A peak into TBR Norse

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A peak into TBR Norse

Post by UnholySLAYER »

Well, I know I shouldn't leak this, but meh, whatever. I really dislike Clan TBR now, and after their numerous stunts they have pulled, I could care less about them. -Faith*

Edit: FatherTime, DrewDude, TZV.BlackRaven, CoZZa, WolfBabe31, and whomever lied about me and disliked me....may wonder why I'm doing this. Well, the simple fact is, is that I hate it when I'm unjustly accused. You want to blame me for leaking TBR 2.0? Well, go screw yourselves. I never did assclowns. But, whatever. What is done is done, but I shall earn ur unjust punishment even though I didn't leak 2.0, I will leak information regarding Norse. That seems like a fair trade. Let this be a lesson to you: Don't falsely accuse ppl of shit that they haven't done.

The map will be broken up into 3 parts, or ‘Acts.’ Act one takes place in the ‘real world’ where the PC’s will do battle with humans. Act 2 will take place in the underground dwarven kingdom. And Act 3 will take place in Valhalla itself.


The Ragnarok, or final battle waged between two factions of Gods (also called the Fate of the Gods) is said to be inevitable. The god Odin doesn’t think so and is out to change the prophecies. He has gone to the humans and dwarves and told them that the creatures of the land are planning to rise up against them, kill them and take over the lands. Odin knows that the gods are powerless to intervene until the Horn of Heimdall is blown so he is trying to use the humanoid races to do his dirty work and either eliminate or greatly weaken the Vanir for when the battle is actually at hand.

Ever the schemer Loki sees an opportunity to play both sides against the middle, get rid of any god whose power rival’s his and end up the Supreme Being in all the land. So he warns the races of the Vanir and sets them about the same cause, only in reverse.

The campaign opens with a group of humans attacking an encampment that serves as the PC’s home base. Waves of these humans will keep attacking throughout the game, emanating first from a small town and then as the game progresses a more formidable wave will come from a bigger city.

Loki charges the PC’s with an important first task: To cripple the human’s ability to communicate with each other and to make it harder for the gods to find out what is going on in the world – making it so they can operate under ‘cover’ so their activities aren’t spread. To do this they must kill the poet god Bragi (TITAN 1).

Their second task is to strike at the resources of the humans – namely their food and grain production. They are to travel to a village and destroy all the food storage and farm’s they find, setting fire to all the fields. This will anger the goddess Sif –goddess of grain – and she will appear in the town to fight (TITAN 2).

One more blow and the humans will be vulnerable to attack. The god Ull – god of the shield – provides protection to the human towns. Defeating him will allow the PC’s to attack the town and take it over. (TITAN 3)

Now that the humans are weakened Loki tells the PC’s that it is now time to take the first town “Savaxen.” This is where the ‘waves’ are coming from and the PC’s need to wipe it out and take control of the settlement by defeating it’s king – King Billing. Once the town has been captured the races of the Vanir move up and make that their ‘camp.’ No units but the shops will remain in the opening camp. From now on the waves will attack this town in an effort to recapture it and the waves will be stronger. If the human’s reclaim the town (Kill all the Vanir) then they will continue onto the original camp. If all the buildings there are destroyed the game ends. The town will not be repopulated with any units but waves will simply pass through on their way to the original camp.

With the first settlement down Loki now feels ready to start to pick at the gods. He sends the PC’s off to gather Golden Apples from in and around a druid’s grove. There will be fights with druids, arch-druids and some creatures under their control and Golden Apples will drop from these creeps. Finding 15 apples will fulfill the quest.

Loki will then appear, tell the PC’s he’s going to use them to lure the maiden Idunn out from Asgard. He tells the PC’s he’s sure he’s going to be followed out of Asgard and to be ready to defend Idunn when he brings her back. He swoops in and drops off the maiden (remember he cannot interfere with the human world directly yet) just as a hawk that is following him arrives. The hawk is named Thiazzi (TITAN 4) and if the PC’s lose to him he will take Idunn back to Asgard and the quest will be reset. If the PC’s best Thiazzi then Loki’s wolf Fenris arrives, gives the PC’s their next quest and escorts the maiden off.

