Greetings everyone this is my little MiniCheatPack it works very good for DotA 6.57b
How this works:
When you start an match first you type the modes you want and then on Observer Chat Mode
you type the activator.
Once activated no everybody can activate this again, this gives you 5 gold per sec and 300% XP rate so you can get your hero balanced.
I've learned some GUI and JASS scripting on some tutorials here (thanks a lot!), you can change the gold gain and activator if you want, i only wanna share what i learned here.
If you don't like don't try it, just for share and some fun =D
If you wanna modify XP:
call SetPlayerHandicapXP( udg_POWR, 3.00 )
Where is 3.00 change to any value you want.
If you wanna edit gold rate:
call AdjustPlayerStateBJ( 5, udg_POWR, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD )
Modify where are marked on red to any value you want.
//under globals
player udg_POWR=null
boolean udg_ACT=false
trigger gg_trg_GLD=null
trigger gg_trg_ACTIVATOR=null
all right.
thanks for sharing.
you gotta lower your rate. 300% xp rate ? and 5 gold per seconds?
Go try, they will know you are cheating in less than 10 minutes.
all right I put this on the sticked topic.
initialD wrote:all right.
thanks for sharing.
you gotta lower your rate. 300% xp rate ? and 5 gold per seconds?
Go try, they will know you are cheating in less than 10 minutes.
all right I put this on the sticked topic.
hmm they will not know if there is an deactivation code like <space>-ms if posible
Then wait conecciones to make the trigger able to be deactivated, if he even cares.
There are a lot of people here know how to do it, but I doubt if anyone cares.