatherSpace: 4, 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, yahtzee.
(19:18:45) Bartimaeus: nothing that you wouldn't have to scratch out.
(19:19:11) Bartimaeus: 4s, 6s, 4 of a kind, large straight
(19:19:12) UndeadxAssassin: Large straight ^
(19:19:31) FatherSpace: I did 6 already, got 30 on it.
(19:19:36) Bartimaeus: No.
(19:19:39) Bartimaeus: That was Yahtzee.
(19:19:41) Bartimaeus: Remember?
(19:19:43) FatherSpace: Instead of your stupid Yahtzee.
(19:19:52) FatherSpace: I remember these things.
(19:19:52) Bartimaeus: You changed at the last second.
(19:19:55) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:19:57) UndeadxAssassin: He chose 30 over Yahtzee
(19:19:59) FatherSpace: No, I didn't.
(19:20:00) UndeadxAssassin: No he didn't o_o.
(19:20:20) FatherSpace: I get to take 1 on my 4
(19:20:27) Bartimaeus: Hold on.
(19:21:02) Bartimaeus: Okay, I have no idea.
(19:21:09) Bartimaeus: I thought you told me to switch it at the last second.
(19:21:15) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:21:16) UndeadxAssassin: No, he didn't O_o.
(19:21:22) FatherSpace:
(19:21:34) Bartimaeus: I'll let you either have Yahtzee or sixes, which do you want? lol
(19:21:46) FatherSpace: Sixes.
(19:21:46) UndeadxAssassin: You might remember yourself trying to convince him thusly.
(19:21:47) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:21:51) Bartimaeus: Rofl. What an inane question.
(19:21:54) Bartimaeus: Alright.
(19:21:59) FatherSpace: I chose it then, I'm keeping it.
(19:22:05) FatherSpace: At the time, the logic was flawless.
(19:22:08) Bartimaeus: Alright.
(19:22:11) Bartimaeus: Undead, go.
(19:22:13) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:22:20) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,6,5,1.
(19:22:21) FatherSpace: Now it's only honour that prevents me from switching.
(19:22:23) Bartimaeus: Yeah, but I thought you said switch, so...whatever, lol
(19:22:33) Bartimaeus: Five's.
(19:22:36) Bartimaeus: You still have them open.
(19:22:38) UndeadxAssassin: Hm. I still have me 4s and 6s, right?
(19:22:40) FatherSpace: Fives!
(19:22:48) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:22:52) UndeadxAssassin: Sure
(19:22:58) UndeadxAssassin: I'll hold the fives >>
(19:22:58) Bartimaeus: The only five's you got were Yahtzee fives.
(19:22:59) FatherSpace: The apostrophe only applies for the digit, as in 5's
(19:23:02) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:23:07) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 4,2,4.
(19:23:09) Bartimaeus: -.-
(19:23:12) Bartimaeus: Hmm.
(19:23:26) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 5,4,4.
(19:23:29) Bartimaeus: 3-6's, and 3/4 of a kind are still open.
(19:23:36) Bartimaeus: ...
(19:23:36) FatherSpace: I'd go 3 of a kind.
(19:23:40) UndeadxAssassin: Too bad I used ToaK.
(19:23:42) FatherSpace: 23 right there.
(19:23:45) FatherSpace:
(19:23:48) Bartimaeus: Wait.
(19:23:49) Bartimaeus: Hold on.
(19:23:50) UndeadxAssassin: I used it and got 24
(19:23:51) UndeadxAssassin:
(19:23:55) Bartimaeus: You have used three of a kind lol
(19:23:59) Bartimaeus: Yeah, my bad.
(19:24:02) UndeadxAssassin: Yes, I know.
(19:24:10) Bartimaeus: Wait..
(19:24:13) UndeadxAssassin: I'll just take 3 fives.
(19:24:16) Bartimaeus: You got 24 on your's?
(19:24:35) UndeadxAssassin: I had three sixes, didn't I?
(19:24:36) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:24:38) Bartimaeus: Alright.
(19:24:46) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 5,1,2,2,5.
(19:24:54) Bartimaeus: Hrmph.
(19:24:56) UndeadxAssassin: Cuz I remember you had 25 on your ToaK and I was one lower
(19:24:57) Bartimaeus: Five's.
(19:24:59) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 1,4,2.
(19:25:03) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 3,6,4.
(19:25:08) Bartimaeus: Ugghh.
(19:25:10) FatherSpace: Bart had 23.
(19:25:18) Bartimaeus: No, I had 25.
(19:25:23) FatherSpace: 24566, it was.
(19:25:36) Bartimaeus: Negative. I had 25.
(19:25:39) UndeadxAssassin: He had 25 o_o.
(19:25:40) Bartimaeus: ...I think.
(19:25:45) FatherSpace: Was chance 23 then?
(19:25:52) FatherSpace: Wait, I'm dumb, it was chance.
(19:25:55) Bartimaeus: Yep.
(19:26:00) Bartimaeus: Chance: 23
(19:26:00) FatherSpace: 24566 doesn't even have 3 of a kind.
(19:26:02) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:26:08) Bartimaeus: XDDD
(19:26:26) Bartimaeus: Okay, so I guess I got 10 on my five's, lol
(19:26:32) Bartimaeus: FS
(19:26:39) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 5,3,2,2,2.
(19:26:47) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:26:49) Bartimaeus: lols
(19:26:55) FatherSpace: Drop 5 and 3
(19:26:55) Bartimaeus: four of a kind with ones
(19:27:00) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 5,4.
(19:27:02) UndeadxAssassin: Twos*
(19:27:02) Bartimaeus: er
(19:27:03) Bartimaeus: twos
(19:27:08) FatherSpace: That's... Slightly better.
(19:27:11) FatherSpace: One extra point.
(19:27:13) Bartimaeus:
(19:27:23) Bartimaeus: You've already used three of a kind, FS.
(19:27:25) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 4,1.
(19:27:31) FatherSpace: No I haven't.
(19:27:33) UndeadxAssassin: Did he chance?
(19:27:33) Bartimaeus: Uhh...
(19:27:39) FatherSpace: Now I have, though.
(19:27:46) FatherSpace: 11
(19:27:57) Bartimaeus: k.
(19:28:03) Bartimaeus: Undead, and yes, he did lol
(19:28:15) UndeadxAssassin: Sure, why not o_o.
(19:28:18) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,6,3,2,5.
(19:28:19) FatherSpace: Chanced for 15
(19:28:25) Bartimaeus: Yep.
(19:28:26) UndeadxAssassin: Epik
(19:28:27) UndeadxAssassin: Fail.
(19:28:30) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:28:39) Bartimaeus: ..Well..
(19:28:43) UndeadxAssassin: I have 6s and FoaK, right?
(19:28:55) Bartimaeus: Yeah, and 3 and 4's.
(19:29:04) UndeadxAssassin: Threes, too?
(19:29:11) Bartimaeus: Yep.
(19:29:14) UndeadxAssassin: Hold the three, then.
(19:29:19) Bartimaeus: O.K.
(19:29:21) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 5,3,1,2.
(19:29:27) UndeadxAssassin: Blargh.
(19:29:27) Bartimaeus: Six so
(19:29:32) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 2,2,2.
(19:29:36) UndeadxAssassin: FML.
(19:29:38) Bartimaeus: lolz you woul
(19:29:39) Bartimaeus: d
(19:29:45) UndeadxAssassin: Too bad I used FH
(19:29:52) FatherSpace: Why too bad?
(19:29:54) Bartimaeus: Six for your three's, then?
(19:30:00) UndeadxAssassin: Yar.
(19:30:00) FatherSpace: You'd use it anyway...
(19:30:09) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 5,5,6,1,2.
(19:30:23) Bartimaeus: I'll go for 4 of a kind, lol
(19:30:24) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah, but six on threes is meh.
(19:30:26) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 3d6 and gets 5,1,4.
(19:30:30) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 2d6 and gets 5,2.
(19:30:32) Bartimaeus: HAAHHA
(19:30:34) Bartimaeus: Wow.
(19:30:37) FatherSpace: 22
(19:30:38) Bartimaeus: 22 on my four of a kind.
(19:30:44) UndeadxAssassin: Hacks.
(19:30:50) FatherSpace: Less than my 5 of a kind on 6's
(19:30:55) Bartimaeus: Whoa, I still haven't gotten small straight
(19:31:06) FatherSpace: Should work on that.
(19:31:10) Bartimaeus: Go ahead, FS.
(19:31:10) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,3,4,5,6.
(19:31:25) UndeadxAssassin: o_o....
(19:31:26) Bartimaeus: 3 of a kind, large straight and yahtzee left.
(19:31:32) UndeadxAssassin: Still working on that straightm lol.
(19:31:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 6,5.
(19:31:33) Bartimaeus: Drop the one and go for two?
(19:31:35) UndeadxAssassin: straight, lol*
(19:31:41) FatherSpace: Was rolling 1 and 6 there
(19:31:46) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:31:49) FatherSpace: 34556...
(19:31:52) Bartimaeus: so now you definitely need a two...
(19:31:53) FatherSpace: 5 and 6
(19:31:57) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,6,1,3,4.
(19:32:00) FatherSpace: Shit.
(19:32:03) Bartimaeus: Stop
(19:32:06) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 1,4.
(19:32:11) Bartimaeus: You already have small straight.
(19:32:15) FatherSpace: I saw 5 and 6, rolled 5d6
(19:32:18) FatherSpace: I'd already used small.
(19:32:21) UndeadxAssassin: He used the small already.
(19:32:24) Bartimaeus: Right.
(19:32:27) Bartimaeus: My point.
(19:32:35) UndeadxAssassin: He was going for large.
(19:32:38) Bartimaeus: Uh...
(19:32:40) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:32:46) UndeadxAssassin: o.o
(19:32:47) Bartimaeus: Yeah, and he didn't do too well...;D
(19:32:48) FatherSpace: I cross off yahtzee.
(19:32:53) Bartimaeus: Okay.
(19:33:01) Bartimaeus: Yahtzee next round, I'm sure.
(19:33:04) Bartimaeus: Undead?