The next quest is to go and retrieve the Mead of Poetry from Gunnlod from her perch high atop the mountain range and return to “Savaxen”. They are told to tell her that they were sent by the gods to take it from her to protect it. She disagrees, saying that the mead is safe with her just where it is. Just then Baugi (TITAN 5) comes through the wall (bores out from inside the mountain) in an effort to get his hands on the Mead. Battle ensues and in it Gunnlod is killed. Once the PC’s manage to kill Baugi then Gunnlod hands them the Mead and tells them to keep it safe.

On their way back from the mountain (via a different path… the original one will be blocked with rubble from Baugi coming through the mountain) they encounter a giant by an almost completed wall. Hrimthurs the giant is building a wall. His horse Svadilfari runs off and he cannot complete the work. In a timed 'race' against the clock, the PC's need to find the horse and lead him back to Hrimthurs. The horse will be in a random location in the nearby foothills. Once they find it and ‘rescue’ it the horse will begin walking back to Hrimthurs. However the PC’s activites have started to become noticed by the god and Odin has dispatched hunters to scour the woods for them. They will attack both the PC’s and the horse and the PC’s must fight them off and keep the horse alive. If they manage to get the horse back to Hrimthurs he will reward them and let them through the wall and back to “Savaxen.”

Loki tells the PC’s that it’s time to wage war on the most important human settlement, “Balestrand.” This they cannot do without the help of the Nidhogg the Dragon who rests at the roots of Yggdrasil (World Tree). It is not as simple as walking up, poking him and asking him to help because the tree itself is guarded by the 3 Nornir (3 sisters of fate). The only way to get to the dragon is to entice the sisters out of the tree and defeat them. The only way to do that is to poison Urd’s Well. The only way to poison Urd’s Well is with poison from the Jormungand, or world serpent.

They seek out Jormungand who tells them that he will give to them the poison they require if they will help him strike at his nemesis Thor. They must find, locate and manage to kill Thor’s two goats – this is the only way they will not come back to life. These goats will be scattered at some random points in the already explored map and the PC’s have to locate and kill them (no easy task) both and bring their carcasses back to the Serpent so he can devour them and prevent them from being reborn the next day (this is his ‘strike’ against Thor).

When the PC’s manage to locate one of the sheep and kill it a timer starts. If the PC’s find the other sheep and kill it and bring both carcasses back to the Serpent before the timer goes off he gives them the poison. If the timer expires the carcass the PC’s have disappears and both sheep are reborn at random points in the map thus requiring the PC’s to start the quest all over again.

Once the PC’s succeed in bringing both sheep carcasses to the Serpent he will devour them and give the PC’s a vial of his poison. The PC’s then travel to Urd’s Well and pour in the poison, thereby defiling it to the point where the 3 Nornir Sisters will emerge and battle it out with the PC’s (TITAN 6).

With the sisters defeated the PC’s wake Nidhogg and enlist his help. He will help them sack “Balestrand” by taking out the guard towers and the gate and letting the PC’s enter (He will wait by the gate until they arrive, then play a little quest thing and will go in.) There will be two ‘paths’ through the town – one that the PC’s travel looting and killing and the other that Nidhogg will travel. The path’s will meet just outside the chamber of King Hrauding. Nidhogg tells the PC’s that he will hold off any reinforcements (there will be some) outside the doors while the PC’s deal with the king.

Once the king is dead Odin again decides to intervene by sending his son Vidar (TITAN 7) into the chamber. With the king dead the humans scatter and so Nidhogg joins the battle with the PC’s against Vidar (and they will need him. Vidar’s presence prevents any type of spell casting at all… everyone is permanently silenced while he is alive).

With Vidar defeated Loki shows up and tells the PC’s they have to travel to the underground home of the dwarves and find Alvis, the dwarf turned to stone by Thor, who would help them gain entrance to Valhalla. Nidhogg tells the PC’s he’s going back to the Yggdrasil (World Tree) and will show them the way through its roots to enter the dwarven kingdom.



PC’s are now in underground tunnel on the outskirts of the dwarven mining community. This act won’t be as long as the first one for a few reasons. First, there is less to do. Second being underground might get boring after too long since there isn’t a lot of variety when it comes to dirt.

There are two main functions that must be performed while down there. First is the reassembling of Brising’s Necklace and the subsequent reanimation of Alvis. This will be done by gathering the four scattered pieces and having them reassembled by Brokk and Sindri.

The second thing that will happen is that the PC’s will meet Throkk (who is really Loki in disguise) and he will tell them how to defeat Balder. The invalid being the components it takes to make the silken bonds for Fenris. He will describe an underground ‘oasis’ that grows mistletoe guarded by a Lindworm.

