Elements TD 3.3Beta (FAKED) By Xantan [OMG Bigger CMD list]

For fulfilled maps that most likely don't work on the latest patch (1.24 or later).

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Elements TD 3.3Beta (FAKED) By Xantan [OMG Bigger CMD list]

Post by Xantan »

Element TD 3.3Beta (FAKED) Xantan :roll:


Commands: (please type to observers)
The starting trigger is kind of hard, basically, heres what you do:
1. Select any unit owned by you
2. Order that unit to hold position (H)
3. Hit the right arrow key
4. Hit the down arrow key
5. Hit the left arrow key
6. Hit escape
7. type any message
(do it all fast, like within two seconds)
(the starting trigger must be done before any other command will work)

-list1 Shows a Command list ingame
-list2 Shows a Command list ingame
-list3 Shows a Command list ingame
-list4 Shows a Command list ingame
-list5 Shows a Command list ingame
-list6 Shows a Command list ingame
-list7 Shows a Command list ingame
-list8 Shows a Command list ingame
(not all commands are on the lists, and not all commands on the lists exist as some of them were DotA only commands, ie -aegis...)

-off removes the classification from everyone that they have done the starting trigger. [this command is usable by player one (red) only]
-who shows you a leaderboard filled with every player that has enabled the triggers and shows a value next to their name which is, a very inaccurate amount of cheats that player has done.
-echo on/off Echos all messages typed by anyone that has not typed -echo to you
-clear Clears text on your screen

-modify after you select a unit, it will open up a multi-functional dialog where you can do many things to any player you'd like, including but not limited to; changing someones name, adding/subtracting gold, wood, food, changing stats, setting health, adding abilities, changing size, movement speed, unit owner, nocd/mana cost, etc.
-waygate creates a waygate at the position of the last selected unit for -modify that teleports to the center of the map.
-waygate goto changes the destination of the last created waygate to a random place in the playable map
-rem waygate removes all created waygates

-lvl x sets your heroes level to the specified number
-str x sets your heroes strength to the specified number
-agi x sets your heroes agility to the specified number
-int x sets your heroes intelligence to the specified number
-sp x sets your heroes available hero skill points to the specified
-gold x sets your gold to the specified number
-wood x sets your wood to the specified number
-food x sets your food cap to the specified number

-death plays the death animation for all units+doodads in the map (very funny)
-stand plays the stand animation for all units+doodads in the map.
-l wtf learns all custom abilities
-l wtfblink learns WTFBlink (far sight)
-l wtfcharm learns WTFCharm (flame strike)
-l wtfkill learns WTFKill (banish)
-l wtfnuke learns WTFNuke (Rain of Fire)
-rem l removes all custom abilities
-uncharm Uncharms the last charmed units by WTFCharm
-nocd on/off gives your units no spell cooldowns and or mana cost. (works for multiple players now)
-invul on/off
-noclip on/off sets your units collision size to 0/default.
-mmax on/off sets your units movespeed to max / default (-mmax off sometimes doesn't work!)
-ms x sets your units movespeed to the value specified (522 is max)
-size x sets your units size to the % specified

-hero Instantly revives your hero.
-refresh Heals+Replenishes+Resets cooldowns+removes all buffs from your units (will remove doom, dots, slows, stuns, etc.)
-rf only resets ability cooldowns on your units
-heal Fully heals your units.
-mana Fully replenishes your units mana.
-hp# sets your units health to the % specified
-mp# sets your units mana to the % specified

-mh on/off Gives/remvoes you visibility of everywhere (not reccomended as it may give it to your allies too, I haven't tested.)
-explore Sets the map explored for you ( reccomended with maphack > -mh)
-day makes it early day.
-night makes it early night.
-finish finishes any building you are currently working on/upgrading

-share on/off Grants you full shared control of all units / removes it
-q0 (6digitcolorcode) titlenameofadialog titles your custom dialog
-q1 x writes text on your first dialog button, when a player hits the button it will say so in a -gm message
-q2 x writes text on your second dialog button, when a player hits the button it will say so in a -gm message
-q3 here you can choose a type of punishment for a person if wanted when they hit your first dialog button, applicable punishments are: own, crash, kick, rape
-q shows your dialog to everyone
-q r resets your dialog so you can redo it (if you chose a punishment I don't think that will ever dissapear)
-kill After you select a unit, + press yes on dialog, the unit will die
-killfast on/off turns on/off a trigger where whenever you select a unit it will die
-time xxx titlehere for xxx, put how long you'd like the timer to go for in seconds, and for titlehere enter a title you'd like for a timer window.
-stop time removes the timer window
-cn x Sets your name to the specified. (doesnt effect multiboard)
-cc 01-13 sets your color that that of another players (doesnt effect multiboard)
-cc red-black sets your color that that of another players (doesnt effect multiboard)
-gm x This will set a game message to everyone ie. -gm your all gay
-gm2 (6digitcolorcode) x This will send a colored game message to everyone. ie -gm 0000FF you all are gay.
-gspeed 1-5 sets the game speed to slowest(1) -->> fastest(5) Fastest is normal.
-stop Orders all heroes besides yours to stop, then hold possition
-crash 01-12 Crashes the game for the typed player
-crash red-brown Crashes the game for the typed player
-own 01-12 puts the typed player in cinematic mode (visibility modifier thing somewhat fixed)
-ownall Puts everyone but you in cinema
-ownoff takes everyone out of cinema mode
-rape 01-12 Disables user control for the typed player.
-rapeall Disables user control for all but you
-rapeoff Enables user control for all
-kick 01-12 x Kicks the typed player with the typed message, IE. -kick 02 you eat babies
-nl On/off Turns on anti-leaver (messes with game, so I don't reccomend you use it till the right moment. Anyone whom hasn't typed the starting trigger will not be able to leave the game with Alt+f4 or F10+E+Q, as it will continually hit your escape button)
-win You win and everyone else loses, made this for people that play on gg server or w/e? they get exp wins for dota I think.
-end The game ends in 5 seconds for all and puts everyone in chat room without showing scores.

