Funny Conversation

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Funny Conversation

Post by Ken »

I was bored, xkiska wanted to play a game. It went downhill from there.
(17:19:51) xkiska: father space
(17:19:55) xkiska: wana play 1 of my games
(17:19:57) FatherSpace: brb, getting cookies.
(17:19:59) xkiska: its rl quick
(17:21:48) xkiska: do u?
(17:21:59) FatherSpace: Rawr. Go for it.
(17:22:15) xkiska: Storyline : You were traveling to egypt in order to gain a secret artifact that was built by the ancient egyptians many many years ago. You are traveling on a plane, and the pilot announces to everybody there that there is a problem with the engine.

What do you do?

If you kill the pilot, and take control of the plane, please read number [2]

If you stay seated and don't do anything, please read number [3]

If you jump out the plane in a parachute, please read number [1]
(17:22:21) Tupac_Shakur: buh.
(17:22:41) Tupac_Shakur: What the hell, MotherSpace, SonSpace? Nice brackets.
(17:22:43) FatherSpace: 3
(17:22:57) xkiska: 3] You stay seated, and so does everyone else and the pilots resume flying the plane. There was actually never anything wrong with the plane, it was just the sound of the low fuel meter. Theres nothing wrong with that. After awhile the plane is out of fuel, and you end up crashing and everybody dies.
(17:23:17) FatherSpace: Is the pilot retarded?
(17:23:24) FatherSpace: Or is he Stevie Wonder?
(17:23:34) xkiska: heres another 1
(17:23:44) xkiska: Part two :

You've been walking for miles, and miles... You've been searching the desert forever. You have no water, no food, and no form of transportation, and there is nothing to be found.

If you find a pond of water, with a palm tree read [2]

If you keep searching read [1]

If you find a group of travelers read [3]
(17:24:02) FatherSpace: If you rape xkiska's skull read [4]
(17:24:06) FatherSpace: 4!
(17:24:09) Tupac_Shakur: :D
(17:24:18) xkiska: sry that isnt in my dictionary :D
(17:24:22) xkiska: 1 2 or 3.
(17:24:32) FatherSpace: One sec...
(17:25:42) FatherSpace: * Main Entry: 2rape
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): raped; rap•ing
* Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rapere
* Date: 14th century

1 a archaic : to seize and take away by force b : despoil
2 : to commit rape on
(17:25:42) xkiska: wtb comedy ( not from fatherspace and his lil family )
(17:25:55) FatherSpace: There you go. Rape. It's in Meriam-Webster's dictionary, at least.
(17:26:13) xkiska: im srry
(17:26:18) xkiska: read me the definition of four.
(17:26:27) xkiska: and tell me why you picked four, when four wasnt a sleection
(17:26:31) xkiska: find a meaning for tht :0
(17:26:33) FatherSpace: There's only a couple definitions of rape.
(17:26:44) FatherSpace: At least in that usage of the word.
(17:26:52) xkiska: come on
(17:26:54) xkiska: just pick 1 2 or 3
(17:26:58) FatherSpace: There's also:
* Main Entry: 1rape
* Pronunciation: \ˈrāp\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rapa, rapum turnip, rape; akin to Old High German rāba turnip, rape, Lithuanian ropė
* Date: 14th century