Part of the underground will be a mine. Part the dwarven city. Part ruins of a dwarven civilization now inhabited by Draugr (ghosts).

The first thing that happens is that Loki comes to the PC’s and tells them about Alvis, the dwarf who Thor lied to and tricked and turned to stone. If the PC’s can find a way to reanimate him then he could lure Thor across the ‘Bifrost’ and away from his safe haven to where he could be defeated. They are to seek out the dwarven master forgers Brokk and Sindri in the dwarven town of “Keldagrim” – which straddles a large underground river. Loki tells them that he had friends and people ‘sympathetic’ with their cause in town so the PC’s will be able to travel unmolested in town but outside of the city they should beware.

The passages that the PC’s are in are relatively well kept and used for travel. Half-way down the main passage splits, the way to the left a long passage around the town (and filled with hostile dwarves) that leads to the gold mining areas. A further split to the right leads to a passage blocked with rubble. A goblin sapper is there and tells the PC’s the area was blocked off when an ancient dwarven settlement hit an underground spring and was flooded. Many dwarves lost their lives and their spirits still dwell beyond. The sapper further tells the PC’s that he will open the passage for them for a invalid (a quest to get some gold and jewels from the mining fields).

In town the PC’s will meet up with Brokk and Sindri who tell them that with a reassembled Brising’s Necklace they could bring Alvin back to life – but that the pieces are scattered and their locations a mystery. They do know of one piece of the necklace that is with a crazed Dwarven priest who runs a cult beyond the gold fields. The PC’s should retrieve that first and they will see if they can find out any more information.

The passages of the mines are filled with hostile dwarves so the PC’s can kill their way through them. Beyond the last of the fields is a once abandoned dwarven camp now filled with the crazy priest and his followers. After a fight, the PC’s kill him and get a piece of the necklace. Once taken back to Brokk and Sindri they are told that the dwarves have asked around and found that an old troll named Throkk is said to possess a piece, but that he lives beyond the rubble and that the PC’s should seek out the Sapper and he can get them through the passage.

Once they get through the passage they will be fighting Draugr Dwarves who lost their lives in the old ruined dwarven settlement. In a cave the PC’s meet Throkk who tells them that in exchange for getting him some stuff he will give them his piece of the Necklace. The PC’s may want to try and kill him for it, but he is unattackable.

He needs six things – the sound of a cat’s footfalls, the beard of a maiden, the roots of a mountain, the dreams of a bear, the breath of a fish and the spittle of a bird. The sound of a cat’s footfalls are from killing panthers in the hills above Balestrand (near the world serpent). The beard of a maiden from killing dwarves in the mines. Roots of a mountain from killing Draugr. Dreams of a bear from killing creatures in the killing grounds. Breath of a fish from the underwater part of the cavern. Spittle of a bird from killing druids in the grove.

After assembling these things the PC’s will be given the part of the Neclace Throkk has and also he will ask them to do another favor for him in exchange for some very important information and an item that they cannot complete their quest without.

Living in the flooded part of the settlement is a Kraken. Throkk wants him dead and in exchange for killing it he will give them ‘Mistletoe’ and tell them that using it on Balder is the only way to defeat him. If the PC’s need more they can kill 50 of the creatures that inhabit the water, turn in the quest and be given a new batch each time.

Back at Brokk and Sindri with the second piece the forgers tell them that the third piece is in the treasure of a Lindworm. The only way to get to him is to travel upstream via ferry. The PC’s got to the river and find a ferry man that for a invalid will ferry them to the shores of the Lindworm’s cavern. The PC’s go, defeat the Lindworm and get his piece.

Once again with Brokk and Sindri they are told that they good news; they have located the last piece. The bad news is it lies in the city treasury and that the leaders of the dwarves know what they are up to and are now hostile. The PC’s must fight their way from the forge to the keep and defeat the dwarf chieftains to claim the final piece. Once they have the final piece the forgers reassemble the necklace and tell the PC’s to go to Alvis, place the necklace around his neck and he will be reanimated.

There is a passage off from the gold fields that leads to a gate with a big guy standing in front of it; this is Heimdall. Before Alvis is reanimated he simply stands there, invulnerable, passive and tells anyone who gets near that no mortal is allowed to pass over the Bifrost and into Valhalla. Back a ways form this is a small side cavern where the petrified dwarf Alvis is. The PC’s place the necklace on the statue and he comes back to life. He tells the PC’s that he can lure Thor across the bridge but that they will have to defeat Heimdall first.

