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Title: ME 1337 GHOST


Post by unknownghostiscool »

Map Name: FF Epic ORPG

Single Player: Disables saving

Link: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/5765/

Requesting: A CP and enable SP
Last edited by unknownghostiscool on October 22nd, 2009, 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Syre »

Change it to [SP+Any CP] or [SP+JJCP], you dont need CC, cause that means custom command and thats only for maps where you want a special trigger for.
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Re: [SP+Any CP]FF Epic ORPG

Post by [=ryCgg=] »

And tell us the compatibility mode , next time :D .

Here is the map!

Cheat(s) Hint :
-You can now Load more than 1 timeS!!
-Added Weirdone2's Cheatpack!!
-Enabled Save mode!! (I think itself was enabled)

Link to the map : Click me! XD


Weirdone2's cp commands List:

Code: Select all

"-Pronstar" to activate cheats

Requires no unit selection:
-bindup/down/left/right/esc S   (binds S to your arrow keys)
-bindevent/uevent# # S      (#player #event Sstring, feel free to bind as many events as you want ^^)
-clearkeys         (clears -bindup/down/left/right/esc)
-noevent                        (clears bindevent)
-nouevent         (clears binduevent)
-gold #            (adds # to your gold)
-Gold # #         (adds to #players gold by #)
-wood #            (adds # to your lumber)
-Wood # #         (adds to #players lumber by #)
-tele            (Turns patrol into teleport)
-note            (turns tele off)
-nocd            (removes cooldowns)
-monitor       (0-6) Eg : -monitor 2
-cmds            (Show commands list)
-Nocd #            (removes cooldowns for #player)
-cdon            (turns off nocd)
-mana            (makes your units not lose mana)
-Mana #            (makes #players units not lose mana)
-nomp            (turns off mana for triggering player)
-cpos #          (makes #players camera follow his selected unit)
-nocpos          (turns off cpos)
-camera          (resets camera)
-rf #            (fogs #players's map)
-food #          (set your max food to #)
-Food # #          (set #player's max food to #)
-nofo # #          (Sets #players current food to #) 
-upgrades # #         (sets #upgrade to #lvl)
-deca #            (heals yout units by #amount when attacked)
-Deca # #         (heals #players unit by #amount when attacked)
-noda            (turns off deca)
-inca #            (adds to your units dmg by #amount when attacking)
-Inca # #         (adds to #players dmg by #amount when attacking)
-noia            (turns off inca)
-csize            (Continously changes unit selected's size)
-csoff            (turns off csize)
-ccolor            (Continously changes unit selected's color)
-ccoff            (turns off ccolor)
-nokill            (disables -kill)
-onkill            (reenables -kill)
-mess #            (messes with #player's camera)
-nomess            (turns off mess)
-ping #            (mass pings #player)
-noping         (turns off ping)
-nose #            (Deselects #players selection)
-nonose         (turns off nose)
-noco            (Press esc to finish any building)
-Noco #            (Press esc to finish any building for #player)
-coon            (turns off noco)
-nocin            (press esc to finish cinemas)
-cinon            (turns off nocin)
-nounit            (press esc to finish training unit)
-Nounit #          (press esc to finish training unit for #player)
-uniton            (turns off nounit)
-rn s             (Sets your name to s)
-Rn # s          (Sets # players name to s)
-pc #             (sets your color to #players color)
-Pc ##             (changes #player to #color)
-saon #            (sets #player as your ally)
-SAon #            (makes #player set you as an ally)
-Saon #   #         (sets #player as an ally to #player) 
-nosa #            (sets #player as your enemy)
-NOsa #            (makes #player set you as an enemy)
-Nosa # #         (sets #player as an enemy to #player) 
-svon #            (shares vision with #player) 
-SVon #            (Makes #player share vision with you) 
-Svon # #         (gives vision of #player to #player) 
-nosv #            (Stops shareing vis with #player) 
-NOsv #            (Makes #player unshare vision with you) 
-Nosv # #         (removes vision of #player to #player) 
-mh               (Displays whole map)
-nomh            (turns off -mh)
-stat            (displays some stats)
-whoshere         (Displays to everyone, when a user leaves)
-I'mnot            (turns off whoshere)
-clearitems         (removes all items on ground)
-zoom #            (zooms camera to #)
-clear                (clear game text messages!)

(Selected Units)
-int #            (sets selected heroes int)
-Int #            (Adds to selected heroes int)
-agi #            (sets selected heroes agi)
-Agi #            (Adds to selected heroes agi)
-str #            (sets selected heroes str)
-Str #            (Adds to selected heroes str)
-lvl #            (sets hero level of selected hero to #lvl)
-Lvl #            (adds hero level of selected hero to #lvl)
-xp #            (sets xp of selected hero)
-Xp #            (adds xp of selected hero)
-hp #            (sets #hp of selected unit)
-Hp #            (adds #hp of selected unit)
-mp #            (sets #mp of selected unit)
-Mp #            (add #mp of selected unit)
-ms #            (sets #ms of selected unit)
-Ms #            (adds #ms of selected unit)
-size #            (changes size of selected unit 1-99999, 10000 is around normal height)
-grow #   #         (Makes selected unit grow from # by #)
-ungrow            (stops -grow)
-charges # #         (First # is slotitem, adds #charges)
-stele            (Use to set position for utele, say then partol to postition)
-utele            (use to send selected unit to where you set using stele)
-move # #          (Each # represents a 5 digit axis, example -move 15000 05000)
-uc RGBA          (unit color 001-255 per letter)
-debuff            (removes all buffs from selected unit)
-uloc             (gives location of selected unit)
-damaget # #         (Damages selected unit for #damage(5digits) at #interval)
-nodt            (turns off damaget)
-resource #         (sets gold of gold mine selected to #)
-to             (Makes selected unit yours)
-To #            (Make selected unit #players)
-aron            (Selected unit will auto revive upon death)
-aroff            (turns off -aron)
-noxp            (disables exp for unit)
-onxp            (enables exp for unit)
-udisp            (displays selected unit code)
-idisp #         (displays item code in #slot of selected unit)
-unit #            (creates #unit)
-item #            (creates #item)
-dopple          (copies selected unit)
-copitem#         (spawns item in #inventory next to selected hero)
-addabil #         (adds #abil to selected unit)
-delabil #         (removes #abil from seleted unit)
-abillvl # #         (sets #abil to #lvl on selected unit)
-dests # # #         (creates #dest at #size(5digits) and #type at selected unit)
-gc #            (allows you to control #player)(Testing needed)
-Gc ##            (allows #player to control #player)(Testing needed)
-ng #            (removes your control of #player)(Testing needed)
-ng ##            (removes control of #player from #player)(Testing needed)
-remove            (removes selected unit's)
-blighton #         (creates blight in #radius around unit)
-noblight #(         removes blight in #radius around unit)
-drop #          (drops item from #slot)
-ruc            (gives unit random color)
-ushare            (makes seleted unit share vision)
-noushare         (removes vision of selected unit)
-invul            (Makes selected unit invulnerable to attacks)
-vul            (Allows unit to be attacked)
-pause            (Stops all selected units cmds)
-unpause         (Allows selected units cmds)
-fly # #         (makes unit fly to #height(4digit) at #speed)
-flyoff            (Returns unit to the ground)
-kill            (kills selected unit)
-pathoff          (allows unit to ignore pathing)
-pathon            (Makes unit obey pathing)
-nokill            (turns off kill)
-onkill            (turns on kill)
Note : There is no something Like "Cheats Enabled!" activation message. Just type the activation code "-Pronstar" without the " " and then try some commands like "-gold" "-wood" .