: an Old World herb (Brassica napus) of the mustard family grown as a forage crop and for its seeds which yield rapeseed oil and are a bird food — compare canola
(17:27:15) xkiska: lol a mustard family
(17:27:23) xkiska: just pick 1 2 or 3
(17:27:30) FatherSpace: 1337
(17:27:39) xkiska: okay so 3
(17:27:39) ChatBot: Tupac_Shakur rolls 4d8 and gets 3,2,1,1.
(17:27:44) Tupac_Shakur: No
(17:27:48) Tupac_Shakur: he said 1337
(17:27:59) xkiska: 1337 has 2 3's
(17:28:02) xkiska: so 3 is the most common
(17:28:04) xkiska: so he picks 3.
(17:28:05) xkiska: [3] You find a group of desert travelers on camels. You say hello, and they greet you. They have water they offer you, and you drink it. They know where the temple is, and they point it out to you, but you don't understand their language, so you have no idea what they are saying, and they get confused, but they offer you one of there camels, and you accept it as a gift of gratitude, and you keep traveling in search of the artifact.
(17:28:09) xkiska: good job, it was the right one
(17:28:15) FatherSpace: I didn't say 3.
(17:28:25) xkiska: idc
(17:28:29) xkiska: ur going on the ranking leaderbords
(17:28:31) xkiska: as saying 3
(17:28:33) Tupac_Shakur: You should care.
(17:28:45) Tupac_Shakur: He's playing your Game and you should be fair.
(17:28:57) xkiska: hes the 1 not being fair :(
(17:29:17) xkiska: Part three :

As equiping the camel mount, you start walking around the destert even more, but you go faster. You feel renewed and refreshed.

If you would like to jump for joy, please read [1]

If you would like to keep traveling please read [3]

