GHost One - ghost++ advanced remote controlled bot
GHost One is now a major modification of the official GHost++ source. GHost One was originally a Graphical User Interface for GHost++, also referred to as a Wrapper, meaning it was a program that launched GHost and interacted with it. Although GHost++ was very good there were many changes that both myself and others in the GHost community wanted. One of these things was a GUI. GHost One is now as feature full as I want it to be, so I am no longer interested in developing it. I still maintain it though.
Commands and Features:
Download and look through the program options if you want a full list
([GUI] - feature only for the Graphics User Interface / [cmd] New Command / [wc3] Modification only noticeable while in WC3 / [cfg] Added Config Value / [other])
[GUI] Remote control GHost One from Windows using Ghost One for GHost One running in Linux or Windows on another machine
[GUI] Auto update your Microsoft Loopback Adapter with your real external ip!
[GUI] Database: Access bans database, view, modify, delete.
[GUI] Database: Delete selective bans
[GUI] Database: Choose to delete bans older than x months
[GUI] Database: Only delete bans which have a specified text in reason (ex: leaver)
[GUI] Database: Add the top players as safelisted. (Top / After Calculate)
[GUI] Editable bot name & color
[GUI] Editable Welcome Message.
[GUI] Send simulated whisper commands (coming from rootadmin)!
[GUI] Capture ghost output and color it Smiley
[GUI] Export/import bans in XML (WC3Banlist format compatible)
[GUI] Maps config wizard!
[GUI] Auto enter commands in WarCraft III, ex: -sd, -di
[GUI] Delayed auto enter commands in WarCraft III, -ah after 25 seconds in dota games
[GUI] Current games list, lobby (swap, kick, unhost, start), channel, chat.
[GUI] Auto configure bot_war3path, bot_hostport, bot_mappath, admingame_port.
[GUI] Auto run ghost on startup (of the app not the pc)
[GUI] Loopback adapter ip update if needed (checkbox in options)
[GUI] Minimize frontend on startup
[GUI] Phrases - Hotkeys F2-F9. (ex: F3 - .ping, F4 - .from, F5 - .startn)
[cmd] Top 10 Scores command: !top
[cmd] Improved !pub (also pubxx, pubnxx) (called with no name will rehost (host) with last name + 1
ex last game name is -sd pros #2: !pub will rehost (if you're in the lobby) or host if you're on BNET game name -sd pros #3
[cmd] safelist feature - safelisted players are counted as reserved when they try to join a game
!sladd <name> alias !sla - add player to safelist (supports partial match if used in game lobby)
!sldel <name> alias !sld, !slr - delete player from safelist
!sl <name - check if a player is safelisted (supports partial match if used in game lobby)
[cmd] !disable [reason] - it will show the reason the bot is disabled when you try to host a game.
[cmd] !autohostxxxx (only allow xx xx countries)
[cmd] !gn - (lobby or ingame): show current game name
[cmd] !startn - Start game instantly
[cmd] !fromp - Show internet provider of a player
[cmd] (!no, !only, !pubxx) - Allow only some countries, deny some countries
[cmd] (!nop, !onlyp) - Allow only some providers, deny some providers
[cmd] (!mute, !unmute) - Mute players
[cmd] !pubdl gamename - Download only host mode (only allows people without the map)
[cmd] (!dmaps, !dload) - Dynamic map listing and loading
[cmd] !rehost <gamename> - unhosts game and rehosts with same parameters
[cmd] !l - show ping and country of the last player who joined.
[cmd] !reloadcfg - reloads some settings from ghost.cfg
[cmd] !addfriend (alias !fadd), !delfriend (alias !fdel)
[cmd] !override - (in game) cancels game over timer
[cmd] !garena - toggles garena only or not
[cmd] !pubg [gamename] - host public game only allowing garena players + rootadmins, admins, reserved players, owner
[cmd] !autohostg to autohost allowing only garena players
[wc3] All remote PCs connected to the bot will be able to see locally any game hosted by the bot! (ARAI like functionality)
[wc3] Admins are placed in higher order slots.
[wc3] Owner is placed on the first slot.
[wc3] All slots occupied announcement after 3 seconds.
[wc3] Multiple IP usage announcement.
[wc3] Players inside Admin Game see all the chat from BNET channels + everything they say (no commands) in Admin Game gets sent to all BNET channels.
[cfg] ### kicked banned people when they enter the channel
bot_kickbannedfromchannel = 0
[cfg] Multiple rootadmins
[cfg] Disable non admin commands (bot_nonadmincommands)
[cfg] Lobby time limit (if no reserved player or admin joins for a specified ammount of time, game is unhosted)
[cfg] Configurable drop vote timer
[cfg] ### ghost will find its external ip on startup, disable if you want to play on LAN only
bot_findexternalip (recommended: 1)
[cfg] ### specify your external ip here (if it's static and you don't want ghost to auto find it)
bot_externalip =
[cfg] ### use alternative site for external ip finding (if you experience lag (30s) on ghost startup)
bot_altfindip = 0
[cfg] bot_rootadminsspoofcheck, if 0, rootadmins are considered spoof checked
[cfg] bot_adminsspoofcheck, if 0, admins are considered spoof checked
[cfg] bot_notifybannedplayers, if 1, banned players will receive a whisper
[cfg] bot_twolinesbanannouncement, make the ban announcement on one line if possible ( = 0) or on two ( = 1)
[cfg] bot_customversiontext, ex: = clan wolf, .version will be:
12.0 One clan wolf
[cfg] ### initiate game over timer if remaining players are less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminplayers = 2
[cfg] ### initiate game over timer if remaining player percentage is less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminpercent = 21
[cfg] ### initiate game over timer if team difference is bigger than this number, 0 - to disable
bot_gameovermaxteamdifference = 1
[cfg] ### whether to automatically add the players from last game to the next game's reserved list
bot_holdplayersforrmk = 1
- new config values:
[cfg] ### display information on current downloads (speed, ETA)
bot_showdownloadsinfo = 1
[cfg] ### interval in seconds between download info message
bot_showdownloadsinfotime = 3
[other] HTTP server (remote control your bot locally or over the internet from a simple browser)
[other] Automatic saving of individual game logs (colored + indented) as HTML.
