Cheat Packs Available On Our Site

Cheatpacks and learning how to use them, as well as other guides for manipulating maps.

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Cheat Packs Available On Our Site

Post by Bartimaeus »

Still new to our site? Have no idea which cheat pack is suitable for you?
Well, take a look before you make a request for a cheated map.

Extra information: What is JASS and what is GUI?

0. Ozzy's Cheat Pack [Pure LUA]
Author: trantrungho71
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: 17,51kb
Recommendation: Newest cheatpack. It is versatile, lightweight and the most efficient cheatpack.
Cheats: (total 56)
Argument stated like (arg1/arg2/arg3) is selection, you can only select one from the 3 listed
Argument [on/off] stated that the command is a switch, first input will enable, second input will disable the command.
ALL COMMAND are bound to the symbol that you can be configured. Command will always start with that symbol!

lvl [level]: Set the level of the currently selected unit.
str [strength]: Set the strength of the currently selected unit.
agi [agility]: Set the agility of the currently selected unit.
int [intelligence]: Set the intelligence of the currently selected unit.
sp [speed]: Modify the speed of the currently selected unit.
hp [hit points]: Modify the hit points of the currently selected unit.
mp [mana points]: Modify the mana points of the currently selected unit.
ms [movement speed]: Modify the movement speed of the currently selected unit.
owner [player]: Change the owner of the currently selected unit.
xp [experience]: Set the experience points of the currently selected unit.
bindup [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "up" arrow key.
binddown [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "down" arrow key.
bindleft [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "left" arrow key.
bindright [command] [parameter]: Bind a command that will be executed with the given parameter to your "right" arrow key.
charge [slot] [amount]: Modify the charge of an item in the currently selected unit's inventory.
kick [player] [method*]: Remove a player from the game.
share [player] [player]: Enforce share a player with another player.
unshare [player] [player]: Unshare a player with another player.
gold [amount]: Modify your gold.
lumber [amount]: Modify your lumber.
giveg [slot] [amount]: Give gold to a player.
givel [slot] [amount]: Give lumber to a player.
food ([amount]/use/nouse): Modify your food supply or make the currently selected unit either consume or not consume your food.
givef [player] [amount]: Give food to a player.
grate [rate]: Modify your gold gathering rate.
lrate [rate]: Modify your lumber gathering rate.
expr [rate]: Modify your experience rate.
copy [amount]: Copy the currently selected unit multiple times.
itemid [slot]: Get the item ID of an item in the currently selected unit inventory.
ritem [amount]: Create a random item near the currently selected unit.
act [activator]: Change the activator for a player.
learn [ability id] [level]: Learn and/or set level of an ability for the currently selected unit.
unlearn [ability id]: Unlearn an ability for the currently selected unit.
citem [item id]: Create an item near the currently selected unit.
cunit [unit id]: Create a unit near the currently selected unit.
fast [on/off]: Enable or disable fast building, upgrading, and training.
nocd [on/off]: Enable or disable no cooldowns for abilities.
enemychat [on/off]: Enable or disable enemy chat.
infcharge [on/off]: Enable or disable infinite charge for items.
mh [on/off]: Enable or disable map hack.
tp [mode]: Enable teleportation in the specified mode (m, p, a).
vul: Make the currently selected unit vulnerable.
invul: Make the currently selected unit invulnerable.
kill: Kill the currently selected unit.
remove: Remove the currently selected unit.
clear: Clear the current chat message for a player.
unitid: Get the Unit ID of the currently selected unit.
noreplay: Prevent creating a replay.
showbinds: Show the bound commands for a player.
clearbinds: Clear the bound commands for a player.
disable: Deactivate your OzzyCP.
search [pattern or name]: Search for items/unit/ability/upgrade/doodad/destructable.
path (on/off): Turn on or off unit pathing for the currently selected unit
time [time]: Set game time to the given [time], if [time] is ignored, will display the current time of the game
timedlife (on/off/(cancel/rem/remove)): Temporary pause a unit timed life or unpause it, if (cancel/rem/remove) is given, remove a unit timed life
say [player] [target*] [msg]: Send a message as if you are the given player to the given target. Everything after [target*] will be a message

Short hand command, read as: "short syntax (bound to which original command)"
g (gold)
l (lumber)
f (food)
ci (citem)
cu (cunit)
kk (kick)

Say [target*] argument: (Default to 'all' if use invalid argument)

all: Send message to all player
ally: Send message to that player ally
obs: Send message to all observer


