Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

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Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

Post by jayezor »

GHost One - ghost++ advanced remote controlled bot

GHost One is now a major modification of the official GHost++ source. GHost One was originally a Graphical User Interface for GHost++, also referred to as a Wrapper, meaning it was a program that launched GHost and interacted with it. Although GHost++ was very good there were many changes that both myself and others in the GHost community wanted. One of these things was a GUI. GHost One is now as feature full as I want it to be, so I am no longer interested in developing it. I still maintain it though.

Commands and Features:
Download and look through the program options if you want a full list
([GUI] - feature only for the Graphics User Interface / [cmd] New Command / [wc3] Modification only noticeable while in WC3 / [cfg] Added Config Value / [other])

[GUI] Remote control GHost One from Windows using Ghost One for GHost One running in Linux or Windows on another machine
[GUI] Auto update your Microsoft Loopback Adapter with your real external ip!
[GUI] Database: Access bans database, view, modify, delete.
[GUI] Database: Delete selective bans
[GUI] Database: Choose to delete bans older than x months
[GUI] Database: Only delete bans which have a specified text in reason (ex: leaver)
[GUI] Database: Add the top players as safelisted. (Top / After Calculate)
[GUI] Editable bot name & color
[GUI] Editable Welcome Message.
[GUI] Send simulated whisper commands (coming from rootadmin)!
[GUI] Capture ghost output and color it Smiley
[GUI] Export/import bans in XML (WC3Banlist format compatible)
[GUI] Maps config wizard!
[GUI] Auto enter commands in WarCraft III, ex: -sd, -di
[GUI] Delayed auto enter commands in WarCraft III, -ah after 25 seconds in dota games
[GUI] Current games list, lobby (swap, kick, unhost, start), channel, chat.
[GUI] Auto configure bot_war3path, bot_hostport, bot_mappath, admingame_port.
[GUI] Auto run ghost on startup (of the app not the pc)
[GUI] Loopback adapter ip update if needed (checkbox in options)
[GUI] Minimize frontend on startup
[GUI] Phrases - Hotkeys F2-F9. (ex: F3 - .ping, F4 - .from, F5 - .startn)

[cmd] Top 10 Scores command: !top
[cmd] Improved !pub (also pubxx, pubnxx) (called with no name will rehost (host) with last name + 1
ex last game name is -sd pros #2: !pub will rehost (if you're in the lobby) or host if you're on BNET game name -sd pros #3
[cmd] safelist feature - safelisted players are counted as reserved when they try to join a game
!sladd <name> alias !sla - add player to safelist (supports partial match if used in game lobby)
!sldel <name> alias !sld, !slr - delete player from safelist
!sl <name - check if a player is safelisted (supports partial match if used in game lobby)
[cmd] !disable [reason] - it will show the reason the bot is disabled when you try to host a game.
[cmd] !autohostxxxx (only allow xx xx countries)
[cmd] !gn - (lobby or ingame): show current game name
[cmd] !startn - Start game instantly
[cmd] !fromp - Show internet provider of a player
[cmd] (!no, !only, !pubxx) - Allow only some countries, deny some countries
[cmd] (!nop, !onlyp) - Allow only some providers, deny some providers
[cmd] (!mute, !unmute) - Mute players
[cmd] !pubdl gamename - Download only host mode (only allows people without the map)
[cmd] (!dmaps, !dload) - Dynamic map listing and loading
[cmd] !rehost <gamename> - unhosts game and rehosts with same parameters
[cmd] !l - show ping and country of the last player who joined.
[cmd] !reloadcfg - reloads some settings from ghost.cfg
[cmd] !addfriend (alias !fadd), !delfriend (alias !fdel)
[cmd] !override - (in game) cancels game over timer
[cmd] !garena - toggles garena only or not
[cmd] !pubg [gamename] - host public game only allowing garena players + rootadmins, admins, reserved players, owner
[cmd] !autohostg to autohost allowing only garena players

[wc3] All remote PCs connected to the bot will be able to see locally any game hosted by the bot! (ARAI like functionality)
[wc3] Admins are placed in higher order slots.
[wc3] Owner is placed on the first slot.
[wc3] All slots occupied announcement after 3 seconds.
[wc3] Multiple IP usage announcement.
[wc3] Players inside Admin Game see all the chat from BNET channels + everything they say (no commands) in Admin Game gets sent to all BNET channels.

[cfg] ### kicked banned people when they enter the channel
bot_kickbannedfromchannel = 0
[cfg] Multiple rootadmins
[cfg] Disable non admin commands (bot_nonadmincommands)
[cfg] Lobby time limit (if no reserved player or admin joins for a specified ammount of time, game is unhosted)
[cfg] Configurable drop vote timer
[cfg] ### ghost will find its external ip on startup, disable if you want to play on LAN only
bot_findexternalip (recommended: 1)
[cfg] ### specify your external ip here (if it's static and you don't want ghost to auto find it)
bot_externalip =
[cfg] ### use alternative site for external ip finding (if you experience lag (30s) on ghost startup)
bot_altfindip = 0
[cfg] bot_rootadminsspoofcheck, if 0, rootadmins are considered spoof checked
[cfg] bot_adminsspoofcheck, if 0, admins are considered spoof checked
[cfg] bot_notifybannedplayers, if 1, banned players will receive a whisper
[cfg] bot_twolinesbanannouncement, make the ban announcement on one line if possible ( = 0) or on two ( = 1)
[cfg] bot_customversiontext, ex: = clan wolf, .version will be:
12.0 One clan wolf
[cfg] ### initiate game over timer if remaining players are less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminplayers = 2
[cfg] ### initiate game over timer if remaining player percentage is less than this number (and at least a player left) - 0 to disable
bot_gameoverminpercent = 21
[cfg] ### initiate game over timer if team difference is bigger than this number, 0 - to disable
bot_gameovermaxteamdifference = 1
[cfg] ### whether to automatically add the players from last game to the next game's reserved list
bot_holdplayersforrmk = 1
- new config values:
[cfg] ### display information on current downloads (speed, ETA)
bot_showdownloadsinfo = 1
[cfg] ### interval in seconds between download info message
bot_showdownloadsinfotime = 3

[other] HTTP server (remote control your bot locally or over the internet from a simple browser)
[other] Automatic saving of individual game logs (colored + indented) as HTML.
[other] Improved statsdota, with score.
[other] Improved !announce to handle multiple lines, with new line separator = | (!announce 3 firstline|secondline|thirdline)
[other] Improved !from and !fromp with optional parameter: [name]
[other] Sounds for: lobby full, player banned, leaver, game start, admin joined, same ip.
[other] Player on slot 1 in autohosted games is messaged: "You're on the first slot. Enter any map modes now!"
[other] Added ability to add reasons: if you add l, mh, n, f at the end of !ban or !banlast, it will add a custom comment:
User:!ban user l
GHost One: user has been banned, reason: Leaver in game "-sd pros" on (Jaunary 2009)
if no reason is specified(l, mh, f or n), default reason will be set: Game "-sd pros" on (January 2009)
Reason will also be shown when a banned ( or ip banned) player tries to join.
[other] Bans will not work on admins/owner/rootadmins, kicks not to work on owner/rootadmins.
[other] local game + admin game visible locally when on GArena

Special Commands:
Admin access control:
!acc - list all the commands (ban, delban, kick, mute ...)
!acc name 1 - give access to all commands (those in the list, which are critical, admins will still have access to the rest of the commands not in this list)
!acc name 0 - remove access to all commands (those in the list, which are critical)
!acc name 0 1 - give access to the first command (ban)
!acc name 0 0 - remove access to the first command (ban)

Map Downloading options:
### maximum players allowed to download at once, the rest will have almost KB/s until someone finishes downloading
bot_maxdownloaders = 3
### set total download speed (KB/s) available for all clients at once, if set to 1024, 4 people will get 256 each
bot_totaldownloadspeed = 1500
### set max download speed (KB/s) available for one client
bot_clientdownloadspeed = 256
- new commands:
!dltspeed <value> (total speed)
!dspeed <value> (max client speed)
!dlmax <value> (max downloaders at once)
!dlinfo [on/off] show info on current downloads
!dlinfotime <value> interval in seconds between info messages

let's customize for example ghost.cfg: bot_maxdownloaders = 3, bot_totaldownloadspeed = 50, bot_clientdownloadspeed = 30

1 player downloads, his speed will be limited to 30 KB/s
2 players download, their speed will be : 50/2 = 25 KB/s
3 players, 50/3 = 16 KB/s
4 players download, 3 will have 50/3 = 16 KB/s,
the fourth will have 0 KB/s until one of the first 3 players finish

Download GHost One:
New GHost One 1.4.194 + ghost++ 12 - mysql modified source (new features, new commands, remote control):

(Windows) GHost One Requires VC++ 2008 redist to work
Download for x86 (32-bit Operating systems): ... st_x86.exe

Ghost.cfg configurator (coded by mm2knet)
Download here:

For The Ghostone Warden Mod Go Here:
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Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

Post by Senethior459 »

Where did you copy this from? If you're going to repost something from another site, include credits.
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Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

Post by storyyeller »

Also, can it get past Warden?
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Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

Post by jayezor »

yes... and i copyed this from my forums which means i wwrote it took a good half hour :P ;-)

Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

Post by anom »

Since when was codelain your forums?
And i hardly doubt you could've typed that out word for word by coincidence
i copyed this from my forums which means i wwrote it took a good half hour :P ;-)
what an ass.
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Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

Post by FaTaLiTy »

lol... ghost looks so complicated :(
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Re: Need A Good Ghost Hosting Bot? See Here...

Post by lichistheman »

Ghost isn't that hard.
At least not to people that at least listen to the people trying to help them.
Also, I have a few videos and a couple of old guides that you can take a peek at in case you get stuck.
What now?
Yea, that's right, I own you.
Yea, try and beat me now.
(9:04:04 PM) lichtheman: Rawr. ^.^
(9:04:13 PM) George: gi
(9:04:25 PM) George: drujnk do nt dalk to me