If you would like to take a rest please read [2]
(17:29:30) Tupac_Shakur: Oh well. I go play Resident Evil.
(17:29:33) FatherSpace: 0
(17:29:42) xkiska: okay so u pick 1
(17:29:46) xkiska: 0 is closest to 1
(17:29:46) Tupac_Shakur: Nope
(17:29:47) FatherSpace: No
(17:29:49) FatherSpace: I picked 0.
(17:29:56) xkiska: There IS NO 0
(17:29:56) FatherSpace: Your arrays are stupid.
(17:29:58) xkiska: u cant pick 0
(17:30:06) FatherSpace: Even 5-year olds know arrays are zero-based.
(17:30:10) xkiska: ur the stupid 1, u cant pick zero
(17:30:15) xkiska: u need to pick 1 2 or 3
(17:30:21) FatherSpace: I can if it's an array.
(17:30:27) xkiska: Its not an array
(17:30:28) FatherSpace: But I guess [0] would have null value.
(17:30:35) Tupac_Shakur: FatherSpace just owned xkiska, yay
(17:30:41) FatherSpace: If it's not an array, don't use square brackets around numbers.
(17:30:41) xkiska: just pick a normal number, choosing from 1 2 or 3
(17:30:52) xkiska: no
(17:30:54) xkiska: i dont have to listen to u
(17:30:56) FatherSpace: Unless we're using VB, in which case no curvy brackets.
(17:31:10) FatherSpace: Mind, in VB, arrays aren't always zero-based. VB is dumb. Ozzapoo is silly.
(17:31:12) xkiska: your a friggen invalid
(17:31:21) Tupac_Shakur: Just intelligent, haha.
(17:31:31) xkiska: hes not intelligent
(17:31:36) xkiska: HE CANT EVEN Pick a # 1 2 or 3
(17:31:40) xkiska: how is that intelligent?
(17:31:45) xkiska: rofl
(17:31:46) FatherSpace: I did pick 1, 2 or 3 the first time.
(17:31:50) FatherSpace: In fact, I picked definitely 3.
(17:31:58) xkiska: Well pick again,
(17:32:03) FatherSpace: But then I decided that you're limiting my imagination.
(17:32:09) xkiska: GO TOHELL
(17:32:12) xkiska: im done with u
(17:32:13) FatherSpace: So I picked 4, which was to rape your skull.
(17:32:15) xkiska: u dont want to play my game
(17:32:17) xkiska: just say no
(17:32:31) Tupac_Shakur: :D
(17:32:33) FatherSpace: To be fair, when I said yes, I didn't know what the game was.
(17:32:33) Tupac_Shakur: funny shit in here.
(17:32:44) xkiska: OK
(17:32:47) xkiska: well do u want to play or not
(17:33:02) FatherSpace: What are we playing? DotA?
(17:33:11) xkiska: GO TO HELL
(17:33:19) FatherSpace: k, let's play a game.
(17:33:26) FatherSpace: I'm thinking of a number. Go.
(17:33:33) Tupac_Shakur: 0-?
(17:33:34) xkiska: BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
(17:33:42) FatherSpace: No he isn't.
(17:33:44) xkiska: and he uses alot of fancy language
(17:33:47) ChatBot: Private channel opened to Tupac_Shakur.
(17:33:51) FatherSpace: (whispers to Tupac_Shakur) The number is 1148154945
(17:33:56) FatherSpace: (whispers to Tupac_Shakur) Just so he can't say I'm cheating. :D
(17:33:58) ChatBot: Private channel to Tupac_Shakur closed.
(17:34:03) FatherSpace: I whispered the number to Tupac.
(17:34:06) FatherSpace: Go, guess.
(17:34:12) xkiska: 1-100
(17:34:15) xkiska: 1-1000
(17:34:17) xkiska: 1-10000
(17:34:26) xkiska: 1-any numer
(17:34:28) FatherSpace: 1-1500000000
(17:34:33) xkiska: i guess
(17:34:37) xkiska: 4
(17:34:43) Tupac_Shakur: Nope.
(17:34:45) xkiska: ok i lost, god 4 u
(17:34:51) xkiska: nextp layer
(17:34:54) FatherSpace: Keep going until you get it.
(17:35:01) xkiska: naw.
(17:35:13) xkiska: because 1-5000000000 is using too many zeros
(17:35:13) FatherSpace: It's actually a pretty specific number.
(17:35:20) xkiska: Yah, ok.
(17:35:25) xkiska: ur so annoying
(17:35:38) FatherSpace: You're hurtful. Two can play the name game.
(17:35:46) xkiska: i dont care
(17:35:49) FatherSpace: Shall we keep playing, or play something else?
(17:35:50) xkiska: jesus christ
(17:36:01) FatherSpace: Don't get me started on him.
(17:36:03) xkiska: go suck pew pew, you goddamn hairy gorrila
(17:36:29) FatherSpace: Sucking lasers would be uncomfortable, and probably deadly.
(17:36:38) Tupac_Shakur: LMAO!
(17:37:44) FatherSpace: Why did he start this conversation if he didn't want it to end like this?
(17:37:56) Tupac_Shakur: No idea, maybe he's bored or something.
(17:38:04) FatherSpace: Me too.
(17:38:23) ChatBot: xkiska has been logged out (Timeout).
Not my fault if he stops coming here.
Last edited by Ken on August 16th, 2009, 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
xkiska wrote:BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
Senethior459 wrote:Wow, Dream Theatre reminds me of Dragonforce, but with real skill.
Ozzapoo wrote:We laughed, we cried. Trashed.
FatherSpace: You don't find smart chicks hawt?
GeorgeMots: not anymore, im fed up with that kind of girls
FatherSpace: lol
FatherSpace: What happened?
GeorgeMots: most smart girls find out that i date/do/see other girls....
FatherSpace: ...
FatherSpace: So monogamy is your enemy?
Bartimaeus: Hmm, well, I hope my sister hasn't been kidnapped.
FatherSpace: What happened, Bart?
Bartimaeus: She walked out of the house saying that she was going over to some friends, and it's been like two hours, and my mom is trying to get a hold of her, which she's been unable to.
Bartimaeus: I can also hear three car alarms going off.
GeorgeMots: how old is she?
Bartimaeus: I haven't a clue. Probably 17.
UndeadxAssassin: wut
AbusivePie: You don't know how old your sister is?
Bartimaeus: Nope.
UndeadxAssassin: Epic fail
GeorgeMots: is she cute??
Bartimaeus: So, uh, how about you get into the Christmas spirit and put that avatar on before I do it myself and take away your bloody avatar-changin' rights?
UndeadxAssassin: If I thought of a random one...
UndeadxAssassin: Like....
UndeadxAssassin: I'll get back to you on that
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by Small Sized Duck »

