TXT Text...

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TXT Text...

Post by Black-Hole »

Code: Select all

           _               _             _                    _             _                    _       _    _            _             _      
          / /\            _\ \          / /\                /\ \           /\_\                 / /\    / /\ /\ \         _\ \          /\ \    
         / /  \          /\__ \        / /  \              /  \ \         / / /  _             / / /   / / //  \ \       /\__ \        /  \ \   
        / / /\ \        / /_ \_\      / / /\ \            / /\ \ \       / / /  /\_\          / /_/   / / // /\ \ \     / /_ \_\      / /\ \ \  
       / / /\ \ \      / / /\/_/     / / /\ \ \          / / /\ \ \     / / /__/ / / ____    / /\ \__/ / // / /\ \ \   / / /\/_/     / / /\ \_\ 
      / / /\ \_\ \    / / /         / / /  \ \ \        / / /  \ \_\   / /\_____/ //\____/\ / /\ \___\/ // / /  \ \_\ / / /         / /_/_ \/_/ 
     / / /\ \ \___\  / / /         / / /___/ /\ \      / / /    \/_/  / /\_______/ \/____\// / /\/___/ // / /   / / // / /         / /____/\    
    / / /  \ \ \__/ / / / ____    / / /_____/ /\ \    / / /          / / /\ \ \           / / /   / / // / /   / / // / / ____    / /\____\/    
   / / /____\_\ \  / /_/_/ ___/\ / /_________/\ \ \  / / /________  / / /  \ \ \         / / /   / / // / /___/ / // /_/_/ ___/\ / / /______    
  / / /__________\/_______/\__\// / /_       __\ \_\/ / /_________\/ / /    \ \ \       / / /   / / // / /____\/ //_______/\__\// / /_______\   
  \/_____________/\_______\/    \_\___\     /____/_/\/____________/\/_/      \_\_\      \/_/    \/_/ \/_________/ \_______\/    \/__________/                                                   
Finally :) after 1 Month 2 weeks 5 days, and 4 hours (dont know how many seconds LOL) of Making Examples, and getting Side tracked be peoples requests, My Examples are done (for now)

There are 309 possibility... If you cant find one you like than you suck...

If you would like a TXT name please download the examples.txt and include what you want it to say, What Font name, or Example Number. :) hope people like them :)

Oh ya almost forgot, not all fonts work for all names, Some are 2 big, Some Jumble on Certain names, ECT. If the name dosnt work i will tell you :)
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Last edited by Black-Hole on August 21st, 2009, 7:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by mib »

hehe nice and thx again for the signatures

Code: Select all

        _____                    _____                    _____         
         /\    \                  /\    \                  /\    \         
        /::\____\                /::\    \                /::\    \       
       /::::|   |                \:::\    \              /::::\    \       
      /:::::|   |                 \:::\    \            /::::::\    \     
     /::::::|   |                  \:::\    \          /:::/\:::\    \     
    /:::/|::|   |                   \:::\    \        /:::/__\:::\    \   
   /:::/ |::|   |                   /::::\    \      /::::\   \:::\    \   
  /:::/  |::|___|______    ____    /::::::\    \    /::::::\   \:::\    \ 
/:::/   |::::::::\    \  /\   \  /:::/\:::\    \  /:::/\:::\   \:::\ ___\
/:::/    |:::::::::\____\/::\   \/:::/  \:::\____\/:::/__\:::\   \:::|    |
\::/    / ~~~~~/:::/    /\:::\  /:::/    \::/    /\:::\   \:::\  /:::|____|
\/____/      /:::/    /  \:::\/:::/    / \/____/  \:::\   \:::\/:::/    /
             /:::/    /    \::::::/    /            \:::\   \::::::/    / 
            /:::/    /      \::::/____/              \:::\   \::::/    /   
           /:::/    /        \:::\    \               \:::\  /:::/    /   
          /:::/    /          \:::\    \               \:::\/:::/    /     
         /:::/    /            \:::\    \               \::::::/    /     
        /:::/    /              \:::\____\               \::::/    /       
        \::/    /                \::/    /                \::/____/       
         \/____/                  \/____/                  ~~         
ImageClick here to feed me a Dragon! Image Click here to feed me Some Blood!
Fullfilled requests: 6 im gonna reach 50 one day
i quit on this goal

Code: Select all

   *     (         
(  `    )\ )   (   
)\))(  (()/( ( )\ 
((_)()\  /(_)))((_)
(_()((_)(_)) ((_)_ 
|  \/  ||_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | |  | _ \
|_|  |_||___| |___/

|M.--. ||I.--. ||B.--. |
| (\/) || (\/) || :(): |
| :\/: || :\/: || ()() |
| '--'M|| '--'I|| '--'B|
`------'`------'`------'  Made by Black-Hole 
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by UndeadxAssassin »

Way too much time on your hands XD.