(19:33:05) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,6,3,5.
(19:33:16) Bartimaeus: 4's, 6's, and four of a kind.
(19:33:27) UndeadxAssassin: I'll go with 4's.
(19:33:34) Bartimaeus: 4*
(19:33:35) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 1,1,2,1.
(19:33:40) UndeadxAssassin: Epik.
(19:33:41) UndeadxAssassin: Fail.
(19:33:42) Bartimaeus: Oh dear lord.
(19:33:49) Bartimaeus: Four of a kind on your ones? lol
(19:33:53) FatherSpace: Gogo!!
(19:33:55) UndeadxAssassin: Ones with FoaK is lame.
(19:33:56) UndeadxAssassin: ....
(19:34:02) Bartimaeus: That's a maximum of ten with 4 ones and a six...
(19:34:05) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:34:06) UndeadxAssassin: FoaK with ones is lame**
(19:34:18) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm.
(19:34:24) UndeadxAssassin: Keep the four and throw the rest!
(19:34:28) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 5,3,4,5.
(19:34:28) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:34:33) Bartimaeus: Well...
(19:34:35) UndeadxAssassin: ...
(19:34:44) UndeadxAssassin: Eight on fours, then.
(19:34:44) Bartimaeus: gratz on the 8
(19:34:46) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:34:49) UndeadxAssassin: !
(19:34:50) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 4,3,6,5,2.
(19:34:59) FatherSpace: Hacker.
(19:35:01) UndeadxAssassin: wtf
(19:35:04) Bartimaeus: Small straight?
(19:35:05) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:35:09) UndeadxAssassin: Large o_o
(19:35:10) FatherSpace: Large, you tit.
(19:35:14) Bartimaeus: Oh.
(19:35:15) Bartimaeus: LOL.
(19:35:17) UndeadxAssassin: n00b.
(19:35:23) Bartimaeus: I already have large...(rolls all of them again).
(19:35:24) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:35:27) Bartimaeus: FS, go ahead.
(19:35:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,1,2,5,5.
(19:35:35) UndeadxAssassin: Did you? o_o
(19:35:45) Bartimaeus: Four of a kind and large straight left.
(19:35:45) FatherSpace: Dropping a 5
(19:35:46) Bartimaeus: Nah.
(19:35:50) Bartimaeus: Just put a 30 on my small.
(19:35:52) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(19:35:58) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(19:36:01) FatherSpace: Waily.
(19:36:03) UndeadxAssassin: xD
(19:36:03) FatherSpace: 12355
(19:36:03) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:36:11) UndeadxAssassin: I have sixes and FoaK..
(19:36:12) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm.
(19:36:16) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:36:22) FatherSpace: I have nothing left to do.
(19:36:22) Bartimaeus: What do you want to do, FS?
(19:36:27) Bartimaeus: Which to cross out?
(19:36:31) UndeadxAssassin: Cross off^
(19:36:36) Bartimaeus: I'd honestly cross out Large.
(19:36:38) FatherSpace: I've used numbers, only have large left to cross off.
(19:36:43) UndeadxAssassin: Large straight is less.
(19:36:50) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah.
(19:36:52) Bartimaeus: You're obviously going to get a large straight next time if you cross it out, but...
(19:36:53) UndeadxAssassin: Less chance^
(19:36:57) Bartimaeus: Large straight is worth 40 points.
(19:37:02) FatherSpace: Oh, but I have 3/4 of a kind left.
(19:37:07) FatherSpace: Cross off the 4
(19:37:08) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:37:15) UndeadxAssassin: Didn't you use the ToaK...?
(19:37:19) Bartimaeus: Okay, Undead.
(19:37:25) FatherSpace: Well, either way.
(19:37:27) Bartimaeus: Yeah, he's already used.
(19:37:28) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,1,2,6,4.
(19:37:29) FatherSpace: FoaK is gone.
(19:37:29) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:37:32) UndeadxAssassin: SIXES
(19:37:36) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 6,6,2,2.
(19:37:38) UndeadxAssassin: WOOT
(19:37:41) Bartimaeus: ...wut
(19:37:46) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 5,1.
(19:37:48) UndeadxAssassin: Damn.
(19:37:51) UndeadxAssassin: 18 on six.
(19:37:52) Bartimaeus: AHA!
(19:37:55) Bartimaeus: 18 on your sixes?
(19:38:04) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 3,1,2,5,4.
(19:38:10) Bartimaeus: lol another straight
(19:38:11) Bartimaeus: hahhaha
(19:38:12) FatherSpace: lol, large again.
(19:38:12) Bartimaeus: ahhaha
(19:38:20) UndeadxAssassin: Too bad you used it ;o
(19:38:25) Bartimaeus: Good thing I only have sixes and threes left.
(19:38:28) Bartimaeus: -.-
(19:38:31) Bartimaeus: keep my three.
(19:38:33) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 4d6 and gets 3,2,1,3.
(19:38:36) Bartimaeus: woot
(19:38:37) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:38:39) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 2d6 and gets 2,5.
(19:38:40) UndeadxAssassin: Threes it is o_o
(19:38:44) UndeadxAssassin: Hurr.
(19:38:46) Bartimaeus: 9.
(19:38:52) Bartimaeus: FS.
(19:38:58) UndeadxAssassin: Last roll
(19:38:58) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,5,6,6,6.
(19:38:59) Bartimaeus: Large straight.
(19:39:01) Bartimaeus: LOL
(19:39:02) Bartimaeus: HAHAHHA
(19:39:04) Bartimaeus: HAHAHAHAH
(19:39:08) UndeadxAssassin: o_o....
(19:39:10) Bartimaeus:
(19:39:13) FatherSpace: Well, I have to go for large, don't I?
(19:39:15) UndeadxAssassin: Right when you cross off FoaK.
(19:39:16) Bartimaeus: should've kept FoaK.
(19:39:18) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(19:39:19) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah.
(19:39:22) FatherSpace: Keeping 5
(19:39:25) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 4d6 and gets 3,1,5,6.
(19:39:26) Bartimaeus: lolz
(19:39:31) FatherSpace: 13556...
(19:39:32) Bartimaeus:
(19:39:35) UndeadxAssassin: 1,3,5,5,6
(19:39:43) FatherSpace: Dropping 1, 5, 6
(19:39:45) UndeadxAssassin: 1/5 and hope for 2/4
(19:39:45) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:39:50) FatherSpace: So need 2,4, 1/6
(19:39:50) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:39:51) UndeadxAssassin: Or that.
(19:39:53) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 3d6 and gets 6,2,3.
(19:39:57) Bartimaeus:
(19:39:59) Bartimaeus: Eh.
(19:40:00) Bartimaeus: Close.
(19:40:01) FatherSpace: Shit. Can we pretend 3 = 4?
(19:40:04) Bartimaeus: But not quite.
(19:40:06) Bartimaeus: No.
(19:40:07) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:40:11) FatherSpace: I can prove it's equal.
(19:40:12) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:40:12) Bartimaeus: I don't have a Yahtzee
(19:40:15) Bartimaeus: LOl
(19:40:18) UndeadxAssassin: FoaK HERE I COME.
(19:40:21) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 2,6,3,6,2.
(19:40:25) Bartimaeus: Go ahead, Undead.
(19:40:27) FatherSpace: x = y.
Then x2 = xy.
Subtract the same thing from both sides:
x2 - y2 = xy - y2.
Dividing by (x-y), obtain
x + y = y.
Since x = y, we see that
2 y = y.
Thus 2 = 1, since we started with y nonzero.
Subtracting 1 from both sides,
1 = 0.
(19:40:29) UndeadxAssassin: Keeping 6.
(19:40:32) FatherSpace: Therefore 3 = 4
(19:40:39) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:40:53) UndeadxAssassin: I'll read that later.
(19:40:54) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:40:56) Bartimaeus: gogo, Undead
(19:40:57) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 6,4,6.
(19:40:59) UndeadxAssassin: WOOT
(19:41:01) UndeadxAssassin: WOOT
(19:41:02) Bartimaeus: WTFFFFFF
(19:41:09) UndeadxAssassin: Four sixes, dropping the four
(19:41:11) Bartimaeus: Undead's already won.
(19:41:11) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(19:41:14) Bartimaeus: Don't get another six...
(19:41:15) UndeadxAssassin: Okay, bah.
(19:41:17) UndeadxAssassin: Rofl.
(19:41:18) Bartimaeus: Ahh, thank goodness.
(19:41:22) Bartimaeus: 26.
(19:41:28) UndeadxAssassin: My score dropped
(19:41:29) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 4,1,1,1,2.
(19:41:32) UndeadxAssassin: Oh well.
(19:41:35) Bartimaeus: ughh
(19:41:36) UndeadxAssassin: What do you have left?
(19:41:37) Bartimaeus: I need sixes.
(19:41:37) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:41:38) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:41:39) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 5,3,4,2,1.
(19:41:40) UndeadxAssassin: xD
(19:41:42) Bartimaeus: UGGHH
(19:41:42) UndeadxAssassin: XD
(19:41:44) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 5d6 and gets 1,1,6,2,6.
(19:41:47) UndeadxAssassin: lul.
(19:41:49) Bartimaeus: WOOT HELL YEAH
(19:41:49) FatherSpace: Bart loves his large.
(19:41:59) Bartimaeus: Yeah...
(19:42:05) Bartimaeus: Undead:
1's: 0
2's: 2
3's: 6
4's: 8
5's: 15
6's: 18
4 of a kind: 26
3 of a kind: 24
Large Straight: 40
Small Straight: 30
Full House: 25
Chance: 18
(19:42:06) FatherSpace: Gotten 3 in a row, first rolls.
(19:42:11) Bartimaeus: Father:
1's: 0
2's: 4
3's: 3
4's: 4
5's: 10
6's: 30
4 of a kind: 0
3 of a kind: 11
Large Straight: 0
Small Straight:30
Full House: 25
Chance: 15
Yahtzee: 0
(19:42:21) FatherSpace: JEN won?
(19:42:26) Bartimaeus: No doubt.