Kick [method*] argument, read as: "name to use (explaination)". Supply this extra information to the kick command
to allow it to do magic to the player you want to kick, ex: "-kick 2 dc" (Kick player 2 using desync method)

dc (Yeet them out, let them play by themselves)
1. NUZAMACUXE's Cheat Pack [Pure JASS]
Author: nuzamacuxe
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: 53,47kb
Recommendation: It is versatile, lightweight and the most efficient jass cheatpack.
Cheats: (total 56)
Operator: - Activator: easymode (both can be changed)
lvl # – Sets selected unit’s level to #;
str # / agi # / int # – Sets selected unit’s str/agi/int to #;
xp # – Sets selected unit’s experience to #;
sp # – Sets selected unit’s skill points to #;
hp # – Sets selected unit’s health points to #;
mp # – Sets selected unit’s mana points to #;
ms # – Sets selected unit’s movement speed to #;
rg # – Sets your selected unit’s hp & mp regeneration to #;
owner # (1-24) – Changes selected unit’s owner to # player;
gold # / giveg # x – Gives # gold to you // Gives to player # x gold;
lumber # / givel # x – Gives # lumber to you // Gives to player # x lumber;
food # / givef # x – Changes your food to /# // Gives to player # x food;
sitem # – Searches for items which contain # word; EXAMPLE: sitem armor
ritem # (1-99) – Creates # random items; EXAMPLE: ritem 99
create # – Creates # item or unit; EXAMPLE: create I000 or create n000
learn # – Adds # ability; EXAMPLE: learn A000
unlearn # – Removes # ability;
share x y (1-24) – Shares player x with player y;
unshare x y (1-24) – Removes the share from player x with player y;
act # – Changes the activator to #;
kick # (1-24) – Kicks player #;
copy # – Copies the selected unit # times;
charge # x (1-6) – Adds to a usable item in slot # x charges;
itemid # (1-6) – Gives item’s raw code in slot #;
grate # – Increases your gold rate by #%;
lrate # – Increases your lumber rate by #%;
expr # – Increases your experience rate by #%;
ploc x y – Pings the location x y;
food nouse – Makes selected units not use food;
food use – Makes selected units use food;
vul / invul – Makes selected units vulnerable/invulnerable;
nc – Enables no cooldown mode;
mh – Enables map hack mode;
tp – Enables teleport mode; DEFAULT KEY: P –– CAN BE CHANGED
fast – Enables fast building, upgrading and training mode;
unitid – Gives the selected unit’s id;
clear – Clears the screen of text messages for you;
enemychat – Lets you to see what enemies are typing;
nowaste – All usable items won’t waste charge;
rg off – Removes regeneration buff;
nc off – Disables no cooldown mode;
mh off – Disables map hack mode;
tp off – Disables teleport mode;
fast off – Disables fast building, upgrading and training mode;
enemychat off – Disables enemy’s chat command;
nowaste off – Disables Infinite Charges;
noreplay – Disables replay;
kill – Kills the selected unit;
disable – Disables cheatpack.

dmgc x y – Adds X% critical strike chance and Y damage multiplier to selected unit;
dmghp x – Adds X% maximum hp damage to selected unit;
dmgls x – Adds X% life steal damage to selected unit;
dmgms x – Adds X% mana steal damage to selected unit;
dmgb x – Adds X% block damage to selected unit;
dmgr x – Adds X% return damage to selected unit;
status – Gives all the informations about NZCP’s damage system (total damage dealt, percentages...).
2. JJ2197's Cheat Pack [Pure JASS]
Author: JJ2197 / Ken
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: ???
Recommendation: Versatile, easy to use, and the most popular cheat pack around.
Cheats: (total 87)
Activator: -cheats(space)(space)
-gold #
-lumber #
-int #
-agi #
-str #
-lvl #
-xp #
-hp #
-mp #
-ms #
-debuff (Removes buff from selected unit)
-lock (locks the trade system)
-unlock (Unlocks it)
-charges# ### (First # slot 2nd charges)
-additem # (max is about 90)
-mana (Mana stays at 100%)
-invis (makes unit invisible)
-vis (visible)
-pathoff (walkthrough walls)
-pathon (normal)
-setcolor (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-owner (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-nocd (no cooldown)
-cdon (cooldown on)
-bindup/down/left/right (IE: -bindup -kill would make it so that when you hit up it kills whatever s selected)
-clearkeys (Clears bindings)
-showkeys (Shows bindings)
-mh (Dispalys map, no server splits, hopefully)
-size #
-food #
-copy #
-fast (Hit esc when training units)
-bfast (Hit esc on building structure)
-ufast (Research is instant)(To disable one of these commands add -no to it like -noufast)
-share ##
-unshare ##
-ally ##
-unally ##
-soff (share off)
-spawn #### (List)
-ground ####
-add ####
-remove #### (removes the ability)
-g ## #### (gold)
-l ## #### (lumber)
-f ## #### (food)
-spa ## #### (Spawn unit)
-sn ## <name> (setname)
-sc ## (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-dead (Sets units animation to dead)
-birth (Sets building to being built)
-attack (Sets unit to attack)
-stand (Sets unit to stand)
-hear (You can see what everyone is saying)
-nohear (back to normal)
-kick ## <message>
-tele (sets patrol to teleport)
-note (sets it back to normal)
-reg <kill/explode/red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown> (Right-click two spots and a region will be made)
-time ## (Sets time to that hour)
-float ### ### (first #'s is height 2nd are speed)
-stop (Disable unit commands)
-resume (Enables them)
-area #### #### (First #'s are size 2nd Rawcode, then click where you want it)
-autoh ### (Autoheals by precentage)(A little buggy)
-disable (Disable -reg)
-list# (1-8 )
-cheaton ## (Turns cheats on for player specified)
-cheatoff ## (Turns cheats off for player specified)
-unit #### (Spawns specified unit at issued location)
-nounit (Disables -unit)
-act <activator> (Changes activator to whatever specifed, needs a - at the beginning)
-unitid (Shows the unit's rawcode)
-itemid (Shows the unit's item rawcode in first slot)
-destid (Shows rawcode of destructable in Reg)
-destroy (Removes selected units)
-revive (Revives dead hero and spawns at selected unit)
-addhp (Adds hp to any unit, needs to be divisable by 50)
-colors (Displays player numbers by color)
-say###### (# = hex code only 0-9 and A-F will work)(After the hex just put the text you want displayed)
3. Fai's Cheat Pack [Pure JASS]
Author: InitialD
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: 62.2kb
Recommendation: Emphasizes on making advanced and unique cheats.
Cheats: (total 107)
Activator is "lIlIIllIll<3x spaces>".