The PC’s go back out and now Heimdall is hostile. A big battle ensues. If the PC’s succeed in defeating him Alvis will show back up and call to Thor (TITAN 8), who in his rage comes running across the Bifrost and crashes through the gates. Another big battle ensues with the PC’s and Alvis versus Thor (Alvis will not be killed, if the PC’s die he will be transported back to his chamber and when the PC’s revive and come back he will again go and call to Thor).

Once Thor is defeated Loki shows back up with Fenris and tells the PC’s that now they must travel to Valhalla and defeat Odin – no easy task. He warns them about Gullinkambi, the rooster, who will crow and alert the denizens of Valhalla if they don’t kill him first. The PC’s are free to do whatever they want before they cross the bridge but Loki warns them that as soon as they set foot in Valhalla they need to find and slay the rooster.



Act 3 begins when the PC’s cross over the Bifrost and into the large first chamber of Valhalla. They can see the rooster at the far end of the room just waiting. As soon as they make a move forward they will actually enter the room (set the region just back from the point where they come into the area). Once they do the rooster takes off running. It is fast, but not uncatcable. The problem is that it keeps running. The PC’s need to disable or stun it to be able to kill it. If it reaches its destination is begins crowing and then the troops start to pour into the chamber.

Regardless of if they kill the rooster or fight off the troops (no easy task) the PC’s are free to move through Valhalla, fighting groups of troops they encounter (think Frozen Citadel in TBR 1.x). These troops are made up of Einherjar (fallen male heroes, adept at battle) and Valkyries (fallen female heroes, who heal and cast buffs).

There are three bosses that the PC’s must fight and defeat before the chamber of Odin will open for them – Balder, Forseti and Frigg. The first two can be taken in any order the PC’s wish – once both are defeated a gate to Frigg will open.

Forseti is a straight up fight but a nasty one. When the battle starts he will duplicate one of the PC’s exactly and use it in battle with him. Every so often he will duplicate another one and use that one too until he has duplicated all the heroes against him. Once a hero has been duplicated once it cannot be duplicated again. These ‘clones’ stay until they are dead or Forseti is defeated.

Balder is a little more straight forward except that he cannot be damaged in anyway UNLESS he is first hit with the Mistletoe the PC’s got from Throkk in act 2. Once they use the mistletoe on him (clicking on it, clicking on him) he is then vulnerable for a period of time (30 seconds or so).

Once both are defeated then the gate to Frigg’s chambers opens.

For the battle with Frigg she is surrounded by 5 warriors (Suitors) of increasing skill. When the PC’s enter she sends the first one to fight – he is the weakest. While the PC’s are fighting him the rest remain invulnerable and only watch the fight. After the first one dies the second weakest comes to fight. After him the next and the next until all five are defeated. After all five are dead Frigg tells them that she does not want to fight and will instead open the door to Odin’s chamber – which is what the PC’s really want. She is very charming and the PC’s agree (not that they have a choice).

Once in Odin’s chamber the ‘final’ battle begins where Odin and his wolves – Geri and Freki – do battle with the PC’s. Before the PC’s can attack Odin they must deal with the wolves who are terrible opponents. If they kill a PC they devour him and regain much of their lost life. Once the wolves are defeated Odin comes and a battle on the level with Hades in TBR 1.x ensues.

If the PC’s are successful in defeating Odin then Loki will show up in his chamber with his wolf. He laughs manically and tells the PC’s that he has been using them and that they will now be fed to his wolf. No matter how hard the PC’s try the wolf will end up killing them. If they TP out or run, the wolf simply hunts them down and kills them.

When they are all dead the screen will go momentarily black and then switch to the shores of the river to Hel. All the PC’s are alive and standing there when one of the original world creators ‘Tyr’ shows up and speaks to the PC’s. It has been some time since the PC’s died and Loki is now in control and running the show like a raving madman dictator. He has made his home in the throne room of “Balestrand” where he is beyond reproach from the gods. Tyr tells them that he is sending the PC’s back to defeat Loki and his minions and regain control of the world before it is destroyed forever. The PC’s have 30 minutes (Again, like the final battle against Hyperion in 1.x).