Edit for colorz plox.
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by Ken »

The whole thing? Noes.
xkiska wrote:BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
Senethior459 wrote:Wow, Dream Theatre reminds me of Dragonforce, but with real skill.
Ozzapoo wrote:We laughed, we cried. Trashed.
FatherSpace: You don't find smart chicks hawt?
GeorgeMots: not anymore, im fed up with that kind of girls
FatherSpace: lol
FatherSpace: What happened?
GeorgeMots: most smart girls find out that i date/do/see other girls....
FatherSpace: ...
FatherSpace: So monogamy is your enemy?
Bartimaeus: Hmm, well, I hope my sister hasn't been kidnapped.
FatherSpace: What happened, Bart?
Bartimaeus: She walked out of the house saying that she was going over to some friends, and it's been like two hours, and my mom is trying to get a hold of her, which she's been unable to.
Bartimaeus: I can also hear three car alarms going off.
GeorgeMots: how old is she?
Bartimaeus: I haven't a clue. Probably 17.
UndeadxAssassin: wut
AbusivePie: You don't know how old your sister is?
Bartimaeus: Nope.
UndeadxAssassin: Epic fail
GeorgeMots: is she cute??
Bartimaeus: So, uh, how about you get into the Christmas spirit and put that avatar on before I do it myself and take away your bloody avatar-changin' rights?
UndeadxAssassin: If I thought of a random one...
UndeadxAssassin: Like....
UndeadxAssassin: I'll get back to you on that
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by Small Sized Duck »

note pad and replace all Xkriska with xriska. something like that
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by Ken »

Alright, colours get.
xkiska wrote:BARTIMEAUS is more understandable then u
Senethior459 wrote:Wow, Dream Theatre reminds me of Dragonforce, but with real skill.
Ozzapoo wrote:We laughed, we cried. Trashed.
FatherSpace: You don't find smart chicks hawt?
GeorgeMots: not anymore, im fed up with that kind of girls
FatherSpace: lol
FatherSpace: What happened?
GeorgeMots: most smart girls find out that i date/do/see other girls....
FatherSpace: ...
FatherSpace: So monogamy is your enemy?
Bartimaeus: Hmm, well, I hope my sister hasn't been kidnapped.
FatherSpace: What happened, Bart?
Bartimaeus: She walked out of the house saying that she was going over to some friends, and it's been like two hours, and my mom is trying to get a hold of her, which she's been unable to.
Bartimaeus: I can also hear three car alarms going off.
GeorgeMots: how old is she?
Bartimaeus: I haven't a clue. Probably 17.
UndeadxAssassin: wut
AbusivePie: You don't know how old your sister is?
Bartimaeus: Nope.
UndeadxAssassin: Epic fail
GeorgeMots: is she cute??
Bartimaeus: So, uh, how about you get into the Christmas spirit and put that avatar on before I do it myself and take away your bloody avatar-changin' rights?
UndeadxAssassin: If I thought of a random one...
UndeadxAssassin: Like....
UndeadxAssassin: I'll get back to you on that
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by initialD »

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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by mib »

hehe funny
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by xkiska »

nice sig :P

why would i stop coming here? i didnt do anything wrong? thats so ridiculous... you pissed me off, ohh i'm so scared!