Only the player who first types the password will be able to use these commands.

kdc.* : kick player *, (disconnected)
kkp.* : kick player *,(kung-fu panda+server split)
kKp.* : (capital middle K) kick player*,(kung-fu panda+computer errors)
kce.* : kick player *, (computer errors)
kss.* : kick player *, (server split)
kfe.* : kick player *, (fatal error)
dc.* : diable player *'s cheats
cp.& : change password to &<3x spaces> (password sets back to default when you quit game)
us. : turn on/off Ultrasound for you. See all other players' chat strings.
*us. : turn on/off ultrasound for player*
md. : turn on/off maphack detector. (note: ml. to see detected MHers)
*md. : turn on/off maphack detector for player*

General commands (15 commands)

cl. : access Fai's command list in brief
cc. : show player colour codes
ml. : show maphackers list.
oc. : show the owner player's code of the unit you selected
ec.* : enable cheats for player *
xr.X : increase your experience rate by X%
*xr.X : increase player *'s experience rate by X%
fh.X : fly high. Set your camera height
*fh.X : fly high. Set player * camera height
go.X : add X gold to you
*go.X : add X gold to player *
lb.X : add X lumber
*lb.X : add X gold to player *
ri. : remove all items which are on ground
&ip.* : impersonate player*. In your next message(s), you will talk in player *'s name; & = how many messages in their name you will type

Special Abilities (13 commands)

rc.* : turn on/off the remote control, which allow you to control player *'s unit
*rc.* : turn on/off the remote control for player *'s (front*), allow him to control player *'s (rear*) units
tp. : turn on/off hotkey P (patrol) to teleport
*tp. : activate/deactivate tp. for player*
im. : activate/deactivate infinte mana (mp>55%)
*im. : activate/deactivate im. for player *
rf. : turn on/off hotkey H(hold position) to refresh spells
*rf. : activate/deactivate rf. for player *
mh. : activate/deactivate maphack for you yourself only.
*mh. : activate/deactivate mh. for player *
te.* : add/remove the tertiary eye, to see player *'s units including invisible units
*te.* : add/remove the tertiary eye for player *'s (front*) to see player *'s (rear*)'s units.
da. : deactivate all abilities which activated by you

Combinations of these commands work: tp. mh. rf. im. te. md. us. fh. rc.

Examples: mhtprf. 23tprfim. alltpim. 23456tpmhus. mhtpfh.300 23456mhtemd.all rcte.! etc.

Modifying Units (26 commands)

These commands work on the unit(s) you've selected! X = a number. X could be negative: -X

pt. : pause unit timed life
rt. : resume timed life
si. : set unit size by %
sp.X : add X skill points
sp. : remove all skill points
ms.X : add up X movement speed (doesn't stacked)
ms. : set unit's movement speed back to default
lv.X : set hero level to X (will not have flash light when level up)
Lv.X : set hero level to X (will have flash light
hp.X : set hit point to X
hp.. : kill selected unit(s)
ah.X : add X hit points
mp.X : set mana point to X
am.X : add X mana point
iv. : invulnerable
vl. : vulnerable
xp.X : add X experience points.
ow.* : set * as unit's owner.
cu.X : copy unit. (ie. reproduce the unit for X time)
cu : type this command to remove all units which are copied not longer than 10 seconds before.
Ru. : Remove selected units.
as.X : add X points to hero's stats. (ie. +str +agi +int)
st.X : add strength by X amount
ag.X : add agility by X amount
in.X : add inteligence by X amount