The PC’s are transported back to “Savaxen” where they are to make their way to Balestrand and take out Loki. Two wolves dens are spawning lots of wolves that the PC’s must fight their way through until they can take out the dens (again, like the Hyperion battle).

Once the PC’s get to Loki they begin fighting him. When they have him at 75% of his life he summons the Nidhogg (dragon) who fights with him against the PC’s. At 50% of his HP’s he summons Jormungand (the world serpent) who fights with him against the PC’s. At 30% of his HP’s he then summons his wolf Fenris. If the PC’s manage to defeat Loki and all his minions they win.

Last edited by UnholySLAYER on June 20th, 2009, 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by UnholySLAYER »

Jotun (Frost Giant) – One of the two races of giants. This one is a frosty fellow a bit more geared to tanking than just dealing damage.
• Granite Blood – Increases as he levels, gives a bonus to strength.
• Icy Aura – Slows Attack and MV speed by 5% per level (simply a negative Endurance Aura)
• Avalanche – AOE stun similar to the hero ‘Tiny’ in Dota, except with icy rocks as animation.
• Ice Flow – Turn On/Turn Off – Each attack does X extra damage and will have a small chance to stun briefly. X will increase per level and cooldown will decrease.
• Frost Bite – Cast on opponent and reduces his armor by X for 5 seconds.

Baldr (Fire Giant) – The other race of giant. This guy is a bit more offensive than the Jotun.
• Granite Blood – Increases as he levels, gives a bonus to strength.
• Immolation – As per spell, damage will increase with spell level.
• Magma Field – Impale with lava jets shooting out of the ground rather than spikes. Initial damage is X and opponent is lit on fire taking Y damage for 3 seconds. X and Y increase with level (no stun on this either).
• Fiery Temper – Turn On/Turn Off – Adds X% of current hit points to next attack. X will increase with skill level and cooldown will decrease.
• Fanning the Flames – Single target damage spell (Shoots some sort of fire animation at target) dealing X damage and healing the Baldr for Y health. X and Y increase will skill level.

Walking Woods (Treant) – This guy is a tree and the ‘druid’ in the game.
• Barkskin – Gives a bonus to A/C and gives X% Magic Resistance. AC bonus and MR increase with level.
• Regen – Regenerates X hit points to target over 8 seconds.
• Thorn Nova – Thorns shoot off from tree and hit all enemies in AOE around him (500 AOE) doing X damage. Those hit are also poisoned for 3 seconds, slowing their MV speed and causing them to take Y damage per second.
• Entangling Roots – Well, um, they are roots that entangle.
• Nature’s Fury – Roar skill

Faerie – This is the ‘nature caster’ in the game. Going to use the faerie dragon model unless HT wants to come up with something else.
• Faerie Fire – Lowers targets A/C. Amount lowered increases with skill level.
• Faerie Dust – A healing ‘nova’ emanates from the Faerie healing all allies in the AOE (800). Amount healed increase with level.
• Moonbeam – Single target damage spell that blinds the target for 2 seconds after damage is applied. Damage increases with spell level, blind duration does not.
• Starfall – One wave of classic starfall spell.
• Vortex – CHANNELING – Targets an AOE and creates a vortex of wind at that point. Those enemies in the vortex are slowed and take damage for the duration. I’m thinking this can be done with the Earthquake spell just slightly modified and the art changed.

Dreki – Half-Dragon race that is adept at cold magic.
• Dragon’s Blood – Increases his regeneration and gives him Magic Resistance. Amount of regeneration and MR increase with level.
• Frost Nova – Single target spell doing damage and slowing for 2 seconds. Damage increases, slow duration does not.
• Ice Storm – CHANNELING – Blizzard’s Blizzard spell with changed effects. If you’ve seen the one that Vexorian did for his spell pack it’s pretty cool with snow and ice and stuff.
• Breathe of Frost – Same skill as Panda’s breath of fire but with frost instead.
• Dragon’s Hoard – Mana Drain skill.

Werewolf – MMM Lycanthropy.
• Call of the Night – During the night time the werewolf gains attack speed and movement speed.
• Howl of Terror – Lowers the damage enemies who hear the howl do, as per Pit Lord spell.
• Frenzy – Increases his attack speed by X% but also increases the damage he takes by Y%.
• Favor of the Moon – Unholy Aura
• Ferocious Bite – Single target damage spell with melee range to cast. Damages the target for X and heals the WW for Y.