(19:42:29) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:42:35) UndeadxAssassin: !
(19:42:37) Bartimaeus: Even noobs are pros at this game.
(19:42:42) Bartimaeus: Bart:
1's: 1
2's: 2
3's: 9
4's: 16
5's: 10
6's: 12
4 of a kind: 22
3 of a kind: 25
Large Straight: 40
Small Straight: 30
Full House: 25
Chance: 23
Yahtzee: 0
(19:42:43) UndeadxAssassin: L33T H4X0R
(19:42:59) Bartimaeus: 215 for me.
(19:43:00) FatherSpace: My logic behind not taking Yahtzee was perfect though, and you can't prove me wrong.
(19:43:15) ChatBot: Small_Sized_Duck logs into the Chat.
(19:43:20) Bartimaeus: lol 134 for Father
(19:43:46) Bartimaeus: 262 for Undead.
(19:43:50) Bartimaeus: Undead wins D:
(19:43:51) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:44:09) Bartimaeus: lol, Father, I've seen my two year old cousin play better than you :/
(19:44:12) Small_Sized_Duck: congratz to both of you.
(19:44:20) Bartimaeus:
(19:44:22) Small_Sized_Duck: not bart though
(19:44:22) FatherSpace: Psssh, naw
(19:44:23) UndeadxAssassin: 0wn3d.
(19:44:28) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:44:33) FatherSpace: Prove my logic wrong, though.
(19:44:42) Bartimaeus: lol, you would've gotten +20 points
(19:44:51) Bartimaeus: and you wouldn't have had to get five of a kind to get your yahtzee back.
(19:44:53) FatherSpace: If I take Yahtzee on 6's, I gain 20
(19:45:00) Bartimaeus: er, to get your sixes.
(19:45:01) FatherSpace: If I take Yahtzee on 1's, I get 45
(19:45:10) Bartimaeus: What?
(19:45:18) FatherSpace: What?
(19:45:27) Bartimaeus: If you take Yahtzee, you get Yahtzee.
(19:45:34) Bartimaeus: It doesn't take anything besides the Yahtzee slot.
(19:45:37) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:45:45) FatherSpace: If I take score for the number instead of Yahtzee, I'd get 30 on 6's, or 5 on 1's.
(19:45:46) UndeadxAssassin: But...
(19:45:56) Bartimaeus: you still could've gotten four sixes for your sixes after taking the yahtzee.
(19:46:01) FatherSpace: It's a greater gain to take Yahtzee on a lower number than on 6.
(19:46:15) FatherSpace: Pssh, naw.
(19:46:18) Bartimaeus: But the chances to get Yahtzee are tiny nonetheless, and you should've kept it.
(19:46:27) FatherSpace: 1/22, that's all.
(19:46:32) UndeadxAssassin: Don't you get the check thing if you get Yahtzee twice?
(19:46:39) Bartimaeus: But hey, next time we play, feel free to keep your ones instead of the Yahtzee
(19:46:40) Bartimaeus: yeah.
(19:46:46) Bartimaeus: +100 points.
(19:46:46) FatherSpace: 8 rounds, and I'd have another if I just did 5d6 every roll.
(19:46:50) Bartimaeus: plus whatever you got in a slot.
(19:47:05) UndeadxAssassin: Do /roll 5d6 8 more times, then.
(19:47:06) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:47:10) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:47:14) FatherSpace: I'm not saying that...
(19:47:18) Bartimaeus: LOL
(19:47:18) UndeadxAssassin: Or take 8 more turns.
(19:47:20) Bartimaeus: You just did.
(19:47:22) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:47:22) Bartimaeus: ^.^
(19:47:25) FatherSpace: Keeping 1 instead of Yahtzee.
(19:47:28) ChatBot: Small_Sized_Duck rolls 100d100 and gets 66,94,86,34,87,24,15,54,61,6,5,5​9,36,32,63,54,70,77,73,79,26,41,9​5,32,30,57,20,41,30,29,90,39,25,1​1,51,71,49,54,61,15,44,88,89,88,7​8,47,4,43,69,5,75,99,66,12,68,79,​88,27,40,54,45,99,51,39,84,78,71,​87,42,35,32,97,82,19,13,89,59,40,​93,36,65,74,67,2,5,60,8,33,41,29,​24,28,68,97,1,81,17,12,11,5.
(19:47:34) ChatBot: Small_Sized_Duck rolls 100d6 and gets 4,4,2,6,4,6,5,2,1,6,4,4,2,5,4,4,​3,3,5,1,5,6,1,3,4,5,3,4,2,3,6,4,4​,3,1,6,6,2,2,2,3,5,5,3,1,2,1,5,2,​6,5,1,2,3,5,5,3,2,5,3,2,3,4,5,2,3​,1,6,5,3,4,3,1,4,5,2,5,6,4,3,4,5,​4,3,5,1,1,6,2,5,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,3,5​,4.
(19:47:38) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,5,6,6,6.
(19:47:38) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,1,1,6.
(19:47:39) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,5,2,5,2.
(19:47:40) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,1,6,5,4.
(19:47:40) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 4,6,2,3,6.
(19:47:41) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,3,2,5,6.
(19:47:41) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 2,4,4,5,2.
(19:47:41) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,3,6,2.
(19:47:43) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,5,5,3,4.
(19:47:43) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 5,1,4,6,3.
(19:47:43) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,2,3,4,2.
(19:47:43) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,2,6,3,5.
(19:47:43) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,4,4,2,6.
(19:47:51) FatherSpace: Pretty close to a Yahtzee on some of those.
(19:47:57) UndeadxAssassin: The first one was close to a Yahtzee.
(19:48:03) UndeadxAssassin: For sixes*
(19:48:04) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:48:20) UndeadxAssassin: Nothing else has ToaK on the roll, though
(19:48:25) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 5,5,3,3,3.
(19:48:28) UndeadxAssassin: ;O
(19:48:32) Bartimaeus: Yeah, look: (19:47:41) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,3,6,2.
(19:48:33) FatherSpace: But you hack anyway.
(19:48:37) Bartimaeus: A large straight.
(19:48:40) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:48:42) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 5,5.
(19:48:45) UndeadxAssassin: wtf
(19:48:50) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(19:48:53) Bartimaeus:
(19:48:55) FatherSpace: Jennah luvs 5
(19:48:56) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 60.
(19:49:00) Bartimaeus: Woohoo!
(19:49:03) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 18.
(19:49:06) UndeadxAssassin: .
(19:49:07) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 31.
(19:49:08) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d100 and gets 31.
(19:49:09) Bartimaeus: Aww.
(19:49:11) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:49:11) UndeadxAssassin: wut
(19:49:13) FatherSpace: We're in love.
(19:49:14) Bartimaeus: Nice, FS.
(19:49:16) Bartimaeus: XD
(19:49:19) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 30.
(19:49:21) UndeadxAssassin: .
(19:49:24) Bartimaeus: lolz
(19:49:25) Small_Sized_Duck: LOL
(19:49:28) Bartimaeus: you're one behind haha
(19:49:29) Small_Sized_Duck: 31,31,30
(19:49:31) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 94.
(19:49:33) UndeadxAssassin: SSD YOUR TURN
(19:49:34) ChatBot: Small_Sized_Duck rolls 1d100 and gets 52.
(19:49:37) Small_Sized_Duck: :[
(19:49:38) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:49:41) ChatBot: Small_Sized_Duck rolls 1d100 and gets 1.
(19:49:42) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 98.
(19:49:43) Small_Sized_Duck: WEWY
(19:49:46) UndeadxAssassin: ROFL 1
(19:49:48) Bartimaeus: lol SSD.
(19:49:54) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 70.
(19:49:54) UndeadxAssassin: 98, I win
(19:49:57) Bartimaeus: 70!
(19:49:59) UndeadxAssassin: Can't beat that .
(19:50:03) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:50:06) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(19:50:06) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d100 and gets 35.
(19:50:10) UndeadxAssassin: Wut
(19:50:16) UndeadxAssassin: It doesn't go to 1000
(19:50:16) Bartimaeus: so, Yahtzee wasn't a complete waste of time, amirit?
(19:50:19) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(19:50:20) Bartimaeus: Yeah.
(19:50:24) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(19:50:28) UndeadxAssassin: Killed a nice hour.
(19:50:29) ChatBot: Small_Sized_Duck rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(19:50:30) Small_Sized_Duck: :]
(19:50:32) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(19:50:33) Bartimaeus: A max of a 100, I think.
(19:50:34) Bartimaeus: Yeah, lol
(19:50:36) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 6.
(19:50:38) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(19:50:40) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah.
(19:50:42) UndeadxAssassin: It is.
(19:50:42) Bartimaeus: Yep, max 100.
(19:50:46) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 94.
(19:50:48) FatherSpace: If math worked properly, I would have won.
(19:50:52) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 19.
(19:50:53) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:50:54) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d99 and gets 86.
(19:50:57) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 13.
(19:50:59) Bartimaeus: I want 100!
(19:51:01) UndeadxAssassin: And decimals round down
(19:51:02) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:51:02) Bartimaeus: Or 1.
(19:51:06) Bartimaeus: lol
(19:51:08) FatherSpace: And the odds of each side were exactly 1/6, instead of pseudorandom.
(19:51:10) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 28.
(19:51:12) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 99.
(19:51:13) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 100d1 and gets 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,​1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1​,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,​1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1​,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,​1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1​,1.
(19:51:15) Bartimaeus: woot
(19:51:16) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(19:51:18) Bartimaeus: I got 99
(19:51:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 74.
(19:51:25) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 65.
(19:51:28) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 91.
(19:51:31) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 76.
(19:51:33) ChatBot: Bartimaeus rolls 1d100 and gets 59.
(19:51:33) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 21.
(19:51:36) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 38.
(19:51:39) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 79.
(19:51:42) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 58.
(19:51:54) Bartimaeus: Chat Yahtzee Day: Big success.
(19:51:55) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 22.
(19:51:59) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 80.
(19:52:00) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 99.
(19:52:02) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 18.
(19:52:03) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 91.
(19:52:05) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 49.
(19:52:07) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 40.