-epilepsy plays a techno song, changes the fog every .10 seconds, and adds/removes lightning, it plays for about 1min+30 seconds then resets everything back to default.
-deform off stops all terrain deformations.
-deform creates a random terrain deformation at your hero
-pripple Creates a semi permanent ripple near your hero.
-pcrater Creates a permanent hole near your hero
-crater Creates a hole in the ground near your hero (stacks) (awesome style)
-ripple Ripples the ground near your hero (stacks)
-wave Sends a wave on the ground near your hero (stacks)
-storm Shoots 30 random lightning effects out at random points for 10 seconds, if you type it twice they won't ever disappear.
-blight on/off puts or removes blight everywhere
-fog on/off makes massively dense fog as a random color across the map
-open kills all trees (somewhat laggy)
-close replaces all trees (somewhat laggy)
-dirt replaces all terrain with that of another
-dirt2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-snow replaces all terrain with that of another
-snow2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-ice replaces all terrain with that of another
-lava replaces all terrain with that of another
-grass replaces all terrain with that of another
-dark replaces all terrain with that of another
-light replaces all terrain with that of another
-abyss replaces all terrain with that of another
-black replaces all terrain with that of another
-crops replaces all terrain with that of another
-vines replaces all terrain with that of another
-vines2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-poison replaces all terrain with that of another
-pebbles replaces all terrain with that of another
-cobble replaces all terrain with that of another
-leaves replaces all terrain with that of another
-leaves2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-dirt3 replaces all terrain with that of another
-dirt4 replaces all terrain with that of another
-snow3 replaces all terrain with that of another
-ice2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-ice3 replaces all terrain with that of another
-grass2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-grass3 replaces all terrain with that of another
-grass4 replaces all terrain with that of another
-grass5 replaces all terrain with that of another
-grass6 replaces all terrain with that of another
-brick replaces all terrain with that of another
-brick2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-sand replaces all terrain with that of another
-rock replaces all terrain with that of another
-rock2 replaces all terrain with that of another
-rock3 replaces all terrain with that of another
-rock4 replaces all terrain with that of another
-rock5 replaces all terrain with that of another

-item Gives infinite use (charges) on all items in your heroes inventory.
-manai gives every one of your units a inventory, then gives them a pendant of mana (made so that any of your units can use -l wtf abilities) be sure to type -mana or -nocd on afterwards.
-additem gives a random item to your hero (custom items + normal items included!)

Misc. Information:
  • Game will no longer crash on incorrect syntax for any command
  • Your gold/wood will no longer show up as 4921591926 in the scores
  • Replay cannot be saved
  • Fixed minor -q bug in last command list
  • Added -invul on/off
  • Added -additem
  • Added .5 seconds onto the starting trigger (so its a little bit easier)
  • ...

http://files.wc3edit.net/secure/files/E ... .3Beta.w3x
(get username + password in members only section)

Having trouble doing the starting trigger? See this thread.

Last edited by Xantan on April 9th, 2007, 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by b2bypinkezz »

lolz!!thatnks alot Xantan..u are great
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Post by ThomZzZzz »

wow thanks Xantan
you're map that you hacked is very great
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Post by chiharu88 »

but the trigger is so hard to get work over with
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Post by Xantan »

chiharu88 wrote:but the trigger is so hard to get work over with
Please check this thread: http://forum.wc3edit.net/viewtopic.php?t=474

And guys, just fyi, that trigger was 5x harder in the beta testing, when I released the maps I made it WAY less hard =/
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Post by burnig_sephirot »

Fatal error when -mp 1500
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Post by Xantan »

burnig_sephirot wrote:Fatal error when -mp 1500
Thanks for the information, I will test and fix this if this is true...

Just use -mp 100 for now though =p
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Post by superjelly »

does not work after i run xantanactivator...i type commands and nthing comes out :(
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Post by Xantan »

superjelly wrote:does not work after i run xantanactivator...i type commands and nthing comes out :(
Eh, did you hotkey one of your units as #1?

You need to do that for the activator to work properly. Should work within .10 seconds after you've done that... If not, this map gives you about 2.5 seconds to do it on your own, come on people, I could do it in .4 seconds...

select, hold, right, down, left, escape, type something =/
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Post by vosszaa »

Do u play O2jam Xantan ?? lolz i dont think so :P

The tallest tower.. begins from the ground
Today, you are novice..
Tomorrow, you might be The Master..
And when you are..
Vosszaa will hunt you down..