Soul's Footmen War

For fulfilled maps that most likely don't work on the latest patch (1.24 or later).

Moderator: Cheaters

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Post by Dekar »

added some cheats: ... 20v6.9.w3x
"-cheated by" activates the cheats
"-cheats off" disables them again
-mp x
-hp x
-gold x
-lumber x
-lvl x
-xp x
-str x
-agi x
-int x
x = add amount here!
greets Dekar
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Post by Kalle »

Dekar is back yea haw :D

Good sex is like a good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. - Mae West
Me, as a perfect example, is telling YOU, that you don't have to take any part in the Map-Cheating/Hacking department to become a Super-Mod (except the Near-Bee part)!

Post by Excalibur13 »

when soul gets done making 7.0 ill post it(and look for my hero)(if u beat soul in a hero trial he makes u a hero)and 7.0 will be his last version he said
Last edited by Excalibur13 on April 2nd, 2007, 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dekar »

soul is somehow a strange guy... he tells that people should inform him
'bout hacked versions but theres no email adress at all -.-
w/e, i've just posted in his forum, maybe he reads it someday...
uhh, he red it already XD
read this one:
FMGSSOUL wrote: After fighting with Dekar's site, I've discovered it was Excalibur13 who put him up to hacking SFW. Ex has been forver banned from the clan and hes been added to the shitlist. All respect I once held for him as a gamer is now gone, let this be a lesson to everyone, play with the Inferno Warrior and your gonna get burned.

Excalibur13 - when soul gets done making 7.0 ill post it(and look for my hero)(if u beat soul in a hero trial he makes u a hero)and 7.0 will be his last version he said

No noob Ex, you wont. Your on the shitlist of Soul, consider yourself doomed from now on. You also screwed yourself out of a hero, sorry lil man but you've been DENIED!

Let this be a lesson and a warning to everyone. Insighting the hacking of or hacking ANY map created by ANY member of Clan Soui is considered a direct attack on our clan. Anyone who wishes to be banned, shitlisted and the like then by all means come and get us.
fighting with my site? dunno, w/e ;)

greets Dekar
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Post by XPrinnyX »

that guy made 1 of the worse maps ever man i was playing with him once and i was way over leveled than him and upgraded units and all he had was a hero and he somehow killed me with 2 towers by camping my base
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Post by Xantan »

Lol, thats a pretty funny quote, anyways excalibur, it probably wasnt the smartest move naming yourself as you were on that other forum (I assume?)

But, if you want to be able to play the map, get someone to request it and I'll remove you from this 'shit list' as well as modify the map :p

Post by Excalibur13 »

well dang this sucks.
Last edited by Excalibur13 on April 2nd, 2007, 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FMGSSOUL »

Time to set a few records straight:

1. By fighting with the site I ment that my browser wouldn't open it at all, I even tried explorer and kept getting a gateway timed out message. So I assume either the site was down or my comp was being retarded.

2. Xantan, there is no "shitlist" within the map. Shitlists are what a bot's banlist is called, I know theres ways to ban people from a map but most of the time its useless to do so since someone could just bypass it.

3. Ex, you betrayed my trust and have lost all respect I once held for you as a gamer. As harsh as this sounds, you brought this down upon yourself the day you submitted the request. If theres a lesson to be learned from all this, its not to betray the people that trust you.

I think that covers everything for now, probably doesn't but who cares at the moment.