(19:52:08) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 7.
(19:52:09) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 3.
(19:52:14) UndeadxAssassin: I got 91 twice o_o
(19:52:15) FatherSpace: STOP DROPPING AND ROLLING
(19:52:17) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d100 and gets 62.
(19:52:24) Bartimaeus: Stop hitting crap, trying to copy the chatlog lol
(19:52:28) UndeadxAssassin: /quit
(19:52:29) UndeadxAssassin: !
Un-abridged version just for Vegas:
Stop being lazy and read them yourself!
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Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Yeah...that was from AFTER FS got promoted...which was 7 hours after we started uh....

And Bart conveniently left out the conversation where he said squares are not always rectangles and such....or with all of his typos...

"I'm back as your overload" ;-).
Last edited by UndeadxAssassin on November 26th, 2009, 4:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
(20:53:56) Bartimaeus: Truly, you are wise.
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...
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Post by Bartimaeus »

LOL, I would've included them, but I re-logged a few times! :(

Anyways, I was real tired today.
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Post by Small Sized Duck »

Mod to be. >_> Is that a default?
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Post by Bartimaeus »

Small Sized Duck wrote:Mod to be. >_> Is that a default?
Yeah, lol
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Post by Madara »

when was i on lol?

anyway i lost the uxa saying i need a retard

and bart saying later i was there i dont know why she needed another one lol... :lol: :lol: :lol:
(06:05:25) UndeadxAssassin: SLANDER
(06:05:32) Bartimaeus: See you later, Undead. I miss talking to you. Message me once in a while, :<
(06:05:37) UndeadxAssassin: /quit Bartimaeus!
(06:05:40) ChatBot: Madara logs into the Chat.
(06:05:49) ChatBot: Madara has been logged out (Kicked).
(06:05:54) Bartimaeus: >>
(06:06:02) Bartimaeus: He doesn't deserve to see my good bye to you, :D
(06:06:23) UndeadxAssassin: I'm still here because I wanna see his response
(06:06:29) UndeadxAssassin: :D
(06:06:31) ChatBot: Madara logs into the Chat.
(06:06:31) Bartimaeus: Oh.
(06:06:35) Bartimaeus: lol
(06:06:43) Madara: So should i say something dramatic
(06:06:48) Madara: or what satisfies u ?
(06:06:48) Bartimaeus: Nope.
(06:06:50) Bartimaeus: Because nobody cares.
(06:06:52) Bartimaeus: :3
(06:06:57) UndeadxAssassin: What a let down
(06:06:58) UndeadxAssassin: I'm leaving.
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Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Yahtzee game #2! Took a good hour and a half.
(12:54:55) FatherSpace: Yahtzee?
(12:55:52) Hillo: asd
(12:56:01) Hillo: any volunteers to keep stats ?
(12:57:49) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin logs into the Chat.
(12:57:57) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(12:58:03) UndeadxAssassin: Hai nubs.
(12:58:05) Hillo: no_Ob
(12:58:07) matchai: hai thar
(12:58:11) FatherSpace: We need Bart.
(12:58:11) UndeadxAssassin: I said it first
(12:58:16) UndeadxAssassin: For wut
(12:58:18) UndeadxAssassin: Oh.
(12:58:41) UndeadxAssassin: I could do it .
(12:59:02) UndeadxAssassin: I'll just implement this into excel
(12:59:03) UndeadxAssassin:​all00/ ... htz​ee.jpg
(12:59:23) matchai:
(13:00:20) Hillo: or just take the pic
(13:00:28) Hillo: and write on it with some image manipulation program
(13:00:37) matchai: spaint ftew
(13:00:40) matchai: *ftw
(13:00:50) matchai: *mspaint ftw
(13:00:57) Hillo: *mspaint ftl
(13:01:06) matchai:
(13:01:12) matchai: mspaint > photoshop
(13:01:14) Hillo: I don't even have mspaint lol
(13:01:21) Hillo: not even on my windows desktop
(13:02:43) UndeadxAssassin: Wut
(13:03:41) UndeadxAssassin: But if you do that
(13:03:46) UndeadxAssassin: You can't add up totals easily
(13:03:49) UndeadxAssassin: =B2+B3+B4+B5+B6+B7+B8+B9+B10+B11​+B12+B13+B14
(13:03:50) UndeadxAssassin: Ftw?
(13:04:00) FatherSpace: We could do it in a collaborative Google doc.
(13:04:09) matchai:
(13:04:13) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(13:04:46) matchai: brb
(13:05:55) Hillo: lol
(13:05:58) Hillo: let's do it then ?
(13:06:30) UndeadxAssassin: Who's playing
(13:06:40) matchai: i'll make it
(13:06:49) UndeadxAssassin: But I already made it D:.
(13:06:56) matchai:
(13:06:57) matchai: okay
(13:06:59) Hillo: no ready templates for yahtzee on google docs
(13:07:08) FatherSpace: We'd make one!!!
(13:07:10) Hillo: uxa will cheat anyway
(13:07:11) matchai:
(13:07:16) UndeadxAssassin: Will not >>
(13:07:20) matchai: XD
(13:07:22) Hillo: you will
(13:07:29) matchai: girls can't cheat!
(13:07:36) UndeadxAssassin: lulwut
(13:07:37) Hillo: they can
(13:07:42) Hillo: especially in yahtzee
(13:07:43) matchai: they can?
(13:07:48) Hillo: dice = evil
(13:07:56) matchai:
(13:08:01) UndeadxAssassin: I'm technically part of a cheating website o_o.
(13:08:30) matchai: XD
(13:08:35) matchai: true
(13:09:35) UndeadxAssassin: Sooo
(13:09:36) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(13:09:40) Hillo: so
(13:09:46) Hillo: everyone got a google account ?
(13:09:56) matchai: forsure
(13:09:57) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(13:10:06) UndeadxAssassin: I will in a sec
(13:10:17) matchai: lol
(13:10:33) FatherSpace: I does.
(13:11:37) UndeadxAssassin: Glad google input my email and password for me :S
(13:11:49) matchai: XD
(13:11:51) UndeadxAssassin: All I had to fill out was the captcha
(13:11:52) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(13:11:57) Hillo: lulu
(13:12:01) Hillo: just a sec
(13:12:06) UndeadxAssassin: So wutnao
(13:12:25) FatherSpace: Gimme your email thingies.
(13:12:28) UndeadxAssassin: I'll keep score here, as well
(13:12:32) UndeadxAssassin: azianknowitall@yahoo
(13:12:39) Hillo: all your emails
(13:12:43) Hillo: oh lewd
(13:12:47) Hillo: fspace you have a template already ?
(13:12:58) FatherSpace: Yarrr.
(13:13:06) Hillo: asd
(13:13:08) Hillo: I just made one too
(13:13:11) Hillo: well let's use yours
(13:13:13) FatherSpace: Just put 1-6, FH, Small/Large, 3/4oaK, Yahtzee
(13:13:18) UndeadxAssassin: So did I, so meh.
(13:13:20) Hillo: [email protected]
(13:13:22) FatherSpace: And "Checkmark thing?"
(13:13:29) Hillo: I have totals and other stuff in it too
(13:13:30) matchai: [email protected]
(13:13:37) UndeadxAssassin: That's for when you get more than one Yahtzee
(13:13:48) UndeadxAssassin: Say you get Yahtzee on sixes the first time, you save it in Yahtzee.
(13:14:05) UndeadxAssassin: The second time you get Yahtzee, it records in the number spot, but you get a check worth 100 points.
(13:14:30) UndeadxAssassin: Added onto the score of the number, too.
(13:14:35) FatherSpace: I has totals too.
(13:14:38) Hillo: start inviting us already spice
(13:14:40) UndeadxAssassin: So if you get 5 sixes again, it'll be 130 points.
(13:14:46) FatherSpace: I invited everyone.
(13:14:59) UndeadxAssassin: how2getin?
(13:15:08) Hillo:
(13:15:09) Hillo: uxxxa
(13:15:11) Hillo: hildog
(13:15:15) Hillo: nice spreadsheet
(13:15:35) Hillo: mine's the other way around
(13:15:38) Hillo: names top
(13:15:47) FatherSpace: Ehhh.
(13:16:45) FatherSpace: Jen, check your email place.
(13:17:07) UndeadxAssassin: I has none o_o
(13:17:34) FatherSpace: Oh, probably because you said azianknowitall@yahoo and not [email protected]
(13:17:44) UndeadxAssassin: IT's gmail
(13:17:47) UndeadxAssassin: Typo :S
(13:17:51) Hillo: fail
(13:17:56) FatherSpace:
(13:17:56) UndeadxAssassin: I assumed you knew ^^;
(13:17:58) FatherSpace: Even worse!
(13:18:05) UndeadxAssassin: Since you're a "genius" and all
(13:18:17) FatherSpace: zzz fail.
(13:18:23) Hillo: zz nubxfail
(13:18:25) UndeadxAssassin: Oh wait, I see it
(13:18:58) UndeadxAssassin: Names should be on top
(13:19:15) Hillo: ^
(13:19:20) FatherSpace: No they shouldn't.
(13:19:21) FatherSpace:
(13:19:21) UndeadxAssassin: M15!
(13:19:39) FatherSpace: Bingo!
(13:19:42) UndeadxAssassin: So
(13:19:44) UndeadxAssassin: Who goes first o_o
(13:20:42) ChatBot: (2Pac) is now known as (2Pac^afkl).
(13:20:43) (2Pac^afkl): darn
(13:20:48) ChatBot: (2Pac^afkl) is now known as (2Pac^afk).
(13:22:26) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(13:22:36) UndeadxAssassin: That's annoying, rofl
(13:22:51) matchai:
(13:23:02) Hillo: spice starts
(13:24:04) UndeadxAssassin: Stop messin around, meh
(13:24:43) Hillo: seriously
(13:24:45) Hillo: wtf
(13:24:53) FatherSpace: Roll over here.
(13:24:56) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,2,2,4,1.
