anyone know any of the secrets in survival?

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anyone know any of the secrets in survival?

Post by kykeka »

hi everybody I was wondering if anyone could help me with finding the secrets on this map like how to get the god rank or the secret items because i know how to find only about 2 of them and i know there is a great deal more :( so if any of you know some i would be glad if u shared them with me :D

if your wondering what survival is its a wc3 map where you go on a planet with your team and you have to survive against waves of aliens and there are bosses,ranks,secret heroes,professions, and all that great stuff. If you want to try the map you can dl it from epicwar(or get a hacked version from this forum :lol: )
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Re: anyone know any of the secrets in survival?

Post by -WarChaser- »

No link to ..? No attach? How to help? And why this at member section :? ?
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Re: anyone know any of the secrets in survival?

Post by X[L]R8[MooP] »

There is many secrets in this map.
to get god you must be Field Marshal this requires 1000 points and lvl 18 to get this promotion.
Once you are this rank you go onto the ship and into the garden at the very bottom left is a 'Vine' Shot the vine i think its a 50% chance to get the yellow herb otherwise you will get a green herb.
Once you obtain the yellow herb it well be identified as 'cheese?' you right click this item to plant it in the garden after ahwile it will reappear as 'green cheese' you take green cheese and place it into a scout tower to make the 'World Breaker' tower this is the strongest tower in the game doing 1000 dmg a hit really good for the hard bosses, though this tower dies very fast on its own. Once the tower dies an item 'Green engine'(i think its called that) appears where it died you must pick up this item go onto the battle ship and place it in the inventory slot of the marine(forget which 1) the marine dies and you get either a hand of god or leg of god what is 1 of the 2 items needed.

The second item you need to be a miner you go onto the ship and mine in the garden area and eventually u will find an acorn you need 2 of these and then they will merge into the final item once you have both final items i think you just click it and you become god rank or it just auto makes you god rank.

Other secret items are peter11111's skull this is a 1% chance on the very first time you mine if you dont get it you will never get it that game.
Other items drop off bosses like Hydralisk skin and 2 weapons for templars off the bosses on eu. (note demon flesh is useless)

There is also a 1% chance for strong spawns to appear inside the ship kill them to get the special items they carry. Thats about it on all the secrets.