Guess my browser

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Re: Guess my browser

Post by omnimancer »

Bartimaeus wrote:Oh yeah, that was after I wrote it all by hand. I was afraid that I missed a few.
Here's the REAL TRUTH:
Spoiler for the REAL TRUTH:
Conversation wrote:(7:40:35 PM) Bartimaeus: PSPNuts?
(7:46:56 PM) Dekar: lol never
(7:46:57 PM) Bartimaeus: SRWare Iron?
(7:47:04 PM) Bartimaeus: OmniWeb?
(7:47:06 PM) Dekar: that's chrome basicly
Dekar! post another web browser, a harder one perhaps.
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Dekar »

Not really a browser but just for bart :D

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--2009-02-22 06:24:52--
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HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
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--2009-02-22 06:24:53--
Resolving,,, ...
Reusing existing connection to
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Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: `index.html'

    [ <=>                                   ] 6,317       --.-K/s   in 0.005s  

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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Bartimaeus »

*a*, *b*, *c*, *d*, *e*, *f*, *g*, *h*, *i*, *j*, *k*, *l*, *m*, *o*, *p*, *q*, *r*, *s*, *t*, *u*, *v*, *w*, *x*, *y*, *z*, *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*, *6*, *7*, *8*, *9*, *0*, *!*, *@*, *#*, *$*, *%*, *^*, *&*, ***, *(*, *)*, *-*, *_*, *=*, *+*, etc.

* is wildcard.

I win. Unless it contains something like, ",./<>?;':"[]{}\|`~", -.-

That was a lot of commas, and asterisks.
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Kryptonyte »

Bartimaeus wrote:*a*, *b*, *c*, *d*, *e*, *f*, *g*, *h*, *i*, *j*, *k*, *l*, *m*, *o*, *p*, *q*, *r*, *s*, *t*, *u*, *v*, *w*, *x*, *y*, *z*, *1*, *2*, *3*, *4*, *5*, *6*, *7*, *8*, *9*, *0*, *!*, *@*, *#*, *$*, *%*, *^*, *&*, ***, *(*, *)*, *-*, *_*, *=*, *+*, etc.

* is wildcard.
Epic win.
Made by the late ILikeHacking

My quote from SKillER
Chat wrote:(19:12:41) SKillER: newfags cant triforce
(19:20:30) SKillER: ▲
▲ ▲
(19:20:35) SKillER: aww
(19:20:37) FatherSpace: FAIL
(19:20:43) Kryptonyte: Wow stop failing.
(19:20:47) SKillER: ▲
▲ ▲
(19:21:41) Kryptonyte: .

. ▲
▲ ▲
(19:22:20) Kryptonyte: I guess you were right, newfags can't triforce.
(19:22:29) SKillER: . . ▲
▲ ▲
(19:23:04) SKillER: OMFG
(19:23:06) SKillER: ... THIS CHAT
(19:23:06) SKillER: !
(19:23:36) SKillER: ▲
▲ ▲
(19:23:46) SKillER: ▲
.▲ ▲
Apparently, SKillER is a newfag.
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Dekar »

yeah... so how is it pronounced?
Don't pm me with Warcraft questions, this is a forum so just make a post!
In the world of thinking we are all immigrants. -Robert Nozick
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Bartimaeus »

Dekar wrote:yeah... so how is it pronounced? know...that one way...
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Ozzapoo »

Visit, my blog and the home of AutoCP and Cheatpack Detector!
AutoCP3 now available for free!
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Bartimaeus »

Ozzapoo wrote:WGET!
This is what I was going to say a a wildcard. Yep. I was, 4 reelz.
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by rnbby »

you linux guys are so leet.

I wonder why I left and started hating linux 10years ago. Overhyped.
auto-collider for wc3 1.22-- @
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Re: Guess my browser

Post by Dekar »

Idk, I'm no person who pretends to being elite by compiling everything on my own or using cryptic interfaces.
I learned most of the console stuff when I ordered the wc3edit server, I didn't work much with linux before.
A had a good mentor as well ;) I am a big fan of Debian since it's the most stable, though still useable, OS I know of.
Ubuntu is a nice alternative for the end user since it isn't as much bound to licenses, so it ships with dvd/mp3 codecs.
Just stay away from Gentoo, those guys think they're better than the rest cause they waste weeks compiling
their own openoffice. If you only play blizzard games you shouldn't have any problems with Ubuntu, those work fine!
Why don't you just try it, they even ship you a cd for free! And if you have questions you may ask me.

If I couldn't use Ubuntu for my daily work easily I wouldn't use it!
But seriously, I wouldn't want to miss things like being able to use my laptop for month without restarting,
windows slowed down and often didn't even wake up from standby for me. If the hardware fits and there
are no driver problems it's a nice alternative to Windows. If you like the GNU philosophy it's more than that.

Uhm and 10 years ago, I think that was about the time I had my first Knoppix and I was totally amazed!
Don't pm me with Warcraft questions, this is a forum so just make a post!
In the world of thinking we are all immigrants. -Robert Nozick