Get to know me (GodAlmighty), if you want to, of course.

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Get to know me (GodAlmighty), if you want to, of course.

Post by GodAlmighty »

Hey guys!

First off, don't feel any obligation to reply to this....I honestly have zero clue why I am spending time doing this (boredom I guess??).

Anyways, so basic things:

- I live in New Jersey.
- I'm 18 and going to be a senior in high school.
- American Football is pretty much my life; I live, breathe and eat Steelers.
- Will be going to Johns Hopkins U., probably for Bio Chem (that's what my uncle did anyway, sort of following in his footsteps, wish to become a doctor, orthopedist).
- Favorite TV show is Seinfeld, hands down, get out of town.
- I'm 6 foot 2.
- 175 pounds.

- I can't sit still, for one thing.
- I have quite the ego, but I realize that I do and I suppress it pretty well.
- Consider myself an intellectual and I am pretty witty and logical.
- I have a near photographic memory.
- Get bored easily.

- My number one love in life, next to my girlfriend I guess :? .
- Been in school [American] football ever since 5th grade.
- Play in 3 different leagues in my area; my community football team, the school team and a regional team.
- Made varsity last year, when I played JV I played QB, but I won't be expecting that for varsity :lol:
- Am a die-hard Steelers fan, and I hate the Yankees, Red Sox and Pirates. PHILLIES FOR LIFE.
- I am a health freak; I work out every day for 2-3 hours at my local YMCA (say it's not healthy, I know how to manage my time there).
- I can bench triple plates, tens on a good day (plate = 45 pounds)

- Literally do not remember the last time I got below an A-.
- English is my favorite subject; I am complete h4x0rz at essays.
- Math is my worst subject; my mind just doesn't work like that.
- President of my school's German club (weird, right?) and I started a Music Appreciation Club that my AWESOME art teacher agreed to supervise.
- Going to Johns Hopkins University as I said before.

- Well I'm adopted, for starters. Left an abusive family (both parents) when I was six, with my younger sister who was 1 at the time.
- Have been with my beautiful girlfriend Samantha since 7th grade. I smoked my first blunt with her, took my first drink with her, had my first kiss with her, and lost my virginity to her. She plans on going to Columbia.
- I have a younger sister who's 12 years old. I would probably not have gotten through a lot of rough times without her.
- I have two dogs and a lizard (a bearded dragon to be more precise). The lizard WAS named Kramer (after Seinfeld) but we sort of stopped calling him that and just call him 'The Lizard' now.
- I quit drinking and smoking two years ago and I haven't gone back. I still go to parties but I also still never drink (designated driver every night, that's how I look at it).
- I have only and will only play three video games in my life; Warcraft III, Starcraft and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
- I also volunteered at my local Rescue Squad and just completed EMT Training (don't know it's official name so I call it that).
- Have a great job that my girlfriend works at as well, at an Assisted Living Facility in my area. I'm a care-giver to some of the old folks there where I pretty much sit and talk with them, call BINGO numbers every Wednesday and Friday (no, I am serious) and other less-than-glamorous things that I have to 'clean up', etc. :(
- Also volunteered at a summer camp for mentally disabled kids and have been volunteering there for about three years now.
- I am episcopalian, so yes, I believe in God, but I also believe in evolution and I have looked into it for many long, long nights and I fully believe you can be both religious and believe in evolution.
- I also have OCD.
- Oh, and I am a complete military and history buff. From Ancient Rome and Greece, to World War II.

- Metal. End of story.
- Okay, to be more specific, Progressive Metal, Speed Metal, some Thrash but I enjoy loads of other kinds of music (I'm into Simon and Garfunkel, R.E.M., Stone Temple Pilots, David Bowie, WAY, WAY more but I'm not in a thinking mood now).
- Symphony X and Metallica are my favorite bands of all time.
- Play guitar and get sick of kids who play to just read tab and play Iron Man and Smoke On the Water.