(13:25:02) FatherSpace: 12246
(13:25:12) Hillo: so
(13:25:14) Hillo: whut will u do
(13:25:21) FatherSpace: Dropping 1 and 2
(13:25:23) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 2,4.
(13:25:33) FatherSpace: 22446
(13:25:35) FatherSpace: Dropping 6
(13:25:37) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(13:25:39) Hillo: k
(13:25:40) FatherSpace: Full house
(13:25:49) matchai: gtg
(13:25:50) FatherSpace: 30, right?
(13:25:50) matchai: bai
(13:25:57) Hillo: 30 ???
(13:25:59) UndeadxAssassin: nub.
(13:26:07) UndeadxAssassin: I count 16 o_o
(13:26:08) FatherSpace: 25
(13:26:11) Hillo: yeah me too
(13:26:13) Hillo: 16
(13:26:14) UndeadxAssassin: Oh wait
(13:26:19) FatherSpace: I had 22446, I dropped 6, got 4
(13:26:21) FatherSpace: 22444
(13:26:24) FatherSpace: Full house, 25.
(13:26:50) FatherSpace: Hildog turn.
(13:26:51) Hillo: hmm
(13:26:51) Hillo: wtf
(13:27:10) Hillo: Full House
Again as in poker, a Full House is a roll where you have both a 3 of a kind, and a pair. Full houses score 25 points.
(13:27:11) Hillo: ok nvm
(13:27:16) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 6,2,3,6,1.
(13:27:24) FatherSpace: Hopefully JEN doesn't get Yahtzee first round again.
(13:27:35) Hillo: I'll keep the two 6's as my twos
(13:27:38) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(13:27:53) Hillo: 12 ?
(13:28:02) ChatBot: matchai has been logged out (Timeout).
(13:28:28) UndeadxAssassin: Wait, you can keep two sixes in the two?
(13:28:33) UndeadxAssassin: Lies.
(13:28:38) UndeadxAssassin: They have to go in six >>
(13:28:48) Hillo: well wtf
(13:28:49) FatherSpace: Hillo, you suck at this.
(13:28:55) Hillo: when did I play this last time
(13:28:57) FatherSpace: How do you put 6's in your 2's?
(13:28:59) Hillo: can't even fucking remember
(13:29:10) Hillo: meh
(13:29:13) Hillo: I'll go through the rules quickly
(13:29:37) FatherSpace: You can only put 6's in 6
(13:29:38) Hillo: and fspace
(13:29:39) Hillo: stfu
(13:30:40) Hillo: blergh
(13:30:46) Hillo: rolling 2 3 and 1 again
(13:30:50) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 3,4,6.
(13:30:58) UndeadxAssassin: Meh.
(13:31:02) UndeadxAssassin: One more roll.
(13:31:06) Hillo: 4 and 3
(13:31:08) UndeadxAssassin: Drop your 3 and four
(13:31:14) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 4,3.
(13:31:17) Hillo: lol
(13:31:18) Hillo: fail
(13:31:18) FatherSpace: lol
(13:31:34) UndeadxAssassin: Well, you can take the 3 sixes for 18
(13:31:37) UndeadxAssassin: Or chance for...
(13:31:38) Hillo: so I can put that in three of a kind
(13:31:41) UndeadxAssassin: 25
(13:31:42) Hillo: or wut
(13:31:45) UndeadxAssassin: Or ToaK for 25
(13:31:55) UndeadxAssassin: Or cross out Yahtzee and get nothing
(13:31:59) Hillo: For 3 of a Kind, you must have at least three of the same die faces. If so, you total all the die faces and score that total.
(13:32:03) FatherSpace: Does that one!
(13:32:18) Hillo: die
(13:32:18) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah, 3 of a Kind or chance is the same score in this case
(13:32:26) UndeadxAssassin: But if you use chance, you can't use it again o_o
(13:32:31) Hillo: so I'll go for three of a kind
(13:33:09) FatherSpace: You can take the 18 if you want.
(13:33:11) UndeadxAssassin: My turn, then
(13:33:23) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,6,2,4,1.
(13:33:28) UndeadxAssassin: Meh.
(13:33:40) UndeadxAssassin: Dropping the 1,2,6,1
(13:33:50) UndeadxAssassin: Or keeping 4, whatever you want.
(13:33:55) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 2,6,5,4.
(13:34:02) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm
(13:34:08) UndeadxAssassin: 2,4,4,5,6
(13:34:25) FatherSpace: 21 if you go chance
(13:34:26) UndeadxAssassin: Hell, hold the 4s again xD
(13:34:33) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 4,4,1.
(13:34:35) UndeadxAssassin: Win
(13:34:36) Hillo: hmm
(13:34:38) FatherSpace:
(13:34:40) UndeadxAssassin: Uhhh.
(13:34:43) FatherSpace: At least no Yahtzee.
(13:34:49) UndeadxAssassin: I'm gonna go with...
(13:34:50) Hillo: Three-Of-A-Kind At least three dice showing the same face Sum of all dice
(13:35:01) UndeadxAssassin: FoaK
(13:35:03) UndeadxAssassin: For 17
(13:35:04) FatherSpace: What?
(13:35:12) FatherSpace: Why not just take 16 on your 4's?
(13:35:14) UndeadxAssassin: I have 1,4,4,4,4 o_o
(13:35:24) UndeadxAssassin: Because
(13:35:36) UndeadxAssassin: Oh wait, I thought there were 6 total o_o
(13:35:47) FatherSpace: lol
(13:36:36) UndeadxAssassin: Go Spaceface
(13:36:50) Hillo: hey
(13:37:02) Hillo: "Swedish rules for the game follow a slightly different set of scoring categories and rules in scoring. This Swedish variation is used mainly in Scandinavian and Finnish versions of the game.[1]"
(13:37:11) Hillo: that's the reason
(13:37:12) Hillo: nubs
(13:37:18) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,2,6,4,3.
(13:37:22) Hillo: There are "One Pair" and "Two Pair" categories, which score the total of the pair(s) involved. In case of Two Pair, the pairs must be distinct; a four-of-a-kind counts only as One Pair for two of the four dice having the same face.
(13:37:25) FatherSpace: Dropping 6
(13:37:28) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(13:37:31) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(13:37:33) UndeadxAssassin: lul.
(13:37:33) FatherSpace: Large
(13:37:34) UndeadxAssassin: wtf
(13:37:37) UndeadxAssassin: Cheats
(13:38:06) FatherSpace: Go Hillo.
(13:38:09) UndeadxAssassin: Hillnub yourturn
(13:38:14) Hillo: stfunubs
(13:38:17) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 4,4,3,3,5.
(13:38:22) FatherSpace: Hacks.
(13:38:28) Hillo: hao cum
(13:38:30) Hillo: rolling 5 agen
(13:38:34) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(13:38:37) Hillo: shiet
(13:38:39) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(13:38:41) Hillo: yey
(13:38:44) Hillo: full housez0r
(13:38:46) FatherSpace:
(13:39:00) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 6,4,4,3,5.
(13:39:04) UndeadxAssassin: Hmmm...
(13:39:11) UndeadxAssassin: Dropping 4/6
(13:39:16) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 6,6.
(13:39:21) UndeadxAssassin: ...fml
(13:39:22) FatherSpace: 34566
(13:39:26) FatherSpace: Small, at least.
(13:39:33) UndeadxAssassin: Dropping a six.
(13:39:35) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 3.
(13:39:38) UndeadxAssassin:
(13:39:39) Hillo: nub
(13:39:42) FatherSpace: Small it is.
(13:39:43) UndeadxAssassin: Small it is
(13:40:02) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 2,5,3,2,5.
(13:40:10) FatherSpace: 22335...
(13:40:15) Hillo: lul these rules are so different
(13:40:24) FatherSpace: Dropping 2 and 3, one each.
(13:40:28) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 4,5.
(13:40:32) FatherSpace: Small straight
(13:40:44) FatherSpace: Go Hildog.
(13:40:54) Hillo: small is automatic 30 pts ?
(13:40:56) UndeadxAssassin: Wait
(13:40:59) FatherSpace: Yeah.
(13:41:11) UndeadxAssassin: 2,5,5,4,5
(13:41:13) Hillo: that's stuped
(13:41:13) UndeadxAssassin: Is what you have.
(13:41:24) FatherSpace: Oh shit, I had 2 5's first roll...
(13:41:27) FatherSpace: I thought it was 2 3's.
(13:41:28) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah.
(13:41:31) Hillo: Small Straight and Large Straight have the same definition in this variation as they are in Yahtzee's parent game, Yacht (see History below). Here, a Small Straight is 1-2-3-4-5 and scores 15 points (the total of the dice faces); the Large Straight is 2-3-4-5-6 and awards 20 points (again the combined value of the dice).
(13:41:32) UndeadxAssassin: Noob.
(13:41:33) FatherSpace: Well shit.
(13:41:46) UndeadxAssassin: 2,5,5,4,5
(13:41:50) FatherSpace: Rolling 2 5's
(13:41:51) Hillo: your rules suck
(13:41:51) UndeadxAssassin: ToaK + a roll
(13:41:54) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 4,1.
(13:42:02) FatherSpace: 12445.
(13:42:13) UndeadxAssassin: Should have kept the 5s
(13:42:16) FatherSpace: One on my ones.
(13:42:34) UndeadxAssassin: Hillnub
(13:42:44) Hillo: sfutasda
(13:42:53) Hillo: fspice still has small straight
(13:43:03) Hillo: I say hax
(13:43:12) UndeadxAssassin: No he doesn't o_o
(13:43:13) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 1,5,6,5,1.
(13:43:16) UndeadxAssassin: Small straight is 4 in a row
(13:43:32) Hillo: check the spreadsheet
(13:44:08) UndeadxAssassin: Not no more.
(13:44:08) FatherSpace: Fixed it.
(13:44:23) Hillo: rerolling 6 and 1's
(13:44:27) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 2,2,4.
