TXT Text...

Talk about anything you want, but keep it within the rules, please.
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Black-Hole »

Nope not a problem. Sorry flames didnt work with your name.
Spoiler for O-Sense:

Code: Select all

   /   /   \                                                                  
  /   .     :     ,---,.                          ,---,                       
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    `---`                            `----'                          `----'   

Code: Select all

 .-----.  .-..-. .-..--. .-..-.  .-. .-..-. .-..--. 
 _~~~~~_  | | ~  | | ~~  | | ~.-.| | | | ~  | | ~~  
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 `-----'  `-'`-' `-'`--' `-'     `-' `-'`-' `-'`--' 

Code: Select all

 .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .-----------------. .----------------.  .----------------. 
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
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 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 

Code: Select all

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Code: Select all

         _______                   _____                    _____                    _____                    _____                    _____          
        /::\    \                 /\    \                  /\    \                  /\    \                  /\    \                  /\    \         
       /::::\    \               /::\    \                /::\    \                /::\____\                /::\    \                /::\    \        
      /::::::\    \             /::::\    \              /::::\    \              /::::|   |               /::::\    \              /::::\    \       
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     \::::::::/    /         \:::\  /:::/    /        \:::\   \::/    /             |:::::/    /        \:::\  /:::/    /        \:::\   \::/    /    
      \::::::/    /           \:::\/:::/    /          \:::\   \/____/              |::::/    /          \:::\/:::/    /          \:::\   \/____/     
       \::::/    /             \::::::/    /            \:::\    \                  /:::/    /            \::::::/    /            \:::\    \         
        \::/____/               \::::/    /              \:::\____\                /:::/    /              \::::/    /              \:::\____\        
         ~~                      \::/    /                \::/    /                \::/    /                \::/    /                \::/    /        
                                  \/____/                  \/____/                  \/____/                  \/____/                  \/____/         
Last edited by Black-Hole on August 21st, 2009, 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by mib »

ImageClick here to feed me a Dragon! Image Click here to feed me Some Blood!
Fullfilled requests: 6 im gonna reach 50 one day
i quit on this goal

Code: Select all

   *     (         
(  `    )\ )   (   
)\))(  (()/( ( )\ 
((_)()\  /(_)))((_)
(_()((_)(_)) ((_)_ 
|  \/  ||_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | |  | _ \
|_|  |_||___| |___/

|M.--. ||I.--. ||B.--. |
| (\/) || (\/) || :(): |
| :\/: || :\/: || ()() |
| '--'M|| '--'I|| '--'B|
`------'`------'`------'  Made by Black-Hole 
Forum Fanatic
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Black-Hole »

Please read the Revised Origional post !
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by mib »

Where did all those cool mib dissapear!!
ImageClick here to feed me a Dragon! Image Click here to feed me Some Blood!
Fullfilled requests: 6 im gonna reach 50 one day
i quit on this goal

Code: Select all

   *     (         
(  `    )\ )   (   
)\))(  (()/( ( )\ 
((_)()\  /(_)))((_)
(_()((_)(_)) ((_)_ 
|  \/  ||_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | |  | _ \
|_|  |_||___| |___/

|M.--. ||I.--. ||B.--. |
| (\/) || (\/) || :(): |
| :\/: || :\/: || ()() |
| '--'M|| '--'I|| '--'B|
`------'`------'`------'  Made by Black-Hole 
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Small Sized Duck
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Small Sized Duck »

Do you use a program?
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Black-Hole »

LOL mib you said alittle Much :) so i took them down ROFL...
Here i will put one back up :)

Code: Select all

        _   _          _          _        
       /\_\/\_\ _     /\ \       / /\      
      / / / / //\_\   \ \ \     / /  \     
     /\ \/ \ \/ / /   /\ \_\   / / /\ \    
    /  \____\__/ /   / /\/_/  / / /\ \ \   
   / /\/________/   / / /    / / /\ \_\ \  
  / / /\/_// / /   / / /    / / /\ \ \___\ 
 / / /    / / /   / / /    / / /  \ \ \__/ 
/ / /    / / /___/ / /__  / / /____\_\ \   
\/_/    / / //\__\/_/___\/ / /__________\  
        \/_/ \/_________/\/_____________/  
Old Wrinkly Member
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Title: senseR - No. 1

Re: TXT Text...

Post by No-sense »

0-sense wrote:
Black-Hole wrote:Nope not a problem. Sorry flames didnt work with your name.
Nope , thanks you. For the awesome text ! ;-)
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by mib »

ImageClick here to feed me a Dragon! Image Click here to feed me Some Blood!
Fullfilled requests: 6 im gonna reach 50 one day
i quit on this goal

Code: Select all

   *     (         
(  `    )\ )   (   
)\))(  (()/( ( )\ 
((_)()\  /(_)))((_)
(_()((_)(_)) ((_)_ 
|  \/  ||_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | |  | _ \
|_|  |_||___| |___/

|M.--. ||I.--. ||B.--. |
| (\/) || (\/) || :(): |
| :\/: || :\/: || ()() |
| '--'M|| '--'I|| '--'B|
`------'`------'`------'  Made by Black-Hole 
Old Wrinkly Member
Posts: 291
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Title: senseR - No. 1

Re: TXT Text...

Post by No-sense »

Sorry BlackHole , i want re-request a text , because i dunno you edited first post.

This what i want the text be :
Font Name: Small Isometric1
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Example 247 of 309
Thanks again ! ;-)
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

So I really meant it when I said *too much time on your hands*

309 examples? Really?
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
(20:53:56) Bartimaeus: Truly, you are wise.
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...
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