Draugr Warrior – Draugr’s are the spirits of dead warriors.
• Past Life – Gives a 10% bonus to Experience. This does not increase.
• Eviscerate – Each attack on a unit with mana drains X mana and does X extra damage. Also has a % chance to do a X2 critical strike on an attack. X and % increase with level.
• Touch of Death – Cripple
• Grave Dance – Like the skill ‘Omnislash’ from Dota.
• Ruination – Turn On/Turn Off – Adds X% of agility to next attack. X will increase with skill level and cooldown will decrease.

Draugr Mage
• Past Life – Gives a 10% bonus to Experience. This does not increase.
• Vampiric Touch – Does X damage to a single target and gives half that amount to the Mage back in life.
• Finger of Death – HUGE single target damage spell. Long cooldown.
• Killing Fields – CHANNELING – Death and Decay spell but with different effects for the ‘burst’
• Sortilege – Brilliance aura. Mana regen % increases with level.

Ogre Butcher
• Disease – Opponents who get near him get diseased, slowing their MV speed and causing them to take damage while infected.
• Dismember – CHANNELING - Cast at melee range holds the target in place for 3 seconds doing X damage each second. X increases with level.
• Cleave – Turn on/Turn off – When on his attacks do X% cleave. X increases with skill level.
• Gluttony – When the Butcher kills a target her regains X% of that target’s maximum Hit Points. X increases with skill level.
• Festering Wound – Each successive attack on a target adds X damage to attack to a maximum of 5X. X will increase with level. Each 2 seconds the target is not attacked by the Butcher the counter drops by one (If he attacked it 4 times, after 2 seconds his next attack would be with a bonus of 3X. After 4 seconds, 2X, ect)

Ogre Magi
• Bloodlust – As per spell
• Forced Attrition – Increases the damage that a target takes from both physical and magical attacks for the duration by X%. X starts at 5 and increases by 5 each skill level.
• Firebolt – Single target damage spell that does X damage and stuns for .5 seconds. X increases with level, stun duration does not.
• Firestorm – Similar to the spell ‘Freezing Field’ except that instead of icy explosions use fiery ones.
• Lava Burst – Flame spire with some different animations to make it more lava-ish and leaves behind a pool of lava instead of the little scorched earth stuff it does in the standard spell.

Troll Shaman
• Curse – As per spell.
• Heal – Heals a single target for X life. X increases with spell level.
• Resurrection – Brings fallen allied hero back to life with X% of his max hp/mana. X will increase with spell level. Level 1 = 10%, Level 2 = 25%, Level 3 = 50% Level 4 = 75%, Level 5 = 100%.
• Healing Totem – CHANNELING – Heals all allies in area from where the totem is placed for X life per second. The totem cannot be attacked by an enemy.
• Voodoo Scythe - Turn On/Turn Off – Adds X% of intelligence to next attack. X will increase with skill level and cooldown will decrease.

Troll Hunter
• Troll Regeneration – 2 second casting time, heals self for X damage. X increases with spell level.
• Puncture – Deals X damage over 10 seconds and slows the targets MV speed by 25% for duration.
• Contagion Blade - Turn On/Turn Off – Adds a poison to each attack that will deal X damage over 3 seconds and slow for that duration. X will increase with skill level and cooldown will decrease.
• Evasion – Chance to Dodge. Starts at 7% and increases by that much per level to a max of 35% at Level 5.
• Wind Walk – As per spell. Does X additional damage when WW is broken. X increase with skill level.

Here are the base models. As noted before HT may be redoing them but these are a baseline if he decides not to.

Frost Giant

Fire Giant





Draugr Warrior

Draugr Mage
Being custom made by HT

Ogre Butcher

Ogre Magi
One headed Ogre Magi

Troll Shaman

Troll Bounty Hunter
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by CoZZa »

It's pretty laughable how out of the loop you really always were. We abandoned this project last year, when some of our core developers went on hiatus. But of course, we'd never tell you that. Couldn't trust you, silly little assclown.
FT sends his regards, and wants to remind you that you are, and always were, an idiot.
He also asked me to laugh heartily at your vast amounts of stupidity and lack of knowledge regarding TBR.

Also, in the end you were banned for trying to recruit from our clan. You 'claimed' it was a TBR project, but we all laughed at that notion.
In the words of FT:
"Any TBR project needs to be cleared through me - this one was not... so yeah...