Notes: st. ag. or in. can be combined in pairs.
Examples: stag. agin. inst. agst. inst. ETC

pu.X : power up! add stats by X; add movement speed by 3X (doesn't stack); add magic resistance(frostwyrm skull 33%); add attack speed (glove of haste 15%)

Note: If no value is inserted, X will be set to 5; Use -X or 0 to diable those invisible items, set movement speed back to normal and reduce stats

Items & Invisible Items (8 commands)

Require Unit(s) Selection

ai.(names) : add an invisible item
di.(names) : disable an invisible item or real item
ai.all : add all invisible items
di.all : disable all invisible items or real item

Names for invisible items:
ad : attack damage +20 (claw of attack)
as : attack speed +15% (glove of haste)
am : armor +10 (Ring of protection)
mr : magic resistance 33% (Frostwyrm Skull)

Examples: "", "" "ai.ammr", "ai."asad", "ai.adasammr", "di.mram", "di.asad" etc.

ic.X : set item's charges. Put your item on the bottom-left inventory slot to set charges.
&ic.X : set item's charges, for the item in slot &(1-6)
ci.X : copy item X times from the top-left inventory slot
&ci.X : copy item X time from slot &(1-6)

Multiple slot numbers could be put in one command. Type "all" in front of the command to represent all slots.

Examples: "34ci." "01234ic.5" "allci.5" "allic.10"

Regeneration Buffs (4 commands)

Select a unit or a group of units before you use the following command!

X could be decimal. X could have 6 more digits after the dot. (ie. 0.123456)

rg.X : add a regeneration buff, X hp & X mp regeneration per second (stackable)
hr.X : add a regeneration buff, X hp regeneration per second (stackable)
mr.X : add a regeneration buff, X mp regeneration per second (stackable)
rb. : remove all cheated buffs added by you

Key Bindings (29 commands)

tm.X : Timer. Wait for X seconds. Use the timer to stop the next bound command to be executed for a short duration (see examples)
es& : bind command string& to ESC key. Thus command& can be executed by pressing your ESC key
*es& : activate es& for player*
es. : clear your es keys
es.* : clear player*'s es keys
mo& : bind command string& to MOVE button. (ie. hotkey M)
*mo& : activate mo& for player*
mo. : clear your mo keys
mo.* : clear player*'s mo keys
du& : bind command string& to Down+Up arrow keys.
*du& : activate du& for player*
du. : clear your du keys
du.* : clear player*'s du keys
lr& : bind command string& to Left+Right arrow keys.
*lr& : activate lr& for player*
lr. : clear your lr keys
lr.* : clear player*'s lr keys
ck. : clear all of your keys
ck.* : clear all of player*'s keys
sk. : show all of your bound keys : show your bound es keys : show your bound mo keys
sk.du : show your bound du keys : show your bound lr keys
sk.* : show all of player* bound keys
sk.*es : show player* bound es keys
sk.*mo : show player* bound mo keys
sk.*du : show player* bound du keys
sk.*lr : show player* bound lr keys

NOTE: multiple player codes work in key binding commands. Thus you can "234esgo.500" or "ck.all" etc. Doesn't work on sk, though.

1) Type "es23456go.500" and "es23456lb.500" and you may now give 500 gold and lumber to player 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 by pressing ESC key.
2) Type "4esgo.500", now Player 4 may get 500 gold by pressing ESC key

Commands that doesn't work on key bindings: rg. hr. mr. es mo lr du es. mo. lr. du.
4. FukKi's Cheatmenu [Pure JASS]
Author: Fukki
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: 25kb
Recommendation: A cheatmenu that is similar to, yet more advanced than SgGuy's. Easily usable by everyone.
Cheats: (total 36)
Active Menu: UDLR
you can change it in config
L = Arrow Left
R = Arrow Right
U = Arrow UP
D = Arrow Down

- Gold Rate (add your gold when you gain it)
- Lumber Rate (add your lumber when you gain it)
- Exp Rate (add your unit exp when you gain it)
- HP Rate (add HP to all your unit)
- Return Damage (return damage when your unit get damage - all damage)
- Blocking Damage (blocking damage when your unit get damage - all damage)
- Attack Damage (add normal attack damage when you attack - normal attack)
- Skill Damage (add skill damage when you use skill - skill)
- CP Manager
CP Manager: Disable (disable your CP)
CP Manager: CP Key (set new active CP)
CP Manager: Menu Key (set new Menu Key)
CP Manager: Active Player (set active/disable CP to player)
CP Manager: Share Option (set/enable/disable CP option to player)
CP Manager: Map Replay (disable replay)