Though they look very nice =3
(20:53:52) Bartimaeus: Thank you, Jen.
(20:53:56) Bartimaeus: Truly, you are wise.
(23:44:12) Bartimaeus: I was in pubic school until middle school...
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Bushido »

I want one too! :P
Download Senethior's tool package here!
Spoiler for Funny shit:
Kryptonyte wrote:Pew-pew, together, 2pac and I can take over the world. Muhahahahahaha.
Kryptonyte wrote:@2Pac, You're a G. Keep your pimp hand strong.
Kryptonyte wrote:anyways i gtg, PEACE, MR. ZOMG O SO PRO U RAWKZ0RZ SUM BoXZ()RZ

Code: Select all

(23:22:14) FatherSpace: BWAHAHA
(23:22:21) FatherSpace: I am 1337, you must fear my coolness.
(23:22:51) FatherSpace: I got bored, so I made a Python script so now whenever I open Terminal, I get a random haiku from here: http://www.smalltime.com/Haiku
(23:24:12) FatherSpace: afk... Killing myself. :(

Code: Select all

(03:52:56) ChatBot: (673237) logs into the Chat.
 (03:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
 (03:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(03:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(21:39:14) GeorgeMots: Jen are you there?
(21:39:44) 2Pac: ...lol?
(21:39:49) 2Pac: (21:22:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:39:52) GeorgeMots: w00t
(21:39:54) GeorgeMots: rofl
(21:39:58) GeorgeMots: *facepalm*
(21:39:59) 2Pac: you definetly fail
Get to know Bushido alias 2Pac alias King-Bushido!
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by mib »

um what would tupac look like id like to know xD
ImageClick here to feed me a Dragon! Image Click here to feed me Some Blood!
Fullfilled requests: 6 im gonna reach 50 one day
i quit on this goal

Code: Select all

   *     (         
(  `    )\ )   (   
)\))(  (()/( ( )\ 
((_)()\  /(_)))((_)
(_()((_)(_)) ((_)_ 
|  \/  ||_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | |  | _ \
|_|  |_||___| |___/

|M.--. ||I.--. ||B.--. |
| (\/) || (\/) || :(): |
| :\/: || :\/: || ()() |
| '--'M|| '--'I|| '--'B|
`------'`------'`------'  Made by Black-Hole 
Forum Fanatic
Posts: 315
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Black-Hole »

Hope you like some of these, I had to remove the Space in your name but it still works, There are some others i got but they don't work in forums. :D
Spoiler for Tupac Shakur:

Code: Select all

|T.--. ||U.--. ||P.--. ||A.--. ||C.--. ||S.--. ||H.--. ||A.--. ||K.--. ||U.--. ||R.--. |
| :/\: || (\/) || :/\: || (\/) || :/\: || :/\: || :/\: || (\/) || :/\: || (\/) || :(): |
| (__) || :\/: || (__) || :\/: || :\/: || :\/: || (__) || :\/: || :\/: || :\/: || ()() |
| '--'T|| '--'U|| '--'P|| '--'A|| '--'C|| '--'S|| '--'H|| '--'A|| '--'K|| '--'U|| '--'R|

Code: Select all

 ______ __ __ ____   ____    __ _______ __  ____ __  _ __ __ ____  
|      |  |  |    \ /    |  /  ] ___/  |  |/    |  |/ ]  |  |    \ 
|      |  |  |  o  )  o  | /  (   \_|  |  |  o  |  ' /|  |  |  D  )
|_|  |_|  |  |   _/|     |/  / \__  |  _  |     |    \|  |  |    / 
  |  | |  :  |  |  |  _  /   \_/  \ |  |  |  _  |     \  :  |    \ 
  |  | |     |  |  |  |  \     \    |  |  |  |  |  .  |     |  .  \
  |__|  \__,_|__|  |__|__|\____|\___|__|__|__|__|__|\_|\__,_|__|\_|