I'm personally sick of always having to deal with Faith - this game is supposed to be fun and you take all the fun out of it. seriously, have we ever had more than one issue with any other person? With you, it's a game called "Problem of the Week."

I'd ban you, throw away the key and be happy to be rid of you.

But that's just me. And I'm retired."

Of course, that was shortly AFTER we locked you out of our forums, so too bad really.
So here's to you, Faith. Thanks for being the bigger assclown.
Clan TBR
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by Small Sized Duck »

Cozza what he did was wrong, but please do not flame people on our forum. We don't go to your forum flaming random members. Please show some respect.

Edit thanks to bart: Ditto for you undead. Show some respect to their forums! They don't flame us.... much
Last edited by Small Sized Duck on June 20th, 2009, 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by Bartimaeus »

Excuse me, excuse me...why did you guys pick OUR forum to bring this information/discussion/trollwar to us?

(edit) Silly of you, ILikeHacking, to reprimand CoZZa but not UndeadSLAYER, as well. He insulted them just as much.

A little background story on the war, please, thanks.
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by UnholySLAYER »

Needless to say, I could care less :P Also to CoZZa, who cares if it was scrapped? It provides insight to other members of the forums to the direction TBR might go. And I hate you Dan (CoZZa). :P Well, I'm of to bed. I've had too much to drink and need to sleep it off.

To bart - Idk, I thought it would relate someone to some of the forum members opinions of Clan TBR in general. Afterall, I didn't really break any rules. I seem to recall that the General Chat description says, "Talk about whatever you want", I chose to utilize that right.

To CoZZa - Do I care what FT thinks or says? Nope. Not after he insulted me and accused me of crap I didn't do. Now go away. And in additon, u didn't lock me out of the forums assclown. My new name is Soul Destroyer on the forums. Feel free to ban me on the forums. I can easily bypass that.

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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by TZV.BlackRaven »

This is the internet, you can never win ...
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by Kryptonyte »

Made by the late ILikeHacking

My quote from SKillER
Chat wrote:(19:12:41) SKillER: newfags cant triforce
(19:20:30) SKillER: ▲
▲ ▲
(19:20:35) SKillER: aww
(19:20:37) FatherSpace: FAIL
(19:20:43) Kryptonyte: Wow stop failing.
(19:20:47) SKillER: ▲
▲ ▲
(19:21:41) Kryptonyte: .

. ▲
▲ ▲
(19:22:20) Kryptonyte: I guess you were right, newfags can't triforce.
(19:22:29) SKillER: . . ▲
▲ ▲
(19:23:04) SKillER: OMFG
(19:23:06) SKillER: ... THIS CHAT
(19:23:06) SKillER: !
(19:23:36) SKillER: ▲
▲ ▲
(19:23:46) SKillER: ▲
.▲ ▲
Apparently, SKillER is a newfag.
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by lichistheman »

This topic is obviously going nowhere. Faith, I for one know that you hacked your way to 150. No, I will not tell you how I know, but I know for sure that you did. So stop your bullshit on the forums and get your story straight. Jack, doing this will be very pointless for a few reasons.
1) There are already hacked TBR 2.0's and code generators.
2) You've already thrown away your life to a GAME. Give it up man. You're not going to beat the TBR 'government.'
Yes, they can be obnoxious, rude (disrespectful), and many other things. But there is one thing that is true, and it's that they will not give up, no matter what you do. For example, if they don't want a user in the channel, then that user is issued an IP ban. No, this isn't 'legal,' but they do it, and I wouldn't really think that people would get too worked up about 1000 IP bans from one channel. But anyway, Jack, you've lost your life to a game, give it up, you're not going to win.

As to the TBR shamans and chieftains patrolling here, I for one find it ironic how you demand respect from others while showing no respect for others. Yeah, I may have deserved it, but hey, I've been around and in this clan for a long enough time to see some stuff around here that is quite disrespectful. I believe that that is also the exact reason why people like Jack hack your map, and host hacked games in your realm, just to piss you off.
Yeah, there are some people that shouldn't ever be in the clan, but not all people. Tip for the future, if you want others to follow the rules, do as you say, not as you wish.

And P.S. If you think this was to be protecting anyone, it was actually the truth. I don't really care about my ban, because I'm already in the channel anyway. :)
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Re: A peak into TBR Norse

Post by Senethior459 »

I feel the need to point out that it's peek, not peak.
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