- Steal HP (auto heal hp when target get damage - normal attack)
- Steal Mana (auto heal mana and destroy when target get damange - normal attack)
- Teleport (press P and click to location)
- No cooldown (auto reset cooldown or press H to reset it)
- No Mana (auto reset mana to 100% or press H to reset it)
- Hearing (you can see all player talk in game)
- Tertiary Eye (you can see all unit and invisible unit)
- Share Control (you can control your friend in game)
- Kick Player (kick player in select - fatal kick)

- MH Detect (detect hack map player)
- MH List (show MH detect list from MH Detect)
- Fast Build (fast build when you cancel it)
- Fast Training (fast training when you cancel it)
- Fast Research (fast research when you research it)
- No Use Food (auto reset food to 0 when you train unit)
- No Use Gold (gold not decrease)
- No Use Lumber (lumber not decrease)
- Float Camera (set camera high)

Features (Build 9):
- HP Regeneration(set Unit Regen ##/sec)
- MP Regeneration(set Unit Regen ##/sec)
- Dispel Attack(remove buff from target - normal attack)
- Auto Debuff(auto remove negative buff)
- Hack Map(open fog)
- Stop Attack(other player can't attack you)
- Damage Critical(set Critical Damage +% and chance % for normal attack)
- Skill Critical(set Critical Damage +% and chance % for skill attack)
5. HKE Cheat Pack [Pure JASS]
Author: Unknown / InitialD / Thanatos95/ Whitegun
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: ??
Recommendation: ??
Cheats: (total 182)
Command List: (unfinished)
6. Xantan's Cheat Pack [Pure GUI]
Author: Xantan
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: 716kb
Recommendation: A huge pack with many commands. Not very efficient, and costs a lot of space.
Cheats: (total 182)
Xantan's Command List:

-noreplay (will not allow saving of the replay for this game)

Password: i love [email protected](space)

List 1
-list1 -list2 -list3 -list4 -list5 -list6 -list7 -list8 -list9 -list10 -list11 -list12 -list13 -list14 -list15 -list16 -list17 -list18 -list19 -list20 -list21 (shows commands)
-str xxx (Sets your hero(es)' strength to the number specified)
-agi xxx (Sets your hero(es)' agility to the number specified)
-int xxx (Sets your hero(es)' intelligence to the number specified)
-lvl xxx (Sets your hero(es)' level to the number specified)
-gold xxx (Sets your gold to the number specified)
-wood xxx (Sets your wood to the number specified)
-food xxx (Sets your food to the number specified)
-list2 (shows list 2)

List 2
-cn (name) (Sets your name to the specified)
-cc 1-13 (Sets your color to the another)
-cc red-black (Sets your color to the specified)
-hp 1-100 (Sets your unit's hp to the number specified in %)
-mp 1-100 (Sets your unit's mp to the number specified in %)
-heal (heals your unit's life to full)
-mana (sets your unit's mana to full)
-refresh (heals, manas, reset cooldowns, remove effects to the picked unit)
-list3 (shows list 3)

List 3
-noclip on/off (sets colision to 0/default for the specified unit)
-ms xxx (sets specified units to the number specified)
-mmax (sets specified units move speed to max)
-own 1-12 (sets Cimenaticmode on specified player)
-ownall (puts Cimenatic mode on all players exluding you)
-ownoff (puts Cimenatic mode off for all players)
-revive (instantly revives dead heroes at your starting point)
-list4 (shows list 4)

List 4
-share on/off (gives full control of players / removes it)
-nocd on/off (turns on/off cooldowns and mana costs)
-day (makes it day)
-night (makes it night)
-size xxx (sets your units size to the specified)
-stop (orders all heroes beside yours to hold position)
-sp (gives your hero ability points to spend)
-list5 (shows list5)

List 5
-kick 1-12 + message (kicks specified player with message, eg. -kick 5 your gay)
-gspeed 1-5 (sets game speed 1-5)
-rape 1-12 (disables all unit controll for player specified)
-rape all (disables all unit control for all players except you)
-rape off (enables all unit control for all players)
-mh (sets the map explored for you)
-list6 (shows list 6)

List 6
-water (gives your hero a hp regen potion)
-clarity (gives your hero a mana potion)
-tango (gives your hero a tango of essifcation)
-tp (gives your hero a town portal)
-tome (gives your hero a tome of retraining)
-chicken (gives your hero a animal courier charge)
-cheese (gives your hero cheese that gives you a large heal)
-wards (gives your hero a pair of sentry wards)
-list7 (shows list 7)

List 7
-escape (gives your hero a dagger of escape)
-dd (gives your hero a double damage rune)
-invis (gives your hero an invis rune)
-regen (gives your hero a regeneration rune)
-haste (gives your hero a speed booste rune)
-modify (opens up a list of actions)
-off (turns off classifacation they did starting trigger, red only)
-who (shows you a leaderboard who have done the cheats and a inaccurate amount of cheats they have done)
-list8 (shows list

