Prevent Players from leaving the game

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Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Spiky »

Hey guys. What do I need to code in order to disable the players from pressing Alt F4 and getting the "Confirm your exit" and exitting the game?
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Ozzapoo »

You cant...
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Bartimaeus »

Ozzapoo wrote:You cant...
Er, you can't? Didn't Xantan make something that made it so you couldn't leave?
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Ozzapoo »

Oh yeah lol. I just asked him. Well there's no smart way of doing it....

You can just do something like this:

Code: Select all

function EveryFewMilliseconds takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i=0
exitwhen i>11
if Player(i)==GetLocaPlayer()then
call ForceUICancel()
set i=i+1
That basically makes all players press the ESC button every few milliseconds... And so as soon as a menu pops up it closes. But the problem with that, is that it will also cancel target abilities. For example, if I clicked on flame strike and then wanted to target it, I couldn't, because the circle would have been cancelled as soon as you pressed the button. So basically, that's the only way to stop people from leaving, but, ofcourse, it has its consequences.
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Durchdringen »

Maybe theres a way the game can directly tell if the player is using the user interface or not. If so this is how it should run.

(1) We have a waiting trigger that waits for a player to enter the User Interface.
(2) When that trigger checks true, it sets off a kick out trigger that kicks the player out of the interface.
(3) .5 sec later we turn both triggers off so that everything is reset.

I'm sure Xantan would know how to do it. He always disabled me from getting locked in the game and getting goatse'd, but the rest were screwed lol. So we already know theres a reverse, but making the game sensing people trying to get out is a different story.
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Aero » could optimize that code to...

Code: Select all

function EveryFewMilliseconds takes nothing returns nothing
call ForceUICancel()
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Ozzapoo »

Durchdringen wrote:I'm sure Xantan would know how to do it. He always disabled me from getting locked in the game and getting goatse'd, but the rest were screwed lol. So we already know theres a reverse, but making the game sensing people trying to get out is a different story.
You only didn't get locked because you were also activated in his cp....
Aero could optimize that code to...

Code: Select all

function EveryFewMilliseconds takes nothing returns nothing
call ForceUICancel()
Doesnt' that cause desyncs?
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by joe »

there's a map called South Park.w3x that is actually a rick-roll (shows the video and plays the music) and you can't use alt-f4 to exit or do anything. you have to ctrl-alt-del and kil the game that way. whatever they do you could copy.

however i have to suggest that preventing people from doing what they want isn't a good idea for a map author. 90% of the disconnects might be leavers but some people might need to alt-f4 because it's their bedtime or their boss walked into their cubicle or their class is starting or whatever. keeping them from closing the program is pretty obnoxious and if it happened to me i wouldn't play that map ever again

just my 2 cents :D
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by Aero »

No, ForceUICancel() will not cause desyncs.
ForceUICancel() doesn't take a "whichPlayer" because "whichPlayer" happens to be GetLocalPlayer() (All players).

This is why if you only want to ForceUICancel() for ONE player, you need to do a comparison.
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Re: Prevent Players from leaving the game

Post by CrackUps »

The trigger from the Rick Roll map is this:

function Trig_NoLeave_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call SetUserControlForceOff(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS)
call SetUserControlForceOn(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS)

function InitTrig_NoLeave takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_NoLeave = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( gg_trg_NoLeave, 0.01 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_NoLeave, function Trig_NoLeave_Actions )

It is possible to leave if you press Alt+Q fast enough or Alt+F4 but its still frustrating