(08:01:31) ChatBot: xkiska logs into the Chat.
(08:01:35) xkiska: lol wth do i have to face
(08:01:41) xkiska: you?
(08:01:49) xkiska: nice sig btw, .
(08:01:51) FatherSpace: Well, maybe I'll disagree with your arrays some more.
(08:01:56) Hillo: Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise
(08:01:59) FatherSpace: You spelled Bartimaeus wrong.
(08:02:02) xkiska: go ahead
(08:02:06) ChatBot: Error: Unknown command: /ignored
(08:02:17) xkiska: i care why?
(08:02:26) FatherSpace: But for real, that game totally stunts your imagination.
(08:02:42) FatherSpace: You're on a plane, and some shit happens. Why can't I have sex with the pilot, since I know I'm gonna die?
(08:02:42) xkiska: if you cant pick a # 1 2 3, and you have to be gay about it
(08:02:46) xkiska: thats not cool.
(08:02:56) FatherSpace: I wouldn't even mind that it's gay sex, I'm about to die. I need something.
(08:02:57) xkiska: because it's my game, not yours
(08:03:00) xkiska: go play another game
(08:03:02) xkiska: or make one
(08:03:12) FatherSpace: ofc, I'd be pitching.
(08:03:18) xkiska: i said to you
(08:03:21) xkiska: dont want to play?
(08:03:23) xkiska: just say no
(08:03:23) Hillo: (17:02:57) xkiska: because it's my game, not yours
(08:03:25) xkiska: thats all.
(08:03:32) FatherSpace: I didn't know what the game was when I said yes.
(08:03:38) Hillo: so you invented the whole "king of the hill"-game ?
(08:03:40) FatherSpace: Otherwise, I'd have gone to your thread and cheated.
(08:03:43) xkiska: well, then you should of declined.
(08:03:52) FatherSpace: I was bored.
(08:03:56) xkiska: you should of said no, i wont play
(08:03:58) xkiska: thats ur fault.
(08:04:10) FatherSpace: Your fault for making dumb games.
(08:04:12) xkiska: go have some fun, xP
(08:04:14) FatherSpace: And having shit arrays.
(08:04:17) xkiska: your fault for playing them.
(08:04:19) xkiska:
(08:04:22) FatherSpace: They start at 0, not 1, you clod.
(08:04:39) FatherSpace: The only excuse to start at 1 is a bad language.
(08:05:04) FatherSpace: And why did I have to suck lasers, man?
(08:05:12) FatherSpace: Do you realize how deadly they are?
(08:05:18) Hillo: omg
(08:05:20) Hillo: heat beams !
(08:05:39) FatherSpace: I know this is all fun and games for you, but when it's my life on the line for sucking a laser, I think twice.
(08:05:54) xkiska: fatherspace, stfu, if you don't want to fucking play the game, stop being an annoying fucking child, and just say. NO, I don't want to play the game, stop whining about it, you made a friggen forum about it, thats how worried about it that you are? just drop it and stop complaining. The only reason I said suck pew pew was because i was mad, and wanted to leave, you are so friggen annoying, and i just cant stand you, why do you have to keep this going on, it was like 2 days ago, who friggen cares about a dumbass array. IF YOU DONT WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. DONT. AND STOP COMPLAINING!
(08:05:58) Hillo: how do you suck a laser ?
(08:06:13) FatherSpace: I dunno. They're fast, so they'd just go right through you.
(08:06:25) Hillo: lasers are heat beams
(08:06:29) Hillo: how do you suck one ?
(08:06:34) FatherSpace: This was two days ago?
(08:06:38) FatherSpace: Wasn't it last night?
(08:06:41) Lanaya: a laser gun* ?
(08:06:44) xkiska: HOLD ON
(08:06:48) xkiska: stop chatting for a sec
look behind you.
For real.
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by Bartimaeus »

Wow. I never saw that he spelled my name wrong in the signature, until it was said there, lol
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Re: Funny Conversation