List 8
-echo (shows you all messages typed by any player)
-clear (clears text on your screen)
-death (plays a death animation on everything)
-stand (plays a stand animation of everything, which is default)
-l wtf (learns all wtf abilities)
-l wtfblink (learns wtfblink; farsight)
-l wtfcharm (learns wtfcharm; flame strike)
-l wtfkill (learns wtfkill; banish)
-list9 (shows list 9)

List 9
-l wtfnuke (learns wtfnuke; rain of fire)
-rem l (removes all wtf abilties)
-uncharm (uncharms the last charmed units by wtfcharm)
-rf (only rests ability cooldowns on your units)
-heal (fully heals units specified)
-mana (fully manas units specified)
-explore (sets the map explored)
-finish (finishes all buildings YOU are currently working on)
-list10 (shows list 10)

List 10
-kill (type this, than select a unit)
-killfast on/off (after you select a unit after you type this, you can click as many units as you want, and they'll all die)
-gm x (gives a game message on what you typed, eg. -gm your all gay)
-gm2 (6digitcolorcode) x (same as above, except in color)
-crash 01-12 (crashes game for the specified)
-crash red-black (crashes game for the color specified)
-nl on/off (turns off anti-leaver, makes all player unable to leave the game with any method)
-win (you win and everyone elses loses)
-list11 (shows list 11)

List 11
-end (ends the game in five seconds and everyones back in chat channel)
-epilepsy (plays a techno song, changes fog on/off every ten seconds, adds lightning, 1min 30sec untill everything is back to normal)
-deform off (stops all terrian deformations)
-deform (creates random random following your hero)
-pripple (creates a semi-perm ripple near your hero)
-pcrater (creates a perm hole near your hero)
-ripple (ripples the ground near your hero)
-wave (sends a wave on the ground near your hero)
-list12 (shows list 12)

List 12
-storm (shoots 30 random lightning bolts on the map, typed twice and it'll keep going forever)
-blight on/off (makes blight appear everywhere or nowhere)
-fog on/off (makes dense fog as a random color across the map)
-open (kills all trees)
-close (replaces all dead tree)
-dirt (replaces all terrain with dirt)
-dirt2 (replaces all terrian with dirt 2)
-list13 (shows list 13)

List 13
-snow (replaces all terrian with snow)
-snow2 (replaces all terrian with snow2)
-ice (replaces all terrian with ice)
-lava (replaces all terrian with lava)
-grass (replaces all terrian with grass)
-dark (replaces all terrian with darkness)
-light (replaces all terrian with lighness)
-abyss (replaces all terrian with abyss)
-list14 (shows list 14)

List 14
-black (replaces all terrian with blackness)
-crops (replaces all terrian with crops)
-vines (replaces all terrian with vines)
-vines2 (replaces all terrian with vines2)
-poison (replaces all terrian with poison)
-pebbles (replaces all terrian with pebbles)
-cobble (replaces all terrian with cobble)
-leaves (replaces all terrian with leaves)
-list15 (shows list 15)

List 15
-leaves2 (replaces all terrian with leaves2)
-dirt3 (replaces all terrian with dirt3)
-dirt4 (replaces all terrian with dirt4)
-snow3 (replaces all terrian with snow3)
-ice2 (replaces all terrian with ice2)
-ice3 (replaces all terrian with ice3)
-grass2 (replaces all terrian with grass2)
-grass3 (replaces all terrian with grass3)
-list 16 (shows list 16)

List 16
-grass4 (replaces all terrian with grass4)
-grass5 (replaces all terrian with grass5)
-grass6 (replaces all terrian with grass6)
-brick (replaces all terrian with brick)
-brick2 (replaces all terrian with brick2)
-sand (replaces all terrian with sandy beaches, w00t!)
-rock (replaces all terrian with rock)
-rock2 (replaces all terrian with rock2)
-list17 (shows list 17)

List 17
-rock3 (replaces all terrian with rock3)
-rock4 (replaces all terrian with rock4)
-rock5 (replaces all terrian with rock5)
-item (gives infinite charges in all your items in your inventory)
-manai (gives all your units inventory, then gives them a pendant of mana so you can use wtf abilties)
-mhall on/off (gives/takes away mh for all players)
-crashall (crashes all players in 10 seconds)
-crashoff (turns off -crashall)
-list18 (shows list 1

List 18
-locka on/off (locks/unlocks trade menu, eg. giving gold to your allies)
-hidea on/off (hides any changes in the trade things)
-trade on/off (allows you to trade with ALL players)
-mhlist (shows you the foolish detected mh-players)
-goatse (turns on cinema for all players and shows a insanely gross picture)
-goatse off (turns off -goatse)
-virus (fake a virus installation, comes with game messages and a funny sound)
-stampede off (cancels a stampede you made with -modify)
-list19 (shows list 19)