(13:44:31) Hillo: hmm wut
(13:44:36) Hillo: 22455
(13:44:37) UndeadxAssassin: 2,2,4,5,5
(13:44:56) Hillo: hmm
(13:45:02) Hillo: I'll reroll 5
(13:45:04) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(13:45:05) UndeadxAssassin: You've used FH
(13:45:08) Hillo: shiet
(13:45:09) UndeadxAssassin: GG
(13:45:17) Hillo: I'll just put those twos
(13:45:21) Hillo: 4
(13:45:21) Hillo:
(13:45:23) UndeadxAssassin: You can take 4 on two...chance for 18..
(13:45:34) UndeadxAssassin: Should have scratched out Yahtzee
(13:45:46) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 5,6,3,5,1.
(13:45:53) UndeadxAssassin: Fail roll is fail.
(13:45:54) FatherSpace: 13556
(13:45:59) UndeadxAssassin: I'll hold the fives.
(13:46:07) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 6,3,2.
(13:46:11) UndeadxAssassin: ...
(13:46:16) UndeadxAssassin: Again!
(13:46:18) FatherSpace: Not much better.
(13:46:18) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 3,5,3.
(13:46:23) UndeadxAssassin: Fullhouse!
(13:46:26) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm
(13:46:27) UndeadxAssassin: Or..
(13:46:41) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah, FH.
(13:46:45) Hillo: nub
(13:46:55) UndeadxAssassin: ToaK was only 21.
(13:46:57) UndeadxAssassin:
(13:46:58) FatherSpace: JEN's winning now.
(13:47:03) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 3,1,5,6,4.
(13:47:09) FatherSpace: 13456
(13:47:13) FatherSpace: NOW I have a small.
(13:47:19) Hillo: cheat
(13:47:22) UndeadxAssassin: lul
(13:47:27) FatherSpace: Go Hillo.
(13:47:34) Hillo: k
(13:47:36) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,3,1,3.
(13:47:46) Hillo: hmm
(13:47:52) FatherSpace: Could go for small or large.
(13:47:54) Hillo: rerolling 1 3
(13:47:56) UndeadxAssassin: Keep the 1!
(13:47:57) Hillo: one 3
(13:47:59) UndeadxAssassin: Noob.
(13:48:04) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(13:48:07) UndeadxAssassin: A three*
(13:48:09) UndeadxAssassin: WTF
(13:48:09) Hillo: woot
(13:48:09) FatherSpace: 12345
(13:48:10) UndeadxAssassin: CHEATER
(13:48:11) UndeadxAssassin: WTF
(13:48:15) Hillo: I win
(13:48:19) FatherSpace: Go Jen.
(13:48:21) Hillo: is it 40 pts ?
(13:48:22) Hillo: or wut
(13:48:26) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah.
(13:48:27) UndeadxAssassin: 40.
(13:48:28) Hillo: cuz I don't know these rules
(13:48:32) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 3,6,6,1,6.
(13:48:36) UndeadxAssassin: o_o...
(13:48:40) UndeadxAssassin: Rerolling 1/3
(13:48:46) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 4,6.
(13:48:50) UndeadxAssassin: Reroll 4
(13:48:50) Hillo: hawx
(13:48:51) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(13:48:53) UndeadxAssassin: Fail
(13:48:54) UndeadxAssassin: FAIL
(13:48:55) Hillo: nub
(13:49:02) Hillo: four of a nub
(13:49:10) FatherSpace: 46666
(13:49:15) UndeadxAssassin: I'll take 24 on six.
(13:49:20) Hillo: nuub
(13:49:38) FatherSpace: I'm winning by 1.
(13:49:41) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 4,6,5,4,2.
(13:49:54) FatherSpace: Keeping 4's
(13:49:56) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 3d6 and gets 4,4,6.
(13:50:02) FatherSpace: Keeping 4's
(13:50:03) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(13:50:08) FatherSpace: 16 on 4
(13:50:09) UndeadxAssassin: lul
(13:50:12) Hillo: k
(13:50:16) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 4,4,6,3,4.
(13:50:21) FatherSpace:
(13:50:21) UndeadxAssassin: 18 points and I'm ahead
(13:50:23) Hillo: rerolling 3 and 6
(13:50:27) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 3,5.
(13:50:31) Hillo: shit
(13:50:38) Hillo: hell
(13:50:40) UndeadxAssassin: Again?!
(13:50:41) Hillo: I'll roll them again
(13:50:43) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 4,2.
(13:50:46) UndeadxAssassin: wtf
(13:50:52) Hillo: 16 on 4
(13:50:59) FatherSpace: We're like twins.
(13:51:05) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 4,6,1,5,1.
(13:51:08) UndeadxAssassin: ..
(13:51:09) Hillo: we sure are
(13:51:15) UndeadxAssassin: Hell with it
(13:51:19) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 4,1,2,3,3.
(13:51:26) UndeadxAssassin: That's even worse D:
(13:51:29) UndeadxAssassin: Keeping 3s
(13:51:30) Hillo:
(13:51:33) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 2,6,6.
(13:51:40) FatherSpace: 23366
(13:51:40) Hillo: win
(13:51:40) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm
(13:51:49) Hillo: 6 on 3's
(13:52:04) UndeadxAssassin: Two on two.
(13:52:11) Hillo:
(13:52:13) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,4,3,5,4.
(13:52:27) FatherSpace: Useless.
(13:52:30) FatherSpace: Keeping 5.
(13:52:33) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 4d6 and gets 5,3,5,5.
(13:52:38) FatherSpace: Woot.
(13:52:38) UndeadxAssassin: wtf cheater
(13:52:39) Hillo: hax
(13:52:41) FatherSpace: Keeping 5's
(13:52:43) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(13:52:47) FatherSpace: Yahtzee!!
(13:52:48) UndeadxAssassin: WTF MORE CHEATER
(13:52:48) Hillo: HAX
(13:52:56) Hillo: (12:52:53) ChatBot: Error: You are not allowed to kick FatherSpace.
(13:53:02) FatherSpace:
(13:53:07) ChatBot: Error: You are not allowed to kick FatherSpace.
(13:53:09) Hillo: ...
(13:53:13) Hillo: I wish you were still cheater
(13:53:13) Hillo:
(13:53:20) UndeadxAssassin:
(13:53:22) Hillo: so
(13:53:24) FatherSpace: I don't.
(13:53:24) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 6,1,5,5,6.
(13:53:29) Hillo: hmm
(13:53:33) UndeadxAssassin: 1,5,5,6,6
(13:53:40) Hillo: I have fh already
(13:53:42) Hillo: hmmmmmm
(13:53:50) Hillo: rerolling 5's and 1
(13:53:52) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,1.
(13:53:56) Hillo: sigh
(13:54:08) Hillo: to hell with it
(13:54:08) Hillo: agen
(13:54:10) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 5,3,2.
(13:54:18) UndeadxAssassin: Fail
(13:54:23) Hillo: 23566
(13:54:27) Hillo: meh
(13:54:47) FatherSpace: Zero on ones!
(13:54:48) Hillo: stupid american yahtzee
(13:54:59) Hillo: no two of a kind
(13:55:00) Hillo:
(13:55:07) UndeadxAssassin: lu
(13:55:08) UndeadxAssassin: l
(13:55:10) UndeadxAssassin: Fail
(13:55:21) UndeadxAssassin: I think my idea is best.
(13:55:25) Hillo: meh
(13:55:31) FatherSpace: I agree.
(13:55:45) Hillo: dced
(13:55:46) Hillo: lol
(13:55:47) Hillo: 0 on 1
(13:55:57) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 6,1,4,5,6.
(13:56:07) UndeadxAssassin: Rerolling 1/6
(13:56:09) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 2,1.
(13:56:14) UndeadxAssassin: Bah.
(13:56:18) UndeadxAssassin: I need a 3
(13:56:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(13:56:25) UndeadxAssassin: .
(13:56:26) Hillo: win
(13:56:30) FatherSpace: Win.
(13:56:36) UndeadxAssassin: 1,2,4,5,6
(13:56:41) UndeadxAssassin: 1 1
(13:56:42) FatherSpace: At least you don't have zero on your one.
(13:56:49) Hillo: ...
(13:56:50) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 5,5,2,2,5.
(13:56:51) Hillo: nubs
(13:56:51) UndeadxAssassin:
(13:56:56) FatherSpace: Ooooh. Me like.
(13:56:59) FatherSpace: Keeping 5's
(13:57:01) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 2,5.
(13:57:04) FatherSpace: Keeping 5
(13:57:06) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(13:57:08) FatherSpace:
(13:57:12) UndeadxAssassin: /kick FatherSpace
(13:57:17) Hillo: cheatard
(13:57:19) FatherSpace: 20 on 5's
(13:57:24) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 2,3,5,1,5.
(13:57:26) UndeadxAssassin: I can ban you, though .
(13:57:32) UndeadxAssassin: .
(13:57:37) FatherSpace: You can, but that wouldn't be nice.
(13:57:46) Hillo: rerolling 5
(13:57:48) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(13:57:50) UndeadxAssassin: Nor is cheating .
(13:57:52) UndeadxAssassin: wtf
(13:57:54) UndeadxAssassin: Cheater wtf
(13:57:57) Hillo: woot
(13:58:00) UndeadxAssassin: You already had large, though
(13:58:01) Hillo: 12345
(13:58:01) UndeadxAssassin: Sooo..
(13:58:04) Hillo: but small
(13:58:06) UndeadxAssassin: You can only take the small .
(13:58:10) FatherSpace: lol
(13:58:26) Hillo: I still have moar points than u
(13:58:28) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,6,2,1,6.
(13:58:36) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm
(13:58:40) UndeadxAssassin: I'll hold the six
(13:58:41) UndeadxAssassin: es
(13:58:46) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 5,4,1.
(13:58:51) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 2,5,6.
(13:58:54) UndeadxAssassin: Blargh
(13:58:59) Hillo: 25666
(13:59:01) UndeadxAssassin: I gues I'll take that as ToaK.
(13:59:06) UndeadxAssassin: 25
(13:59:23) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 4,1,4,2,6.
(13:59:35) FatherSpace: Keeping 4's
(13:59:38) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 3d6 and gets 5,2,6.
(13:59:44) FatherSpace: Dropping 2
(13:59:48) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 5.