- I'll probably be repeating some stuff I've already said, but:
- I play guitar.
- Active member in a band I made with 3 of my friends. We mostly play progressive metal after our primary influences Dream Theater and Symphony X, and we've won Battle of the Bands every year we've tried out (5 times) out of 14 or so bands.
- LOVE history. All my favorites on TV are the Science Channel, History Channel, Discovery, Discovery Times, Nat Geo, Military Channel, Discovery Health and more I can't think of. THANK GOD FOR THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL!
- Working out; I get a sort of high when I workout, especially when I bench. I pay for my GYM membership myself that's how obsessed I am. If I don't have the car to get there I will walk (8 miles) there.
- Paintballing; my dad loves it as well, which is awesome because he pretty much splurges and gets me awesome gear when I tell him that my friends and I are driving up to Skirmish in Pennsylvania to play. Oh, and my dad is the most ridiculous shot I've ever seen, and he says 'Boom, headshot!' whenever he gets someone in the mask.
- Older movies such as The Good the Bad and the Ugly are my favorite kinds of movies.
- Favorite movie of all time; don't really have one, but some ones in my top would be: Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Duck You Sucker, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, The Sting, Raging Bull and some more I can't get into my head right now. Oh, and Taxi Drive for sure, along with the Deer Hunter.
- Driving to Sonic (there are none near me so I drive with my buddies and girl and we go all the way to Pennsylvania).
- Going into the city with friends.
- Pretending I like basketball (all my friends like it, I could care less for it).
- Playing computer games.
- Writing music.
- Hanging with my girlfriend.
- Typing more to a list of hobbies when I've run out of ideas.
- Oh, sleeping of course.

Random Stuff/Extra Stuff:
- My grandfather was drafted into the German military when he was 18 years old. He drove a Tiger Tank and has told many unbelievable stories, like how he witnessed his best friend get shot in the head, and how he had to sneak into his hometown when it was occupied by the French. No, he was not an active member of the Nazi party, and he moved to Philadelphia with my grandmother after the war. They aren't anti-semitic in any way. These are my biological grandparents, by the way, and are the only biological family members I know and speak to.
- Got into a fight with a ghetto-esk sort of kid. He thought I was saying things about his girlfriend (wasn't true) so he decided it would be a good idea to fight me. I kicked his ass, even though he swung the first punch, but we were both suspended for a week and a half and now we're actually sort of good friends.
- My father (the one who adopted me) is an ex-Navy Seal sniper, and he wants me to go into the military, so I probably will before college and try to get my Expert Field Medical Badge. Not looking forward to that.
- My family is the pretty much the ESSENCE of liberalism. Whenever asked in school which political party you would most likely be an active member of, I usually just put 'Whig.'
- I believe Europeans have many misconceptions about Americans that angers me a lot...I see comments on YouTube, etc, all the time that just bash America and it's something that I try to ignore but it's really hard to. Also, most of my friends are completely retarded when it comes to politics, so I'm forced to speak about it with my mother and father or my girlfriend and her friends.

I'm done ranting. Wow, that's A LOT of stuff I wrote. I'm in a writing sort of mood right now. There's probably more to it, but I think I've said enough. I'm typing up a newsletter for my local rescue squad as I speak, so I've been switching back and forth between this and that. If you've read this, thanks for taking your time to get to know me. Sorry, I'm too much of a baby to post any pictures of myself, my sister, my dogs, my girlfriend, or my family because I, personally, don't like stalkers and would rather not have one. Thanks anyway! :)

And if you actually read all of what I wrote, +Rep to you. :D
Last edited by GodAlmighty on July 18th, 2008, 6:29 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Get to know GodAlmighty

Post by Bartimaeus »

Not quite as big as mine, though.

Nice profile, and it seems like you a very much the opposite of me.
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Re: Get to know GodAlmighty

Post by GodAlmighty »

Yeah but differences in people is what makes the world keep on turning, or at least that's how I look at it.

EDIT: Wow I just realized how cheesy that sounds XD
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Re: Get to know me (GodAlmighty), if you want to, of course.

Post by TheDarkKnight »

nice to meet you.