List 19
-wtf on/off (turns on/off wtf abilties in case of map interfearences)
-invul on/off (makes all your units invul/vul)
-modify2 (opens modify without selecting a unit)
-crashmh (crashes all detected map-hackers)
-autoh on/off xx (autoheals all units @ percent specified)
-nocd on/off xx (automanas + refreshes cooldowns @ percent specified)
-uber (sets stats up then down)
-set (click a unit after this to have it set as your unit to modify with cmds below)
-list20 (shows list 20# -crashmh crashes all maphackers

List 20
-sag # (changes the units agility)
-sin # (changes the units int)
-sst # (changes the units strength)
-slv # (changes the units lvl)
-smo # (changes the units movespeed)
-snc on/off (changes the units noclip on/off)
-sau on/off (changes the units autoheal on/off)
-sno on/off (changes the units nocd on/off)
-list21 (shows list 21)

List 21
-sag # (changes the units agility)
-sin # (changes the units int)
-sst # (changes the units strength)
-slv # (changes the units lvl)
-smo # (changes the units movespeed)
-snc on/off (changes the units noclip on/off)
-sau on/off (changes the units autoheal on/off)
-sno on/off (changes the units nocd on/off)

-unpauseme (unpauses only your units)
-restart (restarts the game)
-quest x x (creates a new required quest - first x is the title, 2nd the descrip)
-noreplay (disables replay)

New Commands:
-move (your next movement will teleport you)
-upgrade (will research ALL upgrades used in islandefense)
-float x (will create a floating text that will follow the unit that you last picked with -modify or -set [can have up to 80]
-floatc xxxxxx x (will create a colored floating text [you specifiy color + name] that will follow the unit you picked with -modify or -set) [can have up to 80]
-float off (destroys all made floating texts on units)
-remove (the next unit you select is removed from the game forever)
-tree (creates a tree near last selected unit with -set or -modify)
-gate (creates a door (horizontal) near last selected unit with -set or -modify)
-gate2 (creates a door (vertical) near last selected unit with -set or -modify)
...and more!
7. Sabrac's Cheat Pack [Pure JASS]
Author: ZaxTheAlien, Sabrac
Link to the related topic: Click Me
Average size: 25.4kb
Recommendation: The first cheat pack that has dynamic input.
Cheats: (total 44) Click Me

Links to some other cheat packs:
1. JJ2197's Arrow Key-Activated Cheatpack - JJ's CP activated only by arrow keys.
2. Fai's Name-Activated Cheatpack - Fai's CP activated only by name.
3. Dekar's Cheatpack - The first cheatpack publicly available, made by Dekar,'s owner.
4. Aero's Cheatpack - A very small, efficient, and versatile cheatpack made by one of our admins.
4. FatherSpace's / Ken's Cheatpack - A cheatpack made by one of our staff members.
5. Haxorico's / Jew Cheatpack - Another cheatpack made by one of our staff members.
6. Hildog's & Lanooby's Cheatpack - And another cheatpack made by two of our staff members. Has a few unique cheats.
7. Shamanno's & Hot's Cheatpack - A mini-cheatpack partly made by one of our staff members. Contains a few unique cheats, like dropping all of a unit's items.
8. SgGuy's Cheatmenu - A simple cheatmenu with a few cheats. Easy for everyone to use, regardless of language.
9. Kai's Cheatpack - A mini-cheatpack made by one of our members.
10. Coneccione's Cheatpack - Another mini-cheatpack made by one of our members.
11. Dark_Shadow32's Cheatpack - One of the first cheatpacks made.
12. Rickroll Cheatpack - A cheatpack that can rickroll players in-game.
13. Dota Cheatmenu - A cheat menu made specifically for DotA by a Singaporean.
Last edited by devoltz on October 25th, 2023, 3:09 pm, edited 62 times in total.
Reason: Gramatical fixes
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Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by gaddar »

great post...

you could run a poll for this ? (like the 6.52 map poll)

Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by Bushido »

a poll? just a waste , cause every 1 would vote xantan or JJ ;)
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Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by Ozzapoo »

Offtopic: initald, why the hell is ur warning level -1?
Visit, my blog and the home of AutoCP and Cheatpack Detector!
AutoCP3 now available for free!
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Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by initialD »

For a rule that was not existed.
I was warned for posting on an old topid (though I was actually saying something and not spammings). There was no rule about that when I "made" that "msitake".
For me, it's just as simple as that: Unlocked topic can be answered whenever one wants to.