Code: Select all

_________        _______ _______ _______ _______         _______ _               _______ 
\__   __/\     /|  ____ )  ___  )  ____ \  ____ \\     /|  ___  ) \    /\\     /|  ____ )
   ) (  | )   ( | (    )| (   ) | (    \/ (    \/ )   ( | (   ) |  \  / / )   ( | (    )|
   | |  | |   | | (____)| (___) | |     | (_____| (___) | (___) |  (_/ /| |   | | (____)|
   | |  | |   | |  _____)  ___  | |     (_____  )  ___  |  ___  |   _ ( | |   | |     __)
   | |  | |   | | (     | (   ) | |           ) | (   ) | (   ) |  ( \ \| |   | | (\ (   
   | |  | (___) | )     | )   ( | (____/Y\____) | )   ( | )   ( |  /  \ \ (___) | ) \ \__
   )_(  (_______)/      |/     \|_______|_______)/     \|/     \|_/    \/_______)/   \__/

Code: Select all

  *   )                    )\ )   )         )           
` )  /(  (           )    (()/(( /(    ) ( /(   (  (    
 ( )(_))))\ `  )  ( /(  (  /(_))\())( /( )\()) ))\ )(   
(_(_())/((_)/(/(  )(_)) )\(_))((_)\ )(_)|(_)\ /((_|()\  
|_   _(_))(((_)_\((_)_ ((_) __| |(_|(_)_| |(_|_))( ((_) 
  | | | || | '_ \) _` / _|\__ \ ' \/ _` | / /| || | '_| 
  |_|  \_,_| .__/\__,_\__||___/_||_\__,_|_\_\ \_,_|_|   
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Bushido »

They're awesome! Just took one in my Signature! Thank you :D
Download Senethior's tool package here!
Spoiler for Funny shit:
Kryptonyte wrote:Pew-pew, together, 2pac and I can take over the world. Muhahahahahaha.
Kryptonyte wrote:@2Pac, You're a G. Keep your pimp hand strong.
Kryptonyte wrote:anyways i gtg, PEACE, MR. ZOMG O SO PRO U RAWKZ0RZ SUM BoXZ()RZ

Code: Select all

(23:22:14) FatherSpace: BWAHAHA
(23:22:21) FatherSpace: I am 1337, you must fear my coolness.
(23:22:51) FatherSpace: I got bored, so I made a Python script so now whenever I open Terminal, I get a random haiku from here: http://www.smalltime.com/Haiku
(23:24:12) FatherSpace: afk... Killing myself. :(

Code: Select all

(03:52:56) ChatBot: (673237) logs into the Chat.
 (03:53:08) (673237): plzplzplz, im sorry about before.
 (03:53:26) FatherSpace: I'm sorry you were born.
(03:53:31) ChatBot: (673237) has been logged out (Kicked).

Code: Select all

(21:39:14) GeorgeMots: Jen are you there?
(21:39:44) 2Pac: ...lol?
(21:39:49) 2Pac: (21:22:22) ChatBot: UndeadxAssassin has been logged out (Timeout).
(21:39:52) GeorgeMots: w00t
(21:39:54) GeorgeMots: rofl
(21:39:58) GeorgeMots: *facepalm*
(21:39:59) 2Pac: you definetly fail
Get to know Bushido alias 2Pac alias King-Bushido!
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by Black-Hole »

NP :geek:
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by mib »

Nice black-hole they look awesome hehe
ImageClick here to feed me a Dragon! Image Click here to feed me Some Blood!
Fullfilled requests: 6 im gonna reach 50 one day
i quit on this goal

Code: Select all

   *     (         
(  `    )\ )   (   
)\))(  (()/( ( )\ 
((_)()\  /(_)))((_)
(_()((_)(_)) ((_)_ 
|  \/  ||_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | |  | _ \
|_|  |_||___| |___/

|M.--. ||I.--. ||B.--. |
| (\/) || (\/) || :(): |
| :\/: || :\/: || ()() |
| '--'M|| '--'I|| '--'B|
`------'`------'`------'  Made by Black-Hole 
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Re: TXT Text...

Post by No-sense »

w00t~ I want one too ! :razz:

Hope it's not that hard . :razz: