[GUIDE] Deprotecting / Inserting a CP / Enabling SP

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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by angpenghian »

i am still using 1.23
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by Senethior459 »

0-sense wrote:
angpenghian wrote:SOME1 ANS ME ASAP I CANT FLUSH THE WAR3.j thing with the mpqmaster pls help me
Download newest MPQMaster(CLICK!) . Or reopen your MPQMaster.

Edit: As for now , you no need flush the .J file anymore , because if you're using 1.24 , maximum map size is 8mb for now.

Uhh , so no need to flush anymore \\
It's still a good idea to compress it, if just so that it doesn't take as long to upload/download. There's really no point in leaving it big, if you can help it. I mean, yes, if you can't compress it below 4mb, go ahead and leave it a bit larger, since the limit is higher, but at least flush the map still, don't let it grow needlessly large.
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by Darkness568 »

I am getting close with the defiance map being single player. I made it so it doesnt defeat and you can pick a character, but one thing i am having issues with is that i cant load ie the character isnt loading, but its acting like it can so its not giving me a loading disabled thing. I am not sure if my character just isnt compatable even though its the same version or what.

When you load it asks you to choose the god right away which it should pan the camera to spawn in the south with the character and sight there and show it then. So hopefully i can find out whats wrong, but so far its no luck in the loading feature. Saving has yet to be tried.

Edit: Loading now works, Patrolling (Previously Disabled) now works. Saving is currently experiencing some issues that i cannot deal with. Here is the code of what is called when i try to save. Note that this is partially edited i cant rem what it used to be though.

Code: Select all

function Trig_Tree_Check_Func002Func001Func003A takes nothing returns nothing
call DoNothing ( )
function Trig_Tree_Check_Func002Func001C takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Tree_Check_Func002A takes nothing returns nothing
call DoNothing ( )
set udg_Temp_Group=GetUnitsInRectAll(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
call ForGroupBJ(udg_Temp_Group,function Trig_Tree_Check_Func002Func001Func003A)
call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"|cffFF0000(Warning):|r This Game has been Modified and is Corrupted! You will not be able to Play! Please follow the Link at www.DefORPG.net for the Real Version! Thank You!")
call DestroyGroup(udg_Temp_Group)
function Trig_Tree_Check_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call DoNothing ( )
function Trig_Trees_Invulerable_Func002A takes nothing returns nothing
call SetDestructableInvulnerable(GetEnumDestructable(),true)
function Trig_Trees_Invulerable_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call EnumDestructablesInRectAll(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,function Trig_Trees_Invulerable_Func002A)
Edit2: I did some more digging and it turns out the same text message displayed for the above trigger(that i still dont get what it does) is down by the save function, but its not using ifconditions i dont believe the way its setup to my knowledge it would be doing it all the time.
Heres the code i found because i may need help in trying to figure out what needs to be changed (Not so great with jass).

Code: Select all

function Trig_Save_Func001Func008Func004002001002 takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Save_Func001Func008C takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Save_Func001Func015C takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Save_Func001Func017002002 takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Save_Func001Func018A takes nothing returns nothing
call SetItemDroppable(UnitItemInSlotBJ(GroupPickRandomUnit(udg_Temp_Group),1),false)
call SetItemDroppable(UnitItemInSlotBJ(GroupPickRandomUnit(udg_Temp_Group),2),false)
call SetItemDroppable(UnitItemInSlotBJ(GroupPickRandomUnit(udg_Temp_Group),3),false)
call SetItemDroppable(UnitItemInSlotBJ(GroupPickRandomUnit(udg_Temp_Group),4),false)
call SetItemDroppable(UnitItemInSlotBJ(GroupPickRandomUnit(udg_Temp_Group),5),false)
call SetItemDroppable(UnitItemInSlotBJ(GroupPickRandomUnit(udg_Temp_Group),6),false)
function Trig_Save_Func001Func019A takes nothing returns nothing
set udg_ItemSave1[(1+GetPlayerId(udg_code_CurrentPlayer))]=UnitItemInSlotBJ(GetEnumUnit(),1)
set udg_ItemSave2[(1+GetPlayerId(udg_code_CurrentPlayer))]=UnitItemInSlotBJ(GetEnumUnit(),2)
set udg_ItemSave3[(1+GetPlayerId(udg_code_CurrentPlayer))]=UnitItemInSlotBJ(GetEnumUnit(),3)
set udg_ItemSave4[(1+GetPlayerId(udg_code_CurrentPlayer))]=UnitItemInSlotBJ(GetEnumUnit(),4)
set udg_ItemSave5[(1+GetPlayerId(udg_code_CurrentPlayer))]=UnitItemInSlotBJ(GetEnumUnit(),5)
set udg_ItemSave6[(1+GetPlayerId(udg_code_CurrentPlayer))]=UnitItemInSlotBJ(GetEnumUnit(),6)
function Trig_Save_Func001Func023A takes nothing returns nothing
set bj_forLoopBIndex=1
set bj_forLoopBIndexEnd=6
exitwhen bj_forLoopBIndex>bj_forLoopBIndexEnd
call RemoveItem(UnitItemInSlotBJ(GetEnumUnit(),bj_forLoopBIndex))
set bj_forLoopBIndex=bj_forLoopBIndex+1
function Trig_Save_Func001C takes nothing returns boolean
function Trig_Save_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
set udg_code_CurrentPlayer=GetTriggerPlayer()
set udg_code_CurrentPlayerGroup=GetForceOfPlayer(udg_code_CurrentPlayer)
call ClearTextMessagesBJ(udg_code_CurrentPlayerGroup)
set udg_tempUnitGroup=GetUnitsSelectedAll(udg_code_CurrentPlayer)
set udg_i=CountUnitsInGroup(udg_tempUnitGroup)
call DisplayTextToForce(udg_code_CurrentPlayerGroup,"You Must Select Your Hero!")
call DestroyGroup(udg_tempUnitGroup)
set udg_code_Unit=GroupPickRandomUnit(GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(udg_code_CurrentPlayer,Condition(function Trig_Save_Func001Func008Func004002001002)))
call DestroyGroup(udg_tempUnitGroup)
call DisplayTextToForce(udg_code_CurrentPlayerGroup,("|cffFF8040"+(GetUnitName(udg_code_Unit)+(" has been saved for|r "+("|cffFFFFFF"+(udg_PlayerNames[(1+GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()))]+"|r"))))))
call DisplayTextToForce(udg_code_CurrentPlayerGroup,("|cffFF8040"+(I2S(GetPlayerState(udg_code_CurrentPlayer,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD))+" Gold has been saved.|r")))
call TriggerExecute(gg_trg_Store_Unit_to_Data)
call TriggerExecute(gg_trg_Code_Data_to_Text)
call TriggerExecute(gg_trg_Code_Display_Data)
call TriggerExecute(gg_trg_Code_Display_Bits)
call TriggerExecute(gg_trg_Code_Display_Raw)
call TriggerExecute(gg_trg_Code_Display_Text)
set udg_Temp_Group=GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(udg_code_CurrentPlayer,Condition(function Trig_Save_Func001Func017002002))
call ForGroupBJ(udg_Temp_Group,function Trig_Save_Func001Func018A)
call ForGroupBJ(udg_Temp_Group,function Trig_Save_Func001Func019A)
call DestroyGroup(udg_Temp_Group)
call DestroyForce(udg_code_CurrentPlayerGroup)
set udg_Temp_Group=GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(GetTriggerPlayer(),'h001')
call ForGroupBJ(udg_Temp_Group,function Trig_Save_Func001Func023A)
call DestroyGroup(udg_Temp_Group)
call DisplayTextToForce(GetPlayersByMapControl(MAP_CONTROL_USER),("|cffFF8040"+"You are Playing a Corrupted Version of Defi4nc3's ORPG! Please DL the Correct One at www.DefORPG.net!|r"))
Final Edit: I have fixed the save trigger finally. I made it so when it checked for the player id it was only the player id it checked and not the +1 then player id. I modified a call do nothing to set udg_savecheck or whatever to =1 so whether or not it was triggered how the check should work it will be set to 1 neways.

The only thing i have yet to check is to see if this loads up in the regular legit (well as legit as possible as this was not by the original maker).

Thank you for all your help with this and it is a good tutorial to go by.
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Sorry for not replying as much as I would have liked to =S. I started work again :(. Glad to see you're finished, though.
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by Darkness568 »

No worries dude i understand how it is and you've been able to help me enough to get this accomplished. It just took some trial and error and reading the triggers and whats being called if another trigger is called or the condition is met and after reading i finally found that only like 5lines had to be changed.

Although when i try to add the cp it all goes well there are no errors with the jass syntax check and yet the game is incompatible again. It doesnt show player slots and when i hit start it goes back to the map select screen.
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

This might be a really really basic question, but are you using the new cheatpack for 1.24?
(If you're still 1.23 or below, are you using the old cheatpack and NOT the new one?)
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by Darkness568 »

I am at 1.24 and i have whatever JJCP is at the beggining of this thread. Also i opened up one of defiances maps and low and behold its unprotected. Alot of the triggers in it are in GUI although the save/load trigger is still weird in the fact that u need bits and some sort of algorithium i am just not good at reading that.

The map isnt 1.24 compat and i extracted the.j and did a check, but it gives me a error saying Symbol blah blah multiply defined and it does this with several other things contained within the globals.

Edit: Umm i just looked at it and one on like 3000ish has handles those are not supported nemore are they?

Code: Select all

function GetAttachedObject takes handle h, string label returns handle
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

The JJ's CP at the beginning of this thread is NOT compatible with 1.24.
And, if the map isn't 1.24 compatible originally, cheating it for 1.24 is practically a waste of time. (But a good learning experience in your case!)

Yeah, handles aren't supported anymore.
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by Hillo »

UndeadxAssassin wrote: Yeah, handles aren't supported anymore.
Yes they are. H2I can be done with call GetHandleId(h), lulz.
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Re: [Guide] Deprotecting / Inserting a Cheatpack / Enabling SP

Post by Darkness568 »

Ok cause i wanted to try and edit to it so that i can get it working correctly for some reason Defiance never fixed it after the patch even though he is working on a update and somehow people can still open it and play it while i cant.

Thanks you again for your help and the JJCP link should be updated then :p

Edit: 1.24b is out and said something about the handles to integer or whatever. Can someone confirm that its fixed or how to check.