Somehow, they added that rule later on. Yet, that warning was get before that rule existed.
So , whatever. I understand that people here love to give warnings to others. It's ok.

ops, are you going to release Tonton's cheat pack soon or what?
Fai's cheat pack would be release soon, probably when the next dota version is out. Should I wait for you or what?
adding a poll would not be fair. Since some cheats pack are designed for some type of map, and others not.
For example: look at the pool result at the dota topic. The cheat menu are getting high votes.
Since it's designed for dota.
We can't get a fair result here. Probably not all players know about all the packs and how they works.
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Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by Shamanno1 »

initiald wrote:For a rule that was not existed.
I was warned for posting on an old topid (though I was actually saying something and not spammings). There was no rule about that when I "made" that "msitake".
For me, it's just as simple as that: Unlocked topic can be answered whenever one wants to.

Somehow, they added that rule later on. Yet, that warning was get before that rule existed.
So , whatever. I understand that people here love to give warnings to others. It's ok.

ops, are you going to release Tonton's cheat pack soon or what?
Fai's cheat pack would be release soon, probably when the next dota version is out. Should I wait for you or what?
adding a poll would not be fair. Since some cheats pack are designed for some type of map, and others not.
For example: look at the pool result at the dota topic. The cheat menu are getting high votes.
Since it's designed for dota.
We can't get a fair result here. Probably not all players know about all the packs and how they works.
He asked why ure warning level is negative :P...
Btw nice topic !
~Everything changes~
I have met people who have no dreams, who have simply accepted their fate to work, exist, and die. They are the most miserable people I have ever known.

Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by Bushido »

It's a good Topic for newbies , but i shouldn't it pack into the Map Request section...
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Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by Shamanno1 »

King-Bushido wrote:It's a good Topic for newbies , but i shouldn't it pack into the Map Request section...
Actually i think this is the best place for this thread :/
Initiald when ure back please add my and hot cp in the list :D
Commands :
-CcD(activates the cheats)
-VHC(also activates the cheats)
-copy #
-gold #
-wood #
-refr[Sets the HP and Mana of the selected unit to 100%, sets all cooldowns to 0, removes all buffs]
-hp #
-mana #
-lvl #
-str #
-agi #
-int #
-sp #[Sets the available hero skill points to #]
-cc [Sets the color of the owner of a selected unit to # (01 = Red, 02 = Blue, 03 = Teal ... )
-dropitem [Drops all items from the inventory of the selected hero]
-pg(pause the game)
-hu[Creates a Hunteress with blink for the owner of the selected unit]
-expg # [Sets the exp gain of the owner of a selected unit to # %]
-vis(Enables you to see over the entire Map)
-dns # [Sets the day/night circle speed to # %]
-gm(game message)
-uinvis [Makes the selected unit invisible]
-uvis [Makes the selected unit visible]
-gs [Gives the selected unt the ability Godshield]
-destroy(destroy's the game)
-kall [Kills every unit in the game]
-rall [Removes every unit in the game]
-text (text) [Creates a text which contents (text) over a selected unit]
-pwn # [Puts Player # into Cinematic mode]
-pwnall [Puts all Players except you into cinematic mode]
-stoppwn [Removes all cinematic modes]
-duc # [Disables user control for # Player]
-aduc # [Disables user control for all players except you]
-euc # [Enables user control for all players except you]
-kick # [Kicks Player #]
-end [The Game ends in 20 seconds]
-camera [Moves the camera for all players to the selected unit]
-open [Kills all trees]
-close [Revives all trees]
-acd [Sets the cooldowns for the owner of a selected unit to off]
-acol [Turns the collision of the owner of a selected unit off]
-amms [Sets the movement speed of all units owned by the owner of a selected unit to min]
-arefr [Refreshes (Max. HP, Mana, CD to 0) all units owned by the owner of the selected unit]
-ainv [Makes all units owned by a selected unit invulnerable]
-avul [Makes all units owned by a selected unit vulnerable]
-adie60 [All units owned by the owner of a selected unit die in 60 sec]
-ahp # [Sets all unit's life to # % owned by your selected unit]
-amana # [Sets all unit's mana to # % owned by your selected unit]
-auinvis [Makes all units owned by the owner of a selected unit invisible]
-auvis [Makes all units owned by the owner of a selected unit visible]
-rc # [Creates #-times a random creep for the owner of a selected unit]
-rs [Creates a random shop]
-punish # [Punishes a player]
-unpunish # [Disables all Punishements of a player]
Still beta ,made in gui -.- xD
P.S i don't care if bushido says it sux
~Everything changes~
I have met people who have no dreams, who have simply accepted their fate to work, exist, and die. They are the most miserable people I have ever known.

Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by Bushido »

I didn't said it sucks , it's made in GUI and may leak -.-
+ using the lists , begins for me to lagg like hell
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Re: Cheats Available on our site

Post by initialD »

Try to remove all unneeded spaces on the pack.
it may help a little bit.
it lags becasue the pack uses too much booleans on cheat commands.
use aero's templates if possible.
Last edited by initialD on May 17th, 2008, 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.