(13:59:55) FatherSpace:
(13:59:57) UndeadxAssassin: 4,4,5,5,6
(14:00:00) FatherSpace: 44556
(14:00:02) Hillo: 6 on 6
(14:00:04) FatherSpace: Chance, I guess.
(14:00:11) UndeadxAssassin: 24.
(14:00:17) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 1,5,5,4,2.
(14:00:23) FatherSpace: Hil
(14:00:24) Hillo: rerolling 421
(14:00:27) Hillo: ?
(14:00:33) UndeadxAssassin: You suck.
(14:00:37) UndeadxAssassin: Is what he wanted to say.
(14:00:37) UndeadxAssassin: .
(14:00:41) Hillo: you too
(14:00:46) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 6,5,6.
(14:00:50) UndeadxAssassin: FS, Hillnub said you suck.
(14:00:53) UndeadxAssassin: .
(14:00:54) Hillo: hmm
(14:01:01) UndeadxAssassin: 5,5,5,6,6,
(14:01:05) FatherSpace: ToaK?
(14:01:08) UndeadxAssassin: 27.
(14:01:10) Hillo: have already
(14:01:10) FatherSpace: No, chance.
(14:01:11) UndeadxAssassin: On ToaK.
(14:01:13) UndeadxAssassin: Or chance .
(14:01:19) Hillo:
(14:01:20) Hillo: .
(14:01:23) UndeadxAssassin: Or..
(14:01:26) UndeadxAssassin: Roll the sixes
(14:01:29) UndeadxAssassin: And hope for FoaK?
(14:01:30) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(14:01:39) Hillo:
(14:01:41) UndeadxAssassin: You have one more roll.
(14:01:41) FatherSpace: Trying to screw him, JEN?
(14:01:44) Hillo: I'm feeling lucky
(14:01:49) Hillo: so I won't roll
(14:01:55) UndeadxAssassin: Never .
(14:01:56) Hillo: but hmm
(14:02:05) Hillo: hmmmmmmmmmmm
(14:02:06) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 4,5.
(14:02:12) UndeadxAssassin: Hur, you would have had it
(14:02:12) UndeadxAssassin: .
(14:02:14) FatherSpace:
(14:02:17) Hillo: no u
(14:02:20) FatherSpace: No, he couldn't. It's random.
(14:02:27) Hillo: yeah
(14:02:28) UndeadxAssassin: Barely.
(14:02:37) UndeadxAssassin: Pseudo-Random, at best.
(14:02:54) Hillo: meh
(14:02:56) UndeadxAssassin: So what are you taking?
(14:02:56) FatherSpace: YES
(14:03:05) FatherSpace: Brave Fencer Musashi works properly!
(14:03:11) Hillo: I'll roll
(14:03:12) UndeadxAssassin: o_o....
(14:03:15) Hillo: I'm feeling nubliek
(14:03:17) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 6,2.
(14:03:21) UndeadxAssassin: Hurr.
(14:03:25) Hillo: well
(14:03:28) Hillo: 15 on 5
(14:03:38) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,5,3,1,6.
(14:03:41) UndeadxAssassin: x_X
(14:03:58) Hillo: you suck
(14:04:06) FatherSpace: Hillo, I would have taken chance. That's about as good as you can get there.
(14:04:12) UndeadxAssassin: Rerolling the ones.
(14:04:13) Hillo: might be
(14:04:16) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 2,1.
(14:04:27) UndeadxAssassin: Rerolling 6/1
(14:04:32) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 4,1.
(14:04:53) UndeadxAssassin: Win.
(14:04:57) UndeadxAssassin: 1,2,3,4,5
(14:04:57) FatherSpace: 12345?
(14:05:15) UndeadxAssassin: I'm ahead of Hillface.
(14:05:28) Hillo: I don't care.
(14:06:19) UndeadxAssassin: Spaceface, it's your turn.
(14:07:21) UndeadxAssassin: o_o..
(14:07:23) FatherSpace: Whut?
(14:07:25) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,4,3,3,1.
(14:07:28) FatherSpace: 11334
(14:07:42) FatherSpace: Keeping 3's
(14:07:45) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 3d6 and gets 3,3,3.
(14:07:48) FatherSpace: Wewt.
(14:07:51) UndeadxAssassin: WTF
(14:07:52) FatherSpace: Checkmark get?
(14:08:02) UndeadxAssassin: Cheater.
(14:08:02) FatherSpace: For 100 point.
(14:08:04) FatherSpace: s
(14:08:10) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah, just put
(14:08:14) UndeadxAssassin: 115 on threes.
(14:08:27) UndeadxAssassin: -Cheater-
(14:08:27) Hillo: huh ?
(14:08:28) UndeadxAssassin: >>
(14:08:36) Hillo: I don't really understand these rules
(14:08:37) FatherSpace: 15 on 3's, and 100 on Yahtzee bonus.
(14:08:52) UndeadxAssassin: Oh, there's a column for Yahtzee bonus
(14:08:53) UndeadxAssassin: o_o
(14:08:57) FatherSpace: Row.
(14:09:05) ChatBot: matchai logs into the Chat.
(14:09:05) UndeadxAssassin: For every Yahtzee you make after the first one
(14:09:08) matchai: hai
(14:09:10) UndeadxAssassin: You get 100 bonus points.
(14:09:12) UndeadxAssassin: n00b.
(14:09:14) ChatBot: matchai has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:09:16) ChatBot: matchai logs into the Chat.
(14:09:19) Hillo: wtf
(14:09:22) Hillo: weird rules
(14:09:23) UndeadxAssassin: Hillface, your turn.
(14:09:31) matchai:
(14:09:34) Hillo: stuped americans
(14:09:36) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 4,4,4,1,3.
(14:09:39) Hillo: 13
(14:09:40) UndeadxAssassin: Maybe it's your rules that are weird .
(14:09:41) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 1,4.
(14:09:41) matchai: nice
(14:09:46) Hillo: hmm
(14:09:49) UndeadxAssassin: Cheats.
(14:09:49) Hillo: kinda risky
(14:09:54) Hillo: since I have 4's already
(14:09:57) UndeadxAssassin: Reroll the 1, you can only get better...
(14:10:06) Hillo: lulnub
(14:10:06) Hillo: y
(14:10:10) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(14:10:11) UndeadxAssassin: If you get a 4, you have Yahtzee.
(14:10:13) Hillo: :/
(14:10:20) Hillo: foak I guess
(14:10:27) FatherSpace: 18
(14:10:34) UndeadxAssassin: See, you have 18 on FoaK instead of 17 .
(14:10:44) FatherSpace: lol
(14:10:47) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 4,5,6,1,3.
(14:10:55) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm...
(14:11:05) UndeadxAssassin: I still need five and three.
(14:11:08) UndeadxAssassin: so I'll hold the three.
(14:11:13) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 2,5,3,1.
(14:11:14) matchai: i have 2086 ptz on L0ckerz
(14:11:16) matchai: yay
(14:11:16) UndeadxAssassin: :S
(14:11:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 6,4,3.
(14:11:27) UndeadxAssassin: Bah.
(14:11:32) UndeadxAssassin: 3,3,3,4,6.
(14:11:35) FatherSpace: 9 on 3?
(14:11:42) FatherSpace: Or 19 on chance.
(14:11:44) UndeadxAssassin: Yeah.
(14:11:53) Hillo: 19 on chance it is
(14:12:18) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 2,6,2,1,5.
(14:12:28) FatherSpace: Keeping 2's
(14:12:30) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 3d6 and gets 4,6,6.
(14:12:34) UndeadxAssassin: Now all I need is at least 3 fives .
(14:12:38) FatherSpace: Keeping 6's
(14:12:41) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 3d6 and gets 1,6,6.
(14:12:45) FatherSpace: 24 on 6
(14:13:24) Hillo: hawx
(14:13:34) FatherSpace: I have the average of double your scores.
(14:13:41) Hillo: you hax
(14:13:49) FatherSpace:
(14:13:54) Hillo: I wonder if you could make a greasemonkey script for this roll
(14:14:33) UndeadxAssassin: Kay
(14:14:36) UndeadxAssassin: I need to relog, brb .
(14:14:39) Hillo: nub
(14:14:49) UndeadxAssassin: I'm saving this and putting it in the Yahtzee day topic .
(14:15:07) Hillo: no u
(14:15:40) UndeadxAssassin: o_o.
(14:15:54) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 5,2,5,5,1.
(14:15:57) Hillo: 21
(14:16:01) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 4,3.
(14:16:05) Hillo: meh
(14:16:08) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 3,5.
(14:16:14) FatherSpace: foak
(14:16:19) UndeadxAssassin: Too bad you used your fives .
(14:16:29) Hillo: and foak
(14:16:33) Hillo: and I do know that uxa
(14:16:34) UndeadxAssassin: Yar.
(14:16:36) Hillo: so shut up
(14:17:10) UndeadxAssassin: Noob.
(14:17:18) Hillo: or 23 in chance
(14:17:39) UndeadxAssassin: Cross out your Yahtzee!
(14:17:56) Hillo: shut up already
(14:17:59) Hillo: you're not funny
(14:18:15) ChatBot: matchai has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:18:23) UndeadxAssassin: no u
(14:18:33) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 3,1,2,4,5.
(14:18:46) UndeadxAssassin: Keeping 5
(14:18:49) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 6,6,1,3.
(14:18:52) UndeadxAssassin: Bah.
(14:19:03) UndeadxAssassin: Again!
(14:19:06) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 1,2,5,4,2.
(14:19:12) UndeadxAssassin: Woops.
(14:19:15) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 4d6 and gets 3,2,6,2.
(14:19:17) UndeadxAssassin: I meant
(14:19:18) UndeadxAssassin: D:
(14:19:32) UndeadxAssassin: 2,2,3,5,6.
(14:19:32) FatherSpace: 22356?
(14:19:38) UndeadxAssassin: 18 on chance.
(14:19:44) Hillo: cheatarr
(14:19:50) Hillo: 3 rerolls
(14:20:04) UndeadxAssassin: Lies, the second one didn't count .