Post by Lanaya »


woah.. epic bump*
(10:25:14) Lanaya: No.
(10:37:02) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:40:15) Lanaya: No.
(10:41:40) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:41:44) Lanaya: No.
(10:41:50) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:41:51) Lanaya: No.
(10:41:53) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:41:56) Lanaya: No.
(10:41:57) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:41:59) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:02) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:04) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:05) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:07) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:09) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:10) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:12) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:15) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:18) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:20) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:42:22) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:24) 2Pac: Damnit
(10:42:25) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:27) 2Pac: XD
(10:42:27) Lanaya: :)
(10:42:35) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:38) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:41) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:44) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:46) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:49) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:54) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:42:56) Lanaya: No.
(10:42:58) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:43:02) Lanaya: No.
(10:43:05) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:43:07) Lanaya: No.
(10:43:09) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:43:12) Lanaya: No.
(10:43:16) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:43:17) Lanaya: No.
(10:43:21) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:43:22) Lanaya: No.
(10:43:25) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:43:27) Lanaya: No.
(10:43:29) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:43:30) Lanaya: No.
(10:43:32) 2Pac: No.
(10:43:35) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:43:39) 2Pac: No.
(10:43:43) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:43:46) 2Pac: No.
(10:43:49) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:43:52) 2Pac: No.
(10:43:54) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:43:56) 2Pac: No.
(10:43:57) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:43:59) 2Pac: No.
(10:44:00) Lanaya: No.
(10:44:04) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:44:06) Lanaya: No.
(10:44:09) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:44:11) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:44:18) 2Pac: This game is lame.
(10:44:22) Lanaya: lol noob.
(10:44:24) Lanaya: i win
(10:44:26) ChatBot: luggagepls logs out of the Chat.
(10:44:29) Lanaya: 1-0
(10:44:35) 2Pac: No.
(10:44:39) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:44:42) 2Pac: No.
(10:44:44) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:44:46) 2Pac: No.
(10:44:48) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:44:50) 2Pac: No.
(10:44:51) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:44:53) 2Pac: No.
(10:44:56) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:45:00) 2Pac: No.
(10:45:02) Lanaya: No.
(10:45:05) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:45:09) Lanaya: No.
(10:45:12) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:45:15) Lanaya: No.
(10:45:18) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:45:20) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:45:23) 2Pac: No.
(10:45:27) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:45:30) 2Pac: No.
(10:45:32) Lanaya: No.
(10:45:35) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:45:39) Lanaya: No.
(10:45:42) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:45:44) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:45:46) 2Pac: No.
(10:45:52) Lanaya: Slowboe.
(10:45:53) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:45:58) 2Pac: No.
(10:46:02) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:46:06) 2Pac: No.
(10:46:07) Lanaya: No.
(10:46:10) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:46:12) Lanaya: No.
(10:46:15) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:46:18) Lanaya: No.
(10:46:20) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:46:23) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:46:27) 2Pac: No.
(10:46:29) Lanaya: No.
(10:46:32) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:46:34) Lanaya: No.
(10:46:37) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:46:39) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:46:42) 2Pac: No.
(10:46:46) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:46:50) 2Pac: No.
(10:46:52) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:46:54) 2Pac: No.
(10:46:56) Lanaya: Yes.
(10:46:59) 2Pac: No.
(10:47:01) Lanaya: No.
(10:47:04) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:47:06) Lanaya: No
(10:47:10) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:47:14) Lanaya: Nope
(10:47:19) 2Pac: Yup.
(10:47:22) Lanaya: Nope.
(10:47:26) 2Pac: Yup.
(10:47:27) Lanaya: Yeah.
(10:47:32) 2Pac: Neh.
(10:47:35) Lanaya: Uh huh.
(10:47:41) 2Pac: Huh.
(10:47:43) Lanaya: ....
(10:47:47) 2Pac: You?
(10:47:51) Lanaya: No.
(10:47:54) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:47:57) Lanaya: You.
(10:48:02) 2Pac: Duh.
(10:48:05) Lanaya: No.
(10:48:10) 2Pac: Yes.
(10:48:14) Lanaya: No.
(10:48:18) 2Pac: Screw you?
(10:48:22) Lanaya: No you.
(10:48:27) 2Pac: Yes you.
(10:48:32) Lanaya: Nope.
(10:48:40) 2Pac: Gah w/e, screw you, this isn't funny.
League of legends North America - Nietono