[other] Improved statsdota, with score.
[other] Improved !announce to handle multiple lines, with new line separator = | (!announce 3 firstline|secondline|thirdline)
[other] Improved !from and !fromp with optional parameter: [name]
[other] Sounds for: lobby full, player banned, leaver, game start, admin joined, same ip.
[other] Player on slot 1 in autohosted games is messaged: "You're on the first slot. Enter any map modes now!"
[other] Added ability to add reasons: if you add l, mh, n, f at the end of !ban or !banlast, it will add a custom comment:
User:!ban user l
GHost One: user has been banned, reason: Leaver in game "-sd pros" on (Jaunary 2009)
if no reason is specified(l, mh, f or n), default reason will be set: Game "-sd pros" on (January 2009)
Reason will also be shown when a banned ( or ip banned) player tries to join.
[other] Bans will not work on admins/owner/rootadmins, kicks not to work on owner/rootadmins.
[other] local game + admin game visible locally when on GArena
Special Commands:
Admin access control:
!acc - list all the commands (ban, delban, kick, mute ...)
!acc name 1 - give access to all commands (those in the list, which are critical, admins will still have access to the rest of the commands not in this list)
!acc name 0 - remove access to all commands (those in the list, which are critical)
!acc name 0 1 - give access to the first command (ban)
!acc name 0 0 - remove access to the first command (ban)
Map Downloading options:
### maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
bot_maxdownloaders = 3
### set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
bot_totaldownloadspeed = 1500
### set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
bot_clientdownloadspeed = 256
- new commands:
!dltspeed <value> (total speed)
!dspeed <value> (max client speed)
!dlmax <value> (max downloaders at once)
!dlinfo [on/off] show info on current downloads
!dlinfotime <value> interval in seconds between info messages
let's customize for example ghost.cfg: bot_maxdownloaders = 3, bot_totaldownloadspeed = 50, bot_clientdownloadspeed = 30
1 player downloads, his speed will be limited to 30 KB/s
2 players download, their speed will be : 50/2 = 25 KB/s
3 players, 50/3 = 16 KB/s
4 players download, 3 will have 50/3 = 16 KB/s,
the fourth will have 0 KB/s until one of the first 3 players finish
Download GHost One:
New GHost One 1.4.194 + ghost++ 12 - mysql modified source (new features, new commands, remote control):
(Windows) GHost One Requires VC++ 2008 redist to work
Download for x86 (32-bit Operating systems): ... st_x86.exe
Ghost.cfg configurator (coded by mm2knet)
Download here:
For The Ghostone Warden Mod Go Here:
Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...
Moderator: Cheaters
Forum rules
While crediting should be allowed, please keep down the advertising. If you know who it's from, and they have a website, please link to it as a basic courtesy.
While crediting should be allowed, please keep down the advertising. If you know who it's from, and they have a website, please link to it as a basic courtesy.
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- Joined: October 17th, 2008, 9:07 am
- Forum Staff
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- Joined: June 2nd, 2007, 6:53 pm
- Title: I Just Lost the Game
Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...
Where did you copy this from? If you're going to repost something from another site, include credits.
My Warcraft III Tool Collection
If you want to chat/game with me:
Blizzard: Senethior459#1962
Discord: Kyle#7409
Steam: Spacekidkyle
If you want to chat/game with me:
Blizzard: Senethior459#1962
Discord: Kyle#7409
Steam: Spacekidkyle
- Senior Member
- Posts: 178
- Joined: February 15th, 2009, 9:08 pm
- Newcomer
- Posts: 19
- Joined: October 17th, 2008, 9:07 am
Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...
yes... and i copyed this from my forums which means i wwrote it took a good half hour
Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...
Since when was codelain your forums?
And i hardly doubt you could've typed that out word for word by coincidence
And i hardly doubt you could've typed that out word for word by coincidence
what an ass.i copyed this from my forums which means i wwrote it took a good half hour
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- Joined: May 30th, 2009, 6:49 pm
- Title: Mr. Pwn
- Location: Behind you.
Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...
Ghost isn't that hard.
At least not to people that at least listen to the people trying to help them.
Also, I have a few videos and a couple of old guides that you can take a peek at in case you get stuck.
At least not to people that at least listen to the people trying to help them.
Also, I have a few videos and a couple of old guides that you can take a peek at in case you get stuck.
What now?
Yea, that's right, I own you.
Yea, try and beat me now.
Yea, that's right, I own you.
Yea, try and beat me now.