(14:20:08) Hillo: yeh right
(14:20:13) Hillo: I'll say when my rolls don't count
(14:20:16) Hillo: after I've rolled
(14:20:26) UndeadxAssassin: I rolled 5 instead of 4
(14:20:30) UndeadxAssassin: Check it, noob.
(14:20:43) Hillo: nub
(14:21:06) UndeadxAssassin: Spaceface's turn .
(14:21:18) UndeadxAssassin: I don't think I'll win this one .
(14:21:25) UndeadxAssassin: But I can get second .
(14:21:30) FatherSpace: I think I might win.
(14:21:32) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 4,3,3,1,3.
(14:21:37) UndeadxAssassin: Lies.
(14:21:45) FatherSpace: Holding 4's
(14:21:45) ChatBot: Lanaya logs into the Chat.
(14:21:47) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 3,6.
(14:21:49) Lanaya: hello?
(14:21:50) FatherSpace: Again
(14:21:53) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 1d6 and gets 1.
(14:21:55) Lanaya: FS wanna help me test a map?
(14:21:55) FatherSpace:
(14:22:03) FatherSpace: Maybe...
(14:22:05) Hillo: yey
(14:22:13) Hillo: you can use greasemonkey with ajax chat
(14:22:28) FatherSpace: Can you spoof your messages/rolls?
(14:22:36) Hillo: maybe
(14:22:45) Hillo: that's what you've been doing, right ?
(14:22:51) FatherSpace: No.
(14:23:00) Lanaya: yes.
(14:23:02) FatherSpace: I'm taking 13 on ToaK
(14:23:09) FatherSpace: Go
(14:23:29) FatherSpace: brb
(14:23:36) UndeadxAssassin: Hillnub
(14:24:13) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 1d6 and gets 4.
(14:24:17) Hillo: ...
(14:24:19) Hillo: fail roll
(14:24:21) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 3,5,3,6,6.
(14:24:25) UndeadxAssassin: Indeed.
(14:24:26) Lanaya: v.v
(14:24:35) UndeadxAssassin: We're playing Yahtzee .
(14:24:47) ChatBot: Lanaya rolls 5d6 and gets 3,5,2,3,4.
(14:24:56) Hillo: stop it nublet
(14:25:04) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,6.
(14:25:09) Hillo: wtf
(14:25:10) Hillo: I'll reroll 3's and 5
(14:25:14) Hillo: lag message
(14:25:22) Hillo: 34666
(14:25:27) Hillo: I'll reroll 3 and 4
(14:25:30) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 4,5.
(14:25:33) Hillo: meh
(14:25:39) Lanaya: teemu?
(14:25:50) Hillo: 27 on chance
(14:25:59) Hillo: oh I used that already
(14:26:00) Hillo: well
(14:26:06) Hillo: 18 on sixes
(14:26:47) UndeadxAssassin: I have fives and FoaK left :S
(14:26:49) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm
(14:26:52) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 3,2,2,4,3.
(14:26:58) UndeadxAssassin: Uhhhh.
(14:27:04) UndeadxAssassin: I'll save the threes.
(14:27:09) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 5,4,6.
(14:27:13) UndeadxAssassin: Again!
(14:27:16) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 3d6 and gets 2,4,4.
(14:27:19) UndeadxAssassin: .
(14:27:24) UndeadxAssassin: 2,3,3,4,4
(14:27:34) ChatBot: Lanaya rolls 5d1 and gets 1,1,1,1,1.
(14:27:46) UndeadxAssassin: Suppose I'll cross my Yahtzee .
(14:28:01) Hillo: too bad
(14:28:19) Hillo: stupid spaceface cheaturd
(14:28:26) UndeadxAssassin: Yar.
(14:28:33) FatherSpace: k back
(14:28:40) Lanaya: FS help mehh
(14:28:46) FatherSpace: GN?
(14:28:55) Lanaya: lil
(14:29:19) FatherSpace: Huh?
(14:29:19) UndeadxAssassin: Spaceface it's your turn.
(14:29:21) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 6,4,2,6,3.
(14:29:32) FatherSpace: Holding 2
(14:29:35) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 4d6 and gets 5,5,5,4.
(14:29:38) UndeadxAssassin: xD
(14:29:39) FatherSpace: Ooooh.
(14:29:45) FatherSpace: Holding 5's
(14:29:47) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 2d6 and gets 5,2.
(14:29:48) Lanaya: gn is lil v.v
(14:29:50) FatherSpace: Yeah!!
(14:29:52) UndeadxAssassin: Wtf cheater.
(14:29:53) FatherSpace: 22 on FoaK
(14:29:55) UndeadxAssassin: wtf cheater.
(14:29:56) UndeadxAssassin: WTF CHEATER
(14:30:19) FatherSpace: Didn't you already cheat this map?
(14:30:26) Lanaya: not this version
(14:30:34) Lanaya: testing the save in multiplayer
(14:30:36) UndeadxAssassin: hillnub, it's your turn.
(14:30:52) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 4,2,3,1,3.
(14:31:01) Hillo: keeping 3
(14:31:10) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 2,1,1.
(14:31:17) Hillo: and again
(14:31:19) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 1,5,4.
(14:31:23) UndeadxAssassin: lul.
(14:31:23) Hillo: meh
(14:31:25) Hillo: 6 on 3
(14:31:26) FatherSpace: 13345
(14:31:54) Hillo: and ?
(14:32:08) UndeadxAssassin: FoaK and Fives left for me
(14:32:17) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 3,3,5,3,6.
(14:32:20) Hillo: only yahtzee
(14:32:22) UndeadxAssassin: Hmm.
(14:32:31) UndeadxAssassin: Keeping threes.
(14:32:36) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 2d6 and gets 3,5.
(14:32:38) UndeadxAssassin: Woot
(14:32:39) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(14:32:41) UndeadxAssassin: Aw
(14:32:46) UndeadxAssassin: I should have kept the five
(14:32:49) FatherSpace: 14 it is.
(14:32:52) UndeadxAssassin: 14 on FoaK
(14:33:06) FatherSpace: I've still got mah 2's
(14:33:29) FatherSpace: Tommy, what's act?
(14:33:48) UndeadxAssassin: Spaceface, it's your turn.
(14:34:31) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 5d6 and gets 1,3,1,6,2.
(14:34:35) FatherSpace: Holding 2
(14:34:38) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 4d6 and gets 5,3,6,5.
(14:34:42) FatherSpace: And again...
(14:34:45) ChatBot: FatherSpace rolls 4d6 and gets 6,6,5,3.
(14:34:48) FatherSpace: 2 on 2
(14:35:26) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 5d6 and gets 4,3,4,1,2.
(14:35:32) Hillo: keeping 4's
(14:35:34) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 3d6 and gets 4,5,1.
(14:35:39) Hillo: and again
(14:35:43) ChatBot: Hillo rolls 2d6 and gets 1,2.
(14:35:50) Hillo: shit happens
(14:36:04) UndeadxAssassin: I need fives .
(14:36:07) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 4,6,4,3,6.
(14:36:11) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 6,4,3,1,4.
(14:36:13) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin rolls 5d6 and gets 4,2,4,3,3.
(14:36:14) UndeadxAssassin: WTF
(14:36:15) UndeadxAssassin: WTF
(14:36:16) UndeadxAssassin: WTF
(14:36:39) UndeadxAssassin: That's crap .
(14:37:33) FatherSpace: Hillo, did you change my Yahtzee bonus to -100?
(14:37:42) Hillo: I didn't
(14:37:53) FatherSpace: Jannay.
(14:37:56) Lanaya: shh v.v
(14:37:57) Hillo: I only edited my yahtzee to over 900
(14:38:04) UndeadxAssassin: Wut
(14:38:05) Hillo: because it starts with letters it doesn't count
(14:38:09) UndeadxAssassin: I don't cheat >>
(14:38:11) Hillo: who edited it out
(14:38:20) UndeadxAssassin: I was sulking over my 3 rolls without a single five.
(14:38:24) FatherSpace whistles
(14:38:31) Hillo: darn you space
(14:38:36) FatherSpace:
(14:38:36) Hillo: -900
(14:38:37) Hillo: haha
(14:38:39) Hillo: very funny
(14:38:53) Lanaya: (whispers) dude that person is gay
(14:38:56) FatherSpace: So, I win?

Final Scores:
SpiceCake: 417
Hildog: 217
Jenny Jenny ( got yo' number): 204
SpaceFace cheated. Hillnub will agree with me :(.
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
(20:53:56) Bartimaeus: Truly, you are wise.
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...
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Post by Ken »

You're just mad that I won this time, with two Yahtzees.
xkiska wrote:BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
Senethior459 wrote:Wow, Dream Theatre reminds me of Dragonforce, but with real skill.
Ozzapoo wrote:We laughed, we cried. Trashed.
FatherSpace: You don't find smart chicks hawt?
GeorgeMots: not anymore, im fed up with that kind of girls
FatherSpace: lol
FatherSpace: What happened?
GeorgeMots: most smart girls find out that i date/do/see other girls....
FatherSpace: ...
FatherSpace: So monogamy is your enemy?
Bartimaeus: Hmm, well, I hope my sister hasn't been kidnapped.
FatherSpace: What happened, Bart?
Bartimaeus: She walked out of the house saying that she was going over to some friends, and it's been like two hours, and my mom is trying to get a hold of her, which she's been unable to.
Bartimaeus: I can also hear three car alarms going off.
GeorgeMots: how old is she?
Bartimaeus: I haven't a clue. Probably 17.
UndeadxAssassin: wut
AbusivePie: You don't know how old your sister is?
Bartimaeus: Nope.
UndeadxAssassin: Epic fail
GeorgeMots: is she cute??
Bartimaeus: So, uh, how about you get into the Christmas spirit and put that avatar on before I do it myself and take away your bloody avatar-changin' rights?
UndeadxAssassin: If I thought of a random one...
UndeadxAssassin: Like....
UndeadxAssassin: I'll get back to you on that
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Post by Hillo »

Greasemonkey scripts for AJAX Chat. Naughty SpaceDog.

Also, our Yahtzee has different rules o_O.